
The Real Daughter With A Buddha-like Mindset

"Mingjing descended the mountain and became the real young miss of the Zhu family in River City. No one in the Zhu family liked this little Buddhist nun who came out from deep mountains. They gave the fake daughter their utmost care while warning the real young miss to discard all ideas of replacing the fake daughter's place. Mingjing did not fight. She ate vegetarian food and read Buddhist scriptures every day—void of lust and desires. Her younger brother got caught in a huge lawsuit. Mrs. Zhu went through a lot of trouble to invite the First Lady to plead for mercy only to receive merciless ridicule. ""I'll give you a second chance on Master Mingjing's account."" Mrs. Zhu, ""?” Mr. Zhu's company was in a crisis and was in desperate need of money. In his attempt to gain the richest man's favor, the rich man merely responded with a gaze full of despise. ""You tend to take fish eyes for pearls. I think you've developed an acquired taste in your investments."" Mr. Zhu, ""?” The fake daughter wanted to ruin the real daughter's reputation at a banquet. Eventually, everyone ended up realizing that the real young miss of the Zhu family was as beautiful as a fairy with a kindred heart. Fake daughter, ""?"" The crown prince of the wealthy, Qu Feitai, was also a top celebrity in showbiz. Being at the center of attention, he could summon a tempest whenever he wanted. When he participated in a variety show, a frail female guest appeared. She chopped wood with her left hand and pulled noodles with her right hand. Steaming, boiling, and cooking; everything was a piece of cake to her. As someone horrible at maintaining an orderly life, he was dumbfounded. During the live broadcast of the International Junior League finals, his cousin, who was known as a genius in Go, was extremely anxious. On the other hand, the familiar-looking beautiful girl opposite him was calm and composed, ending him in one move. His high-flyer best friend cried to him, ""After your goddess transferred over, I can never surpass being in second place anymore."" Qu Feitai, ""How many surprises do you have that I don't know about?"" Until one day, he actually saw her discussing scriptures and Buddism with a group of old monks at an international Buddhist exchange. As she started to speak of Buddhist Dharma, Qu Feitai panicked… ""You keep your six senses pure and saw through the vanity of the world, but I insist on dragging you here for a walk in the mortal realm. Worse comes to worst, you'll ascend to nirvana and I'll end up in hell."" "

Su Muzheyue · Urban
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40 Chs

Make Your Inner Demons Disappear

Editor: Tuiwen

"You just so happen to be the most outstanding agent in the entire Empire. Over the years, you went on countless missions and risked your life for the organization so many times, and made so many great contributions. The organization will always remember your acts of courage…"

"We've transferred the money to your personal account. Please enjoy the rest of your life!"


"Yu'er, as the love of my life, I'm willing to lay down my life for you."

"Yu'er, isn't it boring just staying here on the island? Let's head out to Switzerland. I heard that everyone's favorite pastime there is skiing and that it is a lot of fun."

"Yu'er, you can't blame me. If you want someone to blame, you can only blame yourself for keeping so many secrets. Only the dead have the power to keep their secrets forever."


The snow falling down from the sky covered the earth. As far as the eye could see, everything before them was white.

Twenty snipers were ready for action. They fixed their target on the only woman on the field.

"Bang, bang, bang!" The sounds of gunfire sounded out one by one, almost shaking the ground. The shots ringing out in the frosty air alarmed countless birds, and they scattered at the first disruptive gunshot.

Large patches of red blood suddenly blossomed, looking like red plums blooming in the snow. The sight was breathtaking.


"Da, da, da." The sound of the wooden fish was dull and monotonous, and the fragrance of sandalwood gave off a distant and peaceful scent.

Upon opening the door of the nunnery, Grand Master Heartless was met with the sight of an infant lying there abandoned on the freezing doorstep.

Grand Master Heartless took the infant and held her in her arms. She was such a beautiful child. Her skin was pearly white and her eyes had a light in them. When she looked into those eyes, she was very much surprised. Though they were the eyes of an infant, pure and clean, there was just something about them that made the infant seem extra special to her.

"Everything in this world is illusory. Just one thought is enough to free you."

Grand Master Heartless placed her hands over the infant's eyes. "The Bodhi is not just a tree, and the mirror is not only a platform. You shall be called Ming Jing from this point moving forward. It is my hope that you can cultivate your mind and release all worldly things as soon as possible."

Life in the nunnery was rather austere and quite dull for a child. Having grown up from a baby to a young girl, Ming Jing had very remarkable comprehensive level and Buddhist skills. Her training was such that even her temperament saw an improvement, becoming more and more peaceful by the day. Everyone from the senior and junior sisters in the nunnery all held her dear to their hearts, but her master was very hard on her. No matter how excellent she proved to be, according to her master, it was just not enough.

As her master lay on her deathbed, Ming Jing knelt by her bedside. Though her master looked very haggard, her eyes were still as sharp as ever.

"You must be sure to cultivate every day for the rest of your life. You must not slack off even for a single moment. Be sure you don't leave the mountain until all the demons in your heart are gone."


Ming Jing slowly opened her eyes. The sky was a bit whitish — it was dawn.

When she slowly got up, she realized that she was on some unknown island. She looked around and saw that she had woken up on the beach.

Memories from last night suddenly washed over her. She had just rescued Zhu Xiangxiang from a fate of drowning when she was swept away by an incoming wave. Human strength was no match for the elements of nature. It appeared that the waves had brought her to the shores of a beach.

All of sudden her eyes caught sight of a yacht parked not too far down the shoreline. With a slight turn of her head, she saw a tall and thin figure picking up firewood from the trees.

The glare from the light was shining down on him, so his face was obstructed by the luminescence. Once he got closer, she could see that this person looked indescribably handsome and noble.

It was Jiang Jinchen!

Jiang Jinchen glanced over at her and then stacked the firewood together in a pile. From out of his luggage that he had dragged over from the yacht, he found a lighter to light himself a fire.

Wordlessly, Ming Jing made her way over and sat down next to him. Jiang Jinchen looked over at her a few times, and just then, Ming Jing realized that something was wrong. Her fingers reached to her head to touch it…

No wonder he was looking at her. It turned out that her wig had disappeared into the sea, and currently, she was sporting a bald head.

Ming Jing had rigorously trained for many years and her mortal desires had long faded from her system. She was not at all embarrassed.

Though she wasn't embarrassed, others might not feel the same.

As expected, Jiang Jinchen was unable to keep his questions to himself any longer. He couldn't help but bring up, "Your hair…"

All the girls he knew cherished their hair dearly, but this girl was an exception to that rule; especially seeing how calm she was taking things, it made other Jiang JInchen turn and look at her with surprise.

"I just resumed all things secular in my life."

"Huh?" Confusion swirled in Jiang Jinchen's eyes. He had no clue what she meant for a moment there.

When it finally dawned on him what she meant, even Jiang Jinchen, who always looked aloof and distant, couldn't help but visibly twitch. For the very first time, he gave the girl in front of him a serious look.

She had a really thin frame and her face was probably even smaller than the palm of his hand. Thin eyebrows, thick and curly eyelashes, a small and exquisite nose, and rosy lips made up her facial features. She was absolutely exquisite in every possible way.

Looking into her eyes, it was like they held the vast galaxy in them. Paradoxically, they were inclusive of all things but also indifferent to all things at the same time.

Jiang Jinchen felt shocked. He hurried to look away and turned his eyes to the far distance in a panic. His heart was thudding heavily in his chest.

He secretly clenched his fingers into a fist and took another peek at her. The young girl turned her gaze downward and focused on the flames. The heat from the flickering flames made her face flush, unveiling a rare and unique glow.

As he looked at her, he began to think, 'Why did she become a nun? And why did she want to resume the secular life now? What sort of family raised her, and what kind of a person was she?'

Before he knew it, the sun came out, and the sea was once again calm and peaceful.

Right then, Ming Jing got up and looked around her surroundings. She turned her eyes to the sky and stretched out her arms. A sea breeze blew past her fingertips, and with her eyes closed, it looked like she was enjoying the sensation of the wind on her hand.

Jiang Jinchen could not help but mimic her actions.

Then Ming Jing opened her eyes and said in a calm voice, "We are now on an island 200 kilometers west of the harbor."

Jiang Jinchen was very curious, "How do you know?"

"I did not slack off in geography class and studied hard to prove myself." Having said this, she made her way towards the yacht.

Jiang Jinchen already knew that studying the monsoon seasons was very helpful in navigating one's way on the sea, but he had never used this to his advantage.

Jiang Jinchen hurried to catch up with her. Ming Jing immediately jumped onboard the yacht. As soon as she placed her hand on the steering wheel, she withdrew her hands as if shocked by an electrical current. She then asked, "Do you know how to navigate a yacht?"

Jiang Jinchen said right away, "Yes, I've had some training. I'll drive."

After thinking some more about it, Jiang Jinchen finally said, "I told Gao Chang to call the police before coming here. Maybe we should wait for the Search and Rescue Team. What do you think?"

Ming Jing stared into the distance. "If you want to die here, feel free to stay all you want."

Jiang Jinchen had always been an intelligent person with his own mind. But for some reason, he decided to obey her subconsciously.

In all honesty, Jiang Jinchen was really not very good at steering a yacht and it almost capsized. Throughout the voyage, Ming Jing kept her complaints to herself and endured all the bumps and water sprays and just gave him directions.

Luckily, Jiang Jinchen's driving skills slowly improved. Pretty soon, he was able to master it. The two of them riding the yacht shot through the vast expanse of the sea. It was a very beautiful scene indeed.

Jiang Jinchen found himself looking in the girl's direction from time to time. She stood with her face proud in the wind. The girl's gorgeous face looked determined under the light of the rising sun.

"Watch out!" Ming Jing grabbed hold of the steering wheel and turned it to the side. A huge shark bumped against the yacht. If they were a second late, the ramifications would have been great.

"I'm so sorry." Jiang Jinchen was feeling a little embarrassed. From that point on, he didn't dare let himself get distracted. He turned all his attention to driving the yacht.

He could still feel her touch on his fingers. The temperature of her hands was as cold as ice…

"Oh no, we don't have enough fuel." Jiang Jinchen looked at the meter with a frown on his face.

Ming Jing replied, not fazed at all, "Slow your speed. The rescue ship should be somewhere close."

As she was saying this, a black shadow appeared on the horizon. It was none other than the Search and Rescue Team.

Even someone as cold and aloof as Jiang Jinchen couldn't help but smile widely.

But from start to finish, Ming Jing was the only one who remained calm and composed.

Was she concealing her feelings, or did she just had everything under control?

As the Search and Rescue ship approached them, Jiang Jinchen took off his coat and placed it around Ming Jing's shoulders.