
The Prince that was Promised

Jon is stabbed to death by his brothers. In death, he finds out about his parentage, and a prophecy of waking dragons from stone comes alive, while another of a dragon has three heads also rears its head. “Yes, Orys, that is true. I’m your father, Rhaegar Targaryen, and you are the promised prince. The one who will lead the living out of the darkness. The one who wakes dragons from stone amidst salt and smoke.” His father said. Jon will be accompanied by two possible surviving dragons from the dance : Silverwing and the Cannibal

HeroDuT1998 · Book&Literature
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Jon Snow

'Sorry, sister,' his second thought after he said 'Ghost.' 'Where was he? He felt heavy, like a cloak soaked with water. He was in a cave full of Dragonglass. He remembered the look it had when Ghost had found it at the fist of the first men.' He thought as he looked around.

"Well, you finally have come to join us, little brother. He looks guilty and unhappy, doesn't he, Mother?" The voice was young. As he looked toward where the sound was coming from, he saw a small girl with copper skin, black hair, and purple eyes holding a woman with copper skin, black hair, and black eyes. She gave him a sad smile. "He does, sweetling. Orys does look sad. He left his Rhaenys in the North, in danger of a Red Witch. His Visenya is in the southeast, lost without him," the woman said as she kissed the child on the cheek. 'Why did the woman call him Orys, and what did she mean by his Visenya and Rhaenys? He didn't know any by those names? Expect from the histories, of course.' He thought confused. 

"Son, they are right. You left them both. I never thought it was meant to wake stone dragons from stone." Then he felt a hand on his shoulders. A man said in his voice something he didn't remember hearing before. 'What surprised him was that he said 'son' as the voice wasn't Eddard Stark's. Yet Eddard Stark was his father. He was his bastard.' He thought as turn around.

He was looking at a man and eyes he recognized as his own. In those indigo eyes, not the grey-purple like his own, but still his eyes. "Hello, I have longed to meet you, my son. A sadness that couldn't happen before and like this," the man said as he embraced him. He felt the familiarity, something instinctive about the embrace he never felt with Eddard Stark.

He blurted out, "But it can't be." "It's true, my boy. He's your father." Another feminine voice, soft and gentle, like he remembered Lady Stark spoke to his siblings. As he looked more at the man's appearance, his pale skin and silver-blond hair, he was a Targaryen. But as he looked more, he saw himself again. His chin, his cheekbones, everything was him, except the coloring. 'This man was his father, but the how of it was still unknown.' He thought as a headache developed in his head.

"Son, turn around. I want to see my handsome boy again. I only hoped it was not this soon. " The woman behind spoke. As he turned, he recognized the face but could not place where he had seen it before. "Mother?" He spoke the words, something he wished to say to someone. As he embraced, it felt the same as with the man with his indigo eyes.

"You did well. I'm proud of you. You've made us all proud. A true king, a proctor of the realm of men. Now you have done your duty well so far, better than many who have sat on the throne or are trying to claim it," the man behind him said. Then he looked back at the woman. Then he recognized her face—the face of Arya's. He remembered the second thought after being stabbed by his brothers. "Lyanna." There was awe in his voice. His mother was Lyanna Stark, which meant only one thing about the man to whom he had been speaking—he was Rhaegar Targaryen. The woman smiled and took his face in her hand. It felt warm, a wonderful warmth of love.

"Yes, Orys, that is true. I'm your father, Rhaegar Targaryen, and you are the promised prince. The one who will lead the living out of the darkness. The one who wakes dragons from stone amidst salt and smoke." His father said, 'Rhaegar Targaryen was his fucking father.' it still dazzled him. Then he led him toward two mounds of Dragonglass in the cave. But they were different from the rest. They looked melted, and one mound was black as pitch. The other had a silver and pale blue look. 'What were they thinking? Yet he felt a strange connection to them.' He thought as he looked at the mounts.

"Touch them and wake dragons from stone. Be the prince you were meant to be and the king the people need. Save our kin, surrounded by spiders and skulls of gold. It's time the dragons become one again. A dragon of black is still a dragon," his father said, sadness in his eyes.

'What does that mean,' he wondered. "What shall happen when I touch them?" "You wake them from stone, and you will leave us," his father said somberly. 'He didn't want to leave. He had just found his mother and his father. Even his sister, Rhaenys, and even Elia were there.' He thought somberly.

"I will I see you again?" He asked. "Perhaps one day, don't worry, kin will soon be close to you again. Someone wants to protect his little brother, but you find out soon enough." His father said as a small smile grazed his lips.

"Farewell, son. Make us proud, something you already have done," his mother said as she kissed his cheek. "I love you both. I'll make you proud. You too, sister, and you, Elia," he said as he braced himself for a goodbye. 'Where was Aegon?' he thought because wasn't he also gone? 'Yet something his father said gave him hope he would meet him as well.

"Goodbye," He said, and he turned, stepping towards the mounds, a searing warmth coursing through his veins. The mounds cracked. One emitted green and black flames with flecks of purple. The other silver and pale blue flames. Then, a loud explosion and he opened his eyes to the bright light of flames and the wailing of a girl.

Thanks for the read, and I hope you like this idea.

Jon or Orys will receive dragons after his death, but how long has passed since his death? It will mostly follow book canon, but the show stuff will also be included.

I have some plans, and I hope you all enjoy what is to come.

End note: I wish to formally declare that I hold no ownership over any lines, worldbuilding aspects, or characters derived from the following works: "Game of Thrones," "House of the Dragon" TV show, or the broader "A Song of Ice and Fire" universe.

The credit for the creation of these literary elements rightfully belongs to HBO and George R.R. Martin for their contribution in crafting this rich and immersive world.

The narrative presented herein utilizes elements from these works solely for the purpose of constructing a new story.

I hold the rights solely to the original elements introduced within the context of the story I've created. This includes new characters, plot developments, and any unique narrative elements that are not directly derived from pre-existing works such as "Game of Thrones," "House of the Dragon," or the broader "A Song of Ice and Fire" universe.

Thanks for the read, and don't repost this story. If not given permission.

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