
The Promised King, "Red Haired " SHANKS

"Red-Haired" Shanks and his wild adventures.

Uncreative66 · Video Games
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45 Chs

Eyes of the Watchers

Narrator's Pov: 

In the territories of [ " Hunger Advent" Charlotte Linlin], lies what looked like one island that stood out from the rest,Totto Land. In reality, it was an archipelago and the main territory of the yonko Charlotte Linlin. 

The archipelago is made up of 35 islands ,including Whole Cake Island,which is the hub of the territory and base of operations for her crew. And right now, the entire archipelago was engulfed in a tyrannical pressure that emanated from the castle in Whole Cake Island.

This was the castle that Linlin currently inhabited and right now, all that could be felt from it was soul crushing pressure. This was evident as the guards at the entrance were currently struggling to stay conscious as the pressure grew in magnitude each passing second.


The sound of a body falling down echoed in the background as one guard finally succumbed to the pressure. 

"Thud. Thud. Thud. Bang"

Continuous sounds of bodies of different proportions echoed throughout the courtyard that led to the gate where the guards were laid out,knocked out cold. 

"Clank.Clank.Clank. Clank.Clank. Clank. Clank."

The sound of steps echoed through the courtyard followed by the continuous clanking of metal boots. A minute later, they stopped as a large figure's shadow stood over the passed out bodies of citizens who reside on Whole Cake Island. The figure spent a second looking at the bodies before walking forward calmly once more, undeterred by the pressure.

Slowly, as the figure arrived closer to the gate,his features became more visible as light from the sun shined on him. The figure revealed itself to be that of a young, tall man with purple hair. He stood at a whopping 9''7 feet, while adorning a white scarf around his neck. He wore long black pants that were complimented by the long metallic boots that covered the entirety of his legs. 

This was Charlotte Linlin's second son and the third scold child of the charlotte family. He was one of the sweet commanders who also served as the current minister of flour for Totto land. And right now, he just came from an assassination mission, as usual. And right now, it seemed like his mother was truly pissed, which was a rare occurrence at the moment.

So he put his hands on the gate and opened it only to quickly move to the left in time to dodge the body of an unfortunate guard who was now but a former husk of himself, empty and soulless.

He glanced at the soulless body with little to no emotion before he walked past the doors and into the castle. As he got closer to the throne room, he felt the pressure increase but it did not affect in any way so he kept walking as if nothing was wrong. He reached the doors of the throne room and as his hands touched the door, he felt all the pressure suddenly disappear.

He paused for a moment in wonder before pushing open the doors only to be met with a sight that incited a frown on his face. He looked at the bodies of his two siblings as they laid on the ground in unconscious states. He looked at the bodies with a hint of concern before he moved to his sight to the figure on the throne in the room.

The figure was that of a beautiful woman with pink hair,orange eyes and enticing lips accompanied by a pronounced jaw. She wore a pink dress with red polka and white ruffles. 

And she was currently looking very pissed, evidenced by the dangerous glint in her eyes.

She held a newspaper in her hands and was staring at it intensely before she looked up.

Her gaze momentarily softened, losing its dangerous glint as he gazed up on Katakuri's figure.

But then she lowered her head once more, ignoring his presence for a moment as she looked at the newspaper once more. A shadow covered her face before she let out a laugh as she muttered to herself,

"Mamamamama, it seems like the balance will continue to move in the favor of pirates. Regardless, the navy handing out such a high bounty must mean they see him as a threat.

This either means he's strong, or he has information that could threaten the world government's current rule. But i wouldn't be surprised if it was the latter, afterall, he seems to be that guy's successor.''

She looked up from the figure on the newspaper and gazed out the window into the sun for a moment.  A moment later, a look of resolve seemed to flashed across her face as she gazed at Katakuri once more, this time with an air of seriousness around her. As she gazed at him, she said,

" Katakuri, I want you to get in contact with our new underworld associates to figure out this rookies current background and any potential islands he might land on. Your mission after that is to track him and his rate of growth, he might just be the key I need to take down shiki and kaido."

As she said that, she threw the newspaper at him and he catched it with his free hand as he unfurled it. He read its contents in quick succession with chilling calmness with occasional eye twitch that gave away his true emotions. He sighed as he looked at the bounty poster before sighing and performing a bow as a sign of confirmation as he headed out the throne room with a new mission.

"Bang". The sound of the throne room doors closing was the last thing he left as he walked out the castle. He looked up into the sky at the blazing sun that was about to set down, before sighing and walking towards the dock to his personal ship.


As those events transpired on Whole Cake Island in a "Peaceful'' manner, on the island of Hachinose, things were not as peaceful . Currently the sound of gunshots and cannons echoed out as giant yellow battleship clashed with a small fleet led by a decent sized green ship  in a naval battle for supremacy.

" Bang. Boom. Boom. Clang"

Those sounds reverberated throughout the waters near Hachinose all along with the occasional human scream as somebody died every ten seconds, either through decapitation, a gunshot wound ,sword stab or simply falling into the water. 

This continued to be the trend for ten minutes straight, until a wave of immense willpower emanated from the giant yellow ship as the waters surrounding it started to churn in a formation. 

A whirlpool slowly forms , but the truly frightening part was the ship as it started to slowly float up. 

And as it did so, the door at the front of the ship opened as a figure walked out onto the deck with his long wild flowing hair flowing gently with the wind. The figure was that of a handsome middle-aged man with long yellow flowing hair that swayed with the wind. 

He stood at a surprising 5''5 feet as with two swords that rested on both of his hips sheathed in identical sword guards. He wore long robes and as he looked at the fleet in front of him, a look of madness flashed across his face before it went back to a calm one . He then took one of the swords from its sheath and coated it in armament as he got into a stance while murmuring,

[ Majestic Path].

His figure blurred as he disappeared and appeared above the whole fleet ,sword already in a cutting motion as he swung his sword a second later. A large yellow wind slash shaped like a roaring lion enveloped the whole fleet before they could even react to his sudden appearance in the air as it consumed the whole area. And then and there, the Daizen fleet led by infamous pirate, [''Ruler of the forest" Daizen: wanted Dead or Alive:$ 1.2 billion berry ] was completely annihilated from the world of the living.

All done by one man, [ " Golden Lion '' Shiki: Wanted Dead or Alive: $ 4,800,924,000], a pirate legend who was looking for a worthy vice-captain.

He looked at the place the fleet was moments ago with slight disappointment before he scoffed.

" Tch, seems like another disappointment. And it's worse this time, that guy didn't even have enough potential to be a worthy vice captain. Oh well, i'll just roam the seas until I find one. Not like I'm in a hurry anyways, I can take it easy for while . That witch should currently be recuperating her forces in preparation  for another clash with me and that brat,kaido. And knowing Newgate, he'll probably sit on the sidelines until he deems things a bit too dangerous for his growing crew.''

As he murmured to himself, he took out a newspaper from his robe as he calmly floated to the giant yellow ship that was floating in the air. He silently read the newspaper before a grin emerged on his face as he landed on the deck, in front of some of the crew members. He then pointed at a random one as he said,

" Oiii, you go tell that navigator to change course,we're going to visit that new underworld emperor. I've finally found a worthy candidate to be the vice captain of this crew."

As he said that, he looked back at the newspaper as the random pirate ran to a certain room. He then took out a cigarette and lighter as he started to smoke a minute later. He exhaled a small cloud of smoke as he grinned and spoke in a jovial tone while laughing

" Jihahahahaha, it seems they both left a worthy successor. Now i just have to wait and see who's footsteps he'll follow, Rogers or that guy's, although it doesn't really matter to me, for in the end, i'll be the one who sits on that empty throne,jihahahahah."

As he said that last piece, a jovial laughter escaped his mouth as a wave of willpower emanated slightly from him , filled with hints of grand ambitions that would come to impact the course of the future.