
Follow the white. . . Hare?

Sirius left the bank and turned into an alley without cameras, where he transmuted the ground beneath him and disappeared into the sewers. He transmuted his clothes into lighter colors and thought about returning to the original, thirteen-year-old uniform, but decided against it. Honestly, he didn't know how he felt about his age. On the one hand, he lived for three hundred and fifty-six years, and on the other, these years exist only in his memories. And he has hormones like a thirteen-year-old boy.

'Fuck it, I'll assume I'm thirteen. Just a thirteen-year-old kid who seen too much shit for his age. . . Physical age anyway.'

After two blocks of underground walking, Sirius transmuted the asphalt above him and climbed out of the sewers. He patted his clothes to get rid of the dust and leaned against the wall. Black had already decided for himself that he could not stop helping people, so he did not even try to run from danger. He was looking for it.

He was about to leave the alley when a translucent hare fell from the roof and landed right in front of him. Sirius and the hare just stared at each other for a couple of minutes. The teenager wondered how exactly someone's Patronus could find him if all the wizards were dead, and the Patronus was waiting. . . For something. And as soon as Sirius straightened up, Patronus began to transmit the message.

"Hello, Selim-Harry-Alexander-Sirius-Salazar James-Regulus Bradley-Potter-Gold-Black-Slytherin. I'm glad to see that the Wrackspurts haven't made it to your memories! I'll be at your house in an hour, please steal some croissants with chocolate for me, I will be very grateful. Luna Pandora Lovegood."

As soon as the hare finished transmitting the message, it immediately disappeared in a whirlwind of light, leaving Sirius alone.

". . . How the fuck? And Alexander Gold?"

Shaking his head, Black decided that he would first steal the best croissants in the area for his best friend. Nobody but Luna would ask him to do this. Usually, she would steal food herself, as "What you caught yourself is ten times tastier." But sometimes a girl could ask Head Auror Harry James Potter to do it.

Sirius came home thirty minutes later, only to see the same Luna Lovegood that he saw all these years ago sitting at his desk and painting portraits of her friends on it. She looked like a thirteen-year-old girl who had started her third year at Hogwarts, but with white cat ears and tail. So Sirius assumed that her body had changed a little after all. Izuku and Gin looked at the strange girl with wariness in their eyes.

"You're thirty minutes earlier than you promised."

As soon as Sirius entered the kitchen, three pairs of eyes immediately lashed in his direction, emerald green, pale silver, and bright silver. Luna did not wait long and jumped on him, hugging him with all her might, her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. Luna has become a human koala.

"Hello, Har- Sirius Black. You know, that name doesn't suit you very well." She spoke in English with her dreamy voice.

"Nice to see you too, Luna." He answered and hugged her back. "Although I have a question about just HOW did you end up here and why do you remember me if we have never met. Well, this time anyway."

"I remember because I want to remember, Sirius. No more, no less. The fact that fate has decided to change a little does not mean that I will forget. Although after your departure, quite a lot of things have become strange, even for me. Did you know that the Dork One eventually became a fish?"

"Are you serious?"

"No, you're Serious." She said as if it was obvious.

"Higher Powers, I missed you so, so much." Sirius buried his face in her dirty-blond hair to hide the tears that threatened to fall from his eyes. Although he didn't show it from the outside, he missed the friends he left behind. He especially missed Hermione, Luna, Hagrid, Nevil, and Hedwig. In that order.

Sirius went from the kitchen to the basement, carrying Luna, and sat down on the sofa. The girl didn't look like she was going to let him go anytime soon.

"So how did you get here?" Sirius asked scratching her behind the ear.

"Just like you. Jasmine said that it was too early for me to visit my mother and sent me here. Although I still did not understand why exactly here. Perhaps so that I would not be lonely without my daddy, he died a little earlier than me when he was trying to find out what happened to you."

"I'm sorry for your loss."

"Don't worry, mummy and daddy are watching over me. Oh, by the way, I brought your Wands."

Luna removed the Wand holster with several compartments from her left hand and handed it to Sirius, who gratefully accepted her gift. He immediately put on his leather holster on his right wrist and felt the pleasant weight of two Wands. This time he cried, but they were tears of joy.

"Damn, Luna, I don't even know how I can ever return that favor to you."

"Did you steal croissants for me?"

Sirius chuckled.

"Of course."

"Then that will be enough."

Meanwhile, Izuku and Gin watched as the basement door was locked several times.

"What's going on here?" She whispered, leaning on Izuku's shoulder.

"I don't know. It seems to me that we shouldn't be here. Or that they shouldn't be here. And why did they start speaking English?"

"Do you think he knows how wired it looked? He just took the girl to the basement after all."

"I don't think he cares."


After a long conversation, Sirius learned a few interesting things.

The timeline hasn't changed too much since his death. It's just that Dumbledore had to clean up the shit instead of him - which Sirius was incredibly happy about. The old fool lost his errand boy and he had to first personally seal the secret room, and then deal with the body of one animagus rat.

Sirius was pleased to hear that his godfather was supposedly vacationing somewhere on the sunny islands. All the money of the House of Potter went to Sirius Orion Black according to the will of James Potter in the event of the death of the entire family.

After that, Luna did not know what exactly happened. During Halloween 1994, the Goblet of Fire selected the champions of three schools, but after that it burst into flames and exploded, sending one of the steel shards directly into Luna's neck. This led to her meeting with Jasmine.

The poor girl did not even know she died and due to a piece of an ancient artifact in her body, it was impossible to bring her back just like that. Therefore, after a little thought, Jasmine sent Luna to the same time along with Sirius. So she didn't know why or how exactly all the Wizards died.

According to Luna's stories, his friends were okay, maybe sadder than usual. But the worst of them all was Hermione, who threw herself headfirst into the study of magic. His favorite bookworm was determined to find him. And what was strange is that she was making progress.

"Do you think we should expect more visitors from the Wizarding World?"

Sirius asked while lying on Luna's lap. The girl ran her hand through his hair and hummed a song quietly.

"No, what happened to us is a very rare occurrence. By the way, how is your shadow manipulation and training in Alchemy going?"

"Pretty good, I'm progressing quickly in all areas and- ah fuck." Sirius groaned. "I won't be able to use Magic if it all goes into the bloody Stone."

"Can't you merge the Stone with your Magic Core so that they become one source of energy? I did so with the power of the Goblet of Fire."

Black froze on her lap and mentally hit himself in the jaw for not thinking about it before. If he has two energies within his body, why not just combine them into one?

"And what did you get from the Goblet? Anything interesting?"

Luna smiled slyly and poked his cheek.

"Guess for yourself, but I'll say that never before I had such good control over elemental magic. Charms were my favorite subject, and now I'm like a living Elemental. It's refreshing."

"Fire Elemental then. Sounds threatening."

"They are. Me? Not so much. I'm not influenced by Aquavirius Maggots after all or any other Maggots. They are very harmful creatures you know."

"When you connected your energies, nothing bad happened? You know, an explosion or something."

"Of course not, silly. It's your Magic. The explosion will only happen if someone can remove it from your body." She poked his cheek again. "But it might hurt you. Considering what exactly the Philosopher's Stone is."

"Well, here goes nothing."

Sirius closed his eyes and disappeared into the depths of his subconscious, leaving Luna alone with his unconscious body. A mischievous grin appeared on her face when she realized that her friend was sleeping now.

The young Alchemist-Wizard stood in front of his Magic Core and Stones. He touched both of them a little uncertainly and felt the warmth from his Core. The Stones were still as cold as usual.

"Maybe I'm always cold because of this? Hope this will fix it."

Spoiler: it didn't.

Sirius slowly began to move the Philosopher's Stones and his Magic Core closer to Each other. This was quite difficult to do since they were repelling each other like unipolar magnets, but Sirius had the patience and strength to do it. The teenager felt more and more lightning begin to flow through his veins with every centimeter passed. It was worse than Crucio, but Black wasn't a war veteran for nothing, he picked up a couple of tricks in handling pain.

The endless void around was illuminated by red light and inside it could be seen the hollow faces of the people whose soules were used to create the Stones. Their skinny bodies protected the blood-red Philosopher's Stone and Sirius' Magic Core from any harmful external influence. Unfortunately or fortunately, Black was too focused on bringing the two forces together to notice something else.

Finally, after a few seconds that felt like hours, the Philosopher's Stone finally entered his Magic Core. The pain stopped abruptly as if it had never existed, in its place came only the familiar coldness. He couldn't know what state his body was in and only prayed that he did not harm Luna.

He returned to the world of the living and immediately felt something warm on his forehead. Sirius opened his eyes and saw that Luna had fallen asleep and her hand remained on his head. He smiled softly and decided that today he can afford to go to bed much earlier than usual. He did not notice the clock on the wall that showed three in the morning.


Izuku was awakened by the smell of fried food - bacon to be exact - and this time his half-asleep brain decided he needed to get dressed first. So, pulling on his pants and a T-shirt, and of course not forgetting his slippers, he went into the kitchen. What he saw there made him stop and wake up completely.

A girl from yesterday whose name he still did not know - but suspected that it was Luna - was sitting on a chair in front of the stove and waving a stick. Plates and pans flew in front of her as if supported by telekinesis. To her left a black liquid flew which was definitely coffee with charcoal.

Sirius sat at the table in the kitchen and held a stick in each hand, which was vaguely similar to the stick in Luna's hands.

In his right hand, he held a thin, almost thirty centimeters long stick, the handle of which was covered with bark, it seemed that he simply broke off a tree branch and decided that this would be enough.

In his left hand was a stick, which for some reason sent a chill down Izuku's back. It was made much more elegant than the stick in his right hand and was ten centimeters longer. The straight brown wood had several knots that gave it a touch of elegance. . . or this dark aura. He couldn't decide.

"What's the new stick fashion? Did I miss something?"

"Oi, watch your words. These are not simple sticks, but full-fledged Magic Wands! And I advise you not to touch them without permission, they may react badly to other people's touches. Especially this one." He waved his wand in his left hand and the coffee that was next to Luna flew into a mug that appeared out of thin air. "She'll probably kill you faster than you can blink. Fuck, I love magic."

Sirius grinned and drank the horror that he dares to call coffee. Now he could use Alchemy and Magic at the same time. Moreover, he had two Wands loyal to him! He was in a fucking good mood right now.

"Got it, just like with Gin's inventions. Did you know that most of them explode even in an unfinished state? I didn't know it was possible to blow up a mechanism made entirely of wood before yesterday."

Luna and Sirius exchanged a look.

"I wonder if there were Finnegans in her ancestors?"

"Maybe." Luna nodded and levitated the cooked food onto the plates.

Izuku just stood in the kitchen in a daze. After meeting Sirius, fewer and fewer things around him began to make sense. The Alchemy that even Quirkless can learn, strange people who appear on the doorstep of this house in the forest, and now Magic.

"I take it that it doesn't make sense for me to ask how the fuck you wield Magic, right?"

"Actually no. A person is born with Magic just like he is born with a Quirk. Think of it as a hereditary ability, except that Magic decided to send people fuck and changed to take on the appearance of Quirks. Previously, the ratio of Wizards to ordinary people was one to ten thousand. Now there are only two of us. Luna and me."

Midoriya nodded and fell into a chair.

"I'm going to have to boost my training with Bang, right?"

"Well, that's fine, but you still have to learn from me, sweet cheeks."

Gin entered the kitchen wearing only a long T-shirt that went down to her knees. Sirius just looked at the three people in his kitchen and thought.

"How the hell has my hideout become a walk-through yard? The police will find this place in no time."

"Are you against us being here?" Luna asked as she levitated a plate of food in front of Sirius.

"No, but-"

"Shush. Don't complain about things you don't really care about, it attracts the Hugretoffs."

Sirius muttered something back, but didn't argue with Luna. The girl was right, like she was many times before.

"Wait, police? Just what did you do?"

"I think in England I am considered missing or dead. I have no Japanese Citizenship, so my very existence here is illegal. And this house doesn't even belong to me, I just rebuilt it from the trash with the help of Alchemy."

Gin and Izuku just stared at their friend with strange expressions.

". . . Are you serious?"

"Of course I am, that's my name after all."

"Is it though?"

". . . Yes? Technically? No?"

"Okay, so your name is technically Sirius. What is your name. . . not technically?"

"Oh, he has many names! And each is more interesting than the other! He even has an alias! Well, he had."

"Had." Gin rolled the word on her tongue. "It doesn't make much sense."

Sirius chuckled into his mug of coffee and set it down on the table.

"Life doesn't make much sense, luv. Well, my life anyway. And hers, too." He gestured with his thumb towards Luna, who only hummed in agreement.

"Right. You still haven't answered the question."

Sirius sighed heavily and looked sadly at his empty mug. The coffee is over.

"Selim Bradley created 1534. Harry James Potter, born 1980. Alexander Gold, born 2279. And Sirius Regulus Black named 2292."

Two teenagers - real teenagers, luna and Sirius could not even be considered teenagers at a stretch - looked at Black with disbelief in their eyes.

"You are seven hundred and sixty-three years old." Izuku said dryly.

"No, I've died a couple of times so I'm about four hundred years old."

". . . You died a couple of times."

"To be honest, I did too. True, I didn't die four times, only two. It's an unpleasant feeling, although it's nice to talk to the staff up there."

Sirius waved his Holly Wand and a fresh batch of coffee came flying into his mug. Silence reigned in the kitchen, which was only occasionally interrupted by Luna eating or Sirius sipping his coffee.

"If I understood everything correctly, both of you are definitely over a hundred years old and you have already died at least once. You can also use Magic. Have I forgotten anything?"

Luna thought for a second and shrugged.

"I think not. Unless that he's a walking problem magnet."

"Oi, I have you know that nothing - very - bad or weird has happened since the moment I came here."

As soon as Sirius finished speaking, the front door opened and light steps were heard in the corridor. Sirius' wand was immediately aimed at the doorway, Gin pulled a very strange pistol out of nowhere, Izuku got into a fighting stance, and Luna just continued to eat.

A woman with purple eyes and the same hair pulled into the room, a little girl with blue hair hid behind her legs. The six people just silently looked at each other without saying a word until the woman decided to break the silence.

"Well, I love what you did to my place, but what are you doing here?"

"Breakfast. Would you like to join?"

Yep, Luna. What can I do? I love the little moon too much. And I have not yet decided who will be Sirius' love interest. Right now I have a dilemma between Luna and Toru. Honestly, I like them both, so I'll have to think hard.

Izuku's love interest will most likely be either Gin or Uraraka. Although Izuku's current personality is better suited to Gin.

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