
The Primordial Legacy System

3,000 years ago an alien race called the Utros tried to invade earth. They broke the barrier around the earth to let their ships through, but an unplanned element occurred as different types of Universal energies enter the earth giving humans the power to fight back. The Utros underestimated the human's power while being attacked by other alien enemies which caused their defeat in their conquest of 200 years and had to retreat back to their territories. Oliver is a boy who has lived 12 years of his and passed the prime age for gaining these superpowers. Giving up on the dream of every awakening he steals an item hoping to let his sister who means the world to him awaken, but it cost him his life. Coming back from the dead he ends up with a system and the legacy of an ancient being. Watch as Oliver grows stronger, and learns about himself while uncovering the secrets his mother hid from him. ----------- I don't own the pic I will try to post one chapter every day

J_Morgan052 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

We are back

When Oliver and Elizabeth came out of the portal they found themselves in front of their house or what was left of it. The area around them was in ruins from the damage the secret organization caused.

"How long do you think it's been since we left," Elizabeth asked while looking around their neighborhood.

"It couldn't have been too long," Oliver responded as he took off his blindfold and looked up. A system notification appeared in his view while he felt himself getting a little stronger, but he looked passed those to see the sky.

[Sunshine buff is activated.]

In the sky, the blue energy barrier was surrounding the area while the sun was still rising.

Although they couldn't keep track of time in the sanctuary the siblings knew that they stayed in the sanctuary for more than a few minutes.

"Maybe she brought us back to the exact moment we left." Elizabeth voiced out as she stopped looking up and headed towards what was left of their house.

Oliver nodded at her words while coming up with the same conclusion.

The energy barrier was up for more than 15 minutes when he was being chased.

The fact that an unauthorized energy barrier was placed in the city for that long should have already caught the attention of the real enforcers. Even if they were lazy they still had to check the situation out.

"Let's just wait here, for now, the creator said someone mom trusted would appear and take care of us," Elizabeth said while digging for something in the rubble of their house.

"You are getting your dress dirty Ellie," Oliver stated while looking at the dust and dirt stains getting on Elizabeth's white dress.

Both of them were dressed in all white. Elizabeth was in a white dress and Oliver had on white pants and a white shirt.

"Are you looking for something?" Oliver asked as he walked toward Elizabeth, who was removing the ruble seemingly searching for something.

"Any pictures of us and mom." It was barely a whisper, but Oliver heard it.

He tapped her shoulder to get her attention and Elizabeth couldn't help, but gasp when she saw Oliver make the portrait from 4 years ago appear.

While holding the picture she started reminiscing the events from back then. She wished she could go back to those moments when life was simple and fun.

"Ellie," Oliver said bringing Elizabeth out of her thoughts.

"Yea, I know," She responded while sighing.

From her divine vision, she could see that the energy barrier was starting to form cracks. She gave Oliver back the picture so he could store it in his inventory while getting off of the rubble.

Not even a few moments later they both heard a loud shattering of glass. Surprised they both looked up only to see a black light coming straight toward them from the sky.

"What the hell is that!" Oliver exclaimed, running away with Elizabeth next to him.

They didn't know what was falling from the sky, but seeing as it was coming toward them they decided not to stay and find out.


The black light crashed right in front of them lifting dirt and dusk into the air.

Oliver pulled Elizabeth behind him while covering his eyes. Even with his divine vision, he couldn't see what landed in front of them.

"Hmm, what are your names, children." Oliver and Elizabeth heard as the dust started to clear.

'A metahuman! and a strong one at that.' Oliver thought warily looking at the man in front of him.

In front of the siblings was a middle-aged man who was dressed in a black uniform butler.

The man's hair was black along with his sharp eyes. There were some wrinkles on his face and he had a white beard. Then he had broad shoulders on his muscular body that the butler suit couldn't hide

The siblings weren't fooled by the man's gentle or aged appearance as his body basically screamed vitally and strength.

The man's sharp eyes kept looking at the pocket watch in his hand and the siblings and the frown on his face got deeper when he saw the children not responding.

Both sides looked at each other in silence not making any moves until the middle-aged man put his pocket watch away and started walking toward the siblings.

Oliver and Elizabeth backed up while getting into a defensive position waiting for the man to make his move. They both knew they were no match for the man in front of them, but they weren't going to go down without a fight after everything they'd been through.

"Are you Oliver and Elizabeth Hayes?" The man asked once he was only a few feet away from the siblings.

Oliver's eyes narrowed that statement and he didn't hesitate to use one of his skills.

[Long Sword Creation Used]

Elizabeth wasn't one to fall behind as she created two ice shards above them which lowered the surrounding temperature.

One of the man's eyebrows rose when he saw the white sword appear in front of the boy and the ice shards aiming at him.

He didn't fear the attacks in front of him. However, he was surprised to see children who still had the aura of the awakening (Which means they awakened their powers recently) using their abilities so proficiently.

"Whose's asking," Oliver said while holding the long sword and pointing it at the man.

The man didn't respond as he took out two black cubes.

"You can call me Sebastian, don't worry I'm not here to hurt you. I'm only looking for the Hayes siblings. My device lead me to you kids and although you don't look exactly like Madam Jessica, seeing as you became metahumans recently you might be her kids as there are sometimes changes in appearances when people awaken."

Seeing the siblings' confusion the man sighed before disappearing from his spot and appearing right in front of Oliver and Elizabeth.

"Forgive me if you really are the young master, and mistress," Sebastian said before placing both cubes on the sibling's head. "However, I need proof to know if you are really Oliver and Elizabeth and these devices will confirm it."

Both Elizabeth and Oliver couldn't react as their bodies were stuck in place and the black cubes were placed on their foreheads making them drowsy.

'What is this.' Oliver thought as his body started to feel weak and his vision darkened. He tried fighting it, but he knew his body wouldn't last.

[Don't fight it you can trust this man. He will not hurt you or your sister.]

Oliver heard the system's voice in his head and he stopped resisting.

The same thing happened with Elizabeth however she couldn't resist as long as Oliver.

Seeing both cubes light up with a green light and make the children fall asleep Sebastian sighed in relief.

"I'm glad your children are safe Madam, hopefully, you can rest well knowing that I will take care of them to the best of my ability," Sebastian said while catching Oliver and Elizabeth making sure they didn't fall on the floor.

"Hmm, those troublesome idiots." He voiced out hearing and seeing the enforcer vehicles in the distance.

Sebastian bent his legs a little before jumping into the sky and reaching the clouds. Oliver and Elizabeth were both sound asleep in his arms and were covered by a blue membrane.

Before Sebastian could start to fall, something started pulling him and the sibling toward a cloud.

He didn't seem bothered by that and let the pull take him into the cloud.

Once he entered it, what appeared before him was the inside of an advanced aircraft. The aircraft was the size of a private jet and the inside was mostly white in color. There were multiple holo TVs on the walls along with luxurious furniture decorating the inside of the aircraft.

Sebastian placed Oliver and Elizabeth on one of the seats and sat in front of them.

He knew that they were going to be asleep for a while and they still might be confused about some things when they woke up. So, it was best if he was there to answer any questions they had.

'Truly unfortunate. The madam was about to bring them into the public so they could witness all of her hard work. However, it seems that she was taken before that could happen.' Sebastian thought while suppressing a sigh and closing his eyes.


(Oliver Pov)

As my vision darkened I found myself in a white room.

It looked similar to my living room before it was ruined and I was sitting at the dining table.

On the other side of the table. Sitting in front of me was my mother.

Well, it wasn't really her as it was just a recording of herself.

A sad smile appeared on my face as I looked at her.

Spending all that time in the sanctuary made it feel like months have passed since her death, but here it only happened a few hours ago.

'I'll find a way to bring you back, no matter how much anyone says it's impossible.' I thought before listening to her words.

"Hi, sweety. If you are getting this message this means that you've awakened your powers and I have left this world. You probably want answers about why I sealed your powers, but it's best if you stay in the dark about it, or maybe I'm too selfish to tell you the truth. Anyways you've definitely met Sebastian as he is the only person with this message. He might have some weird quirks, but he is a trustworthy man who I know can take care of you and your sister when I'm gone. Well, there's always the possibility of you never getting this message, but seeing as you did then I'm gone. If that's the case I don't want you to look for a way to revive me. I know you, you would spend the rest of your life looking for a way to bring me back only to be disappointed in the end. If I died then that means my time on earth was meant to end. Don't cry or blame yourself for my death and live your own life without holding back. I know I'm not the best mother in the universe, but I hope you know I tried my best. So once this message is over don't be sad about my death and live your life to its fullest, whether that means traveling through space or having a family. Make sure you at least have a good wife or wives though who knows how many you would want. Also, don't let all the money make you turn into one of those arrogant rich brats. I can't tell you how annoying they are. Oh, and make sure to protect Ellie. Although she is smart, just like you she has a bad temper. Well yea, that's all I have to say so remember matter what you do I will never be disappointed in you and that I love you."

I watched as my mother started to fade away and the white room I was in disappeared with her as my vision of the real world came back.

"I see you've finished receiving her final message."

Sebastian, the man my mother and the creator said I could trust said while looking at me.

I didn't answer him as I needed time to process everything I heard in the message.

Tears stream down my face after going over everything I heard, but I didn't make a sound while crying.

It took me a minute to calm down and once I did I saw Sebastian hand me a handkerchief.

"Although it might be painful for you to remember, can you tell me who killed Madam Jessica," Sebastian asked with a cold expression once I finished wiping my face?

I sighed while placing the handkerchief down and looked out the window.

There wasn't really much to see as we were moving too fast, but the outside world still caught most of my attention.

"The ones who killed her are dead," I answered, but my expression went cold as I thought about the secret organization who were also looking for my mom. "However, after she died a large group came after me and my sister while looking for her."

"I see," Sebastian said while rubbing his beard. "Was it them who did all that damage and where did they go before I arrived?" He asked while looking at one of the HoloTvs on my right.

- Breaking News! The city of Drayton his been attack has been by a terrorist organization. Enforcers are still...

I tuned out the sound coming from the tv while looking toward Sebastian. A smirk appeared on my face as I remember what happened to the group.

"I wouldn't say it was only them who caused that damage, as for where they went. Let's just say they all died."

He didn't get a chance to question what I meant as the pilot of the aircraft announced our arrival waking up Elizabeth.

"Well, when she said don't let the money turn me into one of those arrogant rich brats I wasn't expecting this much," I said looking out the window.