
The princess secret romance(LoZ/ Botw-Totk fanfic)

This is a Legend of Zelda fanfic, original post is in AO3 Zelda and Link go to the different tribes of Botw and try to untie them after the ending of Botw, but they are captured and tortured, eventually, they get revived by someone. now they have to unite the tribes, but the clock of death is ticking. As soon they will either kill or be killed.

Linkin_jak · Video Games
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4 Chs

the victims


The morning came, and nobody thought differently, nobody ever noticed what happened last time. Zelda had fallen asleep next to Link still in last night's bondage. the light hit the curtains, piercing into Link's and Zelda's line of sight. The village had stayed still, nothing different from the mountainous self it is. Link's eyes slowly opened noticing what had happened last time. The bed sheets had fallen off, and there were Link and Zelda in a bed together. All their clothes had been thrown on the ground, and the window blinds covered the window to give them a sense of privacy. Link stood up on the bed with a raging headache in his head. He turned next to him facing Zelda and finally remembered he never untied her. He felt a bit of shame for forgetting such a thing, as he was supposed to be her "guardian". Link turned over and faced Zelda, he began untying the various knots he used all over Zelda's body. He took out the ball gag on Zelda's mouth, it was filled with saliva and drool from Zelda. When Link finished untying Zelda he packed the rope and ball gag back in his gear for later. Finally, Zelda woke up from her sleep.

Zelda had been turning all night with a bad dream of what had happened to the girl, she could'

t stop wondering. Zelda sprung up from the bed with a sense of paranoia and nervousness.

"Ahhhh!" Zelda woke up screaming. She had had nightmares of the girl and the woman.

"Where is she? Is she ok?"

"Calm down, it was only one night" Link responded as he was putting on his underwear.

Zelda seemed to calm down, after realizing she had been dreaming, she seemed confident it never happened.

"I'm just dreaming," Zelda thought. "Why am I naked?" Zelda asked link.

Link walked over to the bed "Don't you remember last night, you are good at acting" Link pointed to the rope markings all over Zelda's body.

"So that's why my jaw hurts" Zelda responded. Her jaw had been hurting from the ball gag, she put her hand on her jaw to see if anything broke.

"Wait if that happened then.." Zelda immediately looked through the little crevice in the blinds. And lo and behold, there were markings. Horse markings to be exact. All over the ground where the horses were last night.

Zelda had a terrified face, she sprang from the window across the room in a panic. Her heart raced, to find it real. Zelda ran across the room in a panic almost tripping on some clothes. Zelda fell to the ground, but Link had always been attentive to his surroundings since Ganon's rule.

"Whoa calm down" Link caught Zelda almost falling to the ground. Link at this point had already been completely dressed

"Thank you link"

Link grabbed Zelda from behind wrapping his arms around her waist and belly

Zelda grabbed onto Link with a strong grip, she regained her balance and stood up, barely reaching Link's height. Link laid his head on her shoulder, almost taunting her for her height.

"You are so cute when you're nervous" Link complimented Zelda

"Thanks, Link" Zelda responded.

"Zelda, I have something to show you in Hateno"

"What is it?" Zelda responded curiously.

"It's a surprise"

"Aww that's so sweet," Zelda told Link with a caring smile on her face, but her face soon turned to distress, she couldn't stop thinking about the girl, she know something happened to her.

Zelda quickly got away from Link and collected her clothes.

"I'm sorry link, not right now, I have to go I need to do something"

Link responded with a disappointed face. And a bummed-out attitude


Zelda put on her underwear and leggings and walked over to Link from across the room.

"I promise I will cuddle with you later" Zelda hugged Link embracing each other. Link put his head down on Zelda's head, wrapping his arms around you, they stayed Like this for a bit, just in pure silence. Link dreamed of a life with Zelda, he imagined them with kids in a house. Together in a house. Zelda is the beautiful wife of two kids. The mere thought of this brought tears to Link. He slowly began to cry hugging Zelda.

Zelda stopped hugging him and went over to put on her shirt. She turned around, to see Link crying in the corner.

"You okay?" Zelda asked Link

Link responded in tears, he put his hands over his eyes to cover his tears.

"yeah -yeah I'm fine" Link responded.

Zelda walked to Link and put down his hands. She slowly kissed Link on the lips, they stayed there for a while letting Link regain his composure. after some time Link stooped after a bit.

"Thank you, Zelda, I have to go"

Link thanked Zelda and opened the door to the Living room.

"Don't you want to talk about what happened?" Zelda asked Link across the Living room.

"I'm sorry I can't, I 'm not supposed to be Like this"

"It's fine, you can be normal around me" Zelda responds to Link.

"I have to go now, I'll be meeting with Paya soon, I'll meet you back here for lunch"?

"Yeah definitely" Zelda responded to Link.

Zelda waved goodbye to Link, and Link opened the door and left traveling up the stairs to the main hall, where the girl came from.

"I need to figure out what happened," Zelda thought to herself watching Link from the window.

She quickly put on her blue tunic and hurried outside. She hastily put on her belt and boots on the living room couch. The entire house was more of a small apartment, with a small kitchen, sofa, and bedroom. She grabbed her satchel fill various items, most of them for utility purposes, and a gifted sheikah slate. Zelda ran over to the center of the village in front of the staircase leading to the main hall. There was nobody outside, it was still very early in the morning.

Zelda got close to the markings, they were leading across the village to the village exit.

"Interesting" Zelda took a photo of the markings and horse tracks.

Zelda examined the picture, there was a faint set of tracks leading to the back of the main hall. Nobody was there to see Zelda, nobody had gone out yet. Zelda followed the tracks to the back of the main hall. There is a stable back there, nobody had been there, but something was off. the horses were packed.

"Could it be, those are the same horses?" Zelda speculated.

Zelda walked closer and closer to the horses, slowly so as to not scare them. Zelda got into the stable and walked to the horses, they were both dark horses but had on hearing for some reason.

Zelda's curiosity got the better of her, she got to the side of a horse and unlocked a bag labeled "camping"

She slowly unzipped the bag, adrenaline and fear rushed to her to think what it was. She unzipped the bag and slowly opened the flap, and inside was nothing but…


A boy's corpse

Zelda looked in fear, her hands went cold, and stumbled backward to the ground. She fell on a haystack with a look of despair.

"Ahh...AHHHHHH!" Zelda screamed at the top of her lungs, the boy's body had been mangled by something, bits, and pieces scattered. The boy's head was there. It had an expression of pain and fear, the look shot an arrow of despair and fear into Zelda's heart.

The boy's face had seemed dirty and afraid. The boy had brownish hair with blue eyes. Those eyes looked into Zelda's heart. shaking her to her core. The boy was naked, the only thing covering him were some quickly placed sheets to hide the smell. But that still wouldn't stop people from noticing.

Zelda stayed still for a few seconds processing all that happened. Slowly she got up on the ground with a terrified sensation.

"I need to tell Link"

She turned around to the exit, but someone was standing in front of her. She had an all-black outfit and yiga clan symbols.

"It's you from the last ni-" before Zelda finished the sentence. She had already approached. Moving at the speed of a master, she approached Zelda quickly.

She tackled Zelda to the ground and put a small towel of chloroform on Zelda's face.

"Mmph!, mpmph!" Zelda kicked and screamed but would not be let go, she slowly went in and out of consciousness, accepting the fact that she had been beaten.


The princess fell to the brink unconscious and at the merch of the mysterious woman. Her sheikah slate fell beside her but slipped away near the horse. Where the woman didn't find it.

The woman had Zelda in a headlock, completely immobilizing Zelda and her actions. Zelda slipped from unconsciousness to consciousness, struggling to keep awake.

"Mmmph, mmph!" Zelda screamed as loud as she could but to no avail. the chloroform muffled her screams.

The woman never said a word or noise at all. The woman choked Zelda as hard as she could.

Zelda's cries were worthless, she soon fell to sleep in the woman's arms.

"Link…Link" Zelda thought.

She collapsed to the ground powerless. She felt drowsy and sleepy, and her eyes began to close slowly, but she fought to keep them open.

Zelda fell to the ground tired and drowsy. Her body hit the ground sending a shockwave of pain across her body.

"Ow..ow" Zelda spoke quietly.

Zelda struggled to stand up, her body shook with pain. She crawled away from the Woman attempting to escape. Tears ran down Zelda's face with fear of what will happen to her.

"Please no" She turned to the woman crying.

The woman did not respond. The woman walked to Zelda and pinned her to the ground.

Zelda struggled again but with each passing minute, she became weaker. The woman turned Zelda around to see her. The woman sat on top of Zelda. Her thighs locked Zelda in place from moving and her body kept her there. Zelda and the woman were face to face. The woman grabbed Zelda's tits. The woman groped Zelda, feeling her and examining her.

"You will do great as my sex toy. Your tits and ass are so big" The woman told Zelda.

"What...no" Zelda responded with her last bit of consciousness.

"Shhhh go to sleep"

The woman put her fingers in Zelda's mouth, she moved her fingers in Zelda's mouth, taunting her for not being able to escape.

Zelda and the woman were face to face, and Zelda could see her better. She seemed familiar.

White hair, face marking. And a yiga symbol in her head….. Zelda closed her eyes and fell victim to the woman. Zelda never woke up from there. Her body was just perfect, nice pair of tita and ass, nice face. The woman looked at Zelda's body with astonishment, and her mouth watered at the thought of abusing her. The woman dragged her to the barn and opened a hidden staircase leading to a basement. She dragged Zelda down the stairs and shut the door. Trapping Zelda in her prison.

On the other side of the main building was Link. Link at the bottom of the staircase leading to the main hall. He had worn the champion's tunic and his master sword. He thought it might be important enough for him to be in full uniform for a meeting with the new chief. He walked up the wooden set of stairs, hearing all the mysterious cracks from the stairs beneath him. he saw the sun begin to rise behind him and warm up his back. When he got to the top of the stairs a messenger was waiting to start his job.

"Mr.Link?... Mr.Link?" the messenger spoke to Link as he got to the top of the stairs

"What is it" Link responded to the messenger

"The chief wants to see you, down the hall, last door to the left" The messenger opened the door and pointed down the hall.

Link had not remembered this part of the main hall since the last time he was there. Something seemed off to him.

"Right…" Link looked into the door seeing a new hall and mysteriously appeared out of nowhere.

"He turned back to the messenger but he was gone, with no trace of where he went.

Link turned back with confusion and opened the door to the main hall. It had seemed changed and remodeled, but overnight? It couldn't be.

Link walked over to the hall, he passed several doors with numbers and letters on them, it seemed they were in a random order each time until he finally got to the door at the end of the hall. He looked around to make sure he had reached the right door, but nobody was around to see.

He took a deep breath in, and a deep breath out. He opened the door to the room, inside was a bed, desk, dresser, and Paya. It seemed like a pretty normal room.

"You needed to see me Paya?"

Paya was sitting in the bed, her chief uniform had been removed. She was in the normal attire she wore during Gannon's rule.

"Yes, please close the door Link," Paya asked Link.

Link shut the door behind them leaving just the two of them.

"Please, make yourself comfortable," Paya asked Link.

Link hung the master sword on the dresser and took off his armor from his tunic.

Paya got up from the bed, Link noticed she had grown. Since the last time he saw her. Paya wasn't the small shy girl from long ago. She had grown into a more mature and sexy person.

Paya walked to Link and stood in front of him.

"Link I missed you so much since you left for Hyrule castle….. you have no idea how much time I spent alone"

"Yeah, I couldn't quite visit you" Link stepped away from Paya.

"I know" Paya grabbed Link's hand. Link had been trying to avoid this awkward conversation.

Paya grabbed Link's hand and pulled him to her. Link fell forward toward Paya falling to her, but Paya caught him. Link and Paya were so close together. Paya leaned in on top of Link and….

Kissed him.

Link grabbed Paya from falling but caught himself in the kiss, their tongues touched together and Paya seemed happy to be with Link again. But Link was caught in a dilemma, to confess about Zelda or just lay alone.

"Come here" Paya grabbed Link's hand and brought him to the bed.

Link moved away from Paya taking his hand away from hers. He moved to the other side of the room near the desk. The link was getting nervous.

"Look paya, i-i-i…." link stopped mid-sentence out of fear of rejection.

"Oh I know"

Paya got up from the bed. She slowly started untieing her clothes. She took off her jacket and shirt revealing a blue bra, Link started remembering what had happened between both of them.

They had a brief relationship before.

Paya took off her pants. She threw them across the room blocking Link from the exit. Link lost sight of her. Link turned to Paya, but she disappeared. Link turned around everywhere looking around for Paya, but something was off.

The Lights went off. Leaving the link in complete darkness. Link ran for the master sword without hesitation. He ran across the room, but the room would just get bigger, the more he ran the farther away the door was. He was in pitch darkness. Running into the darkness.

"Paya! Are you here!" Link screamed into the empty void. Suddenly he left something grab his left foot. He looked down at his foot, he saw a figure beneath him grabbing him. Link couldn't tell what it was in the pitch dark.

"What the hell?" Link exclaimed in fear. His hand grabbed tightly around his foot.

"Let go!" Link started to kick violently into the void with his other leg. He kicked all across his leg, but he never felt anything near his foot.

The hand violently pulled on Link's foot. He fell on his back. A strong sense of pain came over his body.

Link screamed in pain to the void, but nothing rang back. The hand-pulled Link dragged him farther into the void. Link screamed in fear attempting to grab onto anything to avoid being dragged around. But the floor had no texture it seemed like a completely flat surface.

"No!..no!" Link screamed even more, but nobody ever heard him in the dark void.


The air was moist inside of the room. It wasn't too hot or cold but nobody could ever find the place. Zelda's eyes started to open. She was in a mattress on the ground, she was lying there asleep. She slowly regained her consciousness, she looked around from where she was. She noticed she had been stripped of her possessions and clothes.

The room was dimly lit, with one broken light bulb dimly illuminating the room. There were multiple other beds in the room with different things on them. Clothes, toys, writings all across the room. There were windows in the room, the cement blocked the sunlight. There was a big door locking the room shut, and cracks on most of the walls.

In the corner of the room, there was a girl curled up. the girl was completely naked, she has whip marks and bruises all across her body. She had long black hair, it seemed uncut for a long time. Words had been written all over the girl's body, words like "fuck toy"..." slut" were written across her body. She had a leather collar around her neck.

Zelda slowly got up from the mattress on the ground. She felt the dirt and dust on her feet. "She slowly walked towards the girl, she crouched on the ground to try to connect with the girl

"Are you ok?" Zelda asked the girl.

The girl turned her head to Zelda. Her face filled with tears seeing Zelda. She jumped into Zelda's arms crying. She dug her head into Zelda's arms.

"Are you here for me, will you kill me?" The girl asked Zelda with fear.

Zelda looked with confusion at her.

"Let's just start from the beginning, my name is Zelda"

"My name is Rose"

"How did you end up here Rose?" Zelda asked

"I was with my brother one day, and we went picking flowers. And a woman came up to us to invite us over to see her flowers…and….and…" Rose began to panic and curl up into a ball'

Zelda hugged Rose, comforting her.

"I haven't seen my brother in so long.. Have you seen a boy with brown hair?"

Zelda remembered the boy from the stable. She remembered how the boy had been killed and stuffed into a bag.

"Im….so sorry" Zelda hugged Rose, trying to comfort her.

"NO...NO...NO!" Rose got up from the ground and ran to the mattress, she screamed and cried.

Zelda followed her, trying to comfort Rose. Zelda slowly walked to Rose, trying not to startle her.

¨Get the hell away from me!¨ Rose screamed to Zelda.

Zelda backed off to a corner of the room. All Zelda could think of is why the kidnapper kidnapped the children. Suddenly steps could be heard outside the door. The door slammed open, and outside was the kidnapper in a black latex unitard with latex boots. She wore a black mask to conceal her identity, it wrapped completely around her head. She stepped into the room with a black whip in hand. she turned to Zelda on the ground.

"Get up bitch" the kidnapper told Zelda.

Zelda stood up, her legs shaking in fear "Please no" Zelda begged her.

"Stay still" The kidnapper pulled out a black leather collar, with spikes on the inside.

Zelda saw the collar, she backed off to the wall in fear.

"No...no please" Zelda begged the kidnapper with fear. Her back hit the wall, she had nowhere else to go.

"Stay still" the kidnapper walked towards Zelda slowly. Zelda screamed at her in fear. The kidnapper lunged at Zelda, grabbing her by the throat and pinning her to the ground. Zelda started choking violently, the kidnapper put her full body weight on her neck. Zelda gasped for air, her arms were being crushed by the kidnapper's legs. Her face turned red with all the pressure she had on her neck.

The kidnapper slowly moved her hands up Zelda's body. She took the collar from her pocket. She slowly wrapped it around Zelda's neck. She tightened the collar, and the spikes pierced Zelda's skin, causing unbearable pain to her. She locked the necklace tightly around her neck. The kidnapper got off Zelda and walked back to the door.

Zelda crawled back away from her, she gasped for breath. Her face slowly turned back to normal.

A massive pain went over Zelda's neck, she tried to take it off but could only get her hands under the spikes. The spikes themselves pressed all around Zelda's neck causing immense pain. Zelda scratched at her neck attempting to take it, she kept scratching away at the skin causing even more immense pain in her neck.

"AHHHHHHHH" Zelda screamed in frustrated pain.

The Kidnapper walked back to the door and started to drag something from the hallway. Meanwhile all of this, Rose watched from the corner of the room curled up in a ball.

"I have a present for you" The kidnapper pulled a large gift-wrapped box from the hallway and put it in the middle of the room.

"Have fun" the Kidnapper told Zelda. The kidnapper left the room and closed the door. But she left a small opening in the door.

Zelda immediately noticed the opening and slowly crawled towards the door. Rose immediately noticed Zelda moving to the door.

"No!" Rose screamed at Zelda. "It's a trap she's waiting outside to beat you" Rose whispered to Zelda.

Zelda looked scared and puzzled by the kidnapper's intention. Zelda turned to the gift questioning what is inside. She slowly began to unwrap the package. Layer after layer, she found the box itself to be a cardboard box. Zelda cautiously opened the box and inside it was filled to the brim of box fillings. But inside something was moving. Zelda saw this and curiously reached in. She reached into the box and felt human skin. She grabbed the side of the box and dumped it all over the floor.

Link came out of the box with nothing on but the same collar that Zelda and Rose had on.,

Link stood put dizzy and disoriented confused.

Zelda helped him to the mattress on the ground.

"Link you're alive" Tears came to Zelda, and she hugged Link with tears in her eyes. Link fell to the mattress, he was extremely tired from what happened to him.

"I need to sleep…" Link passed out on the mattress next to Zelda.

Zelda turned to Rose with happiness

"Rose did you see…" Rose wasn't there. She disappeared.

Zelda looked back with fear in her eyes


But nothing came back, she was left to wonder how to get out.


to be continued....