
The princess secret romance(LoZ/ Botw-Totk fanfic)

This is a Legend of Zelda fanfic, original post is in AO3 Zelda and Link go to the different tribes of Botw and try to untie them after the ending of Botw, but they are captured and tortured, eventually, they get revived by someone. now they have to unite the tribes, but the clock of death is ticking. As soon they will either kill or be killed.

Linkin_jak · Video Games
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4 Chs

The princess's secret romance

Ganon had been slain, and all evil across Hyrule was completely wiped off. It has been almost 1 year since the defeat of Ganon, and everyone has wholly adjusted to the new life. The different cities housing the divine beasts have decided to be open for negotiation for re-entry to the Hyrule kingdom. The princess herself has agreed to negotiate with the different cities of Hyrule. Of course accompanied by Link, the savior of Hyrule.


It was a sunny day outside, the land has reclaimed itself from the terror of Ganon and turned green, and animals reclaimed its land.

"Princess, are you sure you will be okay with only one guard?" several soldiers asked Zelda

"You should never doubt him" Zelda responded

Zelda and Link were outside at the castle gates, Link was making sure all the supplies were ready, Zelda and Link were traveling together with two horses, each caring supplies.

Link walks up to Zelda "Zelda, we are ready"

"Great" Zelda turns to the soldiers "I leave all responsibility to my advisors"

"Yes my princess!" the guards responded and immediately left back to their posts.


Zelda walks to the horses where Link was already sitting and waiting "You know Link? it's nice being outside again"

"We should go, where to first princess?" link responded

"To Hateneo and Kakariko village first" responded Zelda

The horses slowly trotted away down the green winding path, through the newly built markets. Where citizens waived and cheered seeing them go restore Hyrule, As the saviors of Hyrule. Zelda and Link go side by side, down the road to Kakariko village, and through the beautiful scenery. Link felt alive and relieved seeing the landscape and citizens he helped, but e could not let go of all he had been through…..but it never mattered, as he is with Zelda, who he secretly l


After traveling for a few hours now on horseback, they both reached the dueling peaks. Link looked at the passing land with a look of fear, as he remembered all that happened during Ganon's reign.

"Link we should rest here," Zelda said, she got off of her horse and tied it to a nearby tree.

Zelda sat down in a patch of grass surrounded by flowers overlooking the dueling peaks. Link got off his horse, and tied it to the same tree, he walked over to Zelda and sat with her.

"Isn't it beautiful, all the land free of Ganon's reign?" Zelda said

She laid her head on Link's shoulder and grabbed his hand tightly.

"We don't have to hide it anymore, people should respect our decisions," Zelda asked

"I know Zelda, I wish it also happened, but what would the people think, and all the rules…" Link responded as he laid his hand on her head

"To hell with link, we should be happy, we should be together"

"I know Zelda, I know" Link leaned over and softly kissed Zelda's lips, slowly embracing her in a hug

Link and Zelda had been dating for almost a year since Ganon fell and all evil was destroyed, they had more time together, and slowly they both fell in love, they had kept this secret for almost a year now, but Link had other ideas...

"What if we had kids?" link asked Zelda

"Zelda looked back with a face of interest "I wouldn't mind kids"

Link stood up from the comfortable field and faced Zelda

"Zelda I know we might not be seen as a capable couple, but I love you and I hope we can be together forever"

Zelda's eyes lit up with an innocent smile, she got up from the flower field and sat next to Link holding his hand.

"Link, I will make sure we will be together forever"

Zelda leaned to link, and embraced him, hugging him with an easy and innocent smile. Link's face became nervous as thoughts of disapproval raced through his mind

"Don't worry, let me relieve you" Zelda whispered in Link's ear as she hugged him.


he hugged her back, and they both fell over in the flower field, hugging each Zelda kissed Link. Link grabbed her and kissed her passionately, their lips interlocked, the flowers served as a way to block any sights of them, making the field a haven for the both of them, the grass was overgrown by the not maintained fields, as Hyrule was just reclaiming its slang


The day passed by, and both Zelda and Link spent the day together there, where nobody could bother them. Where nobody could judge them for their true love for each other. The field was in the outskirts of the newly regained territory, a zone yet to be reclaimed, and where nobody ever saw them.

Zelda and Link ran into the field, picking all the beautiful flowers in the field, and riding their horses in the field, both spending time together, more as a date, a secret date, just for them.

Nightfall hit, and Zelda and Link were laying in the flower fields together. Zelda put his hand on Link's chest, she put her hand under his shirt, feeling the heat of his body. Both of them lay in the field, watching the night sky and the starry night.

"The night is so beautiful, just like you," Link says as he points to the sky

Zelda giggled and hugged Link, "aw thanks" Zelda responded

Link stood up on the field "We should get going to Kakariko village, they are waiting for us, and it's the next stop, they have a room for us ready" Link said

"Right" Zelda stood up and started to mount her horse "Let's go"

Zelda and Link crossed across the fields during the night, the night lay still and quiet. Link's eyes were open and awake, he had a feeling of fear, his heart pounded faster every second, and sweat dripped down his spine, he looked scared in his face.

"Link, are you okay?" Zelda looked at him with a scared and worried face

"Ahhhh….ahhh….aaaaaa!" Link screamed from fear, a scream so loud it would have been from the heart

Link fell over from his horse, he fell to the dirt ground. He quickly ran to the nearest tree, he had a PTSD attack, and his memories rushed back, to all the nights he was almost killed, beaten, and tortured. He stayed attached to the tree tightly.

"Link…Link!!" Zelda got off her horse and ran over to comfort him. "What happens, are you okay?"

Zelda asked with a face of fear

"B…b…boko…bokoblins.." Link whispered to Zelda, grabbing her tightly, he cried silently into Zelda's shoulder

"There are no bokoblins, don't worry… don't worry" Zelda grabbed Link and hugged him, comforting him under a tree, What every man needs.

They stayed there for a while, under the same tree, While Zelda comforted Link, eventually, they both sat together under the tree

"Princess, Princess!" two men from Kakariko approached Link and Zelda, the men standing in front of them

"We heard you were coming so we were expecting you, this way to the village," both men told Zelda

"Yes, please take our horses we will be there shortly" Zelda replied to the two men

"Yes princess!" both men responded, the men packed all the gear back on the horses and led the horses through the entrance's archway

"Please meet Paya in the big building in the center of Kakariko, I trust Link knows the way Princess" one of the men yelled to Zelda, as he led one of the horses into the path that led to Kakariko

calm them down, the tree smelled good, calming Link. Link's breath started to slow down his heart.

"Let's go" Zelda picked up Link slowly.

she grabbed him by the arm with one hand and his ribcage with the other. Link had calmed down by now, his face turned to a face of disappointment, as he was reminded he could not escape the trauma he had seen. Both of them progressed from a steady slow walk to a normal walk, eventually, Link did return to his once tranquil self. Zelda slowly let go of Link, almost taking care of him at this point. But eventually, they gradually proceeded to hold hands and walk together.

They both passed the entrance of Kakariko village; the paint on the wooden archway seemed new as if the end of Ganon had brought an independent revival for the village itself. Link and Zelda passed the wooden archway, and walked along the mountainous path. Almost no interaction happened between them. They mostly looked at each other in silence, occasionally

Complementing each other.

They soon exited the pathway and saw Kakariko village, it had become a thriving village alone as an independent village. Zelda looked surprised at the discovery and marveled at the revival of the village.

"C'mon let's go see Impa!" Zelda impatiently grabbed Link by the hand and ran down the hill alongside the other children of the village playing.

"Zelda not so fast!" Link was started by the speed Zelda had run down the hill, as she passed in front of all the shops. They were both holding hands, but Link stumbled behind her with her quick sudden jolts.

Eventually, they both got to the middle of Kakariko village. Link was exhausted by how much sudden running he had to do. Zelda was ecstatic to meet her old friend Impa Since this had been the first connection of any Hyrule citizen who had any contact with citizens of all the other tribes and villages. Two guards approached both of them from the stairs

"Princess, please follow us to a meeting room, time is of the essence!" said one of the guards.

"Of course" Zelda followed both men with a link behind her, and the group walked up the stairs into the main hall, where Impa was not seen. Zelda's face became anxious, as she feared for the worst had happened to Impa.

The guards led them to a room at the right of the main hall, tucked away behind the wall, it had been almost hidden if not for the clear door markings. The guards opened the room, it was a room with tan walls and a rug-type floor. There is a table in the middle with 3 chairs surrounding it, and plants decorating the sides of the walls. On the desk, there was a long document with big giant letters saying "treaty" at the top. On the side opposite of the table was none other than, Paya, wearing the chief's hat.

Zelda looked in disbelief, with her only thought being where is Impa?

"Very nice to meet you, Princess, my name is Paya, and I am the new chief. I inherited this position from my grandmother Impa" Paya said.

"Where is Impa?" Zelda asked with a scared emotion on her face.

"Don't worry, she has retired and is taking a trip around Hyrule" Paya responded

Zelda's face calmed down, and she began to loosen up.

Paya turned to Link with a seductive look on her face "Hey link"

"Hi Paya" Link responded nervously.

"Well let's get this done, come sit"

Link and Zelda both sat on one side of the table while on the other was Paya, in front of them was a long document with a pen at the side of it.

"Please read this advisor," Paya asked her advisor as she turned to him at the back of the room.

The advisor stepped forward and cleared his throat.

"This treaty assures the protection of Kakariko village with the kingdom of Hyrule. The village will be accepted into Hyrule and it will not attack Hyrule and Hyrule won't attack the village securing an alliance".

After hearing this Zelda became sure that this must happen "The Kingdom of Hyrule accepts"

Zelda grabbed the pen and began signing the long document. After a bit of signing, Zelda finally finished

After Zelda finished signing it, the advisor grabbed the treaty and stepped outside. He opened the door to the main hall and opened the main doors. Outside was a crowd of people waiting for the response. After the advisor showed the document the crowd cheered outside and fireworks began setting off. A whole celebration erupted over the accomplishment.

Paya stood up from the table "Please if you excuse me I have a lot of work to do, it was an honor to see you, the guards should show you to your rooms, your gear is already there" Paya bowed to the princess.

"Thank you Paya" Zelda responded

Paya quickly left the room and headed up to the chief's room, when a guard approached the room.

"Please follow me to your rooms," the guard told Zelda.

The guard led them to the outside, passing the cheering crowds, Link and Zelda waived at the crowd but quickly followed the guard to the room. The guard led them to a small building next to the main hall.

"This whole building has been reserved for the duration of your stay, we hope you find it comfortable, if you need anything the main hall is close," the guard told Link and Zelda

"Thank you" Zelda responded

The building was a small one-story building, it had a kitchen, bathroom, and living room. It was an entirely small house for themselves. Link began to unpack the gear and clothing. But Zelda thought of different things. Zelda pulled Link aside into the bedroom and pushed him into the bed. Zelda locked the door.

"What are you doing Zelda?" asked Link

"I wanna have fun" responded Zelda

Zelda jumped into the bed with Link, she started to cuddle with him in the bed. She felt she needed attention,

"Link I know this is unusual, but I want you to fuck me," Zelda asked Link.

"What, you want me to do it with you??, what if people find out, what i-"

Zelda kisses Link, preventing him from speaking, their lips touched and locked together, almost as if they were meant for each other. Their tongues met together and touched.

Zelda started to take off her tunic, she slid it off of her, showing her boobs to Link.

Link, confused about what to do, started to take off his shirt. The put away the master sword and slid off his tunic. But by the time he finished, Zelda had already taken off her leggings. Those leggings always made Link hard, just looking at Zelda like that made him hard. He took off his pants and threw them across the room. Zelda took off her underwear showing her completely untouched and pure body.

"What are you waiting for, take it off" Zelda commanded Link, Zelda teased Link until they were both naked.

Link immediately took off his underwear, revealing a decent-sized dick. As soon as he did, Zelda jumped on top of him pinning him to the bed. They were both naked together in bed, Their bodies interlocked with each other.

Zelda grabbed Link's dick and penetrated it into her vagina, the sheer speed made Zelda cry.


"Zelda, are you okay?" Link asked worriedly

"It's fine, go faster" Zelda responded,

Link began to go faster with each thrust. Every time it would bounce Zelda, her tits bounced on Link's face. Link slowly fondled her tits, and he slowly pulled and pinch on Zelda's tits.

Zelda moaned, it sounded heavenly like an angel cry. But Link would go faster and faster. He would not stop.

He grabbed her vagina and started to finger it, he would go fast and fast, he would turn Zelda around and would do it doggy style.

"Link…Link!" Zelda cried as the night went on, she felt pleasure, but she wanted more. He pulled her hair back just like a horse, but this one obeyed. And he would reward her.

Link grabbed Zelda and tied her hands behind her back, restraining her in a bondage style.

"Who is a good girl"

"I am, I…am" Zelda responded tiredly.

Link turned her around with her mouth beneath him. He started to jerk off, he sprayed his cum all over Zelda's face and into her mouth.

"Thank you, thank you master!" Zelda replied, accepting the role of a good little slave just for one night.


After a few hours together, link fell asleep, and Zelda decided to sleep with him, to enjoy the moment. A few hours went by the time was almost midnight but something outside had woken Zelda, guards were preparing horses, not their horses but someone's horses. Link didn't seem to notice, but Zelda did. There was a small hole through the blinds that allowed Zelda to see the outside world. At that time link was already asleep.

Nobody had been outside, it was just the loneliness of the guards at night, nobody seemed to notice the guards. Suddenly a human-like person, dressed in all black came down the steps, the person was wearing all black. The face was covered, almost like a hijab. The person wore a large hat with large flaps above the hijab-like cover, in the flaps was the symbol of the Yiga clan. Zelda was shocked and remembered all the times the Yiga clan tried assassinating her. As the person stepped into the moonlight, the outfit glimmered and many silvers and jewelry shined under the moonlight, revealing more symbols.

"What the hell ?" Zelda thought to herself

It was the dead of night, and nobody was out, except the masked person, the guards, and the horses. Suddenly a man and a woman appeared from the top of the staircase leading to the top of the main hall. Both of them seemed to be ordinary Kakariko villagers, they had Kakariko clothes, and they had Kakariko hair, but something was off.

"Mmmph..mmmph!" Zelda tried to wake Link from his sleep, she struggled to move at all but then she noticed she was still in bondage. Link forgot to untie and ungag Zelda.

From the corner of Zelda's eyes, she saw something appear as the moonlight hit the villagers, they were in bondage. Both of them had eye covers that were taped around their head.. The woman appeared to have a black ball gag in her mouth, while the man only had his mouth taped around his head. Both of their clothes seemed dirty and almost torn off, revealing parts of their skin around their chest and back area. There were severe lashes and burning marks around their chests and face both of them, but severely more on the woman which was odd.

"What the fuck?" Zelda thought as she saw this through the small opening in the curtain.

The more the man and the woman walked down the more was revealed. Both of them had leather-type shackles on their hands, and both had a serpent-like thing wrapped around their torsos. It was no serpent, it looked like it had been made from ancient technology.

"Purah?" Zelda thought to herself

The burns and lashings became more noticeable with the more they traveled down the stairs. Both of them seemed to be in some sort of BDSM-type bondage, but Zelda couldn't figure out which one.

As soon as they got down to the horses, they got leashes attached to their necks by the person with the YIga clothing.

The girl whimpered a little as she got a leash tightened around her neck.

"Mmph…" the girl whimpered.

The person punched her in the gut, and the girl fell in agony, curling to a little ball on the ground. She whimpered more on the ground, she tried screaming for help, but only a muffled whimper came from her.

the person took off some clothing revealing a pair of breasts and a more feminine body structure but keeping her face hidden

"A female," Zelda thought about the person

the woman kneeled to the girl who was curled in a bad, the woman slowly took off the girl's pants and underwear, revealing a beaten and almost irritated vagina.

The woman started grabbing the girl's vagina, slowly fingering and groping it, suddenly the woman's gag went loose allowing the woman to speak.

"Please stop, I want to see my mommy" a sort of young voice spoke from the girl.

" She's a child, she's underage, this is rape," Zelda thought about it will a scared and shocked expression.

"You will never see your mommy and daddy ever again," the woman dominantly said to the girl.

"No no no, let me go, let me g-" The woman put the ball gag on the girl, cutting her only form of contact.

The woman began groping and fondling the girl, touching her vagina, and chest, all over her. the girl tried to scream but only came whimpers. the girl tried to move but was stopped by the serpent-like machine, squeezing her body.

"Be grateful that I paid attention to you bitch" the woman said to the girl. the woman spit on the girl's vagina, before fingering it rapidly. this went on for a few minutes, as this went on the woman would whisper dirty talk to the girl, but she was far enough for Zelda to not hear her. finally, the woman stopped, she left the girl on the ground breathing heavily, the girl slowly started to orgasm, with the girl solely ejaculating on the ground. the woman decided to not pay any attention and went on to the guy

The woman put the leash on the guy, the man made no such noise and stayed completely still. The person went back to her horse and got on it, two guards were surrounding the person in Kakariko armor. They slowly rode away, dragging the two slave-like victims away, to outside the village, they rode away in the direction of the exit to the village leading the man, but dragging the woman by the neck.

"What…the…fuck" were the only words Zelda could think of this, as she watched the horses slowly leaving her field of view, with no one around to watch it but her.

Zelda remembered something that instance

"I've seen them before, from the entrance of the village, they were kidnapped, against their will" Zelda realized this in her mind, her face became nervous and fearful of what happened to them, and what caused them to be like this.

"No this can't be happening, this can't be happening" Zelda closed her eyes repeating these words in her mind slowly drifting off to sleep, with the thought of the girl being underage still tormenting her mind.