
The Psionic Hero: Raven (old version)

Akiko Imai was reborn into the world of MHA, and she plans to change things. Using her powerful psychic quirk, she's going to make sure that things change for the better. I'm re-writing this to make it more like Raven in MHA its titled Raven: MHA for now unless I can come up with a better title

vexinity · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

Ch 7. Entrance Exam II

Sitting in the auditorium waiting for Present Mic to show up, I was having a great conversation with Uraraka about what she thought the practical exam would be. I did think for a minute that she was surprisingly cute but I was always an IzuOcha fan so I'm going to try and push their relationship forward because gods do I know that they both have the social confidence of a bag of chips.

During our conversation, the lights in the auditorium began to dim until they were all the way off. Then a row of spotlights on the center stage turned on from left to right and standing in the middle of said stage, behind a podium, is the voice hero Present Mic, Hizashi Yamada. With the room quiet and attention all to the front, he shouts out,

"Hello, all you wonderful future heroes! How's everyone doing? Ready to blast past this exam?" - Mic (AN: I don't know what to call him, tell me if this is ok or if I should do something else)

During his opening speech, a large screen turned on with the U.A. logo, and after his beginning speech was over, he was met with total and absolute silence.

Shivering slightly from the silence, he continues, "Heh tough crowd. Alight then, I'm sure you all want to start, so I'll quickly give a rundown of the practical exam! Are you ready!! Yeah!!!" Except for the quiet murmuring of a certain fanboy a few rows away from me and Uraraka, everyone was deathly silent again.

"Now, as it said on you rockin' student's application requirements, you will be conducting 10-minute mock urban battles after this brief introduction." With that, the screen changed into the different lettered city zones that we would go conduct our battles in.

"After my artful presentation, you'll head down to the specified battle center, okaaay?" After that, everyone looks down at the tickets they got after the written exam and notes that no one from the same school got the same battleground. Me and Uraraka both look at ours and see that we did not get the same battlegrounds, I got C, and she obviously got B.

"Aww, man, we didn't get the same test area. I would've liked it if I had someone I knew with me." - Uraraka

"Haha, it's ok. I'm sure you'll know at least one person in yours. I can feel it. Also, without me there, you'll have no competition, so we'll surely both make it into U.A. now!" I smile widely at her and point to the stage where Mic started talking again.

"There are three different types of villains stationed all around each battle center. You earn points based on the difficulty level of the three villains. Your goal, dear listeners, is to use your quirk to immobilize the faux villains to earn points. Of course, you can't attack other examinees or do any other kind of unheroic acts." When he finishes speaking, not even a second later, a tall boy with blue hair, glasses, and very rigid posture shoots up and asks,

"May I ask a question?!" - Ida

Mic points to him and says, "Okay!"

"On the printout, there are four types of villains! If this is a misprint, then U.A., the most prominent school in Japan, should be ashamed of that foolish mistake. We examinees are here in this place because we wish to be molded into exemplary heroes! In addition, you over there with the messy hair - you've been muttering this whole time. It's distracting! Then you should leave immediately!" - Ida

"Eep, I'm sorry.." - Midoriya

After Ida finishes, there's a round of snickering before Mic calms them down and answers his question, "Okay, okay, Examinee Number 7111 (Ida). Thanks for the great message. The fourth type of villain is worth zero points. That one is a wall, so to speak. There's one in every battle center - an obstacle that will go crazy in tight spaces, like a city. It's not impossible to defeat, but there isn't any reason to beat it either. I recommend that you listener, try and avoid it."

"Thank you very much! Sorry for the interruption!" - Ida

"I could take it.." I mumble under my breath, not expecting anyone to hear me, but Uraraka did.

"What, hey, don't go fighting that!" She whisper yelled and hit my arm lightly.

"Ack, ok, I won't. Jeez didn't know having friends would mean abuse, too." I snigger at her, to which she blushes at me calling her a friend. 'Yay, friend, starved buddies!'

"That's all from me, folks. Finally, I give you all a present, our school motto! The hero Napolean Bonaparte once said; 'A true hero is someone who overcomes life misfortunes.' Go beyond. PLUS ULTRA! Now everyone, good luck suffering."

After hearing those wonderful words me and Uraraka got up and parted ways wishing each other the best of luck. At Battle Center C I was hoping to see some familiar faces from my future class but I did not which I was both sad and happy about because it meant I didn't have to ruin their chances of making it into class 1-A. I did see a couple of future class 1-B members, but I'm sure they'll all make it in without worry if they could do it before. Everyone around me is nervous, I can feel it rolling off of their minds, and also, most of them are saying they're nervous, so psychic powers aren't really necessary in that department. To try and ease their suffering a little, I say to the people around me,

"Hey, don't be nervous. I'm sure you'll all do great. Just have confidence in your abilities, and you'll all do fine. And if your abilities aren't so combat-focused, maybe try and help others because there's more to just being a hero than fighting bad guys." - Akiko

After some nods and determined looks, the giant doors to the battle center open. I immediately wrap myself in telekinetic force and zip in through the gates at my top speed as Mic comes in on the loudspeakers,

"Get going. There is no time to wait in a real battle. Run. Run." - Mic

By the time the others comprehend my actions, I'm already in the city faced with my first group of villains, a row of eight 1-pointers with two 2-pointers behind them. This was likely supposed to be a test of how well people could work together, but I quickly get in range of them and grab all ten in psychic force and crush the robots into pancakes before moving on.

I zip down an alleyway in search of more points, expanding my vision outward and through walls to better find some when I lock onto a lone 3-pointer. I quickly fly around the building while expanding my senses around it in search of traps, and I find two 2-pointers in the building, a floor above, ready to ambush anyone who tries to take on the 3-pointer. I fly upward to the window where the other robots are and yank them out of the building and down onto the robot bait, pushing them down with psychic force as they go. When they hit the bottom, all three exploded in scrap and wires while I continued on to hunt more robots and maybe help other people.


General POV

In a dark room with several people sitting in chairs watching monitors of the Battle Centers, a discussion is happening.

A talking mouse-bear-looking person is commenting to the rest of the people around him, "In this practical exam the examinees don't know the number of villains or their locations, so they must use a combination of information gathering, mobility, a calm head, and pure combat ability. These basic traits needed to keep the peace in the streets are what make up the points we give out." - Principal Nezu

A beautiful lady in a revealing hero costume says, "Doesn't this year look promising? Did you see that girl with short dark hair fly in right away once the doors opened? She's even helped a few people out while still taking out the robots somehow." - Midnight

A man that looks like a skeleton comments before pushing a large red button, "Well, we can't know for sure yet. Their true test is still yet to come." - All Might

With the large red button pushed, a large rumbling is heard throughout all the Battle Centers.


Akiko POV

After flying all over the city and destroying a good twenty-five more robots, mostly 2 and 3-pointers, I decided to start flying around and trying to help people. As I landed on the ground to help someone who got trapped under a robot they just destroyed, a loud rumbling and shaking can be heard all throughout the city, particularly in the middle of the city where I was currently. Helping the trapped person out, I ask them,

"Are you alright? Do you know if there were any people over in the center city?" - Akiko

"Um yea, I'm ok, and I think I saw a group of people head that way saying they only had a few more points to go." - Nameless BGC (Background Character)

"Ok, thank you, now go on get away from that thing and get more points to pass, ok?" I say as I smile and turn toward the 0-pointer, which I can see over some buildings, and zip toward it.

With my senses extended down toward the ground, I catch a group of people trying to take a shortcut through a building to get away from the giant monstrosity. Now I know that the teachers would never allow the robots to hurt the students seriously, so they aren't in any real danger. I also know that Midoriya got 60 rescue points for his self-sacrifice, so I'm gonna 'protect' the students anyway. I zip down to the group of 4 that just made it out of the building as the robot comes around the corner.

Landing on the ground in front of their terrified faces, I calmly say, with a smile on my face, "You need to run. Now. I'll hold it off till you guys make it out, ok?"

They all nod their heads and start running in the opposite direction of the 0-pointer while I ascend into the air in front of the robot's path.

"Come on, give me your best shot!" I shout out to it, waiting for it to swing its arms into my range so I can tear them off. With my provocation, it semi-slowly brings its arm up and down in my direction. It's not going directly toward me, so it can't actually hurt me, only scare me off. But that's fine with me because the arm is in range of my psychic senses, so I grab onto the part where the elbow joint is and I crush, twist, and rip all in a matter of seconds. With the balance of its arm gone and the momentum of its swing disrupted, it starts to topple forward down below me.

Descending to the ground, after the whistle was blown and the exam ended, I started walking towards the exit, ready to go home and drink some orange juice.

'Oh, I should find Uraraka and ask if she can friend me on LINE!' - Akiko


AN: Whew, sorry, I'm late. I got distracted reading ff lol. Anyway, let me know if I did a good job on this one and to be clear she's definitely getting into 1-A with this performance as the top scorer so no garbage Bakugo speech at the Sports Festival.

A second thing in the last chapter I specified was the seat she was in when taking the written exam, I accidentally said the wrong one it's supposed to be seat 19, not 18. I fixed it so it won't be a problem in the future. The seat number mattered, so I'm sorry I messed it up, but yeah.

OK, bye, thank you for reading :>

4:20 lets go

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