
The attack

Annabelle stayed indoor all day after the incident with Ariana....


one particular evening Annabelle was going to the farm with Ariana when a sudden arrow pass through them. luckily no one was injured... who's there? (Annabelle became alarmed).. who's there.?. show urself this instant.....a man emerges behind a tree wearing all black.he looks like an assassin with is face covered..... what did u want..(Annabelle demanded.)...... the man refused to talk but draw out a sword... Annabelle became panic.... little Ariana was there standing nd admiring how the sword is shining without knowing the danger eluding from it....Mama what's that? Ariana tucked Annabelle clothe asking what d shining sword is... Annabelle ignored Ariana's question.. picked her up from the floor nd tired her on her body cuz she didn't know how many people are there to attack them.. she was contemplating on how to counter attack cuz she's not with any weapon nd the attacker is steadily approaching towards them... looking around she found a stick lying on the floor.. picked it up.. I know dis won't do but left with no choice.. keeping her stand she waited for the attacker to launch first. before the attacker could hit her she bend down nd pack some sand nd pour it directly to the attacker's eyes.. seeing he got distracted with dat..on cue she gave him a one hit nd he passed out instantly.... Annabelle might be a maid in the palace but she's a mage nd attended mages academy where they are taught how to use their power nd also physical activities... her power might not be dat significant but she's a good fighter..


Annabelle drag the unconsious man towards the Clif nd tied both his hands and legs.. she took Ariana home.... Mama why did d man attacked us little Ariana asked?.. I don't know but I need u to stay inside.. do not come out unless u hear my voice.. okay? okay Mama...


You are awake... Let's get down to business.. who sent u?... after much struggles d man still refuses to talk... Since u refused to talk I have no choice but to do dis... Annabelle pushed d man off the cliff.... I'm sorry but I can't let u live... Annabelle turned back nd left