
The Prize of Choosing

In a cold, dim lit corridor of the Gogh mansion, there are two men standing and leaning back-to-back with a large Roman pillar between them. It's 12 midnight but they are still there, wearing their tuxedos as it glimmers under the moonlight. The younger one has his face crumpled because of the request of his brother who knows nothing but to ignore the world. "What's the big deal, Toni? You are not like this! Do you want me to stand as your chesspiece?!" The younger said. "You are a big joke!" "What? Damn! I'm over being a manipulator! I ain't making you my chess piece!" said Toni and thrust his hand on his pocket. "C'mon! You can do this. It's so easy-" "I have a girldfriend, okay?! Can't you just. . .do it on your own?! You're the one who said it's easy!" he hissed at Toni and croosed his arms. This guy is making him nuts! "I'm getting married next two weeks and. . .you are my only hope for deleting the footage from that girl," Toni seriously replied. "And besides, she was your crush—your first ever crush." It made him think. The footage must be really important to Toni that he even requested him to take it. But if it's very important to him, then, ut might be something he can use to destroy or play with him. He can use this against his brother if he'll do something against him. A mischievous grin slowly appears on his lips. "If I will, what's my prize, then?" he asked, amused. "The girl, Trevor. You can have the girl." "Ain't satisfied," he, Trevor, shook his head. "How about, I'll set my own prize for making my own choice? Take it, or leave it." "Do I have a choice? Just name your prize after and you can have it... whatever that is," Toni said and left. The conversation ended with a smile from those siblings whose victors is known by none. Let the game begin.

Sheenah_Dawn · Realistic
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2 Chs

Chapter II

Many people think about the prize they'll get before making decision. But, they disregard the unpredictable and uncontrollable factors that appears and affects the situation they are facing. They are too focused about the prize and how to get it. They choose, they decide. But in the end, they regret.

"Okay, Ivory. Open your mouth and drink it." Light said, trying to convince the little girl. The girl opened her mouth and drink the syrup from the cup. "I told you. It's delicious."

"It's not. Mommy. She wied," Ivory cried at her Mom. The way she speak made Light to chuckle. It's cute and funny. Indeed she's really 4 years old.

"No baby. Nurse Light, didn't lied. Your mom said, orange is your favorite fruit. Take a look baby. It's orange-flavored." Light raised the bottle.

"W-weaye? Is. . .that twue, Mommy?" The girl's mother nodded and Ivory stop crying that made Light to chuckle again.

"C'mon baby. Last one," she gently said. Ivory followed what she said. Her charisma really attracts every kid, even Ivory who's very hardheaded.

"See those kids playing outside?" Light pointed the kids playing outside in the hospital's open field while visiting their family member who got admitted. "In order to play again, you have to take your medicine. Understood?"

"Yes, n-nuws Wight."

"Okay! I'll go ahaed ma'am. Bye bye, baby."

"I'm really thankful to you, Nurse Light ha. You're the only one who can make Ivory drink her meds.."

Light chuckled. "Don't worry ma'am. It's my job," she said and left.

She happily took the route in the hallway to her next patient when the receptionist on the information desk called her.

"Nurse Light!" The receptionist pointed the room where she exited. "Suitor," she added, mouthing at her.

Light is confused of what 'suitor' the receptionist is talking about. She even asked herself if she have a suitor before looking back to that room. Her eyes widened as she saw Trevor leaning against the wall beside the doorway, patiently waiting, as his eyes are staring at her with nothing but sole admiration.

"That's fine. You're the first person who ignored me and the only person who always ignores me," Trevor reacted and held his chest dramatically. Light could not believ that he is before her eyes. He's here again? Doesn't he have any important appointments? She knew him as businessman and businessman is always a businessman. They are always busy.

"Drop that, Trev." Light crossed her arms and walked towards him.

"Seems that you really love kids, huh," he commented.

"Seems that you really careered going here everyday, huh," Light commented too.

"Just always wanna see how will my future wife takes care of our future kids," he said and stared at her. His stares is consistent. There's that admiration in every single move of his eyes.

"Confidence, argh. Gross," Light replied and laugh. "What's up?"

"Nothing's up when things seems falling. I'm already falling for you," Trevor hits another punch line again that made Light's cheek blushed. It fluttered her that's why she chose to turn her back on him and started walking. "Hey! Attitude!"

"Gotta work to do!" Light replied.

"Yeah! For our future!"

"Shut up!" Light answered and looked at him as she smiled. "The usual."

Light directly went to her next patient to check while Trevor was left there. She's very fluttered that he's always with her.

Trevor quickly understand what Light said. That's her limit. 10:00 in the evening. She would go home because that's the end of her duty. 5 in the morning until 10 in the evening.

Light is known as the light of the patients and personnels in the hospital where she is working. She's innocent and pure. She never experience and taste her greatest downfall. She never experienced to be hurt badly. She never ever had cried her heart out. In short, she's an easy prey for someone like Trevor. Someone like him who seemed to be pure and kind but behind his mask lies the darkest among the darkest type of person.

But despite this, Trevor still keeps waiting patiently for her prey in the lobby. He sticks to the qoute, 'SLOWLY, BUT SURELY'. He wants a prize. A prize that never comes from a prey but from his fellow predator. Like the tiger hunting it's prey whether a rabbit or buffalo with the same intesity. He never missed.

His thought was halted by his ringing phone. He fished it out of his pocket and answered it. "What?"

"Hey babe," said on the other line. "Are you coming to pick me up tonight?"

"I'm sorry, Enice. I can't. I'm busy."

"Oh, okay. I understand. Love you."

"Careful," Trevor replied and the phone beeped as the call ended.

"Who was that?" It was Light who just arrived.

Trevor simplyput his phone back to his pocket and face Light with a smiled plastered on his lips. Is it a real smile? For Light, it is. But for Trevor who plays very well, it's not. What would you expect from the one who master the art of pretending and deceiving.

"Don't smile. It's creeping me out," Light commented.

"It was my mom, okay? Don't be jealous, baby."

"Jealous?! Never in your wildest dream," Light shook her head.

"I never had a wildest dream when I dream of you. My dream is so peaceful. So, jealousy's not counted in my dream," Trevor said at tumayo. "Shall we?"

"You'll. . .walk me home again?"

"Nope. I brought my car. I don't wanna see my queen suffer," Trevor put forth before he took the route out of the hospital with Light walking beside him, fluttered. She can't stop herself from blushing! While for Trevor, he can't stop himself from celebrating in his head. Everytime he makes Light blush, he knew, he will surely succeed. Nothing can keep him away from his triumph.

It's been two months since they met at the sidewalk accidentally. But is it really just an accident? Well, for Light, it is. That's what she believes. She believe that they accidentally met each other after 8 years, not knowing that their encounter was planned. Planned by the devil behind the angel's mask.

"I'm sure there's a reason behind in being inlove with kids," Trevor started a topic while driving. "I wish I'm a kid too."

Light laugh. "Well, yeah. I have a little brother. He's so. . .loving and cute. But. . .4 years ago, he was diagnosed to stage 2 leukemia. But I trust him. He's a fighter."

"Can I meet him?"

"He's in the US. With my parents, of course," Light said.

Trevor smiled secretly. So, Light is alone, huh? This could make him have an easy battle against his brother. But he remembered that she's actually a Lazare. Their house has a heighten security system. It could be tricky to get inside. But no! He's Trevor Gogh. No one remain standing on his way.

"You're alone?" he asked with the hint of concern on his voice.

"Obviously. Didn't you heard what I said?"

"I heard it, okay? Loud and clear." He parked his car in front of the Lazare residence's gate.

"Thanks for today. Again. Honestly, I felt relieved despite of the tiredness I had from work." Light genuinely smiled at him. Shecs about to open the door of Trevor's car but he stopped her.

"Light," he called her name and she immediately looked back at him.


"I know you're not dumb and can even read between the lines. You never showed a motive but I did. You react to my punch lines, but I know it's just natural," Trevor gulped. Looking straight in Light's eyes makes him feel a glint of regret. But he knew, he must do this. To get the prize he wants. "Let me be your lover. You don't need to be alone. You don't need to be tired. You don't need to be worried. I'll build a kingdom for you and make you my queen. If you will just. . .let me," he solemnly said. Well, for Light's ear and point of view, it was solem. But the truth is, it's not.

"I'm. . .I'm speechless," Light unbelievably commented. "But. . .yeah. Okay. But. . .you have to court me first. I love doing traditional things." Light's family sticks with the tradition. All of her flings, experienced that, and some surrendered.

"I hate doing it," Trevor whispered and looked away. Why does this girl even wanted the traditional when they're in the modern world? The old-fashioned Stellight. How could he forgot that.

"Yes? Did you say something?" Light grinned at his reaction.

"I hate doing traditional things, but just to get you and prove myself to you, then. . .what are we waiting for?"

She can't stop herself from smiling. It was her first time seeing a man like this. A man who will try his best to become a better version of himself. A man who will do his best to get her. She's so lucky.

Or. . .so she thought she is.

After that night, Trevor started courting Light. Everyday. He never missed. He even entered once in the Lazare's Residence because Light let him in.


He proved that nothing remain standing before him, blocking his way. He is Trevor Gogh. The child prodigy of the Gogh clan. Whatever Trevor wants, Trevor gets.

"How is it going?" asked on the other line.

"Smooth," Trevor answered over the phone while sitting on his swivel chair inside his dim lit office. "Just make sure you'll follow the deal, Toni. Don't disappoint me."

He's very eager to win against his brother. His brother who always teased and looked down on him when he was just the innocent Trevor. He wants to win against him to prove him that he had cahnged. Although he haven't decided yet for his prize, the most important is that he will win and he get his prize.

"Should I be scared, baby brother? Your prize is yours. Just do it properly. I don't want any mess." Toni ended the call and smiled after. He moved the chess piece on an offense.

"My masterpiece," Toni whispered and smiled.