
The Queen Huntress

One girl's feeble heart and compassion granted her the throne, but also made her lose it just as fast. When Lumbershire is faced with the overbearing blow of a large group of warriors, the heir is put to test. However, being a woman, her efforts are greatly ignored by those who claim they love her. On a mission to take back what's hers and to prove her loved ones wrong, she is tested in the area of battle, magic, and love. All consume the land among the misfits and misfortunes. It is up to her to properly put back together what once was. The question is, can a simple, frail girl pull off such huge tasks?

MiyokoLuv · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Takeover Part 1

Deep in the caves of Death Mountain, Gunner's living quarters began to flood. His belongings that once rested on the floor floated around his bed. His mistress elbowed him in the abdomen as her orbs lingered on the crumbling crack above them. Water surged out of it. He moaned out and leaned forward.

"What was that for?" he said while grilling Ylda.

"Look!" She pointed to the giant puddle that surrounded them.

"Oh no! Get going. This place will collapse!" Ylda took no time to listen as she whipped the blanket high and slung it to her bare body. She darted out.

Gunner's giant feet crashed into the water. He splashed them through its darkness while gathering all important items, like his sword and armor. From a shabby dresser, he pulled out some slacks and a shirt putting them on. Not a minute after, he bolted from his quarters that gradually disintegrated across from above. Thunk! Thunk! THUNK! BOOOOM! He bolted through the broadened passageway which led him to safety. To make matters worse, heavy rain poured drenching the entire forest.

Ylda placed a hand on his shoulder. "Let's join the others."

They made their way downhill where both of them caught a view of the clan's campgrounds. Everyone remained inside their tents which were materialized to withstand all weather types. Gunner shivered as his hair and clothing dripped.

"We'll sleep in my tent tonight." Ylda looked back at him with pleading eyes.

He followed close behind her. When they finally reached her quarters, they dove inside. Gunner dropped his belongings to the ground. He stripped naked crawling into bed shortly after. Ylda dropped the blanket from her shoulders and climbed into his arms. Their teeth chattered with vigor. He took a quilt and covered their bodies. Skin to skin, their bodies melted into each other where warmth recirculated.

As the thudding drips slowed on the top of her miniature tent, Ylda remained awake. The thirty-five-year-old blond fidgeted about until she rolled over. Her face sat inches from Gunner's.

"Are you up?" she said eyes fully engaged on his face.

"What is it?" he growled.

"You're looking to marry, I hear. I want to be your wife."

When his eyelids slightly parted, he stared at the beauty before him. His gaze traced all angles of her face. With plump lips that naturally puckered, he enjoyed her kisses. Her lime green eyes always sparkled in the sunlight. Like stars, brown freckles trailed around her cheeks. He loved those things about her. On the other hand, he veered to her breast, once perky, which now began to sag. He scolded them. His orbs veered up at the crinkled creases near her eyes. After years of tribal endurance and battle, her arms broadened to the extent of manly. She shaved her hair at each temple to her crown, only leaving a patch. Like all of the women fighters, she looked the part. Even the skirts, non fighters wearing dresses with hair to its true length, had their hoydenish traits. Missing teeth, no table etiquette, and giving mouth to their husband's orders, among other things. Long before the heavy tide ripped across their youth, he would have considered one of them. Once upon a time. The crushing wave of life created their nature, personalities he only wished to acknowledge as their clan leader.

"I've chosen one already."

"Oh." She jumped to the opposite side with her back to him. A tear smeared down her cheek, but she swiped it away. "Who is she?"

"Her name will be announced soon."

"What does that mean for us?"

"Things will continue. I just may not be around as much."

"As if you are now!" She hunched forward with her arms crossed. "I've been by your side. We fought plenty battles together. I've mended your battle wounds. We hunt together. Eat together. Sleep together. At least when you're around. It's like it means nothing to you."

"Course' it does. I'm not trying to hurt you."

"But you are. You don't even look at me the same and you never give me a clear answer of what I am."

"My close friend." He traced a thumb along her shoulder caressing her pressure points.

"Don't touch me!"

"Fine! The truth is, I want to marry a lady, not a warrior."

"You want to marry someone you can control! I see your face when we raid. The scared bitches screams as we take their homes gives you a hard one, ay?"

Ylda hopped from the bed when he wouldn't respond, dressed, and stormed out. Only time would bring her back. Since the sun's rays finally creaked through the thread, Gunner shielded his eyes. He hated mornings and liked to sleep in. He curled back up inside the blanket and smashed his lids together hoping Ylda would come to her senses.

Morning rushed by and a little after noon, Gunner awakened to rowdy foot shuffling. He gazed at the ground noticing his clothes appeared missing. Just as he collapsed to his side, he realized Ylda hung them up along a rocking chair. His arms reached towards them while his fingers squeezed. Somewhat dry. He quickly dressed and headed out.

"Gunner? It's an honor, sir." A teenage soldier bowed, fully mesmerized by his captain's appearance. Gunner nodded at him as he marched along while others joined in on the excitement.

A woman whispered in her sister's ear. "Is that Gunner?" With an elevated voice, she said, "He looks far more dashing up close."

"You're not his type. He likes women in armor," said her sister as her narrowed orbs locked on his movements.

As he left the camp, he continued out into the forest with a question in his mind. Where's Ylda? He assumed she went hunting for food. The thought of joining her crossed his mind, but another matter of greater importance captured him. He continued deeper into the wooded area where trees soared high into the sky. Their beautiful leaves swayed as the swooshing wind brushed by. As the twigs and branches crunched beneath his feet, he heard the sound mimic yards away. Just then, his hand grasped his sword inching it out. He drew it and Duncan appeared from a line of trees.

"Jeez Duncan!"

"Scared ya?" Duncan bellowed out a giggle.

"You're finally back!" said Gunner.

"With bad news."

"We'll continue this discussion at the meeting grounds."

When they approached the area where the rest of the troops were stationed, he quickened his speed to avoid unnecessary chatter. Their camp once occupied a thriving, small town. The cottage's stones became a rubble path for the main entryway. Gunner stomped along it. He recalled the day they devoured the village like a pack of wolves and smirked. His tent sat on an elevated rock, high above the others. Hundreds of them sat in linear rows. He heaped through the opening of his own realizing how much time he spent away in the mountains. Dust particles burst in the air as he brushed by his table of maps. Unwashed clothing sat in a pile by a chair with all sorts of stains. His bed remained unkempt.

"You should have someone clean."

"I'll ask one of the guys."

"What about the captured women? Havem' do it."

"Put them to work you say? Was wondering if they had any use."

"Might be a tease to watch though." They both nodded their heads in agreement.

"So what news do you have for me?"

"It's about your brother."

"What did he do now?"

"Well, that's just it. He does nothing as we sit and wait to take Lumbershire."

"I know my brother. That cannot be true."

"I mean, he's distracted by some princess. I'm certain he's tryna call this whole thing off."

"A princess you say?"

"The king's daughter."

"Last we spoke, you said he would infiltrate the rest of the land, not a damn girl."

"He hasn't been seen in days. I say we take Lumbershire immediately before Ferrel catches on. You lead us into battle!"


Gunner's feet traveled along the stretch of his tent. He walked outside and set his gaze on the elevated mountain where his man cave once existed, but nature took its course again. His eyelids scrunched and his forehead crinkled.

"What do you say sir?"

"What do I say to giving up forest life? I say, yes!"

As the days passed, the message spread across the camp and into the woods. The clan members packed their things, only leaving behind furniture. Duncan revealed the upcoming coup to those in Lumbershire, readying the warriors for Gunner's arrival.

On the night of the raid, Gunner's ship crashed along the curling tide. Water splashed the rowers, unphased by the gusty trickles dampening their eyes. With the other ships following, he shielded his face as his neck stretched behind to watch them. A devilish smirk formed. With that, he closed his eyes, turned forward, and flared his nostrils while the salty air filled them. His arms burst outward like an eagle and a loud humming tune vibrated from his throat to the rower's ears. They instantly began to chant a song to his trumpeting rumbles.

For years we've sailed across the sea to find some bits of land. Instead, found guards on the look, now buried in the sand.

Our wives have children's mouths to feed.

Rely on us to lead.

Our faces hang in their woods, we are the devil clan.

The song evolved into a choir, echoing across the row of ships.

On the outer banks of Lumbershire, two unattended islands, sitting yards apart, docked their boats. The children and caretakers remained behind. Gunner and the others swam towards the shoreline. When their feet hit the sand, they hid in the forest. To the left of it, the camp's golden light only diminished when Gunner set off a smoke signal. He lit a small fire and immediately put it out with fury's ash. A red smoke cloud wriggled high above the trees. Fully armored with metal and furry mounts, Duncan and the others dashed from the camp joining Gunner.

"Where's my brother?" said Gunner.

"Don't know," said Duncan.

"Gunther?" Gunner's eyes searched around for his son.

"Right here Father." He crept from behind him, squeezing his father's waist.

"Hello, my boy. Show us the way."

He led the soldiers to the underground tunnel Aurora showed him. Hundreds of them scampered through the underground temple like an army of ants. Gunner emerged from the surface first, keeping his lips tight. When he realized he was in the center of the castle on the first floor, he did a quick spin. His eyes shifted from side to side checking for guards. Clear, he thought while exhaling the anxiety. He shot a look down the hole he came from and did a nod. A set of his men popped from underground waiting for orders. Gunner pointed to the front of the castle, then to the east and west. In stealth mode, the troops tapped their toes in those directions, taking out guardians from behind. When they returned, he snapped his fingers and the rest of the army burst upward like a swarm of termites. They surged through the entire lower level finishing off the few that were left. None of the guardians had a chance. They yielded to the swords that slashed their throats and skulls. Splattered blood painted the walls and concrete now.

Down by the barricade, a distraction was already underway at the camp. The skirts set fire to the tents. They all bellowed out high pitch shrieks running around frantically. Standing at the watch points, the guardian's puzzled faces remained locked towards them. Just as the leader made plans to investigate, Gunner came behind her using a dagger to carve her neck. A crackled cry leaped from her mouth. She met death when her body flew over the wall splatting onto the sand. Her fellow warriors met the same fate, caught off guard and gutted like fish. Almost instantly, the conniving screams of the skirts came to a hush. They scurried into the woods with their younglings when the watch points cleared. Gunther nearly cried when his father sent him to join them, but what they had planned next was not for children's eyes.

Back inside the castle, their quiet feet headed up the coiled stairwell. The second-floor corridor gave the essence of royalty. Navy blue stained walls with a hedge of white marble paneling across caused their eyes to pulse. Each of them lurked at the doors and their golden knobs, so tempting to touch. The marbled path had hints of golden tresses that shimmered along the way. Just like the first level, the ceiling soared above them with the walkways wide enough to fit most of his army.

"This has to be their rooms," whispered Gunner as he pointed to the oak-framed doors with their own symbolic carvings. Flower, sword, sword, flower, and another flower.

He went in order sending his men to the door with a blooming rose. They went inside spotting Bloom who just dressed for bed. She attempted a scream but met a nasty sting to her face collapsing to her mattress. Duncan pinned her down with his sword at her throat.

"You better not make a sound," he said before he sent his tongue inside of her ear way. He let out a soundless laugh as she squirmed. However, Bloom's lips curled up when his foul breath filled her nostrils.

Another set of men burst into Ash's room. This time, Gunnar trailed behind, pushing by. He slit his throat in his sleep. They stormed Huckleberry's room next with another clan member ending his life. He palmed a dagger high and rammed it into Huckle's sternum. When they checked Terren and Aurora's chambers, both were empty.

"Find them," Gunner said angered.

At the end of the hall, a double door made of what appeared to be gold, faced them. He knew the king and queen harmoniously slept behind it. Before storming through, he waved for four others to join him. The doors lunged forward banging against the concrete, nicking the paint from the ram. Ferrel and Aria leaped forward only for their brows to rise high. Two of the clan members ripped Ferrel from the bed and shoved him to the ground.

"Don't hurt him!" Aria begged. Gunner slapped her to keep quiet.

Ferrel scolded him. When his veins bulged from his forehead, he gained the strength to throw a blow at the brute restraining him. His arm flung around causing him to elbow the other in the cheek. He nearly freed himself but met a fist full of blows. Outnumbered, he fell to his back balling up his body to shield the kicks and jabs. To make matters worse, the painful torments stopped, but now a knife pressed against his neck. He could do nothing as he watched Gunner prey on his wife. She wore nothing, but a silk robe.

"Where are your daughters?" said Gunner frustrated. His eyes pinned on Ferrel's while his hand slid inside her garment.

"Get your filthy hands off her!" said Ferrel with a growl.

"Tell me where they are." Gunner shoved Aria to her stomach holding her down as she wiggled around.

"I don't know. Please don't do this." Tears now streamed down his cheeks. Her fearful sobs pulled at his heartstrings.

"I'll ask you one more time. Where are your daughters?"

"Even if I knew, I wouldn't tell you. What do you want with two young girls anyhow?"

"You don't ask the questions. Have at her Devils." His grip loosened and he backed away.

"No! Please no! Don't do this." Ferrel's legs lunged upward and he attempted to rip from the grasp of Gunner's men, but they threw him to his stomach. Both of them pressed all of their weight on his back and neck.

Gunner laughed before leaving out to give privacy to his clan's dirty deeds. Two more of his clan members with hungry eyes approached Aria. Ferrel closed his own to rid the sight. But still, her cries rang through his ears. Guardians, where are you? When they were finished, they tied Ferrel and Aria, bounding them to each other. The door creaked open and Gunner walked back inside ripping the bedding from the mattress. He threw it at Aria's naked body.

"Cover yourself! It's unfortunate it had to be this way, but you came up short of two daughters. I guess the one will do for now."

"You already have…one…of them?" said Ferrel sulking. If he would have agreed to Ludovic's wishes, he pondered if that would have made a difference tonight.

"Bloom. Dainty thing. I'm sure my brother is out screwing the other," said Gunner.

"No," whimpered Aria.

"Don't worry. No harm will come to them."

"What about my son's?" said Ferrel with hopeful eyes.

The truth about Huckleberry and Ash finally came to light while Gunner's men escorted Bloom to her parents. She let out a scream when she gazed at the blood-stained blankets in both her brother's rooms. When they shoved her beside her parents, she told them what they had done. Each of them sobbed.

"Why….have you….done this?" The words barely left Ferrel's lips through the sulking and sobs.

"Any connection to the throne will die. That includes you."

"All this to take over my land." Ferrel used his palms to smear the tear trails away. His lips rounded as he let out an angry breath. When his nostrils flared, his vengeful gaze veered toward his new enemy. "Very bold of your kind. You can kill me. Think your insignificant reign will last while you pass your thievery down to your illegitimate children. All you will ever be is a leech. A homeless warmonger governing a group of savages who will destroy our ways and recreate from them as if THEY molded, built, and sculpted anything. Your very presence taints this place. You can sit on my throne all you want, but you will never be worthy. You, your children, your clan are nothing short of foul and ruthless."

Just as Ferrel finished talking, he remembered they were not aware that Aurora was to be the next heir. Even if they took the lands, she remained the rightful queen of the throne. It would be her duty to fight back if she survived this madness.

Gunner's eyes turned to slits. "I'll show you how foul and ruthless we can be."

Shortly after capturing the only royals he could find, he ordered them to walk into the nearby village while he and his troops followed. They prepared to take over that area next. He snapped his fingers and his men swarmed inside homes capturing women and children. They either killed the men or took them as prisoners. Just as fast, the torches used to light up the small town were ripped from their clasps and flung to the straw-top roofs. Ferrel watched in horror as the fires spread from one hut to another until the entire community became a burning hell.

Gunnar grinned at his prisoner's defeat. He was ready to put Ferrel out of his misery. He snatched his sword from his belt and hacked it across Ferrel's neck. Blood oozed from it and he dropped to his knees. Gunner performed the act again ending his life. Everyone's jaws dropped in disbelief. Even his soldiers were taken aback by his swiftness to kill a king.

"What have you done?" screamed Aria.

He did not respond to her. Instead, he took her by the neck and tossed her into a fiery hut. A high pitch shriek gusted from her throat as the fire swallowed her body. Gunnar then grabbed Bloom who had no time to react, but instead of killing her, he gave her an ultimatum.

"Marry me or die."

Terrified by the fate of death, she nodded her head yes.