
The Prince of the Ombrae

In the Ombrae, people are whispering: "The King will never return," and the panic rose as the sky was menacing to send their soldiers to ravage the monstrosities living here. Banshees, zombies, vampires, and so many others were ready to leave the world they loved, to return to Earth and hide. When another rumor spread: "The Prince is coming", and in the heart of the damned, for the first time in a very long time, there was hope again. For those who have fallen in disgrace, those who want to be forgotten. It feels so cold in Ombrae. Where are our brothers and sisters, where are our children? It is so calm in Ombrae. Listening to the call of our King and then his son, the Prince, in the darkness we rise. It is so warm in Ombrae.

Dragoslawa · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
138 Chs

Heaven’s not enough, but the Ombrae is

This was a vision of chaos spreading onto the world. Slowly, the Ombrae turned into a nightmare and the shadows were flooding the streets of the capital, taking a liquid substance and a crimson color. A man went out of his shop when he saw the wave coming. The power of the shock ripped his leg out as his upper body held the door of his building. 

Soon, the buildings were starting to turn into a liquid substance too, everything that was made of shadows. The core of the Ombrae was falling apart. 

Archanium looked at it and chuckled, the woman next to him placed a finger on her mouth, thinking about the situation. 

"Did you know what was going to happen?" She asked genuinely curious.

Archanium shook his head, "Not at all. I honestly thought he would succeed in transferring his powers to the dragon and leave but this is a spectacle I am glad to see."

He placed his hand under his chin and grinned, "This boy is destroying everything Zarkhaïm created. I bet my brother will have a broken heart when he sees that his little shelter for monsters is ruined."

"They are going to all die," She stated with a deep smile.

Archanium grabbed the glass and placed it to his lips, sipping calmly. "He is impressive, I would never have imagined he had this in him."

"He kept his human side. This guy is irresponsible, he has no conscience of what he is doing. This is no power, it is stupidity."

Archanium turned to her with an icy look, "Do not speak of what you don't know, Tara. I prohibit you from speaking ill of him."

"It is Yshnaa now… I changed my name, remember? And why? He is as despicable as Zarkhaïm. They are all our enemies."

Archanium laughed, mocking her openly, "You are the stupid one. Don't project on others your defaults."

She did a strange rictus with her mouth and stood up, leaving the place, visibly vexed. Once alone, Archanium spoke to himself while looking in the direction of Jäwell's position, "I wish it could have worked, I would have loved to fight you in such a state, kiddo."

Ajira rushed outside the demonic caverns, there was worry on her face and she rushed to Fluffy. The demoness found the vampire dancing under the rain of blood and giggling like a little girl. Ajira got upset at the view and grabbed her shoulder firmly, "What are you doing?! What is happening?!"

Fluffy looked at the woman straight in the eyes and her voice didn't sound childish at all. The old vampire had an extremely serious tone.

"We are all going to die."

Ajira's eyes widened in horror, "What are you talking about?! What is all this mess?!"

"Don't you see? The prince is crying." Lady Fluffy said while spreading her arms, almost like in a religious ritual, being soaked by the red rain.

Ajira didn't know what to say to this. She was shocked not only by what the vampire said but also by her reaction. Fluffy already had accepted her fate and she was not alarmed at all by the idea that her life would end. 

The demoness shook her with violence, "Oh come on! We must be able to do something! I don't want to die now!"

But the casualties were already severe. A few dark elves have been imprisoned by the flooding in their caverns and some dwarves had no chance when the mountain made with shadows collapsed on them. Many died in the world and inhabitants were screaming in the streets, running away but not knowing where. 

The whole world was made of shadows, and the whole world was turning into a pool of blood, and in the middle of this mayhem, Jäwell became silent. He lowered his head, looking at his wet hands and his clothes soaked in red. 

There was no hope anymore for him, the realization to be an eternal being with no purpose and no objective struck him. He was numb and taken into a feeling of deep loneliness. The screams of the victims were echoing in his mind but he didn't truly care. 

Nothing mattered anymore. He raised his head to look around him, the horizon filled with the liquid was a view to behold in its atrocity and the reflection of the Golden city over the surface was shining like it never did. Jäwell was not breathing anymore, he never needed to. He kept This stupid thing from when he was human like Zarkhaïm had taught him. 

If the silver claws still had a heart to beat, organs to function, breathing, and the need to eat and drink, this was not by survival necessities. It was a lesson from Zarkhaïm to keep what made them human as long as possible. 

And Jäwell didn't see the need to continue to do that anymore. When he looked over the castle, he saw the citizens cluster together on the hill. The dark castle was one of the rare last buildings still standing. 

The flooding was going higher and higher, ravaging everything around. Even the Jessadians didn't manage to create shields in time. Jäwell started to move and with his motion, there were waves of chaos spreading all over the world. 

He crossed the remains of the Jessadian tribe and Turisaz looked at him with horror, his voice was broken, "You are the one doing this?!"

The Jessaidan leader could not believe what he was seeing. Jäwell came to him and raised his hand over him, "You…"

Turisaz trembled and took a step back but Jäwell was already targeting him, the body of the Jessadian was imprisoned in the water, and, in a blink of an eye, there was nothing left of the leader. The crimson liquid was as sharp as blades, as powerful as an elephant, and as fast as lightning. 

This was the extent of Jäwell's pain and despair. There was only a beast in his eyes, seeking revenge for those who hurt his loved ones. Turisaz's horns were the only remains of his body and were transported to Jäwell. 

The former prince laughed as he caught them in his hands, "You were supposed to show your support to her. You betrayed her. Zuline did what she did to save you, and look at you now."

The other Jessadians surviving were frozen in terror, as for Archanium in the sky, he gasped in joy. Archanium hated the Jessadians for what they represented and he tried to exterminate them more than once in vain as they were defended by Zarkhaïm. 

He looked at them being decimated by Jäwell without pity, Zarkhaïm was still not coming and Archanium didn't intend to stop him. He was enjoying way too much what was happening. 

Jäwell continued to walk over the water calmly and he crossed the path of Ajira trying to swim. As he saw her, she tried to speak to him.

"Jäwell! Stop this madness! You are killing us!" So, he simply bumped into her and pierced her neck with his fangs. Letting fall a lifeless body that was taken away quickly by the waves. 

"I don't care," he confirmed another time. 

Lady Fluffy and the other vampires used this moment to feed on the corpses Jäwell had left behind him. They were like vultures, devouring the leftovers of what their leader was allowing them to take. Fluffy always has been loyal to the dark blood, but this time, they truly appeared to be the servants of Zarkhaïm lineage and Jäwell didn't touch any of them. The shadows didn't take them into the void they were forming at the center of the world.

The former prince was about to join the castle, resolved to destroy the last remains of Zarkhaïm. Archanium saw easily in his eyes that this was a suicide, he was searching to destroy everything his creator loved to provoke his fury and make him kill him. 

The god chuckled as he thought of it, "That is not smart of you but I believe it will be efficient. You truly lost your reason to live, kiddo," he commented from where he was. Safe. 

It was as if Jäwell heard him. A smile crossed his face when he turned to look straight in the direction of the golden city in the sky for a short time. Then, he continued his march above the surface of the water in the direction of the castle. 

Jäwell had lost his mind, everyone saw it. He was not even looking like the one he always has been and the charming, handsome prince let place to a monstrous abomination with one wing falling in his back. 

He reached the castle from behind, stepping into the gardens first and looking at the roses. Jäwell took the time to rip them out one by one, his sadness was so great that tears rolled down his cheeks as he ravaged the emblem of his family. 

And then, in the middle of this heaven lost in the time and the memories, Jäwell felt a light he needed to feel. 

In front of him, in the sky, Tarim was flying to him, and the dragon was healthy more than ever. Jäwell stopped himself, the shadows calmed down, and slowly took back their place in the world. Freeing the inhabitants to go back to their homes, leaving them traumatized by the events but alive and with all their limbs. 

Tarim landed in front of Jäwell and their connection never was so intense. The dragon roared to the sky to show his power and Jäwell smiled.

"You are stronger," He commented.

"I drank your blood. It almost feels like I am full now."

Jäwell heard the dragon, his attitude calmed a bit and the dark wrinkles vanished under his skin while his fangs and claws became shorter. 

"Are you ready now?" Jäwell asked with a trembling voice.

Tarim nodded his head and looked at him without a flinch. "Now I am. I will take your power and restore what was damaged in the Ombrae. That will be my first mission."

Jäwell murmured, "I don't care," before spreading his arms and sending the shadows in Tarim's body. 

But this time, the dragon didn't suffer. He accepted them, and the flooding ceased completely, letting the streets dry. The dragon felt the power coming in him, the capacity to control everything in the world. He winced and asked, "How don't you abuse this? I can feel how strong it is."

Jäwell looked at him with sadness, "Because it is boring."

Tarim nodded as he understood what Jäwell was saying. The dragon looked at Jäwell becoming human in front of his eyes. Something he would never have expected ever and Jäwell was breathing with a deep intensity, feeling alive again after so many years. 

The dragon looked around him and saw the carnage, he was concerned and then claimed, "I will repair everything and restore every life that was lost. This will be my quest and my reason to live."

Jäwell chuckled, tired after letting so much power go wild, he managed to find Dante and told him with authority, "We can leave now. We are ready for the next battle."