
Chapter 126 - Imprisoned [NOT EDITED YET]

As compensation for what she did, Melanie took all the magic that Paul had. He is also imprisoned in the dungeon in retribution for what he did to Ivy, Derion, and the others.

Ivy didn't even want to see Paul even once. He didn't care about the man anymore. He didn't care what excuse Paul gave them.

Meanwhile, Theodoric was repeatedly asking the same thing. Is he a magician or not? But the truth is, Melanie has taken away everything that Paul has and if Paul replies that he is a magician, then of course Theodoric wants Paul to prove it.

"No. I am not a witch," said Paul in answer to Theodoric's question.

And Theodoric didn't quite believe it. Because he saw for himself what Paul did to him. He also believed that he was not mistaken.

"Are you possessed by something? But it seems impossible!"

"Why not? You just can't believe what you believe."

"I was sure you were a magician! But you said no, which means you're lying."