
The Problem Child

A/N : I rather you read the updated version of this book! Find it under the same name in my profile. When Charlie Carlton first laid eyes on Trevor Hillinger, he immediately knew he admired the boy. But how long would it take for him to sort out his feelings? And how long would it take for the other boy to do the same?

Timothy_Zeke · LGBT+
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Another Day Wasted

Joshua tried his best to give Trevor and Conner lessons. But they were not even caring to listen to anything he said. After a few minutes of trying, he gave up and started reading his science book, with Charlie beside him.

Trevor was sitting opposite to them with his head lying back on the chair and a book on his face to block out the light.

Conner was trying to balance a bottle on top of the book on Trevor's face and Charlie had lost track of how many times Conner got hit by Trevor for doing so.

Charlie was supposed to be reading the reference books he brought along with him, but however, he found himself giggling at the silly show happening in front of him.

"Conner, don't you think it is much better to sit and study than to get hit by him?" Joshua had asked and Conner had babbled in mockery, causing Joshua to turn a blind eye on anything that happened before him.

The bottle fell on to Trevor's lap for the umpteenth time and Trevor took the book off of his face with a grunt and slammed it down on the table with a thud.

He searched his pockets for something and eventually took out a lighter and held it up.

"You see this, Kon? I am going to set your dear baseball cap ablaze if you don't stop what you are doing!" He spat, his voice full of venom.

Conner squealed out a "No" as he put his hands above his head, protecting his dear baseball cap. He then got up and walked to Joshua and took a seat beside him.

When Trevor continued to glare at him, he shrinked in his seat and gazed into Joshua's book, even though he didn't understand a thing written in there.

Charlie wondered how intimidated Conner must have felt by something just as silly as--

Oh, well... That cap means a lot to him and losing it would be the last thing he would want to happen.

Trevor clicked his tongue and put the lighter back in his pants' pocket. He laid his head back on the chair.

Charlie found his eyes linger on Trevor's fingers that drummed careless beats on the table.


His forearms looked pretty hot to him.

Slim, yet muscular and a single vein bulged out the side of his wrist and went all the way up to the crook of his elbow.

His thoughts went from one to another and he was staring at Trevor's hands now.

Charlie flinched when Trevor withdrew his hands from the table.

Being caught staring was the last thing he wanted to happen to him. Fortunately for him, no one noticed.

"I'm out of here" Trevor said as he stood up, stretching his arms, popping a few bones.

"Well, it is getting late anyway. Let's leave"

Joshua said as he too got up.

Charlie felt so stupid.

He went there to prepare himself for the upcoming monthly tests and all he did was...

Charlie groaned and brought his head down on the table with a thud.

"Cha?" Joshua asked as he looked at his dear friend with confusion filled in his eyes.

He wondered why Charlie behaved a lot more weird these days.

Charlie got up to his feet like nothing happened.

"Yeah, let's go"