
The Primordial Truth

In the Divine Era of Gods and Mystical beings, how hard is it to become an Atmasar? Shrouded in the veil of Forgotten history and darkness, what or where lies the lurking evil that threatens to devour us all? Waking up to find himself in an eerie situation, Vijay finds himself reincarnated as Dhruv Brahmaputra in a Fantasy world of the Divine, where he sees a world filled with high-tech sci-fi technologies coupled with ancient mystical knowledge, supernatural beings capable of manipulating the various laws of Universe, divine and evil rituals, potions, Heavenly Mantras, Mystery Artifacts as well as the Heavenly Legacies of various Gods..... Follow Dhruv and the others as they find themselves chosen as the new inheritors of the Heavenly Legacies, and as they slowly develop newfound Godly powers to manipulate the various Laws of Universe by ascending further in the Heavenly Pathways of the their inherited Legacies. This is the Legend of the Inheritors of the Heavenly Legacies and their journey in uncovering the various secrets hidden within the mysterious fabric of the Universe and seek the Ultimate Primordial Truth of existence----

Kasimo · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 08: Captain Nikita

Just as she was about to continue, the door of Dr. Shreesha's office slid, and Dr. Sheesha stepped outside, she had the same tranquil expression and look as before, "The patient is safe now and will soon regain his consciousness in a couple of hours, you may see him now and wait for him to wake up" informed dr. sheesha to both Anand and Ritu, then she turned to look at the receptionist and calmly said "I will be meditating in my cabin, inform me once the patient has woken up", after informing them she entered her cabin and started meditating.Meanwhile, both Anand and Ritu were shocked by how quickly the treatment ended as they expected it to last for a long while, at the same time they were a bit doubtful so they wasted no time and quickly appeared beside the bed where the captain was lying, and were once again shocked with a dumbfounded expression, as of currently, the captain's chest armor was removed and placed to the side, he appeared in his inner protective suit, but the most important thing was that the hole in the captain's chest was already healed as if it wasn't there, to begin with, and the captain was now breathing normally and appeared to be sleeping peacefully, even his outer armor and inner protective silk suit which were previously damaged and torn apart near the chest area now appeared to be back to normal and unscathed.They both started observing Captain's condition more carefully and were relieved to find him safe and out of danger, "This feels like a miracle to me, as if the missing heart and the hole in Captain's chest were just an illusion, this feels totally unreal!!" said Ananda in an awed and fascinated tone. "Thats how Dr. Shreesha handles all the critical cases, she only handles such cases where the life of the patient hangs on the line while slipping by with time, and time is the law that all Brahma Pathway Atmasar pursue, this is the reason why they are often called as "Shunyas" as they are capable of Manipulating the supreme law of Time!!" said the receptionist in a prideful tone. "So your saying that Dr. Shreesha reversed the Time to before the captain was Injured? That sounds really absurd! but that must be the case otherwise there is no other explanation for this" said Anand in an enlightened tone."The captain is fine now, we must wait for him to wake up and fully recover, he might not be in the right state of mind after going through such a near-death experience," said Ritu in a soft voice, "yeah you are right, he must be quite shaken, let's give him some space to recover once he wakes up" replied Anand.—------------------------------------------------------------------------Meanwhile, in the mountains near the outskirts of Vishwakarma City, the silhouette of a hooded figure draped in a dark green robe could be seen zooming past the trees at breakneck speed, and behind him at some distance, a group of black ops agents fully clad in the same high-tech spirit armor as the captain and his team appeared to be chasing after the hooded figure with palpable killing intent, among them were Swara and Parekh with an extremely cold look in their eyes.They were able to find the culprit responsible for critically injuring their captain with the help of Captain Nikita who was a "Shunya" the one who walked on the Brahma Pathway of soul ascension. She was a 6th-stage Shunya, she was able to track down the culprit with her Present-peering abilities, currently, she was also chasing the culprit with them because of the identity of the culprit being a follower of Matalikha, as all the followers of Matalikha were known to be chaotic and lunatic demons and were constantly hunted down by the other Clans and organizations because of their act of abducting people and performing genocides and sacrificial rituals for their goddess.Meanwhile, Angara the mirror demon was running for his life as he knew he was no match for this group of people chasing after him, especially the Shunya, this was by far one of the worst days of his life, and don't even mention the heart that he had savored and devoured of that 6th stage Pruthvi Atmasar seemed to have disappeared from within his stomach and intestines and he knew very well why and how this happened, no doubt it was those Shunyas doing, as nothing could escape from their grasp.While he was running at full speed with everything he had, suddenly from the corner of his eyes he saw a beautiful woman with smooth jade-like ivory skin, long jet-black hair tied in a bun behind her head, delicate and sharp facial features, and breathtaking large amber eyes which were now staring at him with a frosty cold and indifferent gaze of a hunter, coupled with her slender curvy graceful body, she suddenly appeared right beside him in a golden flash,her movements were way too fast as if time itself was flowing differently for her, she was not wearing the same armor as the rest of the black ops agents, she was donning a tight-fitting golden armor with countless intricate ancient Sanskrit runes inscribed over them and was holding a black sword with similar runic inscriptions inscribed on its surface in gold which were currently glowing.She suddenly appeared beside him within the 1000th instant of a second and slashed her glowing black sword towards him in a blurring motion during which the flow of time seemed to have almost frozen for her allowing only her to move at breakneck speed, and before Angara could even react his right arm was sent flying upwards.He too was flung and sent flying, and before he could even land on the ground, a flash of golden light appeared above him. Before his very own eyes, he was only able to see a thin line of intertwining black and gold blurring past him and decapitating his torso from the rest of his body in an instant, as the aftermath of those insanely rapid actions a strong gust of wind swept past his body, flinging his cleanly severed upper and lower body in 2 opposite directions. By the time he landed on the ground, he was already in 2 halves.Everything happened within fractions of a second. Meanwhile, Nikita now standing beside the torso of the Asura casually swung her black sword leaving an arc of black blood on the ground. The rest of the black ops team quickly caught up and were left dumbfounded by the instant takedown of the enemy, they expected it to take a long while to take down their foe as the Asura would use his unpredictable mirror shards to teleport in different directions and maintain a safe distance from them from time to time, making it very difficult for them to catch up to him, But now it seemed like Captain Nikita was only observing the enemy and while waiting for the right opportunity to end the chase all along.After a while, all of the team members approached the torso of the culprit who was trying to crawl toward his lower body, but before he could move any further the same black sword was plunged right into his spin all the way into the ground, pinning him down like a piece of meat on a cutting board. "Stop struggling you piece of filth," said the breathtakingly beautiful Nikita in an extremely cold and disgusted tone,"This the 89th asura of the month, they just keep appearing everywhere like cockroaches these days....I'm getting sick of these games," she said in an even more frustrated tone as she kicked the back of his head, causing the asura's face to get deeply planted into the ground with a crisp skull-cracking sound, seeing her like that made the rest of the black ops team members gulp in unison.She then closed her eyes and took several deep breaths, and after a while, she returned back to her normal calm state, "Make sure to properly seal his chaos core and his consciousness so that you don't give him any chances to escape" she said calmly before vanishing in a golden flash.As soon as she left, the whole team started sealing the demon immediately, as for the demon he could do nothing but sense his consciousness and chaos core getting sealed.Soon the team completed their assignments and proceeded to report back to the headquarters with the sealed demon.Meanwhile, near the area where the demon was Decapitated, at a long distance from it near a tree on the ground there was a rhombus-shaped mirror with intricate patterns and ancient Sanskrit runes inscribed near its edges after some time silhouette of a woman appeared on the surface of the mirror, "I told master to leave before the Shunya come for him…..ugh it's all his fault!! But now I need to find the rest of the rest of the asuras and inform them about the clan's hunt and find some help to free Master!!" said Rupal the silhouette of the woman inside the mirror,"So you were hiding here all the time" said Nikita as she appeared in a flash right in front of the mirror as she stomped her foot over it. "Hiiiih ho- how were able to find me?" asked Rupal in utter disbelief and frightened voice as she tried to get away from under her foot but she couldn't move at all,Nikita meanwhile took a square-shaped talisman with ancient Sanskrit runes inscribed all over it from her spatial bracelet and calmly placed it over the mirror then she performed a set of hand mudras(hand gestures) while channeling her spirit energy into her hands then she placed her index and middle finger over the talisman and said "SEAL" which caused the runes written on the talisman to crawl over the mirror and seal it in a special time-space seal, after that she calmly picked the mirror and tried placing it into her spatial bracelet but it would enter, "Hmm so its probably made out of some spiritual material" she then put the mirror into her pocket and vanished in a golden flash.