
The gift

Ariana come.. it's time to go home... okay Mama. .... Mama what happened after the princess was taken away... I told you no storytelling during daytime.... okay Mama sucks Ariana.....

Mama what's dat... Ariana pointed towards a small box laying at the front door... Let me check.. Annabelle took the box nd checked but there wasn't any letter or discription on where it might come from... she opened it and found pancakes inside.... Mama wow pancakes!! I want some... no we can't eat it cuz we don't know where it came from... but Mama we found it at our door step so it's for us.... no u can't eat it... come on inside u go... okay Mama....

Ariana!! I will be going to get some log of wood so stay in Mama will be back soon nd do not roam around.... okay Mama... After Anabelle went out Ariana went to where the unknown box is nd opened it... she was contemplating whether to touch or not but as the curious girl she is... she opened it nd her eyes shined on seeing the pancakes inside the box.... without knowing the danger dat surrounded her she took the pancakes and eat......

Ariana!!!! Mama is back.... Ariana... Ariana.....Mama is back... where are you? I'm not playing hide nd seek with u... we need to prepare the food.. OMG!!!! Ariana..... Anabelle found Ariana on d floor convulsing..... she ran to where she is nd found a half pancake in her hand..... she ran outside to get some herbs.... she extracted d water from it nd pour it in Ariana's mouth.........

Mama what happened..... OMG u are awake... thank the heavens.... didn't I told u to not touch the box... thank goodness nth bad happened.... it seems d pancakes where poisoned.... what should I have done if something where to happen to u.... I'm sorry Mama sobs Ariana... I will never touch anything datz not made by u again... promise? ..I promise Mama..... alryt my baby it's alright don't cry....