
Chapter One: The Recognition

I wove my way through the market, clutching the red roses tightly in my shaking hands. I guess wearing a tank top at the beginning of winter wasn't my best idea yet. It felt good to hear the noise of the market people, and smell fresh pastries again. Something I had been denied for 2 months.

All because of a dimwitted royal.

As I got closer to the graveyard I noticed men in black suits, situated at odd sides of the area. I didn't think too much of it until I noticed the silver badges on their ties.


They were royal guards.

Shit. Shit. Shit. I chanted in my head, cursing my luck. Why, Universe? Why?

I contemplated coming back another day, or just never coming back again, but I knew that I had to. Or I wouldn't do it at all. Exhaling deeply, I walked into death city, wishing the ground would swallow me up.

It didn't, by the way.

I almost sprinted when I spotted his grave, as excitement bubbled up in my throat. Finally. It was right there, staring back at me, the words deeply engraved into the stone.

...Loving brother, husband, and father.

I almost burst into laughter at the irony, as memories washed over me in waves.

Please, Elianna, don't do this.

I knelt on the ground in front of the grave, letting the memories come faster than ever. His voice was forever lodged in my thoughts, controlling my thoughts, my actions, and my words. His ocean blue eyes forever haunted me, still stuck in my head- even when I watched the light fade from them.

You'll forever be mine Elianna, I just want you to know that.

What was wrong with me that day? I still couldn't fathom how my hands curled around his neck-

Elianna, it's okay to be sad, I'll be here for you.

Tears stung my eyes and I felt my lips moving, but I had no idea what I was saying. Did I want to know?

I heard movement near me and immediately shot up, touching my hip to feel where my gun was. Then I saw it.

Or should I say, I saw him?

My breath caught in my throat as I took him in. I took all of him in. His hair wasn't golden blonde anymore- it was jet black. Completely dark, silky, and... perfect. He was a lot taller than I remembered, considering it had been 9 years. Nine long years without someone I'd considered to be my best friend.

But it was all a lie.

He was so... muscular. His muscles rippled from under the blue suit he was wearing, which strained against his arm. He had to be at least 6'2 now. If not taller. He must have felt my gaze because he turned around and caught me staring. When we played this game as children, I'd always look away and a stain of red would cover my cheeks. But this time, I stared back.

I saw the look in his eyes, and my lips turned up in a smile. He was tormented too. I could still see his green eyes as they sparkled in the dim glow of the sun. They were a lot darker than I remembered.

Anger. Sadly, it didn't last for long enough. I could hear the birds chirping in the background, literally telling me to run, but just like always, he had me trapped under his stare. I couldn't think, move, or feel anything except him. The heat of his gaze made my body feel warm despite the goosebumps on my skin. My eyes trailed around his face, and I noticed how chiseled his jaw had gotten. The pictures I'd seen did him no justice. One of the men in black touched his earpiece and I knew that he would have to go soon. Why couldn't I move?

Truthfully, I didn't want to.

I let myself feel, just for one second, but he ruined it when I saw recognition flash in his eyes.

I hated the soft look his stone-cold expression cracked into.

I hated the way his green eyes got a shade lighter, then fifty shades darker.

He noticed my angry stare and tried to approach me, but his guard stepped up to him with an arm on his shoulder. He continued staring at me, but the touch of his guard shook him out of it.

I turned around and walked away as quickly as I could, stopping at the graveyard's entrance to catch one last glance at him. Even from the distance, I could see the disappointment on his face, and it made me happy.

Because on the same day nine years before, he broke my heart.