
The Protagonist's Plot

Amudo is a boy with a strange schooling and an even stranger name. He joins his RANK: FANTASY class in the middle of the year after being home schooled. Things take a turn when he becomes his class protagonist and the class loses its GENRE. Will he be able to steer his class to the end of the plot in his ever changing world? And really, the apocalypse?

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4 Chs

The Gathering

The world shook. This new revelation had to be a glitch, 2 protagonists? Well he did have the stats of one. The ground rumbled and groaned, then suddenly stopped. A ping came from each person at once. They swiped up to their profile. [ NOTIFICATION ALERT] everyone swiped to the left. [ SECOND PROTAGONIST : You now have 2 protagonists. Your Genre will be updated. Please stand bye. ] a pause and the screen flipped to a new loading screen.


"Wait, new Genre? Then what happens to our classroom now?" shouted an elf from the crowd.

"I'm not sure… we need to wait and see. This must be a hidden quest or something." replied Aaron. [ SYSTEM ERROR. YOU DO NOT HAVE A GENRE. LOADING ] Everyone gasped. No genre? How would they complete the story now? [ YOUR MAP IS BEING UPDATED. PLEASE CHECK YOUR MAPS. ] Amudo clicked on the little map icon and a map of the unlocked world was pulled up. A little red exclamation mark bounced on the screen next to a very out of place new biome that had just been unlocked. Contrary to the rest of the beautiful world, it was a sci-fi-like world. Tall skyscrapers were everywhere with ships buzzing around. Next to it was an urban city with dirty streets and many clubs. Next to that was a perfect recreation of the Amazon Rainforest, or, what was left of it at this point. Historical towns, Rocket ships, Temples for Greek gods, Galadior arenas. It seemed like every Genre was coming to life.

The classroom chat updated. PING! { Dude, wut the hek just happened? Were r we? Wuts with all the flying dollhouses? OMG I SEE AN ELF } PING! { WOOOAH. Is this wut happens wen u lose ur protagonist? } PING! {Wait, who r u guys? I don't recognize ur prof pic, or ur name } PING! { U lost ur Protagonist 2? }

"That's it, I'm doing a forced teleportation." muttered Aaron and clicked on an icon only protagonists have. A second later hundreds of kids around Amudo materialized. It was a panic. Hundreds of kids ran around trying to find their friends. Amudo strode over to a large toadstool and clambered onto it. "SHUT UP!!!" he screamed at the top of his lungs. It took a few seconds to calm down after that. Those who heard immediately shut up and punched their friends lightly to tell them too. Everybody looked scared out of their minds. He looked into a crystal. His eyes were glowing and he was floating a little bit. So this was what it looked like to use your abilities. "I don't know who you are or where you come from but this is Class 4 Rank Fantasy! Raise your hand if you just lost your protagonist!" Everyone raised their hands. "You!" he pointed at a girl dressed in leather and holding what looked like a motorcycle helmet. "When did you lose your protagonist?"

"M-me?" she stuttered, "Umm, well, I'm not sure. When he died, we were knocked out…" She looked down at the floor in sadness. "Where are we?"

"You are in…" he looked at Aaron for the name, he pointed to a sign on the willow tree. "Fine Tune. This is a Fantasy classroom, or, it used to be. We aren't so sure anymore."

"WHY ARE WE HERE?" yelled a boy in stained overalls from the back.

"We aren't sure. We just found out we have 2 protagonists now, and then you guys show up out of nowhere! Our whole world was just updated." This was Aaron speaking. He had gotten up on a toadstool slightly taller than Amudo and began answering and asking questions too.

"ANY SECONDARY CHARACTERS! MAKE YOUR WAY TO THE FRONT!" yelled Amudo as he climbed onto the tallest toadstool he could find. Aaron rolled his eyes at this and started flying just above Amudo's head. A few people made their way to the front. There seemed to only be a few from each place, The historical ones were almost completely wiped out with only one remaining. This seemed to be a common theme between the classes. "What happened to you guys? You managed to lose your protagonist and half your secondarys?" asked Amudo.

"Well we were massacred. Some sort of apocalypse. Monsters started spewing out of the ground! We managed to make it to the 12th tier, but we died on the 13th. The bosses were unlike any I've ever seen." Said one who looked to be from the Mythology class. Everybody murmured in agreement.

"We died on the 17th"

"Yeah, we clocked out on the 11th"

"This happened to all of you? When did this happen? What apocalypse?" Asked Aaron urgently. The answer was cut off by a loud ping from everyone. [ NEW QUEST : CONQUER THE 30 TIERS OF THE APOCALYPSE - TIME UNTIL THE FIRST TIER : 48 HOURS ] And that's how the apocalypse began.

I'm sorry these are so short! I really don't expect a lot of people, or even anyone at all to read these, but i always find a lack of my fave genre on this platform so this is for anyone who feels the same way! I tend to blow bye books super fast so I never have enough to read. on my way to school, at home, when i'm waiting, at lunch, I can't get enough!

Lot's of Love! Thx >o<

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