
The Prince of Arlon

Author: Rielle Bae
Magical Realism
Ongoing · 6.3K Views
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What is The Prince of Arlon

Read The Prince of Arlon novel written by the author Rielle Bae on WebNovel, This serial novel genre is Magical Realism stories, ✓ Newest updated ✓ All rights reserved


If she failed, her family's name would be ruined, dragged in the mud. She had to do it. For her family's honor. To save the face of all Vans women in the country. If she failed, she would have to get married to the beast himself, the Crowned Prince of Arlon. Prince Ajax. *** "Get on your knees and beg me." He harshly said, hatred blazing in his eyes. "Beg like the dog you are." I had to do it. For Mama. For Cj. "Please forgive me your Highness" I whispered out, clenching my fists as I fell to my knees. "I'm very sorry for my insolence." "Good." I could hear the smile in his voice. "Get up." I stood up on my feet. "Now strip your clothes."

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