
The Reason Why Father Brought Home A Monster

Transmigrated, tortured and betrayed… all of it… she did not know her purpose other than an experiment to a mage. She lost all hope for humans and beasts. There was no hope or trust towards anyone. Her heart shattered and let down. Yet… why does she feel the need to be with these beast and people? “Come here, sweetie. We are your family. We won’t ever hurt you.” A female’s soft voice spoke out to her. “Yes, you are our precious daughter.” A male voice then spoke out. “Don’t be a brat is all I ask.” Another voice but it was a young child. ‘Ugh, why can’t they just leave me be and let me relax this lifetime?’ She said to herself.

MAnonymus18 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Chapter 6

"Don't damage the slave. We have to be sure to have enough slaves by the time we get to the auction house." Hearing those words, Seven did not think that she would be a slave in this new world of hers. "If we do now have enough like we said we would, then we won't get paid the full amount that we asked for."

'Isn't this life just great?' She said sarcastically to herself. She had not noticed that the bite that she inflicted on the man's hand was clear that it was possibly going to rip some tendons and muscles. Knowing Otie's face, she was sure that he would suffer if they crossed paths one day. It certainly won't be easy with him carrying all that money around since he was just a kid as well. He could get robbed any time of the day or night since he was just a weak kid himself.

Seven took the time to look at the cage and see if there were any weak bars that she could body slam into. It did not look simple to break out when she entered the building though. She figured that this place must have high-class nobles inside. 'I wonder who I will meet here.' Being dragged out from the cage, she took a look around to see a bunch of common people lined up with ropes tied on them to make sure that they did not attempt to run off. The rope had been placed on her once she had been taken out of the cage, looking to the ground with her bare feet, feeling the cold against it.

"Let's get this entire auction started. I am already behind schedule from picking up that monster." The auction leader hoped that he would get a reasonable price off the little girl who had made him late. Seeing the curtains open up with the lights flashing in front of all the enslaved people standing behind and in front of her. Looking around, many men and women were dressed very fancy with masks on their faces to hide their appearance and identity. "We have this strong and built man who will be able to do any heavy load of physical work! He has a history of beast blood in him! Just command him, and he will be able to do the job!" The first slave had walked up to be shown to all the people there. He had the eyes of a feral beast but had no animalistic ears or tail. "We will start with one hundred and fifty silvers!"

"Two hundred silvers!"

"Four hundred silvers!"

"Four hundred silvers, going once! Going Twice! Sold!" The man had been dragged off the stage and taken to a room where his new masters would command him. "Here we have a fine lady who was once from a noble family. Her charms will not fail you!" Showing off a woman who did indeed have some beauty in her. She did not look the least pleased about where she was, as she was known to be the spoiled rich daughter. Yet, she was in defeat now that she was going to be a slave and lost her title. "We will start with ten thousand silvers!"

"Twenty thousand silvers!"

It was pretty clear who had bought the woman, with the leader feeling quite happy with the offer. "Going once! Going twice! Sold!" Seeing all the slaves being sold one after another made her start to feel anger rise within her again.

'Do you all really think that I will obey you like a dog this time?' Seven was not going to be dragged around without a fight, pushing hard against the man who was holding her rope. She went ahead, biting his forearm as he screamed in pain with the ropes ripping by her sharp claws that she decided to use for once. Thankful that they had used a leather rope on her instead of some chains of metal.

Seven saw all the men running from behind her, leaving her no choice but to run out to the stage. Being seen by every buyer there, she did not care as she dodged the men who came after her. Jumping onto one of the men, her bare teeth sunk into his throat, with people all screaming and shaking at her violent actions. The man had fallen down, and Seven was covered by blood all over her mouth and chest from the man. Trying to dodge the next few men coming after her, feeling one of the men grabbed her by the hair. 'Alright! I've had enough of them tugging at my hair!' Feeling her senses sharpen without realizing it, her nails had formed into sharper claws as they dug into the man's hand that held onto her hair. Blood splattered as it trailed down from Seven's hand. Those claws dug into his bones, and she held no mercy for him in pain. Everyone there saw a girl with monstrous sharp claws and eyes that could kill with her teeth bared out with blood-stained onto it.

"Don't let her escape!" The leader had shouted out; Seven did not hesitate to attack the men all around who charged towards her to sell her again. Blood was easily spilled by the men who charged at her without thinking she wouldn't do anything to them. Without even realizing it, her body had floated into the air as she looked around to see who was holding such magic on her—knowing that this was a mage's mana that was being used at the moment before she could hurt any more people who attacked her.

"You all are under arrest for illegal slave auctions with humans and beasts." Hearing a voice, he walked forth wearing a mage's cape with his paw glowing with an orb light. His hood had covered his face, which did not allow anyone to see what he looked like underneath it. Most would be able to figure out that he was a beast folk due to his paw being out right in the open.

Hearing the sound of the breaking of the doors, many guards had entered into the auction with their weapons prepared to arrest anyone who would fight against the arrest. Seven then looked to the mage again, seeing that he was facing towards her while she continued to stare at him with a warning gaze. Seeing his hand out that had her floating, she could see that he was not human, to be precise. "What are you?" He asked. His large paws with those claws came forth to her.

Seven looked at him; she did not like mages since the one who had harmed her was none other than a mage. Then there was a human who sold her in the end, with her complete trust gone for all. He had gone forth towards her, looking at her nails that were indeed the claws of a beast. Seeing the man's beast-like paws come along towards her, Seven scratched the back of his paw making her see blood trail down while growling at him to keep his paws to himself.

"Archmage! Are you alright?!" A young mage came running towards him, seeing how this girl was ungrateful towards her savior.

"Do not worry about this. It is not hard to heal." Looking back to the girl who had attacked him, she stared back at him with caution. "I leave you all to clean up this mess." The mage had gone forth and left his men to clean all this mess with the little girl still floating in the air. Seeing a bright light come out from below them both, closing her eyes as she did not know where they had gone.