
The Prideful Wizard in MHA.

After meeting Voldemort at the end of his first year at Hogwarts, Harry Potter dies. But because he shouldn't have died so early, he was returned to the world of the living. . . Three hundred years later. Everything has changed quite a lot and now, instead of Wizards, about eighty percent of the population have special powers. And Harry had only one question: who started calling them Quirks? The first couple of chapters are information dumps about MHA, FMA, and HP worlds. The story will move at a slow pace because I don't want to jump into a canon that hasn't changed a bit. The main pairing is Harry Potter/Luna Lovegood. Also, he gets his magic back in later chapters, just bare with it. I do not own My Hero Academia, Harry Potter, Fullmetal Alchemist, or the cover art. But I own a cute cat, her name's Tosya.

Simple_Russian_Boi · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Headache day.

Sirius woke up with one hell of a headache.

The first thing he realized was that he was in the Hospital Wing. The smell of alcohol and anesthetics hit his nose like a hammer. It was the first time in a long time that he had awakened under the Healers' surveillance, and a wave of nostalgia swept over him.

The second thing he noticed was a weight on his body. The scent of Luna's shampoo gave him a pretty good idea of ​​who was next to him but didn't explain the weight on the left side of the bed. Sirius barely opened his eye - his right eye was covered with bandages on his head - and looked around.

His right hand was held by Luna between her breasts, dried paths of tears were visible on her cheeks. Her hair was a mess, and Sirius could only imagine the state of her mind.

Eri was lying on the left side of the bed and holding onto him like a koala. Well, like a sad koala surrounded by four sleeping Basilisks. She looked worse than Luna, the girl was afraid that one of the first people who were kind to her would die.

Sirius did not dare to move and only moved his head to wake up Godric who was lying in his hair. The Basilisk slowly descended on his forehead and glared at his friend.

§Salazar Ssslytherin, I'm disssappointed that you lossst the battle to that bird weakling. One time I desside to follow the hatchling and you immediately get into trouble.§

§Godric, you can kill me later, call Chiyo for now.§

The serpent continued to glare, but then looked towards the door and disappeared without even leaving a trace. Luna squeezed his hand harder in her sleep and twitched. Although Sirius was a frequent visitor to the world of nightmares, Luna was not. So the Wizard decided to wake up his fiancee before her nightmare got worse.

With difficulty, Sirius pulled his hand out of Luna's death grip and patted her on the head. The catgirl looked up sharply and the cat's silver eyes met the bright green regular ones. The girl put her hand on Sirius's face and started poking him on the cheek.

Poke poke poke.

". . . What are you doing?"

Poke poke poke poke.

"I'm poking you."

Poke poke poke poke poke.



Luna's finger stopped and her sharp nail fell onto his cheek.

"This is your punishment for worrying us. I know this is not the first time you were in the Hospital Wing, but I still worry about you. Chiyo said that your skull was cracked and your neck was broken from that blow. You are only alive because of the Stone of Envy in your body. I know Jasmine is a nice woman, but you don't have to rush to meet her."

Sirius took Luna's hand in his and smiled.

"How bad is it?"

"You were unconscious for about five hours. Only four of the top five escaped from the scene of the incident, Nomu was captured. Azumi and Karin are busy at the Orphanage and do not yet know about your situation. Izuku is resting on the next bed after healing and Potions, his right hand was badly hurt during the incident. Gin looked at you for a couple of minutes and left to "Built that idiot some normal armor." Eri. . . Well, you can see for yourself."

The girl in his arms squeezed him tighter and buried her face in his chest. Sirius put his free arm around her and sighed heavily.

"What about the students and Aizawa?"

"Apart from Izuku and Aizawa, no one was seriously hurt. A couple of bruises at most. Izuku's ring exploded due to that old woman's spell and injured his arm. And Shota met the same beast as you. His bones were shattered into too many pieces to be restored with a simple Spell, right now Chiyo finishes putting his bones back in place. After that, I'll feed him Potions until they come out of his ears."


They fell into a comfortable silence, just enjoying each other's company. Until their moment was interrupted by the sound of footsteps outside. The door to Hospital Wing opened and Chiyo walked in, followed by Med bots carrying a stretcher. Aizawa was lying on the stretcher, wrapped from head to toe in bandages. He looked like a bad mummy cosplayer with black hair.

Her gaze fell on Sirius's bed and as soon as she saw that her patient woke up, she ordered the bots to put Shota on one of the beds and went to Black.

"How do you feel, dear? No pain other than the obvious?"

"No, just a headache, but I think that's okay."

Recovery Girl huffed and crossed her arms.

"Seeing what happened to Shota, I'm surprised you're in such good shape."

"The beast got a lucky hit at the beginning of the fight. I was too inattentive, began to think that I was untouchable, and forgot that there is always a bigger fish." Sirius clenched his fist and red lightning flashed through it. "I could've killed everyone there in just a couple of minutes, but I didn't. I could have captured the five leading bastards with my shadows, but I didn't. I was too interested in that old Witch and the strange state of Greed. . . Moody would curse me the moment I decided to hold back. It feels like I've suddenly become an idiot."

Luna chuckled softly behind her hand so as not to wake Eri up and nodded in agreement.

"Moody would curse you just to test your reaction speed."


Chiyo sighed heavily and carefully removed the bandages on Sirius's head to check his wound. Luna has already healed everything possible and there was only a scar left from which Sirius can get rid of himself if he wants. Seeing the shape of the new scar, Luna bit her lips to keep herself from laughing and Sirius suddenly had a bad feeling about it.

"Chiyo, please tell me this scar is not a lightning bolt shape."

Recovery Girl looked at Sirius in surprise and blinked.

"How did you guess?"

Black fell helplessly on the pillow and hugged Eri tighter in his arms. The girl definitely didn't mind but she started to wake up from the sudden movement.

"Just my luck. If I ever meet Luck, I'll deck her in the face."

Eri looked around in confusion, trying to figure out where she was and saw Sirius awakened. Her face immediately lit up like a Christmas tree and she hugged Black by the neck, shouting "Siri!"

The wizard chuckled softly and hugged the girl back. He quietly showed Luna to join and Eri was in the arms of her most beloved people.

"I was so scared that you'll never wake up. . . Did someone hurt you because of me?" She asked quietly, almost crying.

"No, little one. Just one very stupid but strong Villain decided that he didn't like me. Don't worry, the police took him away."

Eri silently nodded while accidentally poking Sirius in the neck with her horn. The small family sat for a long time on Black's bed and muttered words of comfort to each other.

Chiyo could only hope that Sirius would not become a frequent visitor to her abode.


Toshinori Yagi was disappointed in himself. He was supposed to protect his students, be the Symbol of Peace who saves the day with a smile on his face, but when the Class 1-A bus was attacked, he just sat and drank tea with Nezu. He thanked all the Gods he could remember for the fact that Black could teleport and protect the students until help came - although he could have taken someone else with him, and not go alone guns blazing.

He managed to reach the scene of the battle at the moment when Nomu - a strange villain with a bird's face and black skin full of scars - pulled Shota out of the bus and broke his body like a twig. The situation was not very bad, considering that almost all of the petty Villains were unconscious or lying on the floor trembling with pain, but that did not change the fact that several people from U.A. were injured.

Young Midoriya lost his finger just to send a signal to Sirius, for God's sake!

The battle with Nomu was difficult, he had to go beyond his limits again, and now he could only be in his buff form for a little less than an hour every day. The fact that his old wound was reopened didn't make the situation any better.

'Nezu said that Sirius can grow new organs and limbs for people, maybe I should turn to him for help? No one knows how true his claims are, but it never hurts to try. If he is telling the truth, then he will restore Midoriya's finger. . .'

Not for the first time, Toshinori mentally returned to the green-haired teenager who, against all expectations, became a Hero in training.

'This young man has a brave and kind heart, even if he hides it behind a rough facade. If he had not blocked the bullet of that villain, then the young Uraraka would have lost her life. . . Maybe, just maybe I found my successor. After all, he's Quirkless, which is a plus. Why would I give power to someone who already has it? Midoriya would be a good candidate. I need to discuss this with Mirai.'

Toshinori Yagi has already decided who will carry the fire of One For All into the future and illuminate the way for the world. He only had to tell the people important to him about his decision.