
The Prince of the Ombrae

In the Ombrae, people are whispering: "The King will never return," and the panic rose as the sky was menacing to send their soldiers to ravage the monstrosities living here. Banshees, zombies, vampires, and so many others were ready to leave the world they loved, to return to Earth and hide. When another rumor spread: "The Prince is coming", and in the heart of the damned, for the first time in a very long time, there was hope again. For those who have fallen in disgrace, those who want to be forgotten. It feels so cold in Ombrae. Where are our brothers and sisters, where are our children? It is so calm in Ombrae. Listening to the call of our King and then his son, the Prince, in the darkness we rise. It is so warm in Ombrae.

Dragoslawa · Fantasy
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139 Chs

Those who lose hope

Jäwell was checking the maps and the plans Dante had just made. He scoffed in excitement as it was almost the time for action to begin. This was all about freedom, the freedom to be human again. The words of Archanium echoed in his mind, they were similar, searching to be free from their mind. They do not think about the consequences and embrace death if it comes to them. The thrill of the fight, the fear of defeat, all these emotions that were so human and made them feel alive. 

When it was decided, Jäwell deployed his wings inside the room and rushed outside through the wall. He was so passionate that he didn't even take the time to use the door. The prince just demolished the black surface of the castle and flew to Tarim. He had waited for so long. Jäwell has been king and, then, prince, for centuries. He had enough to have to behave, he wanted to retrieve who he was for real and this could not wait any longer.