
The Queen of Shadows

As the threat of the King of Mages looms over them, the Masters of Chaldea struggle to keep their team of Servants together for the fight to save humanity. Their hope comes from Chaldea's resident Lancer, who offers them a unique solution: To seek out his mysterious mentor... (This story is being imported by the original author)

7empest92 · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
34 Chs


Chaldea's quarters were expansive; capable of providing residence for over 300 employees and servants. They provided much needed privacy for each servant to sleep and do whatever they wanted. For this reason, each room had a sliding door, one window to outside, and was equipped with soundproofing in the walls.


If it weren't for that last feature, many residents would complain about the noise coming from this particular room.

Dressed in a tube-top, red leather jacket, and denim shorts, Mordred was sitting on a stool playing an electric guitar hooked up to an amplifier. She was playing along to an 80's metal song being blasted on her portable speaker, powering through the intro with remarkable dexterity.

Mordred hit all the notes on her instrument with flawless timing and accuracy. After entering the verse, she started to sing along and lose herself in the music. Right now, she wasn't a knight or a servant...

She was a rock star.

By the time Mordred hit the chorus, she failed to hear a buzzing at the door of her quarters. She finally noticed when the buzzing was replaced by knocking. Annoyed at the interruption, she set her guitar on a stand and walked over to open it. Henry Jekyll was standing in front of the doorway about to greet her when the loud music assaulted his ears.

"Argh! Mordred!" Jekyll yells while covering his ears. "Can you turn that down and let me in?!"

Mordred is amused at the sight of the doctor distressed and decides to play with him a little bit.

"What's that?" She puts a hand to her ear as if trying to hear him. "I can't hear you over the awesome music!"

"Turn, off, the music!"


"Oh, for the love of-!"

Jekyll walks past Mordred and heads straight for the speaker, switching it off. Jekyll breathes in a sigh of relief for the peaceful silence. He then turns to Mordred, looking at the knight sternly.

"Are you trying to make me go deaf?"

"Oh you're fine Beansprout… you just don't know great music when you hear it, like all the other pop-normies out there."

Mordred walked back and took her seat beside her amp and fiddled with her guitar, switching her amp to a clean channel.

"I find it difficult to like it when it's used as noise pollution." Jekyll said as his eyes wandered, scrutinizing the Saber's quarters. "You shouldn't be playing when we're just about to leave soon. And what on earth is going on with this room? It's a mess!"

"I was packing…" Mordred says nonchalantly as she re-tunes her guitar.

Jekyll had the urge to roll his eyes at Mordred's uncaring tone, but being the dignified doctor he was, he relented. Looking around the room, the Assassin noted how the drawers were left open with some clothes hanging off and all of her used laundry was piled up on a chair across from her bed. The walls were littered with posters of Mordred's favorite bands; mostly consisting of Led Zeppelin, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest and Queen among others. Besides her guitar and amp, the other eye-catching feature of her room was the display for her armor and Clarent, displayed menacingly for all to see. The Saber didn't even have the decency to make her bed this morning, and it was left disheveled with a suitcase on top. Speaking of which, the case was left open with a bunch of clothes and other essentials just thrown inside.

"Errr yes, I can see that… you know that cluttering is a sign of a troubled mind right?"

-Here he goes…-

Mordred nearly groaned in annoyance as Jekyll takes a seat in a sofa across from her. He was hardly in her room for ten seconds before switching to full-on "doctor mode". She crosses her legs and plays random riffs on her guitar, not paying him attention. The doctor ignored her childish reaction, for he had the patience needed to deal with her.

"I know something is troubling you Mordred. There is always something with you."

"I don't know what you're talking about…" The Saber replies sarcastically.

"I disagree… judging by your sarcasm, I think I might know what it is. Is it about the trip?"

"If you mean the fact that we are going to freaking Scotland of all places, then yeah, it's a bummer…" Mordred throws a sideways glance at Jekyll before returning her attention back to her playing. She was rapidly tapping notes on the neck, playing the intro to another well-known song; by some Australian band if Jekyll remembered correctly.

"That is not what I meant. I was referring to the fact that you are going on an excursion with your father."

Mordred missed multiple notes and grunted in frustration. She put her guitar back on its stand before at last facing Jekyll intently, crossing her arms. There was just no hiding anything from the Assassin, and she sometimes hated how he knew which of her buttons to push.

"Why did you have to bring HER up?"

Jekyll lets a smug smile form after at last after having Mordred's undivided attention.

"Because she is usually the source of your woes; it's quite predictable really… You're not worried she'll spoil things for you, are you?"

Mordred sighed in defeat. He had her.

"If I could even have any fun on this lousy trip, I know she'll find some way to ruin it."

"You speak as if she's out to make your life miserable." Jekyll states as he examines Mordred, reading the subtle facial changes and nervous tics as a psychologist like himself would. "I've fought side-by-side with Arturia a couple times before, and she doesn't seem like that kind of person. You on the other hand take every opportunity to clash with her in the middle of a battle. Don't think that I haven't gone over the reports of the last training exercise."

"She was spent, Jekyll. I simply took over for her…"

"By shoving her aside and taking on that dragon by yourself?"

"Well, it wasn't like she was going to let me help her! She flat-out ignored me!" Mordred casts her head down and grumbles. "She always ignores me…"

Jekyll wasn't sure how to refute that. It was no secret that the two Sabers avoided each other within the walls of Chaldea. Mordred had told the doctor previously of their history, and how in her final moments, all she wanted was to be family to Arturia.

"Maybe she just doesn't want trouble. Something YOU seem willing to give to her."

"You weren't present when I got summoned Jekyll. As soon as she saw me again, she just walked away without a word. She hates me but she's afraid to say it!"

"She doesn't hate you."

"Then why pretend that I don't exist?! I'm telling you, it's because I'm the child of a witch! If only I had the chance to pull Caliburn, father would acknowledge me!"

That there was what Jekyll suspected was the heart of Mordred's issue. She wanted acknowledgement, but she associated that recognition as family to her earning kingship over Camelot.

"That isn't going to make things better. If you want a meaningful relationship with Arturia, maybe you should take the first step and confront her. I'm sure your father knows how much good you've done since your summoning and would appreciate you more if you stopped acting hostile to her. You won't know unless you try…"

"I don't need to. Father has made it clear that she wants nothing to do with me. If that's the way she wants us to be, then so be it; she'll have it her way!"

Mordred huffed and looked away from the Assassin, not wanting to speak of the subject any further. Jekyll wasn't about to let her brush him aside so easily.

"You assume too much, and we both know that's not true. There's no need to act so childish about how you feel…"

"Who are you, my mother? Please…" Mordred says as she rubbed her jacketed arm unconsciously. "I've had enough bad mothers in my life."

Jekyll realized that she was talking about Morgan le Fay; yet another sore subject for the Saber and one he didn't want to press on just yet. He had no idea what the infamous sorceress was really like in life, but from what he could gather from Mordred, she was every bit as cruel and devious as the Arthurian legends would have him believe. Judging from the way Mordred shied away whenever her mother was brought up, there was more to that awful relationship than the Saber was willing to share with the doctor. If there was ever a chance that Chaldea would come face to face with Morgan one day, Jekyll hoped that for the sake of his patient and friend that it would never come.

"Attention Masters and Servants. Please report to hangar one. Authorized aircraft transport to London is ready for departure."

Chaldea's PA system broke the silence between the servants. Jekyll stood up after the announcement.

"That's us," Jekyll said before Mordred asks him in confusion.

"Why are we landing in London?"

"I assume it's for security reasons. The Mage's Association apparently has friends in the Royal Air Force. Let's get ready."

They left Mordred's quarters a couple minutes later and headed towards Chaldea's hangar. As they walked, Jekyll made a sideways glance at the Saber, who was wearing a pair of earbuds happily listening and whispering a tune.

"Oh lord, Heaven knows… we belong way down below…

Oh lord, tell us so… we belong way down below…

Way down below, way down below…"

She didn't realize it, but Jekyll was listening. Mordred was too lost in the music to even care.

-"She has a nice voice, unlike Nero"- The Assassin thought. Needless to say, the Knight of Treachery was not at all what Jekyll expected. They appeared together during the London singularity, helping the masters disperse a Demonic fog. As they worked together, Jekyll got to know the Saber. It wasn't simply because he was a psychologist, but he thought Mordred; a supposed enemy of King Arthur, was a very interesting case. She had a very short temper and a lot of familial issues, but he found she could be pretty out-going towards others if she wanted; even becoming protective when things turned bleak. She simply wanted to be around people who had no reservations against her, and for that reason, Jekyll had no qualms about being a person the Saber could talk to for her problems.

Jekyll must have stared at her for too long, because he felt a dark presence form in his mind. Even now, he could hear a voice in the back of his head as he gazed at Mordred; one that was his and yet wasn't. The doctor gazed at her, savoring the sight of her blonde tassels, toned stomach, and bare legs. It made him want to-

-Stop it!-

Jekyll forcibly silenced the vulgar alien thoughts in his head, only for it to then speak to him.

-Stop what?-

-I will not indulge in your perverse fantasies!-

-Ha! Come on Henry boy… We both want her…-

-You only want her body. Mordred is a patient, and a friend…-

-Is that all? We share a brain, and I know you see her as more than that. Grow some balls and admit it!-

-It's not right! She deserves more than what I can possibly give her.-

-If you won't take her, I will…!-

Jekyll clenched his fist.

-Silence you uncultured brute! I won't let you defile her!-

"What are you looking at, Beansprout?"

The voice was silenced as Mordred called out to Jekyll, snapping him out of his mental battle. The Saber shot a peculiar look at the doctor. He calmed himself before trying to think of what to say. He couldn't let Mordred know that he was ogling her. It meant admitting that he saw her as a woman, and enduring her wrath.

"Just at you enjoying your… "music"."

Mordred raises an eyebrow at his response, and Jekyll figured that must have sounded stupid.


Her tone was unsettling. She must think the Assassin was amused by her singing and wanted to make fun of her. Jekyll had to choose his next words carefully.

"Uhmm, I think I could grow to like it."

"Is that so?"

Jekyll internally gulped as she narrowed her eyes at him. He waited for the inevitable-

"Well don't stare then. Kinda creepy you know…"

Mordred looked away and returned to her music, and Jekyll breathed a sigh of relief. Hyde had been gnawing at him since he and Mordred were summoned and he intruded. They were two personalities occupying the same body and they both despised each other, with Hyde himself being part of a noble phantasm that made Jekyll more effective in direct combat. The doctor refused to use it as Hyde's savage nature made the possibility of collateral damage too large to not consider. Jekyll never trusted him, especially around the red Saber. The psychopath knew of the doctor's feelings and Jekyll found it unsettling. He wanted nothing more than to silence Hyde for good. As much he loathed admitting it, they were one in the same, and riddance was simply not possible. What was worse was what Jekyll thought would happen if Mordred ever saw that side of him. He continued walking beside her, dreading the outcome of such an occurrence.

-What would she think of me?-


Gabrielle and Mashu arrived at the entrance to the hangar where Gudao, Roman and Da Vinci waited for them. The Masters and the Demi-Servant were dressed in winter attire and each had a suitcase.

"We didn't miss anything did we Gu-dork?" Gabrielle asks.

"Not at all Gabby; you two are the first to arrive," Gudao replies before turning to the Shielder with a smile. "Are you looking forward to this Mashu?"

"Yes Senpai!" She said excitedly. "I can't wait to see England!"


Fou pops out of Mashu's coat to almost everyone's surprise. It filled Gudao with great joy at seeing his Kouhai so happy and vibrant. Roman said to the Shielder.

"Mashu, if you insist on bringing the little fluff-ball, make sure no one apart from the group sees him. We jumped through a lot of hoops to make this happen, and the Association will pull the plug if-"

"Oh stop spoiling the fun Roman," Da Vinci interrupts, much to Roman's annoyance. "You three go out and enjoy yourselves! And don't forget to send us a postcard."

"Leona, don't you remember that we are not sending the kids on vacation? They are on a mission…"

Da Vinci's cheerfulness faded before lowly muttering a very blunt remark.


The doctor sighs as Gudao assures the Caster.

"Don't worry Da Vinci. We'll be sure to have a good time, and we will send you a little something extra too!"

"That is so sweet of you Gudao! I really wish I could go with you guys instead of being cooped-up here. Are you sure you can't take me with you?"

"You know I'd really like to, Da Vinci," Gudao said to her. "But we need you and Roman here to keep our backs covered."

"Speaking of which… Gabby, Mashu." Roman directed the two girls. "Would you please follow Leona to the security booth? The staff are just going to check your belongings."

"Sure thing doc." Gabrielle complies as Da Vinci shows them to the checkpoint.

"Excellent. Right this way."

As they turned away Mashu let Fou down from herself before following the Caster.

"Stay here with Senpai, Fou."


"You coming Gudao?" Gabrielle asks her brother.

"I got screened already. I'm good Gabby."

The trio left Gudao and Roman alone. The master waited until they were a fair distance away before speaking with the doctor.

"Thank you for everything doctor, we really appreciate it." Gudao bows in gratitude to Roman before turning repentant. "And I'm really sorry for the things I have said before."

"I forgive you Gudao," Roman said. "Dire circumstances tend to bring out the worst in people. I was out of line too."

Gudao was relived. Things between him and Roman have been tense since Mashu's condition was revealed, and he considered himself grateful for the fact that any ill will between them was resolved. He knew deep down that he couldn't hold the doctor accountable for her creation, and a worse scenario would have been if the Demi-Servant knew the full extent of her health as he and Roman did. His heart broke at the thought of the adorable Shielder realizing just how little time alive she has left. For Mashu's sake, the masters along with Roman and Da Vinci have sworn to secrecy.

-She must never know…-

"I still think this is a risky plan though," the doctor continued. "Let's hope this Scathach can give us a boost, if she even is alive."

It was back to the matter at hand as Gudao collected himself.

"Lancer swears by her abilities, and he also received his Gae Bolg from her. If someone that powerful exists, they could help us fight Solomon and help the team. It'll be worth the risk."

"While on the topic of risks Gudao, there is one matter we haven't discussed."

Roman's face turned serious, and the master knew exactly what it was: the very thing that kept Chaldea functioning in crisis.

"The barrier protecting Chaldea… If another singularity manifests before you make it back, you'll all be lost to time." Just like Olga; he would've added, but Roman felt he didn't need to.

"I am aware Roman," Gudao said resolutely, knowing the severity of such a scenario. The outside world beyond the grounds of Chaldea ceased to exist whenever Solomon creates a singularity in the flow of time; altering the present and future in which human-kind is non-existent and the planet is literal nothingness. The barrier generated by Chaldea's Holy Grail kept the facility suspended in existence in effort to counteract them. In the event that a singularity is resolved before it can become history, the world and humanity return to existence and carries on like nothing happened; blissfully ignorant of the war being waged through time. Gudao knew leaving that protection could put Chaldea, as well as the rest of humanity in jeopardy. He assures the doctor as he continued.

"It's been less than a week since the last one, and I don't think Solomon would try again so soon. Punching holes in time takes a tremendous amount of magic after all. If you guys detect one early, we can be back before a singularity takes hold."

Roman was still worried. It's true that singularities could form weeks apart from each other, but they were dealing with the King of Mages after all.

"Solomon is probably watching us like animals in a zoo. He could form one prematurely if he finds out that all of you are outside of Chaldea's protection. Our desperation will be seen as a weakness that he can exploit."

"He already has us backed into a corner doctor. This is a chance we need to take." Gudao says resolutely. "And besides, if the great King of Mages is as wise as the Bible makes him out to be…"

Roman raises an eyebrow as Gudao put a closed hand over his heart and confidently stated:

"Then he should know that animals are most dangerous when cornered! He shouldn't be messing with us!"

The doctor was taken back by the young master's courage, despite him knowing full well of the stakes of their mission. It amazed Roman how much hardship that the boy experienced in the months working with him, and yet he kept pushing forward and keeping up the good fight. The master had the bravery of someone double his age. He smiled at Gudao's optimism as he thought:

-This must be the stuff heroes are made of…-

Nearby, Mashu and Gabrielle were having their luggage screened by a security team.

"You're going to love the ride there Mashu." Gabrielle said to the Demi-Servant. "I don't think you have ever been on an airplane before."

"I've read about them, but have never seen one." Mashu tells the Master, letting her curiosity known. "Is it true they can fly so high that you can't even see the ground?"

"Oh more than that, Mashu. Some can even fly up to the edge of space; so high up, you can see the curvature of the Earth!"

"That's amazing!" Mashu was awestruck, much to Gabrielle's amusement.

"Just wait until you ride on one, and you'll feel your ears pop as you ascend!"


"You better believe it!"

Gabrielle laughed as Mashu instinctively held her hands up to her ears. The Demi-Servant wondered what such a sensation would feel like along with that of actually riding in a plane. It never ceased to amaze the Shielder of what mankind was capable of creating, and it made her want to see more of what the world outside Chaldea had to offer. They may have been leaving on a mission, but that did not at all mean that she couldn't enjoy herself. Mashu's excitement faded when a new thought crossed her mind; one she couldn't keep quiet from Gabrielle.

"Gabby… Do you think it's okay?"

"Okay for what?" Gabrielle asks off guard.

"Is it okay for us to keep the truth of this trip a secret from the other servants? They think we're taking them on a break, and I don't feel good for lying to them about it."

Gabrielle's face fell. She hoped that this would not be brought up before they reached Scotland.

"Mashu…" Gabrielle tries answer honestly. "I don't know if they all would have agreed to come with us if we had told them. Things have been tense since we've all come back from America, and I don't want to give them the wrong idea by showing them a desperate plan. They will think we are fighting a hopeless battle, and losing more hope is the last thing we need. I get what you're saying Mashu, and believe me; I feel bad for lying to our friends, but the truth can hurt more than we care to admit."

"And when do you plan on telling them?"

"When we find what we're looking for. Hopefully…"



In a private medical room, Jeanne d'Arc was sitting beside a hospital bed, taking the time to say her farewell to her friend in recovery. The girl was young and petite, with long white hair and blue eyes. She also had a cast on her leg and a sling on her left arm. Her state of health did not take away from her joyous demeanor.

"You need to tell me everything when you get back Jeanne!"

"I will Marie. I'll take a lot of photos too to show you! Don't miss me too much…"

"Not at all! Go out and have fun Jeanne, and tell Arty I said hi! Vive la France!"

"Bye Marie!"

Jeanne stood up from beside the bed of her fellow heroic spirit and friend, Marie Antoinette; a Rider-class servant. She made her way past a table full of "Get Well Soon!" cards from various servants, and exited the room. As she walked through the infirmary, past the nurses and doctors, a part of her felt pity for the other servants admitted here. Servants she had prayed to God for a speedy recovery.

Marie, Kojiro, Siegfried; just to name a few…

It broke her heart to see them in such a battered state. The last singularity took a toll on the team, and Jeanne couldn't help but also feel partly responsible. She was of the unique Ruler-class of servants, usually upholding the rules of a Holy Grail War. Her class-status lets her wield command seals of her own to influence other servants; a trait the masters used to each wield more servants at once. This did not however mitigate the mana-strain of commanding so many servants, something her and the masters learned the hard way in America. Many servants came out that final battle injured because of inadequate mana supply, and Chaldea's roster of active servants has now been reduced to single digits.

-I feared this would happen, but the masters insisted we try. We got so desperate, and now it's costing us.-

A pang of guilt hit her. These servants were here because of their reckless actions; casualties of war. Even while being part of the French army during her life during the Hundred Years War, Jeanne never got used to the sight of seeing so many wounded souls. She was never a soldier, nor had she ever even killed anyone. Jeanne was a flag-bearer; a voice for people to rally behind, and a source of hope for those who had no hope left. Her faith in God has never led her astray, but she can't help but think she had pushed Chaldea to its brink. Has she led her teammates to despair?

"Jeanne? Jeanne."

The Ruler snapped to her senses. She found herself in the main hallway of Chaldea in front of Arturia Pendragon, who was patiently waiting for her and holding on to their belongings. The Saber showed concern for her friend.

"Are you alright? You seem distracted."

Jeanne composes herself and gives Arturia an assuring smile.

"I'm fine Arty. Thanks for asking."

Arturia's concern lifted and gives the Saint a subtle smile of her own.

"How is Marie?"

"The doctors said she can be discharged in a week. After some performance tests, she can go back to active duty. She says hi by the way…"

"I am honored. Shall we meet with the masters?"


Jeanne took her coat and towed her suitcase with Arturia walking beside her.

"So what about the others?" Arturia asks. "How are they doing?"

"They need more time to heal," Jeanne replies sadly, her gaze casting downward. "Marie was fortunate compared to the rest of them."

"That is a shame to hear." Arturia's sorrow was brief before being replaced with determination. She put a hand on Jeanne's shoulder, catching her attention. "But they wouldn't want us worrying about them. They are counting on us to continue the fight, and we must fulfill their trust in kind."

Jeanne was stunned as she meets the Saber in the eyes. It never ceased to amaze her how Arturia could switch between being a sympathetic girl to a brave knight in an instant. Nothing seemed to faze her for very long.

"Your prayers will help them pull through Jeanne." Arturia continued. "We must stay strong for them."

After hearing her friend's uplifting words, Jeanne steels herself and nods in agreement.

"Yes… we will not let them down…"

Arturia smiles at Jeanne's renewed resolve and releases her shoulder. It was times like this that Jeanne truly cherished her friendship with the former king of Britain.

The Maiden of Orleans remembered when she first met her in the France singularity, along with Mashu and the masters. After having been summoned just after the time of her death, Jeanne cooperated with Chaldea to find her impostor who was terrorizing her homeland. Of the four strangers, Jeanne found the Saber-class servant to be a curiosity, and was genuinely surprised to learn that she was actually King Arthur. Their backstories sort of paralleled the other; two young women leaving their old lives behind to serve a greater purpose and grant salvation for their people, and both meeting a tragic demise. Jeanne felt a connection almost immediately with the Saber as they fought together against their enemies: a deranged Gilles de Rais, and an altered Jeanne d'Arc with an army of dragons.

Jeanne found Arturia to be fearless, never wavering even once in the face of overwhelming odds, and not faltering even in the face of an incoming dragon horde. Her might even forced Jeanne Alter and the dragon, Fafnir, to retreat. There was also a hidden sadness to her, and she coldly brushed aside her emotions at times; the Ruler had recognized it after the Saber confronted the Berserker Lancelot in that same singularity. Arturia had stayed quiet about it until Jeanne asked her one night while it was just the two of them awake. After some convincing, Arturia confided to her of all the mistakes she has made in life, with her knight being one of her worst. Jeanne found herself confessing something of her own to the Saber, especially how she blamed herself for how her own death pushed Gilles to madness.

And their friendship bloomed from there…

Jeanne found herself summoned to Chaldea immediately after the singularity, and took it as an opportunity for a fresh start. Between fights, she committed herself to learning how to read and write, and enjoyed herself in ways she had never imagined in her life. The Ruler spent these precious moments with Arturia, who after some reluctance began to enjoy these mundane escapades with her (their first time playing Twister with Mashu hilariously came to Jeanne's mind). They would meet-up and chat casually about choice subjects and topics, not letting the weight of saving humanity take toll on them.

Then came the day that she met the Red Archer, which made Jeanne see her friendship with the King of Knights in a whole new light…


Jeanne was praying in the chapel when she heard the sound of the doors opening, breaking the serene silence. She turned to see a man with white hair, dressed in red and black.

"Saber… are you here-?"

When the man saw her surprised face, he realized where he was and he should not have called out.

"I'm sorry; I take it this is supposed to be a quiet place..."

Jeanne noticed that despite his outlaw-like-look, he was being quite humble. She stands up and asks him.

"Can I help you?"

"I'm just looking for someone."

Jeanne recalled him mentioning a Saber. At this point of time, there was only one Saber-class servant in Chaldea, and The Ruler knew he could only be referring to one servant in particular.

"You mean Arty?"

The man looked at her in confusion.


"Oh! I meant Arturia." Jeanne corrected herself. The man was surprised to hear that she knew who he was looking for, even more so when he heard this servant refer to her by nickname.

"Yeah, that's her. Do you know where she is?"

"She is meeting me in the gym soon."

"I see…"

He was staring at her, not in a vulgar way, but more like an interviewer assessing his subject. Still, it made Jeanne uncomfortable and she kept the conversation going.

"Archer, isn't it? I don't mean to pry, but how do you know Arty? You don't look like one of her knights…"

The man's expression softened as if whatever opinion he had of her was slowly changing.

"We were in a Grail War together."


"Yes. I was her master."

Jeanne nearly gasps in surprise.

"Wait… Shirou Emiya right?"

The Archer raised an eyebrow. It was apparent to him that this girl knew more about him than he expected.

"Yes. Has she talked about me?"

"She has! I am Jeanne d'Arc. Nice to meet you!"

Jeanne stretched out her hand for which the Archer graciously shook.

"The Saint? I am honored."

Jeanne modestly downplayed the title Emiya referred to her as, feeling quite flattered.

"Oh I am not really a saint, but any friend of Arty is a friend of mine!"

"You are friends with her?"

"Yes. We have been since France and-, "Jeanne stopped herself, wondering what Emiya was implying by asking her that. She recalled when Arturia talked about him and worried about what this Shirou thought of her. Was she getting between them? "Uhm, my apologies but Arturia said you two were… close. I am not intruding on you two, am I?"

Her fears were alleviated somewhat when Emiya chuckled. He gives her a warm look.

"Not all. In fact, I think it's nice. Arturia never had a proper friend growing up."

Jeanne gasped in shock. She knew Arturia wasn't as open with people as she was, but to think she had nobody to share thoughts and feelings with in her old life was just sad. It explained her occasional cold and distant nature, yet it nonetheless made her heart break for her friend.

"She never-?" Jeanne barely whispered, but Emiya stops her.

"Let me tell you… when I first met Saber, she had no sense of self. She put herself as a knight and servant ahead of her as a person. It took me a while to get through to her, but when I did, I found her to be a charming girl, who deep down wanted to pursue her own happiness, and not just that of others. For Arturia to confide in you means that you must be very special to her, so it's no mystery why I'm seeing her smile more. You seem like a very nice girl Jeanne; I don't think she could ever have asked for a better friend than you."

Jeanne felt her heart being lifted by this revelation. She wiped away a tear that escaped her eye. It was a joy for her to know that her friendship with Arturia was made possible by the man in front of her, who was also grateful to her for being a light in the Saber's new life. She expressed her gratitude to the Archer.

"Why thank you. Your words are kind…"

"So…" Emiya puts a hand beside his waist. "What else has Saber said about me?"

Jeanne smiled and playfully pondered.

"Well let's see… You're an excellent chef, you barely know any magic, and you are and I quote: naïve, stubborn, reckless, and foolhardy. Exactly in that order…"

"Yeah, that sounds like me. Anything else?"

"Yes, and she loves you…"

Flashback End



Jeanne faced Arturia again, realizing that she zoned-out again. Arturia looked very concerned now.

"You're lost in thought again. Are you sure everything is alright?"

The Saber's worry was alleviated when Jeanne recovered from her shock and gave her friend a soft assuring smile. She put a hand on the Arturia's shoulder just as she had done before, much to the Saber's confusion.

"Yes Arty. Things couldn't be better."


Cu Chulainn was heading to the hangar, carrying a large leather bag. To the passing employees, he appeared as carefree as he usually did. His mind however didn't reflect such calm. He had time to think over what he put forth to the masters and was wondering worriedly if telling them about his mentor was the right thing to do. He didn't mean to eavesdrop on the masters, but from the way they sounded, something needed to be done for the team. Cu was fighting for humanity like the rest of his fellow servants, and he simply wanted everyone to be ready for the coming storm. As once being part of an army, he knew morale and comradery could mean the difference between victory and defeat.

Then he heard them mention getting themselves a teacher, and it made him think of her. If anyone could help Chaldea through humanity's crisis, he had no doubt that Scathach could. As to why he decided to tell the masters about her, Cu was conflicted. At first, he thought about the team and how they could benefit from her guidance as he did. But the more he thought about it, the more he had trouble believing it. He wasn't that selfless…

Was it something else?

-That's ridiculous, Cu thought. It's not like she would even be happy to see me after all these centuries.-

With Cu's E-rank luck, he wouldn't bet on it…

She definitely wouldn't, he thought. They didn't exactly part under the best of circumstances, and he could very well have betrayed her trust by revealing her existence to Chaldea, and that would be cause enough for her to not be pleased. Still, Cu thought her aid was worth her potential wrath.

-I just hope you're still kicking, Teacher…-

Cu turns a corner and arrives at the hangar entrance. He notices someone was there already, and froze when he recognized him.

Emiya was casually leaning against the wall, arms crossed, dressed in a gray buttoned shirt and black pants. He turned to face the Lancer, narrowing his eyes in challenge. Cu glares back at him. This Archer was the one person in Chaldea that he could never get along with; not that he would ever want to anyway. Having crossed blades with him in their Grail War, Cu found him to be dishonorable and arrogant, lacking any pride that a warrior like himself should have. That and his snarky attitude frequently got under Cu's skin. He found it hard to believe that this fake hero was the same boy he tried to kill in that very same war.

-Such a contrast…-

The Archer stood up to full height. He had a slight edge of height over the Lancer, but Cu was not at all intimidated. He had faced worse.

"I figured you'd get here early…" Emiya's statement made Cu aware that he was about to be interrogated. Cu defiantly crosses his arms and responds.

"So what? You looking for a problem?"

"I may have already found it. Was this trip your idea?"

Cu didn't react, but inside he was surprised.

-He catches on quick…- He thought.

"What if it is?"

"Then I see that this isn't a typical vacation. What are you and the masters planning?"

Cu hesitated, worried that if he told him too much, the Archer will tell the others afterward.

"They don't want you knowing just yet, and I don't care much for your tone. It's for the good of the team I can assure you."

The Archer studied him, looking for some indication of a lie. He was proven wrong when Cu didn't give him one. Emiya nods slightly, thinking about his next words carefully.

"And they are okay with this?"

"I don't know if it will work either, but the masters feel that they have no other options. I was only trying to help if that's too hard for you to believe…"

Emiya's glare intensified. He didn't like that the Lancer had called him out on his suspicions. The Archer defends his stance.

"I'm just making sure the masters' trust isn't misplaced, going along with this big plan of yours. It wouldn't be the first time you lost a master."

Cu grit his teeth angrily. The Lancer knew all too well who he was talking about.

His master in the Fifth Holy Grail War: Bazett Fraga McRemitz. A magus from the Mage's Association who was betrayed by the one person she trusted: The Overseer Kirei Kotomine. That slimy priest stabbed her in the back and stole her command seals so he too could participate, along with the King of Heroes, Gilgamesh. Cu was forced to serve them only to be cast aside like trash himself when they no longer had any use for him. It was a bad outcome for the Hound of Culann, but even worse for his master. Bazett was a serious individual but she admired Cu greatly. She would've been a person of great renown among magi. Now she was nothing more than a name on a memorial in Chaldea's halls.

He had failed her…

"Am I right?" Emiya asks the silent Lancer, who had his head cast down. When he didn't get a response, the Archer then added threateningly: "Know that you could be endangering us all by leading us outside the barrier. I swear, if you do that to the masters and to Saber..."

Cu hated to admit it, but the Archer had a point. If anything happened to the masters on this trip, it was going to be his fault. He at last looked at Emiya dead in the eye.

"I will not let anything happen to the masters." Cu says resolutely. "You have my word on that."

Archer leaned back against the wall casually and crossed his arms. He looked away from Cu looking satisfied.

"Good. I'll be holding you to it. And don't worry; I won't spoil things for the others. If you're right, they would find out eventually. I suppose even a dog can have its day…"

Cu wanted to retort when a new voice broke the tension.

"Play nice you two."

The two male servants turned to face the newcomers who had just arrived. Arturia and Jeanne were standing nearby, amused at the sight of the two of them sizing up the other. Arturia said to the Archer:

"You won't be annoying Lancer for the entirety of the trip, would you Shirou?"

"Yeah Shirou…" Cu muttered, knowing how much the Archer disliked being compared to his younger self. Emiya bitterly ignored the Lancer and calmly said to the King of Knights:

"Of course not, Saber. I'm just making sure the dog here is well behaved."

Cu was visibly annoyed at this point, but he had a way of getting back at the Archer.

"You know lad… you were way more likable as a kid. Wouldn't you agree, Saber?"

Arturia was caught off guard by Cu's remark. She blushed when she couldn't come up with an answer. Jeanne giggled while Emiya shot an annoyed glare at the Lancer, who just smirked in victory. Even if the Archer wanted to get back at him, Cu knew that Arturia's presence kept him in line. Jekyll and Mordred arrived soon after.

"Looks like we're just in time," said the Assassin as he looked around. Mordred was still plugged-in to her tunes, not paying attention to the other servants; her father especially. "Has anyone seen the masters?"

"Gudao and Gabby are just overseeing the final preparations. They'll be joining us shortly." Emiya stated as the doorway to the hangar opened. "And speak of the devils, here they come."

The masters, along with Mashu, Roman, and Da Vinci stood in front of the entrance-way facing the six other servants. All of them save, save for Mordred, listened intently as Gudao addresses them.

"Thank you all for coming! Before we depart, me and Gabby just need to go over a few things with you al-", Gudao stopped when he notices something, or rather someone, missing. "Where is Rider?"

All the servants looked around. Mordred however didn't bother.

-Wait for it…-

"Wait for me!"

Sure enough, a frantic yell echoed from down the hall. Everyone looked to see a pink/purple blur zooming towards them. It stopped close by, revealing a panting Astolfo with a multiple bright-colored suitcases in tow, both stacked with even more luggage. Everybody stared at the absurd stack of belongings that the Rider brought in bewilderment. After catching his breath, Astolfo smiles as he waved awkwardly in embarrassment.


"What took you so long Birdbrain?" Mordred said to him, taking off her earbuds.

"I couldn't decide what essentials to bring, so I brought all of them!" Astolfo cheerily said, much to the Saber's annoyance.

"It's only a one week trip! Did you have to pack your entire wardrobe?"

Gudao snaps out of his stupor and clears his throat loudly, drawing the attention of the servants.

"Anyway… Now that we are ALL here, Gabby, would you kindly tell them the plan?"

"Huh? Oh, right!" Gabrielle composes herself and said to the group: "The Association has commissioned the RAF to take us to Norton Air Force base in Oxford. From there, they will give us an escort to King's Cross, where we'll take a train north to Edinburgh to meet our Clock Tower representative. Sound good?"

"Uhm, master?" Astolfo raised his hand.

"Yes Rider?"

The servant in question fondles his hands behind his back anxiously as he asks:

"So what are we taking to London? I imagine it's going to be a long flight."

"Well, let's just say that you shouldn't have been expecting a private jet…"

Gabrielle gestured to Roman to open the doors.

"Follow us please."

The servants obeyed, and they entered the massive, cavernous space that was Chaldea's main hangar. They have never seen this part of the complex before, and they were amazed by the bustling atmosphere. The area was sprawling with air force and on-ground personnel, either doing maintenance, or taking stock of incoming supplies. There were mobile cranes, forklifts, refueling stations, radar equipment, and a massive gate to the outside. The air was filled with noise of idle engines, coming from a massive four-engine aircraft in the center, which was currently being unloaded of its cargo. The servants followed the masters, Mashu, Roman and Da Vinci towards this particular plane.

"You'll be hitching a ride on the C-17 Globemaster," Roman said to the servants over the whirling engines. "This is how Chaldea stays provisioned. It's no Airbus, but it'll draw less attention than if we landed at London-Heathrow. No one will think twice about an RAF cargo plane doing an authorized airlift."

Some servants were amazed at the plane itself, but some like Mordred were not so enthusiastic about getting in.

"You mean we have to stay cooped up in this clunky bird for twelve hours?" She asked.

"Eighteen hours." Gudao corrected, making the Saber groan. "We'll also be making some re-fueling stops along the way, so I hope you have some way of amusing yourselves…"

"Alright, all aboard…" Roman directs them on to the cargo ramp. He and Da Vinci stood by and watched as the masters and servants stepped inside the spacious fuselage, and took seats against the wall. The seats themselves were minimalistic and of a fold-away style, no doubt designed for paratroopers rather than a commercial flight. Astolfo noticed this and whispered something to Jeanne before sneaking away. The Ruler wanted to stop him but by the time she turned to face him he had already disappeared. The Servants sat down and strapped in. Arturia, Jeanne and Emiya sat together. The Masters and Mashu sat directly across with Cu Chulainn not far away, while Mordred and Jekyll sat further inside near the emergency exit doors.

The cargo hatch started closing, and Mashu waved at Roman and Da Vinci before it fully closed. The aircraft departed, leaving the two of them in the hangar.

"You know something Roman?" Da Vinci said looking back at the plane as it moved outside. "I think I can build a better one."

"I bet you can Leona…" Roman said absentmindedly. The Caster thought about making that a week-long project, along with some other ideas she had in mind.

Inside the plane, Emiya looks over to Arturia, who had her gaze cast down and was awfully quiet.

"Nervous?" He asks her. The Saber looks at him and gives an assuring smile.

"I'm not Shirou, but thanks for asking." She says tenderly. "This isn't my first time flying in such a contraption."

"And when was that?"

"After I was summoned by Irisviel and Kiritsugu, we flew to Fuyuki from Germany. Needless to say, that plane was nicer than this. Not that I have any right to complain…"

"I wouldn't blame you if you did." The Archer said looking around skeptically. "It's not very accommodating, especially not for royalty."

Gabrielle looked around and did a head-count as the plane started taxiing. It became apparent that they were one party member short. She looked around frantically.

"Wait… where is Astolfo?!" She asks to no one in particular.

"He said something about him not flying coach… if that helps master." Jeanne said to the worried master; The Ruler wasn't too sure herself about what the bubbly paladin was up to. Gabrielle just looked at Jeanne in confusion as the aircraft took position on the runway. It wasn't long before the massive plane was cleared for takeoff and started speeding up. Mashu had her eyes shut and was clenching Gudao's hand anxiously as the aircraft pitched upward and left the ground. Gudao found it cute (and painful) that the Shielder was hanging on to him for dear life. After a few seconds, she asked nervously:

"Are we flying yet?"

Gudao answers her calmly.

"We are Mashu. Look…"

The Demi-Servant slowly opens her eyes and looks outside a tiny window across from her. Her fear was replaced with wonder as she saw the ground below get smaller and smaller, with a growing horizon giving way to a blue sky. Even the white-covered mountains seemed tiny from this height. It warmed Gudao's heart seeing the look of amazement on Mashu's face. Then suddenly-


The Shielder shut her eyes clenched her ears in pain. Gudao was suddenly alert and tended to his Kouhai with worry.

"Mashu! Are your ears popping?"

"Yes… Oww...!"

Mashu was unprepared for the sensation despite being warned by Gabrielle, and it turned out to be much more painful than she expected. Gudao tries desperately to soothe her distress.

"Keep swallowing. It'll relieve the pressure."

Gabrielle laughed at the sight of her brother and friend as the plane began leveling to cruising altitude. The plane shook in a brief bout of turbulence, and Mordred looked over the Assassin beside her, cringing at the sight of Jekyll turning green in the face. He grabbed a bag for good measure.

"Oh great," she thought sarcastically. "I'm stuck here with barf-boy for the next eighteen hours. This trip is already off to a good start…"

"I don't feel so good…" Jekyll says weakly. "Why do planes shake so much?"

Mordred just sighs at him, figuring the least she could do was try and make him feel at ease, if only to stop him from making a mess.

"Suck it up, Beansprout. You don't hear me complaining about losing my breakfast…"

"Easy for you to say," Jekyll said, his dignified demeanor as a doctor was lost in his current state. "You eat as much as your father, so you obviously have a strong stomach. I- (gag) don't have that luxury…"

"Jekyll… It's all in your head," Mordred insists. She was willing to say anything to relieve the weak-stomached Assassin, and she resorts to outlining positives. "The skies are clear, they're no clouds, no storms… nothing but a measly bit of wind to bump the plane. This is the best kind of day anyone can ask for to fl-"

Mordred looks away from Jekyll and takes a glance out the window. What she saw made her do a double take; Astolfo was flying alongside the plane on his hippogriff. With his pink hair billowing in the wind, the Rider looks back at Mordred and waves before flying ahead. Mordred's eyes widen in disbelief and she feels jealously wash over her. There he was; having the time of his life, while she herself was trapped in this tin can with nothing to do and Jekyll threatening to empty his guts right beside her! The Saber huffs in frustration and looks away, staring straight ahead, just when Jekyll was beginning to feel a little bit better from what she said earlier.

"I take it back," She said bluntly, crossing her arms. "I hope we fly into a blizzard…"

Jekyll stares at her in horror as the aircraft flies on, leaving Chaldea behind.