
The Prey of Souls (BL novel)

Sampson works as a servant to the Prince in the royal Kingdom of Toombak. There's growing unrest with the unstoppable army of souls devouring every kingdom in it's path with it slowly making it's way to Toombak. The only hope is that the lost son of Vahda, the tribe that created the army to defeat it's enemies, will one day return. At the Prince's annual birthday after the Souls storm the Castle it is revealed that Sampson is the lost son and therefore tasked with defeating the army. First he must learn how to be a fighter, having the arrogant Prince. What starts of as a tumultuous relationship quickly turns into friendship. But with Sampson starting to think of the Prince as more than a friend he may have more than the army of souls to worry about.

yumiyoung · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Chapter 3

Sampson had been in some dire situations in his life and he had faced some of the worst injuries but with the realisation that his hands were about to be cut off he felt physically sick. The Prince was still waiting, swinging the sword at his side as he grew restless. Sampson was near enough to the door where he could make his escape but he had seen the Prince fight and he was quick on his feet. Sampson wouldn't get far and when the Prince caught him he would forget about kindness and take Sampson's head instead.

There was no talking himself out of it either, the royal family of Toombak where known for being unforgiving. It was one of the reasons why they were the most feared out of all the seven kingdoms. Sampson gulped down thick saliva that had formed at the back of his throat, laying his shaking hands on the table.

"Don't look so scared, I'll make a clean cut. You shouldn't bleed out", he spoke, his tone flat as he walked over and raised the sword above Sampson hands. He closed his eyes, biting his lip hard until he tasted blood in his mouth. He could hear the sound of the Prince's breathing and the soft smell of Jasmine that evoked his clothing. He focused on the scent that was all too familiar to him. Having been in the Prince's presence on several hundred occasions he had smelt that same scent over hundreds of times. To him the smell made his skin itch and his head pound from how much he hated the person to which it belonged and now it would be associated with pain and the loss of his hands.

He had been biting on his lip so hard to block out the pain that his hands almost felt numb causing him to wonder if the Prince had already cut his hands off and his body had instead gone into shock where he could no longer feel it. He opened one eye, expecting to see blood and bone but instead his hands were still in tact, laid down flat on the table.

The sword hovered above his wrists but the Prince made no moves to slice through his skin. Sampson looked up to find the Prince staring down at his hands, his expression that of a mixture of horror and his eyes full of black. "Where did you get that mark?". Sampson's eyes followed his, finding that he was looking at the small burn on his left hand. The Prince couldn't possibly remember he was the one that gave it to him, they had only been children when it happened.

The sword was pulled back and fastened into the Prince's holster before he grabbed Sampson's hand, clutching it tightly in his palms. "Well, where did you get this mark?", he demanded. Sampson could barely formulate a reply and the words he thought to speak failed to pass his lips when the Prince began to rub his thumb over the mark in a circular motion like he was trying to trace it's outline.

Sampson pulled his hand back, clasping it behind his back. He hated when anyone touched his scars, he knew they were disgusting to look at and vile and so the thought of anyone touching them made his skin crawl. "I burnt my hand accidentally", Sampson murmured. "Let me see". The Prince moved forward and Sampson moved back.

The Prince gave him an indignant look before moving forward again to which Sampson responded by doing the same thing and moving backwards. If you were to walk in on them you would think they were dancing around the kitchen table. "If you keep moving I'll cut your head off", the Prince barked, having finally lost his patience as he pulled his sword out again. Sampson didn't move quick enough and the tip of it's blade hit his back. Any harder and the sword would pierce through his skin.

The Prince had caught him from behind the table and so he walked around it, keeping Sampson hostage with the threat of his sword. It was until he was close enough where Sampson could feel his breathing at the back of his neck did the sword drop. "Turn around". Sampson moved slowly, dragging his feet across the floor until he was facing the Prince but he didn't look him in the eye. He kept his eyes rooted on the red robe. It was still unproper of him to look at the Prince even under the circumstances.

The Prince didn't ask for his hand again instead he snatched it back between his palms and inspected the burn once again. "Where did you get this burn?". His voice was low and seeped with anger. Sampson wasn't sure why, it was him that had been burned that fateful day, not the Prince and yet he was acting that he was the one that had been wronged.

"It was an accident, I burnt myself by the fire". "This scar is small and round like a nail". Sampson bit his lip again, causing more blood to seep into his mouth. He really thought the Prince wouldn't have remembered. "How did you get here?". Sampson didn't reply, keeping his eyes straight. What was it exactly the Prince wanted from him? He was after all nothing but a servant.

"Where in the castle do you work?". He wasn't surprised that the Prince didn't know he was master Duncan's servant. He was one of the many hundreds of faces the Prince saw on a daily. "I didn't cut out your tongue out so tell me".

The Prince grabbed his chin as he spoke the words, raising Sampson's jaw so he had no choice but to lock eyes with the Prince. "Are you really him?", he asked. Sampson watched his eyes go from black to a deep shade of red like they were burning. "I don't know what you mean my lord". His grip on Sampson's jaw tightened.

"You know what my name is so use it". This had to be a trick that the Prince was playing with him. He knew of all the nasty ways the Prince liked to torture people. He was often the one who had to scrub the floor of the bloodstains left by his latest victim. "I'm sorry I don't understand". The prince dropped his jaw but grabbed his shoulders instead digging his fingers tightly into Sampson skin. His shirt was thin and worn and so he could feel the Prince's fingernails through the fabric.

"What game are you playing? Why not confess?". The question circulated through Sampson's mind. Why not confess that he was the boy the Prince had met down by the river that day but they were children then and their lives didn't seem all that different. Sampson was old enough now to realise his position in life and nothing about that was going to change. Even if the Prince didn't acknowledge him as the boy that saved his life.

The Prince was still holding him tightly when Sampson heard voices nearing the kitchen door. He prised the King away and ducked down behind the table before the door slammed open. "Linshanth, you know you're not supposed to eat the night before a banquet". Sampson's heart dropped when he heard Onyx's voice. He pressed his cheek against the cold floor and prayed that the Prince would offer him a quick death as opposed to letting him suffer by Onyx's hand. He would pluck Sampson's nerves out one by one and he would take great pleasure in doing so.

"Says who. I'm the Prince, I doubt anyone can tell me what to do". "Your mother that's who. If she knew you were in here she would scold you to no end". "That's if you tell her".

"I won't. But you should get some rest, you look like shit and there's going to be a crowd of women wanting to dance with you tomorrow". Through his praying Sampson heard a low grimace. "They have no shame, none of them".

"You're the Prince of Toombak and the future king, do you expect them not to throw themselves at you". "I expect to be left in peace when I ask for it…go, I'll be back in my quarters in a moment". "Why? Have you not eaten enough?". "Look at the table, does it look like I've gotten my hands on anything". Onyx ran his eyes over the feast ladened table, not seeing a single item out of place. "If you're not here to eat then why are you here?".

"I went for a walk to think and I ended up here". "In the servants quarters?". "What are you doing down here?". "I'm guarding the kitchens tonight. If anything goes missing they'll have my head Linshanth". "They would only kill you on my say so", the Prince spoke. Sampson quivered, he was cowering next to the Prince's feet waiting for him, his thoughts full of death whilst Onyx and the Prince conversed carelessly.

"Lucky that I'm friends with royalty then. But come on Linshanth. I don't want to get into trouble". "As you wish but how about we go into my quarters to drink instead". "I was hoping you would suggest it. Kitchen duty is incredibly boring".

"Good, then we should go".

The Prince had been rolling around one of his brass buttons in his fingertips and took the opportunity to drop it right next to where Sampson's head was lying. He bent down to retrieve it, dropping himself from Onyx's view. He was close, a lot closer than he should have been to Sampson as he took the button and leaned close to his ear. "Mark my words I will find out who you are". He breathed the soft words into his ears causing him to shiver before he rose once again. He rounded the table and left followed by Onyx's pounding footsteps.

The moment they were out of earshot Sampson leapt to his feet. He ran from the kitchen and down to the stables where Minnie and Perity were waiting for him to celebrate Santes.

They always met in the woods behind the stables because it was secluded and was only used when the Prince or the King had one of their hunting games. It was forbidden to go there for all servants but since the woods was so vast they had never been caught. When they had first arrived they would spend their whole summers sleeping every night in the woods, but they were a lot older now and it was no longer appropriate for Sampson to sleep next to them given they were both unmarried and if they were to be caught they would kill him for indecency.

Minnie and Perity were sitting cross legged on a tartan blanket by the willow tree when Sampson arrived. His chest was heaving from having ran such a long time and he bent down putting his hands to his knees to catch his breath. His face was scarlet red but that had nothing to do with how exhausted he was and all to do with the Prince.

"Are you alright Sampson?", Perity asked, the moment he came to stand in front of them. "Why are you running? Did you get caught?", Minnie murmured hesitantly. "No, no…I just couldn't wait to see you both that's all", he spoke, practically collapsing down next to them and giving his legs some much needed rest.

"You only saw us an hour ago Sampson", Perity muttered, not quite convinced he was telling the truth. "I know but I couldn't wait to celebrate Santes", he spoke, rubbing at his legs. They were still sore and aching from the lashings Master Duncan had given him but then that was nothing new. His whole body ached, no where no more so than his back. He often got harsh knots on his spine that kept him awake in agony for hours.

"Where's the food?", Minnie asked, suddenly realising that he was empty handed. Sampson gave her a sheepish look. "I…uh…they were guarding the kitchens so I couldn't get anything. I'm sorry", he murmured. A flash of disappointment passed through their features but as quick as it came, it was gone. "It's okay Sampson we've still got drinks". They passed around berry water, it was only water from the pump with crushed berries, but Perity had picked them some weeks ago and left them to ripen making the water taste sweet.

They had no material items to give each other so most of the time Santes was spent exchanging stories. They spent every single minute together that they didn't spend doing their work so it was a wonder they had anything else to talk about and yet they could still spend hours together without growing tired of each other.

Perity spoke about the letter her parents had sent her, now that she was widowed they wanted her to return to help out with the farm but given that she belonged to the royal kingdom now her family would have to specially ask for her to be returned. She had an important role in helping out with the stables and so Sampson imagined they wouldn't grant her permission to leave which they were all happy about. They came in a three, if one was gone the other two would be just as lost.

"Do you ever think about what we'll do when we're too old to work?", Minnie asked. They had long finished the sweet berry water and were sitting against the willow tree with Minnie in the middle and Perity and Sampson on either side of her.

"We probably won't last till then. Most servants don't", Perity being forever the pessimist spoke, although it was true. Only servants who directly served the royal household reached past the age of 30. On average servants died in their mid twenties or younger.

"But what if we do live till we're old? What do we do if we're not servants?". Perity didn't answer but she looked deep in thought for a while. It wasn't often servants thought about the future because that came with the realisation that they weren't likely to have one.

"We live in the country side somewhere with a woods just as vast as this one where no one can find us". Minnie smiled so wide, her eyes shined. "Where will we live?". "In a house, a big one with large windows so we can look outside whenever we want to and a porch so we can sit out in the sun and play games until it gets dark".

"Where will we find a house like that in the woods?", Perity muttered. "I'll build one, it will be so big it would compete with the castle". Perity snorted but Minnie only smiled wider. "And we'll all live there together". Sampson nodded. "Promise me when we're older you'll build that big house and all three of us will live in it together".

"I promise". "Perity", Minnie shrieked elbowing her. "I promise, of course I promise", she murmured, looking over Minnie to Sampson and giving him a soft smile. Sampson had never been so resolute with anything in his life, if somehow his body managed to stick it out till old age he would build Minnie and Perity in the woods where they could never be bothered by anyone again.

They started walking back as it got dark, Minnie skipped ahead, dreaming of houses and the future whilst Perity and Sampson lagged behind. "You shouldn't have promised her. We have no idea what's going to happen to us in the future Sampson".

"It would have broken her heart if I didn't", he remarked watching her happily skip along the forest path. "I talked to one of the stable boys. Willowby's still going to ask for Minnie's hand". Flames engulfed every vein in Sampson's body. "I'll talk to him".

"I meant what I said before. He wouldn't ask her if he knew she was already taken". "I don't understand what you mean Perity", he asked, somewhat puzzled. She grumbled some words under her breath, her face flashing with annoyance before she stopped entirely, causing Sampson to also halt in his footsteps.

"I think you should ask for her hand". Sampson stared at her for a moment in bewilderment before any words came out. "Me? Why would I ask for Minnie's hand?". "She loves you Sampson, haven't you realised yet". "Minnie and I are friends, we always have been, just like you and I are".

"And I love you Sampson but not like Minnie does. Don't you feel that way towards her too?". It was true that he loved them both, dearly but he was protective over them because he thought of them both as sisters not because he had ulterior motives.

"You're the only person I would want to see her with. I think you should ask her before someone else does and she's forced to live in an unhappy marriage. It would destroy her soul like it did mine". Perity walked on whilst Sampson stayed stagnant. He didn't ever want Minnie to be unhappy but if they were to be married they would be committed to each other for life. He thought of every married couple he knew and none of which were particularly happy, given that they had got married for the security it brought and for the children they were expected to bare.

He loved Minnie and so he imagined their marriage would be a very happy one. He would ask her after the royal party. They parted ways as they returned to the castle. Minnie and Perity both slept in the women's chambers and so Sampson was only permitted to walk with them so far. Perity hugged him first before stepping back as Minnie jumped on him. He wrapped his arms around her tightly, promising himself to look after her forever.

He waited for some time as they walked away before he started making his way back to his own chambers. As he arrived outside the door he had the urge to keep walking and so he did, walking mindlessly until he came out of the castle walls and to the pond. The water reflected the moon at night making it look like a mirror as opposed to clear water. He felt at ease the more he breathed in the fresh scent of the red daisies that grew on the outskirts of the pond.

He dipped his feet in the water, the blood had stopped long ago but the scars would be on his body forever, just like the burn on his hand. He traced the outline of it with the tip of his thumb just as the Prince had done. It was the scar that made the Prince and not anything else, he was older now but his face hadn't changed that much. Not like the Prince.

He had changed a great deal since they were children. His once thick black, untameable hair was no thin and well groomed. He was skin and bone some years ago and now his body was long and shapely. From what Sampson had seen there wasn't a single scar on his body not like him. As he draped off his trousers and shirt he swam into the water until he was right in the middle where the moonlight bounced off the water.

He lay on his back, keeping the moon on his sights like if he blinked it would suddenly disappear before he ducked his head under the water. There was something magical about being under the water, there was nothing above him and nothing below him. He felt as though if he could continue sinking and he would never reach the bottom. Only when his lungs screamed for air did he swim back up to the top, swimming towards the edge and lifting his body from the pond to lie down on the soft grass.

He spent the whole night there, staring up at the moon until it eventually disappeared replaced by the light of the sun. He heard Master Duncan's bell and he scrambled to his feet, dressing quickly before running back towards the castle to the Prince's chambers. He stalled for a moment before he opened the door. What if the Prince recognised him from last night and decided to report him?

He couldn't leave it a moment longer, if Master Duncan rang again he wouldn't be so forgiving this time. He pushed open the door only to immediately have to step aside when the dressmaker and her assistant came bursting past him and into the room. He followed them in, closing the door behind him. The Prince has surrounded by ten people, each securing a different part of his garments to his body.

The Toombak's where known for their lavish outerwear and it was never more prevalent than when it came to social events. Being the most powerful Kingdom they had to show it in their appearance. The Prince was wearing blue robes with navy shoulder pads and gold lashings. His black boots were drawn up high to his inner thigh and so were so shiny the light of them bounced off the walls in the room. Something so extravagant should have looked ridiculous and yet his outfit suited him so well there was nothing Sampson could think to insult him secretly about.

The only thing he could think of was that the outfit looked horribly uncomfortable. The shoulder pads were large and given that they had intricate silver designs on them they would be a burden to carry. The type of weight would crush Sampson's body in an instant but the Prince wore it well which only angered him more. He was exemplary in every way and so that dislike turned into complete disdain.

Master Duncan was securing his sashes as Sampson arrived at his side. Luckily for him the Prince's eyes were closed, he was having his lids painted in blue to match his outfit. Every detail had to be flawless and as intricate as possible, so it was tiresome work. It was the sort of role that suited Minnie since she never tired of her drawings but servants had to be specially trained for these sort of tasks and she was too old to be considered for the task.

Master Duncan thrust the Prince's belt at him, it was different than the one from before. The buckle on the one before was silver and this one was pure gold. "If you drop it I'll beat it till you drop". "Yes Master Duncan", Sampson replied, knowing all he needed was an open window for Sampson to make the tiniest of mistakes for him to make good on his threat. He had many times in the past.

"How long is this going to take Duncan?", the Prince barked with his eyes still closed. Hearing him, Sampson shuddered and almost dropped the belt. Nothing went amiss with Master Duncan who shot him a deadly warning look. "Not long sire. Remember you must look your best at this party".

"Do you think I'm stupid Duncan? I already know how important this party is", he murmured distastefully. "Of course I'm sorry". Sampson resisted the urge to smile, seeing Master Duncan reduced to a quivering, blithering mess whenever the Prince scolded him caused him immense pleasure.

Master Duncan wrapped the belt around his waist but he had nimble fingers given he could only use one hand to secure it. "Boy come here". Sampson rounded his side, which meant he was standing right in front of the Prince. Unfortunately the painter had finished with his eyelids and had left the room along with her entourage. He couldn't open his eyes just yet to let the paint dry. Sampson hoped he would be long gone by then. He had already informed Master Duncan that he had been requested to work at the ball, given that he also had to attend he couldn't order Sampson to do any tasks and so had agreed.

Sampson was so close to the Prince he could feel his hot breath on his nose as he kept his eyes straight. The smell of Jasmine enveloped his nose and for some reason he didn't feel the usual contempt he did when he smelt it before. Perhaps it was because of what had happened last night or because it was heavily mixed with the smell of pine from the Prince's clothes but he liked the scent.

"Be quick boy", Sampson snapped away from his thoughts as he secured the Prince's belt around his waist tightly. "Pull it tighter", the Prince barked, causing him to shuffle backwards. "Be quick about it, I have things to do". He reached forward and pulled the belt tighter until he was sure the Prince could barely breath and he secured the belt before going to stand back next to Master Duncan.

"That will be all, you're dismissed". Sampson blew out a relieved breath before he left the Prince's quarters.