

There is a Prophecy. The child of the most powerful Vampire and the chosen wolf will end the evilness of the vampire imprinted with the cursed ink." Already living their simple lives as mortals,Zara and Liam are unaware that the said Prophecy will hunt them. When Vlad suddenly comes to kill them and their daughter Athena, Who is believed to be the chosen one, Zara and Liam Will do everything they can to protect Athena even if they have already lost their powers and immortality. But in the end,evil prevailed and Athena is left an orphan under the care of the other Vampires and werewolves. Hoping that she is indeed the chosen one to save the Vampires and werewolves from great peril, they hold on to their faith in her.

Ijego_Juliet · Teen
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78 Chs

A Daring quest

Chapter 59.



As the feeling of pain stopped, Lily rose from her bed, now a vampire herself. "What is your name?" nurse Lizzy asked. "My name is lily ," she said, her voice deeper and more powerful than before. "And I will serve you, my dark queen." nurse Lizzy smiled. "Welcome back, lily," she said. "You will be a great asset to us. Together, we will defeat Ares and Athena, and the world will be ours." Lily nodded, a fierce determination burning in his eyes. "I was born ready she said.

Supreme one, the job is done ,Lizzy said, "bring her to the empire ,Vlad replied and cut the call, Lizzy and Lily were about to leave the hospital premises when Lizzy saw the moon chasers and Ares coming, Probably they are coming to check up on lily she muttered and turned towards lily ,but she was too distracted to notice what was going on, " she must not see them, my perfect plan can't be ruined she Said, thinking of an escape plane, luckily for her ,another member of theirs who is also a nurse , took over and lend the moon chasers to another direction while Lizzy sneaked out with lily and left for the dark realm empire...


Nurse Lizzy led lily to the throne room, where Vlad, the dark lord, was waiting. "Welcome, lily ," Vlad said, his voice a low rumble. "I am glad to have you among us." Lily knelt before Vlad. "My lord," she said, "I am at your service. What would you have me do?" Vlad's eyes glowed with dark power. "There is much to be done," he said. "But first, we must devise a plan to destroy Ares and Athena once and for all." Stand", Vlad said and lily stood, eager to begin. "I will not fail you, my lord."

"The first step is to find a way to weaken Ares and Athena," Vlad said. "They are powerful, but they have weaknesses, like all beings. We must discover what those weaknesses are, and then we can exploit them." Lily nodded, her mind racing with possibilities. "I know that Ares is vulnerable when it comes to his loved ones," she said. "And Athena, I have heard, is vulnerable to her own compassion." Vlad smiled. "Excellent," he said.

"But we must be careful," Vlad continued. "Ares and Athena are not to be underestimated. They are cunning, and they will not go down without a fight. We must be ready for whatever they may throw at us." Lily nodded, her eyes narrowed in concentration. "I will not fail you, my lord," she said. "I will bring them down, and I will make you proud." "I have no doubt of that," Vlad said, his voice filled with satisfaction.

And so, lily set out to learn everything she could about Ares and Athena. He studied their pasts, their strengths and their weaknesses. And as she did, she began to form a plan. A plan that would take advantage of their vulnerabilities, and that would bring them down once and for all. She just needed to be patient, and to wait for the right moment to strike. "All things come in their time," she whispered to Drake , and they waited waited.


"What do you mean by ,she is no longer here?" Ares asked the nurse at the reception, we dropped her here with the other injured patients, so what do you mean by she is no where to found? Mara asked, She left after many weeks, nobody came to check on her the nurse explained.. "She is somehow right,we forgot about her and nobody checked up on her , Lee said, "but even tho?", "How can you people be so irresponsible not to know the whereabouts of your patient?" Clara questioned, that's enough guys we have to look for her on our own,Link said and walked out , Athena accidentally bumped into Nurse Lizzy and they looked into each other eyes, "I'm sorry Athena apologize ,"is alright dear Lizzy said and went inside, Athena could help but stare at her , "Athena,what's wrong?" Brielle asked, that lady ,the aura surrounding her is dark , "Should we go quest her too"?, "No" , let go, Athena said and they joined the others.

For days,the moon chasers kept searching for lily, weeks turned into months and nobody saw her, the search for her died down but then Ares never stopped blaming himself for her disappearance,he could bring himself to tell Apple his younger sister about her disappearance and whenever she ask him about her, he will always come up with an excuse till she stopped asking him.


One day, as Ares was walking through the town square, he noticed a hooded figure, trying to avoid his gaze. As he looked closer, he realized that it was lily. And something about her seemed... different. Her skin was pale, and her eyes had a strange, golden glow. Could it be? Ares wondered. Could lily be a vampire? It would explain how he had recovered from herv injuries so quickly, with no scars and her sudden disappearance.

Ares followed lily, keeping his distance so as not to alert her . As he watched, he saw lily enter a darkened alleyway, and then disappear into a shadowy doorway. Ares crept closer, trying to remain unseen. When he reached the doorway, he peered inside, and his heart sank. There was lily , surrounded by other vampires, drinking blood from a human victim. "No!" Ares cried, rushing into the room. The vampires turned to face him, snarling and baring their fangs.

"What are you doing here?" Lily hissed. "I should be asking you this question Ares said ," This is none of your business. But Ares was not deterred.

"When did you become a blood sucker?",Ares asked, since everyone deserted me , lily said, Nobody came to visit me while I was at the hospital, but this people,she said pointing to the vampires,their master Vlad gave me a new life and purpose on earth, "so I serve him now , Lily said.

Attack!!!!!!!!!!! . Wait... Lily said

"Why" they asked, we attack at the right time,and so saying,they vanished out of Ares's sight...

Lily!!!!!!!!!! Ares shouted.

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