
The Raven.

His name was Robin. The Son of Fredrick black. The Brother of the black clan assassins. Live. Breath. Protect. The night they found there brother dead was the night the black can assassins swore retribution and revenge for him. Because you see, the black clan assassins haven't been spotted in almost five years not after the day there father was tragically and brutally murdered. The never needed to be seen. Until now. To the murder of Robin black. We are coming for you.

Stephers · Fantasy
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2 Chs


<p>In the name of the father, the sun, and the Holy Spirit. May be rest in peace."<br/>I stay off to the side, watching my brother Phoenix accept condolences and sympathies from the guests of the funeral with a solemn expression on his face, making conversation with them like he hadn't just lost his brother in a very tragic way. His grieving process was not at all what I expected if you could even call it grieving. I don't even know what I thought he would be like, but it certainly wasn't this calm and dark demeanour he has. There's a black cloud that surrounds us all but with Phoenix, it seems to follow him everywhere. Not that the rest of us are any better. <br/>I walk along the graveside my hands resting in my pockets making my way to my brother and sisters. keeping my eyes averted from the guests that surround us I keep my shoulders straight and head held high. <br/>Approaching my siblings I take my position beside Phoenix on his right. <br/>"I am very sorry about your brother he was a good kid," says a very heavily overweight man who shakes Phoenix's hand. <br/>"When I heard about it I couldn't-"<br/>"I understand friend," interrupts my Other brother crow, he places his hand on the big guy's shoulder, I refrain from rolling my eyes at him. <br/>"Our baby brother was tragically killed a week ago and you know what shocks me the most," the man's eyes narrow but crow Leans closed to him causing an atmosphere to crackle around us. <br/>"That you all knew him yet, how come nobody knows how he died?"<br/>The man's eyes widen, scared of crow, he might be my brother but even I know how unhinged he can come across. <br/>"I-I have no idea what happened to"<br/>"Shhh," he says placing his finger on the fat man's lips. "It's okay, I believe you." he stares down the fat Man Until he has no choice to look away from the intensity of crow's gaze. <br/>"Again my condolences." He stutters before turning and getting as far away from crow as possible. <br/>"When can we fucking leave?" Says my sister Sparrow <br/>"Already?" Phoenix replies no emotion in his voice. <br/>"I've had enough." She says through her clenched teeth. <br/>"Me too, I want to leave," says my sister Dove who's beside crow, <br/>"Raven?" I flick my eyes to Phoenix and without even talking he nods his head. <br/>"Let's go." <br/>When he turns we all follow suit and like a pack of wolves following their alpha we walk in sync. <br/>Together the five of us stay close and just as we have been taught we scan our surroundings as me and crow walk slightly ahead so Phoenix is protected. <br/>Everybody parts out our way seeming to feel the dangers that surround the six of us. <br/>Or should it say five now, because our brother is dead? <br/>Robin is gone. <br/>I fight the emotion that threatens to spill, refusing to cry or show weakness I keep my face passive and continue towards the black tinted SUV we have waiting. Crow rounds the divers' side and I open the passenger, sparrow opens the back for phonix who slips inside immediately followed by her. Dove is already slipping on the other side when I jump in the front. <br/>Crow starts the engine and before our seatbelts are strapped crow is already diving away from the cemetery. <br/>We pass by the black cars lined up down the one narrow road and within minutes we are on the highway. My thoughts drift to Robin and the image of his dead broken body flash in my head. <br/>My brother's face and the body were so badly damaged that I and Phoenix wouldn't let the rest of the family see him, it's something I won't forget. <br/>"We need to leave," says Phoenix breaking the tension in the car. "I've already informed everyone when we get back to the estate we leave to go to the island."My eyes flick up to the mirror catching my brothers. "How long? <br/>One thing about Phoenix is you can't tell what he's thinking, he's good at masking his emotions, As a matter of fact, out of us all, he was the first to master it. <br/>I was the second snd the training we had to do was for getter word damaging. Robin out of us all was the most sensitive, he was the last of us to be born and in a way, every one of us somewhat looked out for him more. <br/>He left us when he turned eighteen me being the reason he was allowed to leave but, if I could go back I would have kept him<br/>Home. He wasn't made like the rest of us no matter what we all went through we never broke. But robin did. <br/>and the fact he was gay didn't help matters with father and the compound. <br/>"Two weeks. We take that to heal on the island with no one near us. After that we plan."<br/>He doesn't need to say it but Phoenix knows I'm on the verge of snapping, the guilt consumes me even if I don't know to show it. That's why he's taking all of us so we can take out the suppressed emotions we all keep building up. If not we would snap at the wrong moment and kill whoever is in our path, because we are the worlds most feared and a dangerous pack of siblings to live. <br/>I nod my head and look out the window passing the cars in a blur as I try to control the broken feelings that are threatening to spill out. <br/>"Good," says Crow "Because when I find out who killed him, God has mercy."</p>