
The Psychopaths Of Tensura

ElectroZ_GamerZ · Fantasy
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23 Chs

C21 Backstage


" I wonder if you are strong." He said with a serious voice and with a lot of killing intent behind his words.

This person was dangerous..


Continuation|Some Day Past | City of Tempest

The three otherworlders from Falmuth were making an excuse to start a commotion in Tempest as they needed an excuse so that Falmuth could attack Tempest. But, they had failed to start a commotion so they fought with the executives of Tempest instead.

Shogo vs Shion

Kyoya vs Gobta

What they didn't knew was that some people were watching them from top of a house roof.

They had wore black robes which his their presence, sound that is breathing, sound of footsteps etc. They were one with their surroundings.

"They couldn't even do a single job properly. Even an otherworlder from our organization could do better acting than them."

"New World Assassin Unit Captain"" Sekiguchi Kame / Vampire King, Draken "

"I had already thought of this possibility. What they have to do is just stir up a commotion. Then the barrier should be setup in some minutes by the Church and then the soldiers waiting in the woods shall invade."

"New World Commando Unit Captain"

"Kiyabu Akira / The Calculation King, Ben"

"Hohohohoho~It is quite fun of a show. Right, Draken?"

" New World Attack Force Captain"

" Eguchi Kichirou / Skeleton King Karl "

"I don't care about these fights nor the war. Everything except for the king (Osaki) is noise for me." Draken said.

"Hohohoho~ You are quite fond of him." Karl said.

"Shut up." Draken said as he looked at Karl with a cold look.

"Stop fighting. Our goal right now is to make sure that those otherworlders don't die, finish off their kills and do the act that we were told to do by Izana." Ben said as they both quieted down.

"By the way, where's Izana?" Draken asked.

"He'll come a little later." Ben replied.

"Then, I guess we'll have to wait." Draken said as they looked at the battle down there.

Shion didn't use her sword to fight as it was one of Rimuru's rules not to harm humans. But, even without the sword, Shion seemed to have an upper hand.

Suddenly a barrier surrounded the whole city of Tempest.

"Oh. It looks like they finally set up the... No. It should be a Prison Field but this is an Anti-Magic Barrier. Something's not right." Ben said.

"It doesn't matter anyways. We just have to finish off the executives." Draken said.

"No. Someone may be interfering with our plans. Our plans could go wrong so I want you to check it out." Ben said.

"Hohoho~ He's right, Draken." Karl said.

Draken didn't replied and just went straight on to investigate the source of the barrier.

Meanwhile, the fight down was going to come to an end.

Shion kicked Shogo but he blocked it with his hands crossed. He was thrown back a little even after blocking it.

"What's the matter? For being so cocky, you're not putting much of a fight."

"Tch, Her kicking is mean, man." Shogo said to himself.

"Are you ready yet or what, Kyoya?" Shogo asked Kyoya.

"Hmm. It was supposed to happen as soon as we raised a fuss but... It doesn't seem like the effect is happening yet." Kyoya said while striking Gobta left and right with his sword but Gobta dodged it easily.

Kyoya did a straightforward slash but Gobta jumped up and landed behind Kyoya.

"Effect? What effect?" Gobta asked as he took out his dagger this time.

"This is a secret." Kyoya said.

After he said that, after some seconds another barrier covered the sky.

The goblins and orcs living in the Tempest city fell to the ground. They were feeling weak, they were weakened.

"Hohoho~ Looks like they are weakened. Shouldn't we call Draken and move now?" Karl asked.

"He knows when to move. Don't worry about him. What we have to do, let's focus on that." Ben said as he pointed at the fight down on the road.

On this day, the capital of Tempest, Rimuru was surrounded by two types of magical barriers.

The effect of one of them was to cut off magical communication with the outside world...

"I can't seem to contact Lord Rimuru..." Benimaru said trying to contact Rimuru with the magic ball. Benimaru knew something was wrong. He felt weak and Rigurd too. They tried to contact Rimuru in order to tell him about this un

"You won't be able to contact your Lord." A voice said.

Benimaru turned back quickly, surprised of the mysterious voice.

As he turned around, he saw a person standing very close to him. Their eyes met with each other.

"Boo!" The mysterious person said.

Being surprised, Benimaru dropped the magic ball.

With instinct, Benimaru took out his sword from the scabbard and slashed upon the person. As if it was a mirage, the figure disappeared.

"It isn't polite for an executive of a nation to attack someone." The figure smiled and said.

Benimaru took a closer look at the person. He was wearing a black robe which had hid his clothes. The person had black hair, red eyes and two pointy teeth at the front.

"Who are you!?" Rigurd who had been quiet all this time asked.

The person smiled and said.

"Call me Seki. I am one of the Great Otherworlders from Falmuth. Your country is a nuisance for the country of Falmuth so we have came to destroy it." Draken said lying about his name and purpose here.

"Falmuth? So, they have attacked the insides of the capital!" Benimaru shouted as he pointed his sword at the person who told his name as Seki.

"You should be a little calm." Seki said with a grin on his face.




On the other hand, the effect of the second barrier was the weakening of monsters through the purification of magicules.

The battle between Shogo and Shion was going on when Shion fell to her knees.

"Heh... What's the matter, lady? You seem to be having some difficulty." Shogo said as Shion glared at them.