
The Protagonist's Plot

Amudo is a boy with a strange schooling and an even stranger name. He joins his RANK: FANTASY class in the middle of the year after being home schooled. Things take a turn when he becomes his class protagonist and the class loses its GENRE. Will he be able to steer his class to the end of the plot in his ever changing world? And really, the apocalypse?

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I'm Not the Protagonist

It was the middle of the school year when Amudo (The Korean word for "Nobody") stepped into class 4 rank fantasy. It was still warm but the breeze always brought a shudder. The classroom was an endless open field of forests, cottages, and floating islands with crystal castles dotted around with long, meticulously crafted bridges that connected each area. His classmates ran around with pointy elf ears, and flew around on the backs of flying creatures or dazzling wings embedded on their backs. A bell rang and everybody swooped down, ran over, or even slowly formed out of thin air. They were dressed like townspeople but Amudo could spot a few important looking elves and wizards dressed in a long robe or shining armor. The ringing was common g from a huge glowing willow tree with sparkling gems and a hollow trunk with a door in it. Amudo walked over. The one person who caught Amudo's eye was a boy with red hair and a nicely embroidered tunic. This one was human. He was also the one ringing the bell.

"Hello people of Fine Tune! You have all done a great job fitting into character nicely! All extras have been granted 300 coins for your work. The government has already added them to your profile. You can check now. Secondarys, you have been granted 475 coins this week however Elizabeth and Rowan have been granted a bonus of 90 for playing a key role in the defeating of the dragon and overall development of the plot. Only one death has been reported this week too! May she rest in peace, I'd say those are pretty good odds." He said finishing up everybody else's payroll, "as far as the plot is, we are almost at the climax already! This puts us far above the other fantasy classes. Keep up the good work. You should receive your next task soon, so make sure you finish within the time limit or we will have no choice but to cut your pay in half. I have obtained new abilities too which I believe will be very important to this story's completion. "He held out his hand and a burst of flame leapt out of it. Happy murmurs echoed through the crowd pleased with this week's report. He must be this class's main character. I hope I get a secondary character, they get decent pay, cool powers for the future, and can get a B+ to A ranking. All that main character stuff seems like a lot of work, but I have no doubt that he's doing well. "Oh!" broke the protagonist, cutting off Amudo's train of thought. "I forgot the most important announcement of all! We have a new character joining us today! His name is…" he paused, squinting at the scroll as if it was one of the witches' crystal balls. "Forgive me if this is just an error, but, Amudo?" he paused looking at him curiously.

"Yes, that is my name. I know, my dad decided to name me after my mother's last word before she died in a Scifi district walking home from the movies." The faint chatter paused, the mood obviously killed.

"Well, I'm sorry for your loss…" The protagonist started solemnly, then doing a complete 180 and looked back up with a slight jump, "Do me a favor and swipe up for your profile, I understand you were previously home schooled? Quite rare nowadays, you must be very smart then. Most people just go to the nearest Cyber Implant stand and download the info from the storm." He muttered the last part to himself.

"Yeah, my dad doesn't really trust the government - or the storm." added Amudo, annoyed, "Can we just get this over with?" The protagonist ignored Amudo's tone of voice and continued, pulling up his profile for Amudo. A screen materialized behind the protagonist displaying Amudo's current statistics - [ HEALTH: 120 pts MAGIC: 95 pts AGILITY: 137 pts KNOWLEDGE: 162 pts STRENGTH: 212 pts RANK: F- SPECIES: Human ROLE: ??? SKILLS: Flight, Magic Bow, Electric Speed. ] The crowd gasped at his statistics

"he's on par with Aaron himself!" said one,

"But he's just an F rank!!" quipped another. Amudo sat down. I guess his name's Aaron. He had never been able to see his stats before. He only trained with his dad a few times a day, how come he was this powerful? Aaron quieted everyone down.

"Well with stats like that, let's hope you're not an Antagonist!" he swiped left and clicked on his ROLE profile. A loading screen flickered on. Then, slowly, as if tauntingly letters crept out from the side of the screen, one, by, one. P... R... O... By now, everyone knew what it was, but no one said a word. The realization stayed there. Disbelief and confusion glued the lips of every character in the crowd. T... A... G... This isn't how it's supposed to be. There was already a Protagonist. These unspoken words boomed in the minds of each elf, mage, witch, wizard, human and fairy alike. O... N... I... There were only 2 more letters left. Surely it was a glitch, or a prank, maybe it would be a new thing. Change was strange. This new person, strange noob couldn't lead them! They were so close, they were so far in the plot! S... Everyone held their breaths. T.

[ PROTAGONIST ] And then the world shook.

Hi! this is my first chapter of what I hope is going to be an entire book! Stay tuned. I don't have a scedule for posting yet but hopefuly, I can find a steady pace!

ASIAN_PECANcreators' thoughts