
The princess secret romance(LoZ/ Botw-Totk fanfic)

This is a Legend of Zelda fanfic, original post is in AO3 Zelda and Link go to the different tribes of Botw and try to untie them after the ending of Botw, but they are captured and tortured, eventually, they get revived by someone. now they have to unite the tribes, but the clock of death is ticking. As soon they will either kill or be killed.

Linkin_jak · Video Games
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4 Chs

the death to save


Zelda and Link, we're together again. Yet every day things seemed different. Link and Zelda are sleeping in a bed together. Link wrapped his arms around Zelda to at least try to protect her from anything. Zelda slept facing Link. She kept hugging him, trying to comfort herself from where they were. The mattress became a bed. Pillows were placed under their head, and blankets covered them both. Tears dried on Zelda's face, She cried from everything that had happened to them. They slept comfortably together for the moment. Their collars hurt and scratched away at their neck, their necks became red with scratches and sweat.

Zelda put her head on Link's chest, her hands wrapped around his back as a way to shield herself. Link slept with his head on top of Zelda's head. Link kissed the top of her head to try to calm her, he always does. They both hugged themselves to sleep, to try to stay away from the kidnapper. Blankets covered them, shielding them from the unbearable cold the kidnapper put in the room. They were happy and comfortable in bed together for the night. Link slightly smiled at them together


Cold water hit their bodies, and gallons of water poured over them soaking them thoroughly. The cold water rushed adrenaline over their entire body. Link's and Zelda's eyes shot open as the cold water hit their bodies, Link and Zelda stood up from the bed. They looked around with Fear, hugging each other in fear. The room was pitch black but it wasn't the same. The room seemed changed. The walls were painted and there were now floorboards and nothing seemed dirty. There were two doorways in the room leading to two hallways. There were no doors on the doorway hinges as if it was ripped right off. There was furniture in the room, it seemed beaten and used. On the other side of the room, there was the Kidnapper. She was wearing a tamer set of clothes. She had a pair of trousers and a black jacket. She had the same black mask but only with the black mask. Her hair was now revealed. It was white but it seemed familiar.

"What the hell do you want!?" Link screamed at her, Link grabbed Zelda and moved her behind him, guarding her.

Zelda grabbed Link from the back. She looked over his shoulder to see what the kidnapper could do. She shivered behind him from the cold. Water dripped from both of their bodies

The kidnapper had a metal bucket in her hand. Water dripped from the bucket.

"I wanted to show you a surprise, I was going to show you in the morning but I can't wait." The Kidnapper responded. She raised her hand to her mask, she unblocked it from the back of her head. She grabbed the mask and slowly removed it.

It was Paya.

She dropped the mask to the ground revealing her face. Zelda and Link looked in shock at the reveal.

"Why, I trusted you?.." Zelda asked in distrust. She cowered in confusion behind Link, only peeking from his shoulder. Link looked puzzled, his mind began to race connecting the dots. Then they thought, How did she do it?

Paya grabbed a knife from her pocket. She raised it to her face. She put the tip of her forehead, she pressed the knife into her forehead and it pierced into her skin. Paya moved the knife down from her forehead in a straight line down to her chin. Blood poured out of her face and into the ground. The blood smeared into her clothes. She created a sort of flap of skin on her face. With her right hand, Paya grabbed the Flap of Skin and started to peel the skin off of her face. Muscles began to tear and cut away from her skin. Her eyes went dark completely. Blood exploded out under her skin flap. Her blood poured out everywhere. She pulled the skin out and revealed the inside of her skin.

But it was just more skin. It was just like the skin before. The same tattoos, marks. But her eyes were there.

Zelda looked away in disgust and felt the sudden urge to throw up.

Paya cut away the skin of her face from her entire skin. She tore the left flap off her skin. On the side of the skin was a complete copy of hers. She threw the skin to Link. Link stumbled back from the bed with the skin.

"Aha!" Zelda ran from the bed and stumbled to the middle of the room.

Link threw the perfect copy of skin to the floor.

"You know, I have a thing for collecting skin" Paya turned to Zelda and walked to her

"And I want your skin" She waved the knife in front of Zelda, grabbed a cloth from the nearby table, and began wiping the blood away from her new face.

"Please leave me alone" Zelda began to cry out "Link, Help!"

Link got up from the bed in a rush and ran to Zelda to try to guard her from Paya.

But something pulled on Link's neck. It was a chain connected to the roof. He looked up and saw a groves on the roof which had a sort of cart connected to his chain stopping him from moving to Zelda.

"So you noticed that?" Paya turned to Link "You are just too dangerous for me."

Link struggled to move, he pulled on the chain but it just wouldn't budge.

"Zelda run!"

Zelda immediately ran into one of the hallways, running into pitch darkness. Paya ran after Zelda with a knife in her hand.

It felt like an eternity running away from Paya but after a while Zelda felt alone in pitch darkness.

Zelda looked around in fear again not knowing where she might come from. but she felt a hand grab her right hand. It felt dead and almost like a ghost. She turned to her right and she saw. Rose. It looked Like her. The same hair is only a little bit darker. She looked taller and older. She seemed a lot cleaner and more mature.

"Shhh" Rose whispered to Zelda "I missed you"

Zelda looked puzzled by her comment, it was only a day wasn't it?

Rose pulled Zelda away in a whole different direction. Rose lead Zelda in the pitch darkness for a bit. Rose and Zelda got to a closet built into the wall.

"Get in please," Rose told Zelda.

Zelda and Rose stepped into the closet and closed the door. Inside it was pitch black and dark in the closet. Inside Rose hugged Zelda tightly.

"I missed you, you had no idea what happened" Rose whispered to Zelda.

"Thank you" Zelda responded.

"I thought you died, you and Link just disappeared one day and left me alone for so long. I grew up."

"How? I don't understand we didn't go anywhere" Zelda asked back in confusion.

"No, you did, I was in the corner watching you silently, then both of you disappeared. Im not sure what happened you just disappeared, and you left me alone. I was so scared"

"Then one day I woke up here, I'm not sure if we moved or not but I'm not sure where we are"

Zelda hugged Rose, Zelda had a smile of relief seeing her again. She had gotten a liking, a sense of parenthood over Rose.

"We're here Rose" Zelda hugged Rose, comforting her. Paya walked past both of them, with a knife in her hand. Blood poured and made a trail from where she walked.

She looked around everywhere but didn't seem to find them. Zelda looked from the closet and all she could think of is what did she do?

Paya walked to a door, but it looked familiar, like the same door from the basement.

Paya opened the door and brought out two tall cans and a metal spoon on top of each one. She opened the door and walked away. She left the door open a bit. As she did in the basement.

Zelda and Rose stepped out quietly of the closet. Zelda stepped to the door, she slowly closed the door trying to make it as silently as possible. She closed the door and looked at the cans on the floor, a sweet aroma came from the cans. Light shined from a hidden window. The window had been barricaded. but Light managed to pierce through the barricade. The rooms were all dimly lit by the light. Zelda tried to look out of the windows, but all she could see was mountains and sand flying in the air.

"I think we are in the Gerudo desert," Zelda told Rose.

Zelda's thoughts immediately shot to Link. "Link!" Zelda ran down the hall tracing back the trail of blood. Zelda ran back to the room. She ran through the stretched corridors of the building in a desperate haze, thinking of what happened to him. She finally got to the room and stepped inside.

Link's body stayed limp in the middle of the room. Blood dripped from Link's hand falling to the ground and creating puddles of blood the chain hanged Link from the neck.his face was filled with blood. Cuts and clashes are marked all through his body. Burn marks were scattered over his back.

"Ggph….ah..a.." Link muttered in pain, hanging from the chain.

Zelda felt dizzy and disoriented after seeing him like this. She grabbed the wall to try to regain her balance. Her head began to burn like a headache.

Zelda rushed to help him. "LINK!" Zelda grabbed the chain attempting to rip it out of the roof.

Rose rushed over to the bed. She ripped out pieces of the mattress in strips of cloth. Rose ran to Link. She wrapped the cloth strips over Link's wounds. The cloth strips quickly turned red with his blood. It seemed to only hold him from dying. Link's legs stood weakly, his arms were limp dangling in the air behind his body. Under link, a blood pool had started to form and the blood splattered on the floor began to dry.

"PLEASE IN THE NAME OF GOD PLEASE" Zelda held up Link to attempt to stop him from getting strangled. Zelda put link on her back. Link gasped for air, his lungs felt collapsed and broken. His ribs shattered and his organs were damaged. Link's skin became white.

"Move out of the way" Rose came into the room holding a large sharp stone she carved out of the wall. She raised it above Link's head facing the chain. She striked down on the chain bending a part of inward. She hit the chain again causing a side of a chain piece to go flying to the side.

"Last one" Rose brought the stone down on the broken chain piece, the piece shattered on impact and Link fell to the ground. His heart began to slow and his breathing turned deep. His eyes were red and irritated, he started to close.

Zelda grabbed Link from his chest and helped him up. His body went limp and white. Zelda helped him to the bed. Link slowly walked with Zelda. He collapsed into Zelda's arms. Zelda fell into the ground with Link in his arms. Zelda sat inform of the bed holding Link in her arms. Her eyes were red with tears dripping down her face. Link rested his head in Zelda's lap, his blood poured down the sides of his head. Link looked up at Zelda, barely holding onto life.

"Im ….sorry…Zelda.." Link put his hand up to Zelda's face and slowly caressed it. Zelda grabbed his hand quietly.

"No don't say that Link you will..be..fine" Zelda began to caress Link's head. Zelda began to silently cry to try not to worry Link.

"You're going to be fine Link". Zelda kissed Link to try to distract him.

Zelda looked around the room to try to find anything to Help.

"Rose, where are you?" Zelda looked around the room but Rose had once again disappeared into emptiness.

"Who are you talking to?" Link whispered to Zelda. Zelda looked back puzzled and confused.

"The girl who helped you with the bandages"

"What girl? You put the bandages on" Link responded confused.

"What…" Zelda asked back even more confused "Just stay with me I'll get us out of here"

Zelda reassured Link.

"Zelda, I don't think I can"

"Don't say that"

Link stood up from Zelda's lap and sat in front of Zelda.

"I love you" Link kissed Zelda with a sense of uselessness in his heart, a feeling that he might never accomplish what he wanted. To start a family with Zelda someday.

"No...no don't leave me" Zelda begged and cried to Link.

"it's ok, I'll be with you, and we can start a family in heaven" Link Looked at Zelda one last time and collapsed into her arms.

"LINK!" Zelda cried out.


But he never responded.


"No..no…no..no" Zelda kept repeating to herself. She dug her face into Link's body hugging him.

"Please wake up" Zelda begged to Link.

Zelda hugged Link tightly. "Please no, I need you" Zelda whispered to Link. but he never responded.

Zelda cried into his shoulder, hugging him tightly.

"That won't make him Live" Zelda looked up from Link and saw Rose standing in front of them.

"You bitch! I needed you, Link needed you and you just disappeared" Zelda responded to Rose with tears in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I am, it's just weird" Rose backed off to the wall behind her

"No, you left him to die!"

Zelda remembered what Link said before he passed.

"Hey Rose, link said he didn't see you but you were there I saw you right?" Zelda looks puzzled

"Yeah, listen I know this might be a lot to take in, but I'm dead"

Zelda looked back in shock. " What?"

"The reason nobody can see me except you is that you cared for me before I died"

A slight smile came over Rose's face.

"Come" Rose reached out her hand to Zelda.

The sun started to set over them, and it became very dark inside.

Zelda wiped the tears off her face, grabbed Link, and, raised him to the bed. She tucked Link into the bed. She kissed Link on the forehead, holding in the tears she couldn't get rid of.

Zelda grabbed Rose's hand, but it felt even colder than before. Zelda noticed something on Rose, she wore a silk gown that covered her body, and it seemed cleaner than before. Rose lead Zelda in the pitch dark, her hair seemed a bit red and smelled very nice. Zelda and Rose walked through the pitch dark passing multiple hallways which all felt like different material.

Zelda touched the walls noticing the textures "Like this place was never meant to exist"

They walked for minutes together and finally reached a doorway. Zelda touched the door, but it felt almost moist, she brought it to her face to see better.

It was blood.

Zelda looked disturbed at her discovery, she wiped her hand on the wall to get rid of it.

"Why did we stop?" Zelda asked Rose.

"Look inside" Rose walked to the wall and sat next to the doorway. She put her head between her legs.

Zelda looked at her and the doorway puzzled. She walked inside but was immediately hit with a disgusting stench. Zelda held her breath and continued inside, the closer she got to the wall in front of her. She got closer, and closer, and finally reached the wall. She held out her hands and felt wet skin.

She felt around the wall and looked around it, eventually getting close to the floor. The more she looked the more she found, around the center were rings of liquid. She grabbed some liquid and brought it to her face. Her suspicions were confirmed. Someone died here. The moonlight shot through the barricaded window dimly illuminating the room.

In the middle of the room was Rose.

More specifically. Her body.

Her body sat in the middle of the room with blood splattered all over. A large gash had opened her stomach, and her intestines poured out. Her hands were tied to the wall, and a cloth gag had been put on Rose. A large wound was open on her neck, creating a hole in her neck. Her legs had multiple wounds deep inside her, they seemed to be made from an axe-like weapon. Her left ear and her tongue had been cut off and nailed to the wall next to her. Her left foot had almost been cut off, with bone showing inside of the wound. Dried blood had through her entire body her face had an expression of pain and despair engraved into her face. Her left hand had been amputated and hung around Rose's neck. Her intestines were stretched out on the walls creating a hole in Rose's stomach. Most of her bones had been broken and twisted disturbingly in abnormal positions. Zelda was terrified for her life.

Zelda walked outside the room and sat next to Rose.

"I'm so sorry"

"It hurt so much, and nobody cared to go looking for me"

Zelda hugged Rose in a comforting and caring way.

"I'm here for you, it's ok"

Rose dug her head into Zelda's body. Rose hugged Zelda back. Their body heat merged, keeping them warm for the night. Rose caressed Zelda's golden hair the same way Link did.

This brought back memories for Zelda. How Link promised to start a family with her, and they could live happily together.

"Link was my special somebody, I don't think it's going to be the same" Zelda whispered to Rose.

Rose stood up in front of Zelda

"This might be difficult to explain, but I may be able to bring him back".


to be continued.....