
The Purifier

Ololade_Oladele · Urban
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Chapter Four

"How is he doing?" She got into her room and Kreig and the bodyguard who watches Damian followed behind.

"He still doesn't eat". The guard said.

Vanessa signed. "What the he'll is wrong with this dumbass?" She removed her jacket and placed it on the bed. "Kreig". She called. "Why don't you help me? I ain't good at comforting people. I'm going to visit her, okay?"

He nodded. "Okay". And left with the guard. She exhaled, shutting her eyes close. Damian was really getting on her nerves.

"Okay". She stressed, opening her eyes and left her room.


She cackled and it was so annoying that Vanessa wanted to punch her.

"You haven't answered me, bitch". Vanessa moved closer, grabbing her left cheek and pinching it so hard. "I'm still going easy on you since four years ago, Jewel".

Jewel Pete? Vanessa's best friend? Damn! She was looking like she aged but she was fucking twenty-four years old. Vanessa always torture her 'cause she believed she was the cause of that incident. She made her life miserable and now Vanessa's paying her back.

"It's best for you if you talk, you psycho".

She got no reply. She left go of her cheek and stood up.

"Well, if you wouldn't talk, I'm going to make you talk".

"I heard you held captive the son of Skylar". Jewel said in a coarse voice. She looked up at Vanessa and gave a faint smile. "Damian, is it?"

Vanessa was confused. She raised an eyebrow as she folded her arms. "And?"

"You..." She laughed hysterically. Jewel was indeed crazy as if she had a disorder. "You don't know what is coming for you, devil".

Vanessa scoffed. "Devil? Oh..." She gasped. "That really hurts, Jewel. Coming from the mouth of my dear bestie". She said sarcastically. "And who is this 'Skylar' you were talking about that seems so powerful. I really want to know what's coming for me". She smiled widely.

"Oh...I can't wait till I see you suffer 'cause it seems you didn't suffer enough from me after you were raped by Lucas". Jewel shouted directly.

Immediately, Vanessa's smile dropped. Her fucking 'bestfriend' sold her virginity. She clapped twice and the creaking sound of the door being opened was heard. Someone walked in. "Are you hungry?" She asked as the person walked to her, holding a plate of bloody meat.

"There's no way I'm eating that".

"My dear Jewel, you should be happy I'm giving you special treatment. You eat everyday, right? Why don't you have this?" She asked rhetorically and gestured. "Feed her". Her tone changed into a deep voice, widening her eyes open and smiling.

"No!" Jewel squirmed as she shook her head.

The guard grabbed her chin, opened her mouth and put the food inside forcefully.  He let go of her chin and moved away.

Jewel choked on it and spat it out. "What the heck did you feed me?" She asked with her bloody lips.

"Remember your high school boyfriend? Joel Rannels? That's---"

"Don't tell me I'm eating his fresh". She yelled, trying to attack Vanessa but couldn't because of the chains.

"Nope". Vanessa shook her head, moving closer, widening her smile. She bent down and grabbed her chin. "It's his 'what you enjoy riding on', dear".

Jewel's eyes widened. His dick? She jerked Vanessa's hands off and spat out continuously.

That was disgusting.

"Don't worry..." Vanessa stood up and moved away. A guard gave a handkerchief to her and she wiped her hands. "I didn't kill him. I just found him dead in the room I kept him last night. He bit his tongue to death. I hope you enjoyed your meal". She chuckled and turned her back on her. "Tsk tsk, poor Joel. He died at a very young age". She said and left the room.

All that was heard was Jewel scream.


"She has been lonely for long now". Kreig said and took a sip of a canned beer in his hand. Damian was on his bed, without being chained. This was his first time being comfortable around someone and that 'someone' was Kreig Potvin. His face may look intimidating that one stare with his eyes could make someone quiver but he was so friendly.

"Why do you say so?" Damian asked.

"She was betrayed by her best friend and lost her family at age sixteen. Her aunt, the former head of this secret organization took her in and died three years later".

The whole room was silent. Damian could see why she was insane. His face showed a pity expression as he set his eyes on his fidgeting fingers. He was out of words. He looked at the already drunk Kreig drinking more beer.

"Kreig?" He called and Kreig looked at him. "I was thinking... why did Vanessa take me in?" He asked, desperately waiting for an answer.

"Ohh..." Kreig said and was about drinking the beer until the last drop landed on his nose. He crumpled the can and threw it to a corner in the room. "That was because she needed someone to cure her depression. She has been having a lot of sleep paralysis and nightmares. And when you guys meet, she thought and believed you might cure her but it isn't working. She keeps having a bad night". He paused and stared at the ceiling, pondering. "She had to go through a lot at a very young age". He exhaled and shut his eyes.

Damian remained silent, pondering through what Kreig said. Because she was lonely? She took him in? "There was no way that would work. It's so absurd". He thought. He could have been with his family now. Working happily in his job and going on dates with his adorable girlfriend.

He still felt suffocated in his room. Haven't even stepped out to get some fresh air for three months because somebody was lonely? Unbelievable! He just wanted to live a normal life even though his family are madly rich. His family owns one of the biggest food company but still didn't want to get involved in the business. "Are they still looking for me?" He mumbled and sighed. He missed them.

"But Kreig..." He said and Kreig opened his eyes and looked at him. "Since you said it didn't work. Why am I still here? He questioned.

Kreig paused and stared deeply at him. "I thought so too but she doesn't want to let you go. She still thinks it will work". He scoffed. "That's so absurd, am I right?"

He let out a sigh and passed out.

"Kreig?" Damian called out as he stood up and approached him. Patting his shoulder aggressively, he smile. This was his only chance. His only chance to leave that place. He walked to the door and opened it gently, leaving a small creaking. To his surprise, there weren't any guards guarding the room. And he left quickly.