
The Prideful Wizard in MHA.

After meeting Voldemort at the end of his first year at Hogwarts, Harry Potter dies. But because he shouldn't have died so early, he was returned to the world of the living. . . Three hundred years later. Everything has changed quite a lot and now, instead of Wizards, about eighty percent of the population have special powers. And Harry had only one question: who started calling them Quirks? The first couple of chapters are information dumps about MHA, FMA, and HP worlds. The story will move at a slow pace because I don't want to jump into a canon that hasn't changed a bit. The main pairing is Harry Potter/Luna Lovegood. Also, he gets his magic back in later chapters, just bare with it. I do not own My Hero Academia, Harry Potter, Fullmetal Alchemist, or the cover art. But I own a cute cat, her name's Tosya.

Simple_Russian_Boi · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

A Vampire? Yep, a Vampire.

For the first time in a long time, Sirius decided to get to the U.A. by the usual means, not by Apparation. His Basilisks guarded the house and Eri, Luna decided to help the girl too and decided to teach her to write.

Oddly enough, Eri already knew how to read, she said that Rappa, in addition to cookies, brought her books sometimes. Apparently, he was the only more or less normal person from the Yakuza.

So now Sirius was sitting on the train between Izuku and Gin, both teenagers sleeping on his shoulders. He knew they saw him as an older brother, so he had no problem serving as a pillow. The biggest problem was not to miss their station - he was distracted and missed the name of the previous one, so he had no clue where they were.

"Ohmygosh! You're so cute!" His thoughts were interrupted by a whisper-shout from somewhere to the left.

Sirius turned his head only to meet the gaze of the rather short blonde. Her hair was tied in two messy buns, her eyes were golden with cat pupils - they looked like Luna's eyes when she activated Magic Sight. Her cheeks were a little red and she was smiling showing her enlarged fangs.

The first thought that popped into Sirius's head was 'whathefuck', the second 'thatsavampire' and the third, slightly slower than the other two 'she called us cute?'

"Oh, I'm sorry! I probably need to be quiet. Are you three family?" She asked a little quieter.

Sirius smiled at the odd girl. She had too much energy, something Black hadn't seen since Fred and George.

"Something like that. I like to think these two are my younger siblings, but they think I'm just an old geezer. Oh, woe is me."

The girl leaned over to Sirius's face - too close to be considered normal - and hummed thoughtfully. She drew herself up sharply and looked at his companions.

"You don't look that old. But you smell like you're five hundred and fifteen at the same time. It's weird."

Sirius blinked.

". . . I don't know how to answer that."

He knew how to deal with annoying journalists, crazy fans, Dark Lords - thank Higher Powers that in this life he did not have to meet with any of this often - but he did not know how to react to the girl's words.

"My name is Himiko Toga! Nice to meet you!"

'I think our conversation is going backwards.'

"Sirius Black. Broccoli boy is Izuku, and silver-head is Gin."

Toga chuckled and watched as Izuku's hair bounced up and down.

"It really looks like broccoli. Cute."

An emotion familiar to Sirius flashed in her eyes, but he could not make out what it was. Lust? Hunger? Desire? Making a decision in a second, Black used the branch of magic he hated and read Toga's thoughts.

What he saw could only be described in one word: madness.

Her thoughts jumped from place to place as if fleeing from the fire. Blood, love, knives, flow, green, black, silver. Sirius could only make out fragments of her thoughts. But he could feel the enormous hunger that Toga felt. She needed blood. A lot of blood.

Without changing his expression from a pleasant smile, he nodded.

"Yes, no matter how he tries to be, I still see him as a runt stumbling over his legs. You should have seen how he learned martial arts, he had to roll himself into a pretzel to get at least some balance!"

Toga giggled again and for a second it seemed to Sirius that he was an ordinary girl and that the thoughts he had read belonged to someone else.

'Her condition is similar to the Blood Frenzy of vampires, but toned down. . . If this continues, she'll go mad. That's not good.'

Sirius looked at the board with the name of the station - how he had not noticed it before, he had no clue - and realized that they had to leave soon. So now he had to wake up two teenagers and he knew the perfect way.

Looking around and noticing that except for his company and Toga there was no one in the carriage, he smiled.

"Would you like to see something cool?"

Toga enthusiastically nodded and Sirius grinned. He took a deep breath and winked at the half-mad vampire.


Izuku and Gin immediately jumped to their feet and simultaneously shouted an answer.


He repeated this phrase so often that both teenagers had already developed a Pavlovian response. So now both of them looked around in confusion until their attention was snatched by the laughter coming from Toga and Sirius.

Gin pouted and crossed her arms under her breasts, while Izuku just glared at Sirius.

"Well, we gotta go, see you around Himiko Toga."

Sirius rose from his seat and pushed the two sleepy teenagers towards the opening doors.

"See you around, Black Sirius!"

As soon as the train left the station, Black squeezed the shoulders of his pseudo-siblings and frowned.

"Go ahead without me, I have things to do."

Gin frowned in response and nodded, but Izuku had questions.

"What are things? Aren't you teaching third years today?"

Sirius cringed.

"Yes. . . Look, this girl is half crazy and I am not going to leave her on the street just because she is not my problem. Warn some Teacher that I'll be late and most likely I will not be alone."

Black pulled out two plain-looking silver rings from his pocket and placed them in the hands of the teenagers.

"If something shit happens, just put some blood on the ring. They will notify me that something is happening and the next second I'll be there."

"Thanks, Siri." Gin smiled and slipped the ring onto her index finger.

"Couldn't you make a Portkey out of this?"

"I could, but I need a bigger item. Now go, or Aizawa will rip your head off."

"I'll just say you trapped my room. He hates you more than me." Izuku put the ring on his ring finger with a mischievous smirk.

"Give it a few days."

Sirius walked a couple of steps away from the teenagers and Apparated to the next train station. He has a vampire to catch.


Himiko Toga stepped out of the train humming a song under her breath. She was in a good mood, she met such a lovely family! That Siri guy was a little old for her tastes, but she wanted to see him covered in the blood of his siblings.

Some part of her mind began to scream at the thought, but this scream quickly drowned in dozens of others. Toga frowned. It wasn't cute when her brain did that. She just wanted to make them cute, nothing bad~.

The scream was repeated again, but she ignored it.

'What kind of Quirks do they have? They looked pretty normal so they weren't mutant types.'

A smile appeared on her face as she remembered Black's words.

'Blood for the Blood God. . . Maybe he has a Quirk similar to mine? Ooh! We can be blood buddies!'

She twirled in place and turned abruptly into a dark alley, she noticed that someone was watching her, so Toga decided to have a snack before continuing her walk. But as soon as she entered the alley, she saw someone whom she did not expect to meet so soon.

Sirius stood leaning on the wall and looked straight into her soul.

Her hand jerked toward the knife that was hidden under her skirt, but she stopped herself. He was too far away and she would not have time to make him beautiful. So instead of attacking, she folded her hands behind her back and walked over to him.

"Siri! I saw you leaving the train, did you come back just for me?"

Sirius didn't say anything for a couple of seconds and just stared into her eyes. His gaze gave Toga a bit of a headache, but she decided not to pay attention to it. He sighed heavily and stood up straight.

"As I thought, you're hanging on to the last straws. Tell me, when was the last time you drank enough blood?"

This question made her pause for a moment before continuing towards him.

"A long time ago." She had no reason to lie, she would kill him as soon as she was close enough. "A year ago, maybe? I killed that cute classmate and drank his blood, he was so. . ! So. . ! Hot! I just couldn't resist!"

Her body shook with the sheer wrongness of her words, but she took it as euphoria. Memories of that day were fresh in her mind. She still remembered that sweet metallic taste on her tongue as she drained his body in front of the entire class. It was such an intimate moment and she did it in front of so many people! God, what was wrong with her?!

'Hmm? I'm fine, why did I even think that?'

"You know, I've seen people like you before. People who went crazy for lack of blood. Some called them Monsters, some called them Bloodsuckers. I call most Vampires, by their chosen name." Sirius put his right hand on the wall and dragged his free hand down his face.

Toga stopped in place as if rooted to the spot and could not even move a finger. Something in her body was refusing to move.

"The state you are in is called Blood Frenzy. It makes Vampires hunt for blood until they are full. But in your case, everything is worse and better at the same time."

'Vampires? But I'm not a vampire. Yes, I drink blood, but I don't burn in the sun.'

"Yes, you are not a Vampire." Sirius seemed to read her mind and answered an unasked question. "So Blood Frenzy can't take complete control of your mind. What it can do is drive you crazy gradually until you drink enough blood. Fortunately, I have a spell in my arsenal that suppresses Frenzy and allows one to think clearly. However, after that, each Vampire fell into a coma for several days. Not that it was bad, we managed to feed them enough blood to make them come to their senses. And, well. . ."

Toga didn't know when Sirius pointed the strange stick at her, but it didn't matter, because he decided to speak.

"Emundatio sanguinea."

A blue translucent ball hit her in the forehead and Toga stumbled a couple of steps. But what happened after that shocked the girl.

She. . . She was herself.

Not an insane killer who wanted blood. Not a happy girl who put a smile on her face so that her parents would not see her mind falling apart. She was herself.

And that fucking hurt.

Toga fell to her knees and threw up the contents of her stomach onto the wall of the house. Blood, blood, blood. . . she wanted to get rid of it. How many people did she kill just to see them covered in blood? How many drained corpses did she leave behind just to taste what a particular person tasted like?

God, just what did she do?

She felt a hand on her shoulder and looked up at Sirius's face. He looked apologetic about what he did, and it seems like he was saying something.

Something about a hospital, about a school, and something about help. She couldn't think of any of this. Right now, she just wanted to curl up into a ball and cry. So she did the second best thing, she pounced on Sirius and hugged his soul out of him.

Yes, he was a stranger. Yes, she did not know what his motives were. But right now, she needed a shoulder to cry. And Sirius provided that shoulder.

She did not notice how the whole world turned over and how they ended up in the infirmary. Not that she had time to understand where she was, she was out cold in the next second.

Yey, Toga!

The not USJ incident will begin in the next chapter. I think some of you have already guessed what I will do, but it doesn't matter. The most important thing is the friends we made along the way!

. . .

And power stones.

. . .


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