

When Suzy woke up, she was in a small dark room. The only thing she heard was a faint rumbling sound. Not knowing what to do, she curled up into a fetal position and prayed for the best. After what seemed like days, there was a shaking and the door opened. What she saw was horrifying. The creature stood seven feet tall and had green ooze covering its body. It made a gurgling sound. It almost seemed like it was trying to converse with her. The alien grabbed her roughly and dragged her into a barren white room where there were others waiting.

The biggest one, the alpha, came up to her and put its hand on her head. Suzy did not fully understand what was going on at this point, but she did not want to be there. Most people didn't think Suzy was aware of her surroundings, or that she didn't know how to function. Most people were wrong. She is actually very intelligent, but her autism causes her brain to not send the correct signals to her mouth when she speaks. Due to that matter, she gets frustrated when she tries to talk, so she doesn't say anything at all.

Pain shot through her skull. It seemed like her head was gonna split open, but as soon as it started, it stopped. All of a sudden, the aliens were frantic. They seemed worried, if they had any emotions at all. The one that had gotten her out of her cell took her out of the room and threw her back in her cell.