
The Prize of Choosing

In a cold, dim lit corridor of the Gogh mansion, there are two men standing and leaning back-to-back with a large Roman pillar between them. It's 12 midnight but they are still there, wearing their tuxedos as it glimmers under the moonlight. The younger one has his face crumpled because of the request of his brother who knows nothing but to ignore the world. "What's the big deal, Toni? You are not like this! Do you want me to stand as your chesspiece?!" The younger said. "You are a big joke!" "What? Damn! I'm over being a manipulator! I ain't making you my chess piece!" said Toni and thrust his hand on his pocket. "C'mon! You can do this. It's so easy-" "I have a girldfriend, okay?! Can't you just. . .do it on your own?! You're the one who said it's easy!" he hissed at Toni and croosed his arms. This guy is making him nuts! "I'm getting married next two weeks and. . .you are my only hope for deleting the footage from that girl," Toni seriously replied. "And besides, she was your crush—your first ever crush." It made him think. The footage must be really important to Toni that he even requested him to take it. But if it's very important to him, then, ut might be something he can use to destroy or play with him. He can use this against his brother if he'll do something against him. A mischievous grin slowly appears on his lips. "If I will, what's my prize, then?" he asked, amused. "The girl, Trevor. You can have the girl." "Ain't satisfied," he, Trevor, shook his head. "How about, I'll set my own prize for making my own choice? Take it, or leave it." "Do I have a choice? Just name your prize after and you can have it... whatever that is," Toni said and left. The conversation ended with a smile from those siblings whose victors is known by none. Let the game begin.

Sheenah_Dawn · Realistic
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2 Chs

Chapter I

Light is walking in the side walk with her long, black, wavy hair bounces. She's smiling while facing her phone as she changed her status in Facebook. Single. That's the statues she changed to her recent. She came from a break-up, but here she is, walking happily while drinking her milktea.

She slid her phone inside her pocket. "I don't deserve a piece of shit like you, ya' know," cheered to herself. She knew she deserve more than a person who cheated behind her back and got caught. It's very light in the feeling as she saw him kneeling in front of her, begging not to leave him. But to late for him.

She ran towards the taxi that stop before the sidewalk but too unfortunate for her, the door opened and it made her to step back. She was too late to realize that the elevated part of sidewalk was right behind her. Her butt landed on it and her milktea was splashed to the guy who's passing behind her. The passenger of the taxi just left them.

"Oh geez! I'm so sorry!" She hurriedly stood up and went to the guy. "Oh, no! I spilled too much."

"It's okay. It's not your fault," said the guys and his aura became darker. "I have extra shirt on m—Stellight?!" His dark aura vanished and brightens. "Yo—Oh! It's really you!"

"Wait. You know me?" She's confused.

"Ma'am? You gonna get in or I'll go?" asked by the impatient taxi driver.

"Just go," the guys said and went to the driver. "Here's your prize. And the passenger's," he whispered at him and gave him an envelope full of money. If not mistaken, it has an amount of $ 10,000,.

"How come you know me?" Light asked. She went near him as the taxi left. She's so curious of how this handsome man knew her name.

"How come I don't?" He asked back. "My name's Trevor. Trevor Gogh. Pleasure to meet you again, madam."

"Stellight Lazare. But you can call me Light," Light said.

"I know."

"Uh-uhm. Your shirt..." Light panicked again. "I'm really sorry. If only I knew that there's a passenger inside that taxi, I wouldn't stick to its door."

"That's fine. I have an extra shirt," Trevor replied. "Come with me."

"With you? To where? What for?" She looked away when he stared at her electric blue eyes. This guy is making her uncomfortable. But what's wrong with staring at her eyes? Many of her patients in the hospital do the same thing.

"A pay from you, I guess. I don't accept apologies."

"Wow," Light unbelievably reacted. "Just how did you know me?"

"High school days. You asked me to accompany you out of the gymnasium because you think your red tide's on," Trevor explained as they begun to walk.

"Red tide? Wait, wait, wait! You mean, you are. . .Gogo?"

"Tsk," Trevor reacted and looked away because of embarrassment. "I expected you to say my real name than that. It's—honestly speaking, that's really disgusting. C'mon! Just treat me for this mess."

Light followed him with amusement and smiled plastered on her face. So it's now the Gogo she used to be with on their senior high school days. The Gogo whom hlshe admired for his genuine heart and wisdom.

Light stopped in front of a Cadillac CT6 while Trevor went inside to change his shirt. She can't believe the car she dreamt is in front of her. She giggled. She have something to tell to her best friend.

After a couple of minutes, he asked Light to hop-in and they went to a café after. The ambiance is warm and very eelcoming as the sun sets and the yellow-orabge light filled have of the café.

"So, you're a licensed nurse? And oday's your day-off?" Trevor asked her and took a sip from his coffee.

"Yeah. Actually, I just broke up with my boyfriend earlier. Uh-well. You don't need to know about this, you know." Light curse in her head. That just slipped in her tongue.

"C'mon, tell me. Just wanna know you more after eight years of taking different path."

"I broke up with him. Well, it's just fling. But it still hurt! He just used me."

"Woah. Harsh, huh?" Trevor commented. He's trying his best to talk although he's lazy about it. Well, he's overwhelmed to see Light again. After eight years, who would have thought that they would meet again because of his brother's foolishness. Yeah, for the prize. He needs to do his best to get his prize. If anyone is good at pretending, Trevor got his masters degree as suma cum laude in the art of pretending, hiding his true emotions, and deceiving people. That's how good he is.

"Well, I don't deserve him. He's making me his sugar mommy. Heck! I don't deserve a piece of trash like 'em." Light was frustrated and just ate her cake to ease herself. "After what I've done I'll just know that he's just using me to feed her ex-girlfriend whom he impregnated? It's ridiculous!"

"Good thing I ain't a piece of trash. You deserve me." Trevor mischievously smiled and Light almost choke herself with cake.

She's too shocked to recover. She's surprised about the change of genuine Gogo into airhead Gogo. That's...unexpected. He really changed and improved after eight years.

"You sure full of confidence, huh," Light commented after she finishing a bottle of water. "You should be embarrassed."

"Yeah. Said the girl who talked to a guy to accompany her out of the gymnasium because she felt her crumps and she's too sure that she—"

"Okay, enough! That's it. Stop there. Let's not talk about it," Light said. "Just eat, okay?"

Trevor chuckled by her sudden change of mood. Why does it felt like it was a real chuckle for him? Dude, this is just an act. "But seriously. . ." He gulped.

"What?" Light asked, staring at him.

"You're my first ever crush during high school and bringin' up the past makes me like you more."

Stellight was speechless. She doesn't know how to or what to react. She's fluttered. She was caught off-guard. Why the hell would he suddenly told her straight to her face? I mean, I admired her when we're just high school and then I'll just knew I'm his first crush?

On the other hand, Trevor felt his upcoming victory. But on the deepest side of his heart and mind, lies the light he never felt in his existence. What's this small glint of joy he felt in his chest?

"Light? You said you just broke up with your fling. It's okay for you to not to follow the three-months tradition for it's just a fling." He said. "Enjoy your life and donct get stuck by your break-ups."

That's how it started. Their choice matter. Life is not just something about destiny's work. It's also about the choice a person makes. But no one knows what lies before them—of what's the prize of choosing.