
The Purifier

Ololade_Oladele · Urban
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Chapter Three

She scoffed as she folded her arms. "You want me to steal? For you? I'm not going to do that". She said and smiled.

Nick frowned. "Of course you are going to work for me or else I'm going to call the police and tell them that Purifier is sitting right in my office". He gestured, grinning widely.

That couldn't threaten Vanessa. It couldn't work for her. She burst into laughter immediately that left everyone including Kreig confused and speechless. "You think that would work for me?" She asked rhetorically as she brought out a pen from her breasts pocket. "I already had it in recording. And what would you think will happen to you and all your babies (luxuries)". She chuckled and beamed a smile.

Nick quivered. He was sitting right in front of the 'devil'. He knew he had been defeated.

He sighed. "How about I give you something in return".

"What makes you think can make me work for you?" She gestured and leaned closer to him. Immediately, his bodyguards pulled out their guns and aimed at Vanessa thinking she wanted to harm Nick. Without thinking twice, Vanessa's bodyguards did the same, aiming at the guards.

Vanessa chuckled, leaning backwards as the guards both sides put their guns down slowly.

"How about four million?" He said.

Immediately, Vanessa burst into laughter. "Four million? Am I kidnapping a child for you? We are talking about a priceless object".

"Ten million".

"Make it higher. I will go for three hundred". She smiled.

"Two fifty".

"Deal". She stretched her hands forward and they both shook hands.


"Wow boss. Two fifty. That's big". Kreig said as they left the building. "You're so smart that you recorded all what he said and tried to threaten you".

She chuckled. "What recording?" She asked as they got to a black Hyundai SUV. Kreig opened the door and she got in. He shut it and got inside through the other side of the car.

"What do you mean by 'what recording'?" He stared at her as she beamed a smile. "Oh..." He was amazed. "Smart". The driver started the car's engine and drove off.

"So...are we really going to steal the staff of Jupiter in Rome?" He asked. "Do you ever know why he wants us to go steal it?"

Of course, he's Nick Jones. Stupid but not an idiot. But he doesn't know who he was negotiating with.

She sighed and shut her eyes closed.


"Damn it". She cursed as she threw her gun on the floor. She was bleeding heavily on her left arm. She ripped the bottom of her top and wrapped it round her arm to stop the bleeding, using her teeth to tighten the knot with one end as she dragged the other end with her hand. "Where the heck is Kreig?" She leaned against a tree and slid down to the floor.

Chad Eyrich, the bastard cop who always target her and the FBI were on the loose. She just escaped them as they opened fire. She was in the middle of the woods in the night. Panting heavily as she shut her eyes.

'Am I going to see the day?' She thought. The only thing she had was a knife she always kept in her shoe. She had to survive in the dark woods alone.

Suddenly, someone approached her, flashing light on her face. Immediately, she snapped her eyes open, reaching for the knife in her shoe and leaped on him, moving the knife to his neck swiftly.

"Hey, hey". He said as he quivered. His flashlight rolled away from his hand.

"Who are you? Do you work for that bastard?" She asked, making the tip of the knife touch his skin which left a small cut.

"What bastard?" He yelled. He didn't know who the hell that woman was. He thought she was going to mistake him for someone and going to end up dead. "Please, just let me go. I'll do anything you want. I have a family back at home".

"You don't work for him?" She asked, staring directly into his eyes.

The woods was so dark and the moon wasn't out that she couldn't see his face clearly.

"Yes, I don't". He said. He didn't know what she was talking about but he only replied her quickly to stay alive.

Vanessa slowly moved away and sat on the floor, leaning against the tree. He sat up as he heaved a deep sigh of relief.

"Do you have a phone with you?"

"No". He shook his head. "What is a girl doing in the middle of the woods alone? With a knife too?" He asked.

She scoffed, putting her knife back into her shoe. "Look, little man--"

"I'm a man and I'm twenty-seven". He cut her short.

"While I'm twenty-four and I've already dealt with a lot of man you possibly can't imagine. Have you ever taken karate lessons?" She asked sarcastically. "I don't think so. Then shut the fuck up".

"You dare talk to me like this. Do you ever know-- ouch". He yelled in pain. He felt a bite on his left butt cheek. He took the flashlight immediately and flashed it on what bit him. A snake? His eyes widened.

"Oh". Vanessa chuckled. "Look at that. It seems you need my help". She moved closer to him as she grabbed a rock and pressed it down on the snake's head and crushed it.

She rolled him over, his torso facing the ground. Without hesitating, she ripped off his pants, drew his underwear down and began to sucking out the venom.

"Hey". He said with a shaky voice. This girl was insane. Though, she was saving him but this didn't seem normal to him. His face flushed of embarrassment. His ears were all red.

She kept sucking the venom out and spitting it out. It was weird. She literally ripped his pants off and sucked the venom out from his naked butt cheek. Honestly, she didn't know why she wanted to save him but she had to. She moved away after she was done and wiped her mouth with the back of her palm.

She sighed. "You are welcome". She sat back down.

He was out of words. He stiffened. That was so embarrassing. It was as if he should just kill himself right that moment because he had never experienced anything like that. A stranger sucking the venom through his naked butt cheek.

"Hey, I think you should put your pants back up. I don't want to see all that". Fortunately, it was dark but she could still see it because the light from the flashlight was flashing on his back. Immediately, he sprung up and pulled his underwear up. His pants got ripped.

"Oh...sorry about that". Vanessa snickered.