

When Daniel got home from work, he found it odd that Suzy wasn't in her usual spot on the couch watching tv. She must be in her room, he thought. However, Suzy's room was cold and empty. Panic shot up Daniel's body. He searched the house everywhere for her. There was no sign of his sister anywhere. In a last ditch effort, he checked the equipment room. What he saw broke his heart. Where one of the pods should be, there was an empty space.

Without a second thought, he jumped in the remaining pod and raced to the surface. Horrible thoughts flooded his mind. Did the pod even make it, he wondered. "Do not think like that," he scolded himself. As he reached the surface, he saw the pod. Relieved, he ran over to his sisters pod. The pod was empty. He frantically searched the area for any signs of her. The only thing he found was a hole in the windshield that was big enough to drag a body through.

She's gone, he thought. " I shoulda been there, I should have seen this coming," he cried. There was only one thing he could do now: he had to go find Suzy. He did not remember anything about this place, other than it was once called Florida. He was not much of a survivalist. He knew that he should go back and find someone who was, but time was of the essence. "I'll have to do this myself," he declared. He set off down an abandoned highway.

Clues were easy to find if you know what to look for. He had studied many preapocoliptic animals while in class, and the footprints he was following were ones he had never seen before. About a foot and a half long and six inches wide with dagger-like toes, these tracks easily gave away their owner. There were three sets of tracks. Two of them belonged to these monstrous creatures, and one looked like a small human who struggled to walk. He would follow these tracks for weeks.