
The Psionic Hero: Raven (old version)

Akiko Imai was reborn into the world of MHA, and she plans to change things. Using her powerful psychic quirk, she's going to make sure that things change for the better. I'm re-writing this to make it more like Raven in MHA its titled Raven: MHA for now unless I can come up with a better title

vexinity · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Ch 9. Day One: The Forgotten Power

Standing in front of the standing mirror in my room, making sure my new school uniform is in place, I take in my appearance. I have straight raven black hair that goes down to my shoulders, pale, almost grey skin, brilliant violet, and gold eyes, I have a reassuring smile that says 'Everything will be alright', I stand at 167cm tall and have an average chest. My mother says our whole family has a hidden genetic quirk that makes us smaller than most, and I actually lucked out. I think she was just telling me this to make me feel better. Anyway, today is my first day of class at the prestigious U.A. high school. I can see my mother, with psychic vision, pacing downstairs, likely afraid we'll be late, so I walk out of my room and head down, using telekinesis on any and all doors.

"Mom, I'm ready to go. Are you gonna come with me, or should I just fly there?" I look at her still-pacing figure, which stops once she hears me downstairs.

"Oh, look at my Aki all ready for hero school. Do you have everything? Where is your backpack?" - Hanako

"Oh shoot, you're right. I have to go get it." I say as I rush back up the stairs, not even bothering with walking just flying at my full increased speed of 40 km/h. During the month before school started, I took it upon myself to train even harder so I'd be ready for Aiza- the villains that will attack constantly. My current top speed of flight is 40 km/h, and my current range is 50 meters away from my person. It's much harder to increase my speed when the only place I can legally practice is my backyard, but that didn't stop me from doing it anyway. My current weight limit for telekinesis went from being able to hold 1 ton with ease to 2 and a half with ease.

Up in my room, I find my backpack slung over my desk chair, so I pick it up and sling it over my back. "Gods, why is this so heavy, we have like only four real classes. What do I need all this stuff for? Should I just levitate it behind me all day? No people probably won't appreciate a floating backpack in their way. What should I do with it?" With that thought, the weight is lifted off my back, and the pack vanishes into me.



'Holy shit! I've been here for 15 years, and I forgot all about my infinite space in my fervor to increase my psychics. How do you forget an entire wish? It's like it was just a last-minute thought someone had to fill a slot. OK, calm down. How do I access it? The backpack seemed to vanish into me, so it must work with my quirk, so all I should have to do is look into my own mind, right?' With the plan in motion, I look into myself, eyes closed and psychic senses going inward as well as outward, and there it was a space as vast as my current psychic range. Everything was a brilliant shade of violet with sparks of gold flickering throughout, and it was entirely empty, except for the lone black messenger-style bag that I used as my backpack sitting in about the center space. I wasn't in this space it was more that the space was in me and I instinctually knew that I could move the things in here to any spot in this space and manipulate all the objects in here anyway I wanted.

With my newly remembered completely OP power I took all the course books, notebooks, and pencils out of the pack and left them in a neat pile before wiling the now empty bag out, already slung across my shoulder. With my bag, now on my shoulder lighter than ever, I rush out of my room, literally flying down the stairs. "Sorry mom, my bag kinda spilled all over the floor. I'm ready to go now. Oh, and don't forget I told Uraraka we could pick her up from her apartment."

"Yes, I know, honey. I can't wait to meet her. Your first friend, if only you weren't such a quirk junky when you were younger, you might have made more in an actual school." My mother states in a chiding tone as we walk out to the waiting car.

"Is Marc not going to drive us?" I ask while I text Uraraka that we're leaving now and to be ready.

"No, an old friend of his is in town, so I told him it was ok to take some time off and catch up with them." - Hanako

"Oh alright then, that just means Uraraka won't have to be hounded by your questions constantly" Uraraka replies back with a smiley face bee gif saying that she's ready to go when we get there.

"Hoho, if you think driving will stop me from questioning my daughter's first friend, you're sorely mistaken, dear child." She says this with the most Cheshire cat grin I've ever seen on her face, which makes me groan out loud.

"Mom, please don't scare her away," I beg her while she just laughs as we pull out of the driveway towards Uraraka's apartment.


Uraraka's POV

On the day of the entrance exam, I met two extraordinary people before I even knew they were extraordinary, all by accident. The first was a... cute, nervous boy with messy green hair and freckles. First, I met him sitting on the ground, fallen over. The next time I met him, he saved me and hurt himself in the process even though he didn't have any points. The second was a taller girl with dark hair and pale skin. I was afraid she wouldn't make it in time to the auditorium, so I got her attention, which I didn't do in the best way possible because I freaked her out. She flew above me, releasing this pressure all around her. When she flew up in the air I could see her eyes swirl in sparks of gold and violet and I was scared, she felt so strong like no one could touch her but then she landed on the ground and apologized. She was so confident that we would both pass, and I couldn't help but believe what she was saying was true. After the exam was over and I made sure the broccoli hair guy was ok, I figured I probably would never see her again at least not until I knew if I got into the school or not but she was waiting for me and said that she wanted to be friends before we started school together.

That was how I ended up getting a ride to my new school, which me and my parents cried about when the letter came, in the back of a fancy electric car getting thoroughly interrogated by my new friend's mom.

"So Uraraka, why is it you want to be a hero?" -Hanako

"Mom, that's personal. Don't ask her that! I'm sorry don't pay attention to her." - Akiko

"It's ok, Imai. I'm okay with talking about it," I say to my friend, who's glaring at her mother, which causes her eyes to spark more than normal. "My reason isn't as noble as others' reasons, actually so it's kind of embarrassing to talk about, but I know Imai understands and accepts me for it, so I'm sure you will too. I want to be a hero for money. My family owns a construction company that isn't doing very well, and my parents are always short on money. When I was little, they would always come home tired and dirty from working all day. So I told them that I was gonna help them so they wouldn't be so stressed out all the time. They looked at me and smiled, telling me that I should follow MY dreams and do what I wanted and not worry about them. So that's what I'm doing, I'm going to become a hero and make enough money so that they don't ever have to come home tired again." After my little speech, I see Mrs. Hanako is crying in the front seat, and Imai levitating a tissue to her.

"Your reason for being a hero is just as noble as everyone else's dear, don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise, OK?" Mrs. Hanako states with eyes that speak the truth. "I can see why my Akiko chose you as her first friend. You have a very fiery spirit."

"First friend?" I ask with my head tilted in her direction, to which she just chuckles and ducks her head as a wad of paper shoots at her.

"Mom, why'd you say that?" Imai hisses out and turns to look at me embarrassed, eyes never stopping their endless golden sparking. When she looks at me, I laugh, letting out all my pent-up stress that has been building since I first went to the exam. This exceedingly beautiful and powerful person next to me looking embarrassed about her mother telling her childhood secrets reminds me that she's just a normal teenager too, albeit powerful and beautiful.


AN: So let's pretend I didn't forget about the inventory and that this was entirely planned. Since it was entirely planned, it totally doesn't mean that this was supposed to lead into if not be the quirk apprehension test. Seeing as it was planned, I'm going to keep writing and put out Ch 10. Day One: Quirk Apprehension Test in an hour or two.

Also, I'm hoping to make Uraraka more mature than she was originally because the girl literally has to live alone and take care of herself. Her reason to be a hero is so she can help her parents not be so stressed. If this doesn't qualify for more maturity, I don't know what does.

Thank you for reading this totally planned chapter. Also, how did you like the way others see Akiko's eyes? Tell me if you know what's happening it shouldn't be too hard to find out.

I'm working on the next Ch now

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