
The Queen of Shadows

As the threat of the King of Mages looms over them, the Masters of Chaldea struggle to keep their team of Servants together for the fight to save humanity. Their hope comes from Chaldea's resident Lancer, who offers them a unique solution: To seek out his mysterious mentor... (This story is being imported by the original author)

7empest92 · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

A Bright Idea

Inside the massive room that was Chaldea's café, Gudao and Gabrielle were sitting at a booth next to a massive window to the outside that spanned the entire hall. Not far away, Arturia and Jeanne were sitting at a table closer to the kitchen were Emiya was cooking. Having already helped themselves to appetizers, Arturia was "elegantly" devouring a tray-full of food while Jeanne, on the other hand, was writing random words and sentences on a piece of paper with a dictionary, leaving most of the food on her plate untouched. Servants do not normally need nourishment from eating, but with only 2 masters supporting all of them, they had to eat and sleep as regular humans do to conserve mana. Arturia took a break from eating to take interest in what her friend was doing.

"Are you still practicing?"

"Yes. Da Vinci says I should try to read and write as much as I can. I'm currently learning synonyms."

"That sounds fun…"

"Well, it turns out language is more technical than I thought, but I think my penmanship is improving."

"Let me see?"

Jeanne shows Arturia what she had been writing. The Saber noted how the Ruler's writing was a bit sloppy, but otherwise legible.

"Not bad. I think you'll be able to read the Bible front to back in no time. Your hard work is paying off…"

"Thanks Arty. From what I heard from the masters, grammar is a very boring subject."

Arturia couldn't be any more proud for her friend. Jeanne D'Arc was illiterate in her past life, barely able to write her own name without assistance. Since being summoned to Chaldea, Jeanne took the opportunity to learn how to read and write whenever they weren't on a mission. The progress she has made up to this point was a testament to her dedication.

The two servants suddenly turned to the sound of commotion lineup in front of the kitchen. Apparently there was a hold-up with the line for appetizers, with many impatient employees expressing their displeasure for one individual's indecision up front. It didn't take the two girls long to see the cause.

Astolfo was browsing the food behind the glass while holding an empty tray, unable to decide what to take first as if it was the most important decision ever. Jekyll was behind him trying to get the Rider to make up his mind.

"Astolfo, please… just pick something. Everyone behind you is waiting."

Astolfo was gazing at each plate with great interest.

"But they all look so yummy, I can't choose!"

"Then step aside and let other people pick."

Emiya steps out holding 2 plates full of fresh egg rolls.

"It's alright Rider, take everything you want. I've made plenty of extras."

Astolfo looks back at the Archer, his face lighting up as he turns back at the food with his tray at the ready.

"Oh really? Well in that case…"

The Rider darts from plate to plate, filling his tray to the brim with food.

"I'll take this… and this… Oh! Definitely some of that…"

Jekyll lets out a sigh for his fellow servant's lack of subtlety and face palms. Jeanne giggles in amusement at the sight; it took a lot of patience for someone to tolerate the ball of energy that was the bubbly paladin. She notices Arturia staring at Astolfo taking all the food.

"Don't worry Arty. I'm sure Astolfo isn't going to take all the leftovers. He can't compete with your appetite."

Arturia looks back at Jeanne without any hint of envy.

"I don't mind at all. I am saving myself for Shirou's main course. That's where his culinary skills truly shine."

After saying that, she happily started eating again. Jeanne leaned over and rested her face against the palm of her hand.

"So… what is happening between you and Emiya?"

Arturia stops as she meets Jeanne's gaze. She was caught off-guard by the saint indulging in gossip with her. The Saber had always known Jeanne to be naïve whenever it came to THESE kinds of topics, so she couldn't help but be a little suspicious.

"You've been spending too much time with Gabrielle… since when does the Maiden of Orléans inquire in the personal affairs of others?"

"Master Gabby said it would be good for us if we chat about your love-life," Jeanne admits sincerely. ""Girl-talk" as she put it…"

Arturia smiles in amusement.

"Is that so? Well if you must know…"

Jeanne sits up straight, listening with interest for her friend's answer. After taking a sip of tea, Arturia spills the goods, her face turning somber.

"Nothing much is happening."

Jeanne was a bit taken back at that response. She knows that the Saber and Archer had a history together fighting in a Grail War, and they didn't exactly keep that fact a secret from the rest of the team.

"No? But I thought you two were close."

"We are… but with him being a servant, things are… complicated."

"You said he remembers being your master, so what's the problem?"

"This form he has is from a different timeline; one where he has seen a lot of horrible things. I sense that whenever he opens up to me, he becomes unsure of himself, wondering if the feelings he has for me are real. He even said that he dislikes his younger self despite having his memories."

Jeanne puts her hand over her heart.

"That sounds awful…"

Arturia's face softens as she reassures the Ruler.

"It's not all bad. I see that naïve boy inside him rise to the surface every once in a while. I'm just giving him some space to grapple with those two sides of himself. When he figures it out, I'll be waiting for him."

"How romantic!" Jeanne exclaims cheerfully, but stops when she notices Arturia narrowing her eyes at her in challenge, given the subtlest of smug smiles.

"Enough about me. How about I peg you about your love-life?"

Jeanne lightly blushes as she bashfully tries to avoid Arturia's gaze.

"Me? Oh, there is nothing really-"

"Wasn't there someone from the last singularity that you had your eyes on?" The Saber teases. "That cowboy servant… what was his name?"

The Ruler stammers as her face turns as red as a tomato.

"B-B Billy?! But h-he is a scoundrel!"

Arturia giggles at her friend's embarrassment.

"Next time Jeanne, don't ask for gossip unless you are prepared to give some yourself. Carelessness is the en-"

The Saber suddenly stops, her amusement completely gone from her face as she looks past the Ruler. Jeanne composes herself and asks in concern.


When she got no answer, Jeanne follows where Arturia was looking. The Ruler turns her head to see Mordred walking towards them, wearing a white tube-top and jacket combo. She had her hands in her jacket pockets, looking carefree until she shot a glance at Arturia. The blue Saber casts her head down avoiding Mordred's gaze as she passes them. The Knight of Treachery looks away, her face unreadable to the Ruler. When she is a fair distance away, Jeanne speaks discretely to Arturia.

"You're not still upset about earlier, are you? Mordred really has it out for you…"

The Saber lets out a sigh.

"It can't be helped. Mordred wants more than anything to prove her superiority over me. I am beginning to think that's the only reason why she chose to stay in Chaldea."

Jeanne frowns at that. It pained the Ruler greatly to see her most trusted allies clashing with one another. She didn't want to believe for a second that the red Saber fought just despite of Arturia. She, along with all the other servants, answered the masters' summons so they can help protect mankind. Jeanne wanted her friend and her knight to reach some sort of understanding with each other; if not for themselves, then for Chaldea and all of humanity. Given the two Sabers' history, that was probably not going to happen. Jeanne hoped that it would...

Meanwhile, Mashu made her way to way to where Gudao and Gabrielle were sitting. The two masters didn't appear to be eating, but rather deliberating to each other through a holographic display. The projection showed their current roster of active and inactive servants. The Shielder listened in as she walked closer.

"No. That's not going to work," Gudao said. "We could go for more summons-"

"Not happening, Gu-dork. We're fresh out of catalysts," Gabrielle states. "How about using one of the Grails to boost-?"

"Out of the question, Gabby," Gudao answers seriously. "Roman said that under no circumstances are we to draw power from the Grails we've collected. Solomon could very well turn those into traps."

Gabrielle grunts in frustration.

"That's so dumb! We have a goldmine of mana and we can't even use a sliver of it! I'm running out of ideas here…"

She rests her arms and her head down on the table as Gudao tries to offer one last suggestion.

"Well… what about another training session?"

"I think we both know how that will go…" Gabrielle deadpans.

Gudao sighs in defeat and leans back in his seat, looking up at the ceiling as the hologram dissipates.

"Over half a day of brainstorming and we have nothing to show for it."

"Are you okay Senpai?"

Gudao looks over to Mashu who takes a seat beside Gabrielle.

"Hey Mashu. We're just broadening our minds." Gudao rubs his face, clearly exhausted as he continued. "And we could really use a bright idea right now…"

"Correction," Gabrielle states tiredly. "I could really use a caffeine jolt right about now. All this back-and-forth talk is taxing…"

Mashu shifts her gaze between the both of them, their fatigue becoming very obvious to her as she asks:

"If you don't mind… just what are you two working on?"

"A way to kill two birds with one stone," Gudao answers offhandedly. Both he and Gabrielle jump in surprise when the Shielder exclaims in shock:

"How horrible!"

"No Mashu! He didn't mean that literally…" Gabrielle hurries herself to relieve Mashu's misunderstanding. The Demi-Servant calmed down as Gudao explained.

"Of course not! Me and Gabby are just trying to find a way to lift up team morale and grow stronger."

"Oh..." Mashu affirms in understanding. "That sounds productive."

"Well it has been anything but. Gabby and I have been grasping at straws for the past hour, not coming up with anything."

"And now I know what it feels like to be Gu-dork pulling an all-nighter," Gabrielle adds.

Mashu now asks, unsure if her suggestion would be of any help.

"If you two are concerned with honing your magecraft, how about asking the Clock Tower for guidance?"

"We've thought of that already," Gudao said. "There is no way we can call up Lord El-Melloi II and ask him to give us a private tutoring session. Not to mention that there is nothing he can do about resolving any issues with the team. He is NOT what we need."

Suddenly, a new voice cuts in.

"No, he isn't."

The two masters and Mashu turn to face the newcomer. Wearing a brightly colored Hawaiian shirt was Cu Chulainn, standing over them in interest. Gabrielle straightens up and greets him enthusiastically.

"Lancer! is there something I ca-(clears throat) I mean we can help you with?"

Gudao raises an eyebrow at her in confusion as Cu answers.

"It is not so much me that needs help. You masters on the other hand…"

"Have you been listening-in on us?" Gudao asks him in suspicion. The Lancer smirks at having been discovered.

"Actually, I did when you two were in the hallway earlier. I just happened to be passing by when you mentioned needing a teacher to whip you and us servants into shape."

"You know of someone?" Mashu asks with interest.

Cu's face suddenly turns serious.

"Before I answer that, let me ask you kids something: How much do you know of my legend?"

Gudao thought carefully, but came up short.

"Sorry, my Celtic history is a bit rusty-"

"I do!" Gabrielle exclaims. Gudao and Mashu turn to her in surprise. She saw their faces and the excitement drained from her, replaced by embarrassment. "I mean, I've read up a bit about him…"

Lancer raises an eyebrow as Gudao starts to press his sister on what was not being said.

"Gabby... is there something you want to tell us?"

Gabrielle's blush deepens as she fell silent, but Mashu cuts in to diffuse the awkwardness.

"Going off topic. Tell us what you know Gabby."

"Huh? Oh right!" Gabrielle composes herself and turns to Cu. "You defended Ulster from the armies of Connacht, wielding the spear of mortal death to thin their ranks; Gae Bolg was that weapon."

The Lancer affirms with a nod.

"Right. And do you know where I got it?"

"Ummm… that part the book was sketchy about. It was something about a land of mist and shadow?"

Lancer's face fell.

"Is that all? It seems my lore doesn't quite measure up to Saber's." Cu then shrugs. "Oh well, I'll tell you. I had to earn it."

"Earn it? Who gave it to you?" Gudao asks.

The Lancer takes a deep breath before answering. It was almost as if what he was about to say was supposed to be a secret.

"Her name is Scathach. She is a powerful warrior queen who watches over the Land of Shadows, and she is the original owner of Gae Bolg. I trained with her for years before returning home to fight for my country."

Gudao, Gabrielle and Mashu were intrigued and wanted to learn more. The Shielder asks:

"How powerful is she?"

"Very. She has slain creatures that could appear in your nightmares, and is a master of rune magic. I'd say that even servants wouldn't be a hassle for her…"

The Lancer had a look of nostalgia as he spoke. It was clear to the masters that he was not joking about this to them. Gabrielle was especially amazed at the thought that such a person existed.

"That strong huh? She sounds like a total bad-ass."

Cu gives a knowing smirk.

"Oh, you have NO idea. Scathach may be exactly who you two need right now; she has trained me and countless other warriors. I think she can give all of us an edge over Solomon."

"That's great!" Gudao was ecstatic. It seemed that things were finally turning around for them. "So is she a servant? Where can we get her catalyst?"

Gudao's enthusiasm drained when he noticed Cu's face turn grim as he tells them...

"I'm afraid she can't be summoned."

"What?!" Gabrielle was dismayed. "Why did you even bother to tell us about her if she isn't a servant?"

Cu's face suddenly lit up, as if counting on that question to come his way.

"That master… is the INTERESTING part."

The trio could tell that the Lancer was holding back something crucial. Mashu asks:

"So what are you saying?"

"I am saying…" Cu smirks, knowing what he was about to say next will absolutely surprise them.

"She is still alive."



"You want to WHAT?!"

Romani Archaman yelled in disbelief for the whole operations room to hear. The masters, along with Mashu had just explaining to him and Da Vinci their plan moving forward. They were around the table with a holo-projection of the world. Cu Chulainn was leaning against a wall nearby amused by the banter. While Da Vinci was sort of accepting of the idea, Roman was a different story. While Fou was chilling on Mashu's shoulder, Gudao affirmed to the more-than skeptical doctor.

"You heard us right Roman. We want to take the servants outside of Chaldea."

"If what Lancer says is true and this Scathach is the real deal, we could have a great opportunity on our hands," said Gabrielle. "How can you afford to pass up the chance for us to get stronger?"

"Let me remind you all why we should," Roman states seriously. "When Chaldea formed, the higher-ups at the Clock Tower made us all swear to secrecy. Nothing that happens here ever makes it out to the rest of the world. There are mages that would kill for the stuff we have in here, and that includes the servants. Even worse, we risk the exposure of magecraft to the general public. Heaven forbid if the servants were to make a scene, not even the Association will be able to clean that up. And do you who they going to blame for that? Hmmm? Us. They will shut us down and there will be nothing stopping Solomon from tampering with history and eradicating all of mankind. I am not going to risk that happening!"

"If you are done ranting Roman," Da Vinci cuts in casually then cheerfully says, "I for one think it's a great idea! After all, desperate times call for desperate measures."

"Thanks Da Vinci!" Mashu smiles at the Caster's understanding.

"Hold on Leona," Roman tries to argue. "No record of this "Scathach" exists. All we have is the word of a servant. That's not much to go on!"

"I'm still here you know…" Cu said bluntly, making Roman realize his mistake.

"I'm sorry. Look guys, I am not meaning to sound negative here. And Leona," Roman turns to Da Vinci. "I know you told me I should be more supportive and have faith in the kids, but them taking their super-powered friends into the real-world was not what I had in mind."

"But doctor," Gabrielle interrupts. "The servants will not do anything to expose us. They know doing so will be bad for them as well. Who else knows that Chaldea exists?"

"Well let's see," Da Vinci thinks carefully. "Besides the Mage's Association and the Clock Tower, there is also the Animusphere family estate and our representatives in the UN. The circle of trust is big already and so far none of Chaldea's information has been leaked."

"If we can give you our word that the servants will keep our trust, can we get an escort on behalf of the Association?" Gudao asks.

"Theoretically yes," Roman states. "But they will want to know what business we have in outside of Chaldea. What am I going to tell them?"

"I suppose we can't tell them we want to go on vacation?" Gabrielle asks rhetorically.

"That'll be rich…"

"Then I guess we should tell them the truth," Mashu says. "If this is for the survival of humanity, then for what better reason could they authorize us to operate there?"

"Fair point Mashu. But Lancer," Roman turns to Cu. "Aren't you worried that that the Mage's Association will discover the Land of Shadows, if it even exists?"

"Nope. My teacher has managed to keep her lands hidden for over two thousand years with magecraft more advanced than anything those bastards have ever seen. If they had anything that could pick up her runes, then they deserve to find her."

"That begs the question however," Roman was still skeptical. "Can you get us in?"

The masters, Mashu and Da Vinci all watched as the Lancer assures the doctor.

"Oh I'm sure it will all come back to me in time. You just get me to the site and I'll handle the rest."

Roman nodded, but still not fully convinced. For all he knew, he could be sending the masters on a wild goose chase. He thought carefully before asking the Lancer again.

"Are you sure this Scathach is still alive?"

Cu looks at Roman straight in the eyes, and his tone becomes serious and drops low.

"She is alive. I know she is…"

The Lancer trails off and looks away. His hand unconsciously travels to the lone earring he wore on his right ear. Gabrielle notices that Cu didn't wear one on his other ear, which she thought was sort of odd.

"Don't worry doctor," Gudao chimes in. "If things don't work out, we can be back in Chaldea within 24 hours. It'll be like we never left. And if they do, we might just finally get one step ahead of Solomon."

"This is our chance to turn the tide!" Gabrielle adds. "C'mon doc, we shouldn't let this slip away."

Roman glances between the two masters, and could see that they were fully confident in their plan. He knew what the potential reward for this was, as well as the risks involved. The doctor really wanted Chaldea to succeed, but was this really the best way of moving forward? He looks over to Mashu, concerned for her especially since she has never been outside the facility. Roman asks the Shielder:

"And are you okay with this Mashu?"

"I am, doctor." Mashu answers with a nod. "I think it's exciting to finally get out of Chaldea and see a bit of the world, and we could gain a new ally out of it. It couldn't be any more perfect! Right Fou?"


Mashu giggles as the furry creature gives her an affectionate rub on the cheek. Roman was about to say something when Da Vinci beats him to it.

"Then it's settled! We'll contact the Association and get you guys the go-ahead to leave Chaldea."


The Caster looks over to her colleague, thinking he was going to object to her hastiness. Her assumptions were proven wrong as Roman now smirked at her, feigning annoyance.

"I was just about to say that myself… Gudao, Gabby, Mashu, I agree. We're sending you to find the Land of Shadows."

The trio's faces lit up. They couldn't be any happier now that their plan was now on the right track. Gudao gives a grateful bow to Roman.

"Thank you so much doctor! You won't regret this!"

"Don't make me then… Gather your team in the conference room and tell them to start packing. Me and Da Vinci are going to make a few calls."

"Yes sir! We're on it!"

Gabrielle gives the doctor a salute before darting out the door. Gudao hurries after her, followed by Mashu and Fou.

"Gabby, wait up!"

"Wait for me, Senpai!"


Cu chuckles to himself before casually walking out.


When they left, Da Vinci said to Roman.

"I'm surprised doctor… I thought it was going to take more convincing for you to go along with this."

"Yes well, I'm confident those three know what they're doing. I just want to make sure that they will be very careful, as we are sending them into uncharted territory." The doctor pulls out his cellphone and looks up his contacts. "If things go south, the Mage's Association will have our asses…"

Da Vinci chuckles.

"With all due respect Roman, I think they will be more than happy with just having your ass."

Roman sighs in actual annoyance as he makes a call.


"What do you think the masters want to see us about?"

Astolfo was walking, practically skipping alongside Mordred down the hallways of Chaldea. The Saber was walking with her hands in her jacket pockets trying to ignore her talkative friend, but that was impossible when it came to the Rider. In fact, this was the second time he asked her.

"Would you quit it already? I told you I have no idea."

Astolfo went ahead and walked backwards to face her, letting his enthusiasm run rampant for the knight to see.

"But you haven't even thought about it! I mean, what if they want to show us something really cool like a new piece of tech. Oh! Maybe something we can drive!" He went back beside Mordred and wrapped his arm over her shoulder, pulling her in close. "What if they are giving us a break and want all of us to go somewhere. After all, we've been cooped up in Chaldea for so long. I can totally see that! Don't you think that's exciting?"

"I can think of something that would be…" Mordred spat, thinking of some creative way to shut Astolfo up, but the paladin was joyfully oblivious. The Saber notices some employees who were staring at them as they walked past. She quickly lifts the paladin's arm off of her and speaks discreetly. "Would you cut this out?! Are you trying to embarrass us?"

"Lighten up Mordred! They just think we look cute together!"

"I want to look tough, not cute you idiot!" Mordred crosses her arms in a huff.

"Oh stop it. You can look as tough as you want in battle, but right now you're in Chaldea! Looking tough is not a good way to get people to like you y'know."

"I am not here to make friends Birdbrain…" Mordred's thoughts drifted to another blonde Saber as she said that.

"But you let me hang around, so I must be doing something right!"

More like something wrong, she thought. "Don't feel too proud Astolfo. I only put up with you because you would get into a lot of trouble without me. Medb would've made you her boy-toy if I hadn't been there to save your sorry ass."

Astolfo shivered at the thought of that happening. "Well, I'm still glad I could count on you. Friends are supposed to get each other out of a jam."

Mordred at last looks at the Rider, surprised by what he was implying. She asks with uncertainty.

"You consider me your friend?"

"Absolutely!" Astolfo says cheerfully without hesitation, but his face falls when Mordred lets out a sigh.

"Then you have very poor taste…" Mordred looks away and walks ahead of the paladin, leaving no room for refute. Mordred didn't want to hurt the Rider's feelings, but felt she had to make a point; she was nobody's friend.

She was the Knight of Treachery. A weapon solely created by her mother, Morgan le Fay, to destroy King Arthur. When she was first summoned to Chaldea, she thought she could put that behind her by doing her part in protecting humanity, until she realized her "father" was here too.

Looking back, she thought it was hilariously naïve of her to think she could be anything more than what she is.

A tool…

Mordred entered the conference room followed by Astolfo. They saw the other servants had already taken a seat, save for Emiya who was standing up against the wall behind Jeanne and Arturia. Cu Chulainn was at the front of the room waiting patiently. Jekyll was sitting at the center table reading a book, and looked up to silently greet the knight and paladin as they walk in with a nod. Astolfo takes a seat beside the Assassin asking him quietly.

"When did everyone get here?"

"Lancer arrived before all of us. The rest came not long before you two."

Mordred's eyes dart to her father, who was whispering with the Ruler about something amusing, and felt a pang of envy course through her. Arturia glances at Mordred; her smile fading as her gaze lingers only briefly until going to face Jeanne again, who was too busy giggling to notice. The red Saber wasn't surprised at all by her reaction, as it was one the Knight was met with countless times whenever it came to the King of Knights.


Mordred recalled when she first joined the Knights of the Round. After painfully training her homunculus child to be a powerful knight, Morgan made Mordred don armor and a helmet to infiltrate the Knights of the Round, telling her to never reveal her face to others. Mordred was meant to destroy the king, but instead she was inspired by King Arthur's chivalry and sense of justice and served faithfully, betraying her estranged witch of a mother.

Morgan eventually revealed to the knight that she shared the blood of the king, and that it was her right to be heir to the throne of Camelot. Mordred was overjoyed by thought of being King Arthur's child. The knight went to the king's chambers to reveal to Arthur that she was his her child, and hoped that Arthur would see Mordred as family as well as a suitable heir.

She was wrong.

Arthur coldly rejected Mordred's claim to Camelot's throne and turned her away. Furious, Mordred swore to the King that she will come back and claim the throne, even if it meant destroying Camelot. In the days that followed, she revealed Lancelot's affair with Queen Guinevere, spreading distrust and contempt among the Knights of the Round, as well as rallying the people to doubt Arthur's authority. It all led to their fateful encounter on the hills of Camlann, where they dealt each other a fatal blow. In her dying moments, Mordred regretted her actions, reaching out desperately to her king. She wasn't even granted that wish as Arturia limped away, refusing to face her.

Now that she was here in Chaldea, Mordred found herself constantly reminded of the rejection and indifference whenever she and Arturia crossed paths. The feeling of constantly being judged by her father sickened her to no end. Had she not proven she could be trusted? Had her performance of being a Chaldean servant meant nothing to her? As much she liked to think she hated Arturia, Mordred would very much rather have her father accept her as family. Not that she'd ever admit that to anybody…

Mordred huffed as she took a seat as far away from Arturia as possible. She crossed her legs and rested them on the table as she leaned back in her chair, recalling that moment from the hill.

-"I never once hated you."-

Arturia's words echoed in Mordred's mind, and it was still difficult for her to believe after all this time.

-"You are not worthy to be king."-

Mordred grit her teeth in frustration. What would she need to do to prove her worth? Lift Caliburn from the stone as her father did? Well, until that fantasy comes true, Mordred will one-up her father in every scenario. She will prove herself to be better than Arturia, no matter what.

The doors to the room opened with a sliding hiss. Gudao, Gabrielle, and Mashu entered and stood in front of the room near Cu was, facing everybody. All the servants paid attention as Gudao cleared his throat.

"Thank you everyone for joining us at this late hour. Me and Gabby have an announcement to make. We've been reviewing your performance for these past few days and we have decided…"

The servants looked to each other nervously. Astolfo was particularly anxious as he looked towards Mordred with concern. The Saber herself felt tense at what the masters were going to say next. They all knew that their training sessions hadn't gone very well these past few days. Were the masters going to split them up? With so few servants active right now, it seemed unthinkable-

"-to take all of you guys on vacation!"

Gudao smiled as the whole room erupted in surprise. Mordred sat up in shock while Astolfo stood up and jumped excitedly. Arturia and Jeanne looked at each other, both of them in total disbelief at what they just heard. Gabrielle stepped in to settle the growing atmosphere in the room.

"Alright everyone, settle down!" When the servants calmed, the master continued. "We managed to pull a few strings with the Mage's Association and got cleared for an excursion involving all of you here. You have all been working very hard for us and we figured that we should return the favor!"

Emiya was eyeing Cu, noting how he was the only one not surprised at all by the masters' announcement. The Archer figured that he must have known this whole time, and he didn't like it one bit.

-What are they up to?-

"We can set out in as little as two days," Gudao stated. "That will give you guys time to gather essentials for the trip and for the Association to make arrangements for us. Given we are going outside of Chaldea, we trust you will not do anything to expose magecraft while you all will be enjoying yourselves…"

"Of course not Gudao," Jekyll said. "We will ALL behave ourselves." The Assassin steals a glance at Mordred, hoping her in particular will comply with the masters' request. The Saber meets his eyes and gets the message, figuring she could tolerate her father if she could have some fun. Now all fired up, she stands up and says to the masters:

"Sounds good to me. Let's do it!"

"Count me in!" Astolfo said cheerfully. Arturia stood up proudly and looked at the masters, putting a hand over her heart.

"By my honor as a knight, I will not break the trust you place in us, Masters. Let us enjoy ourselves!"

"I second that! This will be fun!" Jeanne stands up and smiles. Emiya smirked and steps forward.

"I too accept."

Upon hearing from everybody, Gabrielle spoke up.

"Great! Start packing your bags everyone!"

"So where are we going?" Astolfo asks her, unable to contain his excitement. Gabrielle cheerfully answers:



Gabrielle was met with silence. All the excitement that built up over the masters' announcement drained so fast she could've sworn she heard crickets chirping instead. Her face fell as looked around the room at the dumbfounded expressions of all the servants staring at her. Even Astolfo didn't have his usual enthusiasm. Confused, the female master asks all of them:

"What? Were you all expecting to go to a beach destination?"

"I think they were, master." Cu gave a witty reply as Gudao face-palms in embarrassment. Mashu thought to herself while taking in the atmosphere, the outcome of it not at all what she or the masters expected.

"Well, this is awkward…"

And they learned that day that no one ever gets excited to go to Scotland...


Meanwhile, in a dark secluded place, the silhouette of a man is sitting by metallic desk facing a huge holographic display. Nearby, a corpse of a Clock Tower staff-member laid flat on the metal floor, bled out from a burn mark on her chest. The image of the person he was chatting with was distorted, keeping the person's identity concealed. Said contact had just given the man some juicy news, and it made him chuckle maniacally.

"Really? This is quite uncalled for. So unexpected… oh so exciting! Keep me posted and stay hidden. I can't wait to share this!"

(Distorted) "Understood. Have fun…"

"Oh I intend to…"

He cut the link, only for another transmission to come his way. He cheerfully replied.


A professional feminine voice came through the audio. It sounded a hint annoyed at the greeting.

"It's me. Rasputin wanted me to tell you that the council has gathered and your presence is requested."

"Why of course! Tell them I'll be on my way, and will be bringing snacks. They won't want to miss out on what I just learned…"

The woman on the other end let out an annoyed huff.

"Why in Gaia's name they took you out of stasis first, I will never know… Just be here by 0800 sharp. Travel expenses NOT covered."

The woman cut the line abruptly, making the man sigh.

"She's no fun… always hanging around that stuck-up pseudo servant. No matter! You think you are so clever Aminusphere? I know you guys in Chaldea are after something. Something BIG…"

Behind him, 3 more silhouettes of varying shape and size lined up, awaiting their master's orders.

"I'll have my revenge and earn the council's favor."

The man stood up from his seat and smiled.

"Watch out Chaldea. What ever you are chasing... me and my friends are going to snatch it right out from under you."

He turned and walked towards his servants, the Command seals on his right hand glowing dark violet as the massive screen behind him shut down.

"For the Crypters…"

Closing theme for the chapter: "MANTRA" by Bring Me The Horizon (written by Jordan Fish, Matthew Kean, Oli Sykes, Matthew Nicholls, and Lee Malia)

Disclaimer: I do NOT think that Scotland is at all a bad place to visit. I in fact believe it is a wonderful place, worth the detour if you plan on going to England. It's just that when someone tells you that they want to take you on vacation somewhere, Scotland is NOT the first place you expect. Not by a longshot...

So please, don't hate me...

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