
The Prey of Souls (BL novel)

Sampson works as a servant to the Prince in the royal Kingdom of Toombak. There's growing unrest with the unstoppable army of souls devouring every kingdom in it's path with it slowly making it's way to Toombak. The only hope is that the lost son of Vahda, the tribe that created the army to defeat it's enemies, will one day return. At the Prince's annual birthday after the Souls storm the Castle it is revealed that Sampson is the lost son and therefore tasked with defeating the army. First he must learn how to be a fighter, having the arrogant Prince. What starts of as a tumultuous relationship quickly turns into friendship. But with Sampson starting to think of the Prince as more than a friend he may have more than the army of souls to worry about.

yumiyoung · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Chapter 2

Sampson's afternoon off was short lived the moment Master Duncan called for his assistance again. Being that Master Duncan had the bell to ring him at all hours there was only so far Sampson could go until he could no longer hear the bell. It meant he had to be in a certain radius of it at all times otherwise he would face serious consequences.

Master Duncan only ever rang the bell once and given that Sampson kept close to his quarters he never missed it. It was only one day when he had ran outside to help Minnie and Perity out in the stables had he the mistake of missing the ring of the bell causing Master Duncan to have to ring it a second time. He walked into Master Duncan's chambers and without a word Master Duncan clipped him over

the ear with his belt. The pain shot through his ear and his temple burst into flames.

His ear was soaking with blood. Master Duncan hit him several times with the belt, spanning his stomach and legs. The long brush was a devilish weapon and so was his cane but his belt was something that caused pain in entirely it's own field. His belt had a pointed end that looped back into the belt through holes to hold it in place around his waist. The end was pointed and sharp made from pure steel.

Sampson never cried during a beating because he was a man and showing that it hurt would only spur his aggressor to hit harder but he cried to no end as he was beaten by the belt. He couldn't recall how many lashings he had been hit with, only that when it was over he lay limp on the ground for several minutes before he managed to conjure up enough strength to get up. As he did it was only then he realised he was in the presence of the Prince. He was reading one of his transcripts, his face deep in thought because none of what had occurred had bothered him in the slightest.

Master Duncan gave him a varying list of tasks to do after so he could only get around to soaking his back and treating his wounds several hours later. Given that he waited so long over the next couple of days he ran a fever, he fainted a few times and if he had not been for Minnie and Perity who completed his tasks for him and stayed up all night feeding him herbal medicine he would no longer be alive.

When he arrived outside of the Prince's chambers he knocked before he entered, waiting for Master Duncan's call. Once he was permitted inside he find Master Duncan dressing the Prince. He averted his eyes the moment he saw the Prince's bare chest. His skin was a lighter shade of bronze, and his waist thin and his stomach full of ridges to show his indented muscles. It wasn't for servants to see such a sight so he kept his eyes down as it was considered indecent. "Get in here boy", Master Duncan clipped. Sampson rushed in not waiting for his to ask twice. "Hold this". Master Duncan thrust the Prince's velvet cloak at him. Sampson almost dropped the garment the moment it was handed to him for he had never touched anything so soft. He wanted to wrap his arms around it and press it close to his face but he restrained himself.

It wasn't usual that Master Duncan would ever ask someone in Sampson's position to assist to helping dress the Prince but he had suffered an injury and had broken his elbow. Sampson had heard from Perity who had spoken to one of the stable boys that he had gotten too drunk and fallen over his own feet.

Sampson kept his eyes down whilst Master Duncan and the Prince conversed. There was an etiquette to the way the royal household spoke. Their words were prolonged and proper, they talked in calming tones and never raised their voice. Or at least that was the consensus when they were in the presence of each other. Sampson had heard the Prince raise his voice, shout, swear and belittle Master Duncan on many occasions which is most likely why the old man often gave him so many beatings. Being that they were similar ages, it wasn't difficult to imagine that it was the Prince he was hitting with his cane and not Sampson. Although Master Duncan had looked after the Prince since they he was born and in that respect they were close.

"Are you looking forward to your party my lord?". "For a whole load of desperate women to throw themselves at me Duncan. I can think of over things I can spend my time doing". "You can't think like that sire, this is the time for you to find a wife".

"Find someone after my money more like". Sampson whispered words about the Prince under his breath. He had endless amounts of money, there wasn't a single woman out there that if he took the time to talk to wouldn't fall for him.

The Toombak's themselves were snobbish, since they were the most powerful they regarded everyone as being beneath them.

The king On was straight looking, sported with a white beard and dark features. The Queen Egret was as round as she was tall. Her long black hair was constantly cut short and bunched around her ears. She was peculiar in the way she dressed, her dresses often long and trailing for miles behind her. She wore long earrings that reached to her shoulders. Given the look of both parents it was most peculiar how they had birthed such beautiful children.

The two elder children were twins, both girls who long flowing hair as light as the sun, it was often braided with the flowers that grew in their private gardens. Yumi wore pink, and India wore purple. The youngest child, also a girl at 5 was more boisterous than both twins put together, never sitting still for more than a couple of minutes. He had only ever seen them when they had come to visit their brother and that was a rarity.

The Toombak children all had their own duties and it wasn't often they were permitted to spend time with each other. It was the only thing Sampson felt sorry for the children. When the working day was over he could go outside and feel the rain on his face, he could run through the forest barefoot and exchange ghost stories with Minnie and Perity till the dead of the night. The Toombak's had never lived such a care free life.

They were the most powerful family in all of the seven kingdoms which meant they had no shortage of enemies. The moment they stepped outside of the castle walls they made themselves a target. There wasn't anyone who didn't want to possess their magic. Being that they own had their own paths and duties to uphold, the children were practically strangers to one another.

"Hold this boy". Sampson ran forward and held the belt that Master Duncan was holding. It was worked the same as his own but the silver belt loop was gold, imprinted with the Toombak's emblem on it. Sampson ran his thumb over the emblem when neither were looking as he traced his thumb over it's ancient markings. He had never owned something so elegant and he never would in his lifetime but he would get to touch. As he thought about the tree, the image of the belt and the feel of it's cold touch underneath his fingertips was a memory that he would remember for the rest of his life.

The belt was snatched away from him in an instant before he had time to trace the image of it in his head. He stepped back as Master Duncan secured it around the Prince's waist. "Away with you boy". Sampson bowed his head, but not before taking a sneaking look at the Prince. He wore black robes underneath his red cloak, and his belt carried his sword. Master Duncan had only just cleaned it and it gleamed like it was brighter than the sun. Sampson left before Master Duncan could tell him again but he kept close in case he called for his assistance again.

He stayed outside the door for a few hours before he left. Master Duncan would be retiring at this time. It was the only good thing about him, since he was old and insisted on getting a full ten hours of sleep every night. It was too early for Santes just yet, so Sampson walked to the stables to check on Minnie and Perity. He found Perity talking to the stable boy whilst Minnie was drawing lines through the mud with her fingers. She was an excellent artist and the things she could paint would be a wonder to see.

One day, when he could figure out a way to get away with it he would steal ink and parchment so she could keep one of her drawings and it wouldn't get washed away with the rain.

"What are you drawing?", Sampson asked. "Ruby". Ruby was the name of Minnie's favourite horse. It belonged to the Toombak's youngest child, which looked ridiculous when she rode it, having such a large horse for such a small child. She often became too impatient during her lessons and kicked her small legs against the horses delicate body.

Her kicks were harsh and the horse would try and buck her off. She had been successful once and the horse had been sold off to one of the nearby villages to pull hay carts. Minnie spent the whole night crying into Sampson's chest whilst he smoothed out her hair and whispered soft words in her ear until she fell asleep.

"Do you think she's happy where she is now?". "I'm sure she is. Not having to deal with the Toombak's, anyone would be happier". Minnie smiled, continuing with her drawing whilst Sampson watched on. Her brow often creased when she concentrated and she bit down harshly on her lip when she drew intricate details. Minnie could spend whole days stuck inside her own head. It fascinated Sampson how she could be like that, she had seen as much of how cruel the world could be as he had and yet that wide eyed, chirpy smile on her face never seemed to falter.

"What's Perity talking to the stable boy about?". "They're looking for extra people to help with the event tomorrow. Perity doesn't want to do it, not after what happened last time". The last time Perity had been groped at the party by countless men, all of whom were rich lords who knew she was in no position to say anything against them. Her arms were full of bruises from being grabbed and teased. Sampson was glad that none of them had managed to take her away from the party. But still the fear was always there. There was nowhere safe for the young, unmarried women in Toombak. There was no greater disadvantage, especially if you were like Minnie and Perity with no fathers or brothers to look after them.

Sampson got up from beside Minnie and walked to Perity who he could tell was at her wit ends with the royal guard. "I'll take her place and serve at the party". They were both servants but given that he was the servant to Master Duncan, who dealt directly with the Prince it meant Sampson had a higher stature than him.

"You…you can't". The boy had been arrogant speaking to Perity but now he was talking to Sampson he started wilting on the spot. "Why not? If you have an issue with it go talk to Master Duncan". The boy's eyes widened in fear. You would only ever disturb Master Duncan if you wanted to feel the severity the damage that could be caused by his wooden cane. "I will let them now you will take her place. Good day to you both", he stammered the words out before he bowed and scurried away. "You didn't have to do that for me", Perity frowned. "I wanted to. I never get to attend the royal parties. Plus someone's got to keep an eye on Minnie".

They both watched her drawing in the mind as content as she could be. "I worry for her Sampson". "I do too but as long as we're both here nothing will happen to her". They had no family and no friends except for each other and that was enough. Sampson had known servants in his time that a whole load of family and yet still wept in their beds every night because of how lonely they felt.

Sampson had felt many things in his life, despair, anger and great sadness were a few things but he had never experienced loneliness and he hoped he never would. "I don't know Sampson. We're both 17 now. I've heard some talk that Willowby is going to ask for a hand". Sampson grimaced. Willowby like Sampson was a servant to the royal household with him being the servant to one of the King's royal servants. The King had over ten personal servants at any given time and so being that the Prince only had one it gave Sampson and Willowby equal stature. Given that they had similar temperaments they often clashed, especially since Willowby was infatuated with Minnie always finding ways to try and talk to her which drove Sampson mad. He had warned Willowby enough times that he should leave her alone or it was going to become a problem.

"He won't, I've told him to stay away". "I doubt he will Sampson, you know how determined he is". Sampson lips stretched grimly, until spread so thin they disappeared from his face entirely. "I will warn him again".

"I think he wouldn't ask her if he knew she was already taken". Sampson frowned, Minnie was pretty and she was also kind and so she didn't lack any male suitors but the thought of her getting married enraged him to no end. There would be no one that could lack after her well enough like he could. It was his job after all, given that they had no one but each other.

"But she's not already taken unless she is and neither of you have told me". "No of course not, you really think she could keep that secret from you. What I'm saying is if someone else were to ask for her hand then Willowby would leave her?".

"Like who?". Perity peered at him strangely, like she was puzzled and frustrated at the same time. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?". She opened her mouth to answer but before she could a drop of rain landed on Sampson head. He reached up and felt the wet under his fingertips before it was accompanied by many others soaking his hair. Perity shuddered from the rain and stepped back into the shelter of the stables.

Sampson turned back waiting for Minnie to join them. She was still drawing but every line she made washed away from the heavy downpour in an instant. He could see the corners of her mouth tilting into a frown, something she did when she was about to cry. He jogged forward and in one movement swept her off her feet, carrying her small frame in his arms.

She shrieked the moment her body lost contact with the ground, gripping onto Sampson tightly like she worried he might drop her. "Sampson". He whirled her around until her shrieks became fits of laughter and only then did he stop, walking them both to the stables for shelter.

She was still laughing when he dropped her down on her feet. Perity who had been watching from inside the stables smiled at him, before taking a tartan blanket and wrapping it around Minnie's shivering shoulders. "Why didn't you come in the moment the rain started?", she scolded though she kept her tone light. "I wanted to finish my drawing but the rain has washed it all away now". Her tone turned flat and she sounded like she was going to cry all over again.

"It means you can draw something else tomorrow", Sampson spoke before she could. She hesitated but smiled at him all the same. "We should go Sampson we haven't finished cleaning the horses". "Okay I will see you later".

"Have you got the food yet?", Perity asked warily. "Not yet". "Be careful Sampson. I mean it, if they catch you stealing…". She didn't have to finish her sentence for Sampson to know what she was trying to say. If they caught him stealing they hang him out by the Castle Walls where they put all the bodies of those who betrayed the King's rule.

He heeded her advice and arrived back in his quarters. He slept with 6 other male servants, all crowded into one room like chickens in a cage. He often woke up to his body sore from someone having used him as a pillow during the night. They slept on the floor under thin blankets. But given that they were so close to one another it was rarely cold but instead blisteringly hot. He often woke up to heat rashes that spanned the entirety of his arms and legs.

Servants came and go often, especially the male one's who were more likely to be beaten to death than the women were and so the people that stayed in the room with him changed every couple of weeks. They were all too tired by the end of the day to hold a conversation, their bodies were run ragged and they had hardly enough food in their stomachs to keep them going.

Given all the tasks he was given during the day Sampson still struggled to fall asleep most nights. He had nightmares, he would dream of fire and people screaming and sounds of crying that had him shaking in his sleep. It wasn't anything he worried about, he couldn't remember a night where he didn't have them.

Sampson slept an hour in his quarters under the thin blanket. He only woke up when he heard the sound of dragging feet and grumbles as the rest of the men came in from having finished their jobs for the day. They settled down in their places and within a few minutes the room was filled with the heavy sounds of breathing. He was squished shoulder to shoulder between two men and so he was slow in his movements. He doubted they would wake but he didn't want to risk it regardless.

He crept out of the room, holding his breath as he walked down the hallway. Security was higher given that the birthday party was tomorrow and so he had to be careful. There was no rule that servants couldn't walk around the castle at night but there were certain places that were forbidden to enter at night, the kitchen being one of them.

Usually during santes, Sampson picked berries that grew in the overgrown bushes by the pond but winter had come early this year and the berries had long since fallen off, the bush was stark with leaves let alone is beloved berries. It was the first time he had been brave enough to try and steal something from the kitchen and he hoped it wouldn't cost him his life.

His quarters were straight down the long hallway to the kitchens so he could see who was coming but it also meant anyone coming the other way would be able to see him. He had no weapons to defend himself if the knights happened to be walking and decided to chase him with their swords. It had happened to him in the past. The Prince's right hand and his most trusted friend, the knight Onyx had chased him. If it hadn't have been for him running into the pig pen to escape him he would have cut off Sampson's limbs one by one and left the rest of his body to bleed out. He had seen it happen enough given that it was the Knight's favourite game to play.

He came to the kitchens without seeing anyone and pushed the door open, closing it behind him. There he waited for several moments, he had never been in here without the cook and it felt almost empty without servants milling in and out, carrying out their various duties. On the table stood an array of dishes, from lamb stew to the cook's famous steamed dumplings. Sampson stomach rumbled and his mouth watered uncontrollably at the sight of it.

There were so many things he didn't know which one to take. His hands drifted to the stew before he stopped. He had tried stew more than a few times, often cold but he had still tried it all the same. He wanted something he would never get to have again his lifetime. He crept towards the fish pie, again his hands reached out to take the dish before he faltered, something else catching his eye.

At the centre of the table, like an omen was the Prince's apple pie. Sampson's hand dropped and he drifted towards it. A lattice design stood proudly at the top of the dish and as Sampson dropped down on his hunches he breathed in the margarine and the heavy scent of apples. It was the one dish he shouldn't take given how important it was. It was the Prince's requested item which made it almost as important as the crown that stood proudly on top of his bigoted head.

In that moment a sense of entitlement swept over him. Why should he not try the apple pie when he spent so long slaving out in the sun to pick the apples cooked in it. Before he could stop himself he reached forward for the dish. His fingers lightly brushed over the glass dish before a voice sounded behind him.

"If you were to have taken anything else I might have let you live". Sampson shuddered, turning around in an instant. Sitting on the cook's cutting table was the Prince, dressed in his bed clothes with the red cloak Sampson had held those few hours previously covering his body. "You…I…". He was stuck, having been caught red handed. The Prince held a blank expression, his eyes as cold as ice. Sampson's body shook as violently as it did when he was sleeping except he was awake during his nightmare now.

His words were stuck in his throat. He had seen the Prince on hundreds of occasions but except for the one time when they were children he had never spoken to him, he had never experienced what it felt like to have a royal look at him and acknowledge that he existed and now that it happened he wished more than anything that it hadn't.

"Let's make this quick, you're disturbing me". The Prince jumped down from the table and took his sword from where it had been standing by the wall. He pointed the sword at Sampson. "Put your hands on the table". Sampson let out a ragged breath. "My…my hands".

"Gosh you servants are all so stupid. It's a wonder how any of you can do any work at all. You know what hands are don't you. Put yours on the table", he badgered insolently. "I…why do I need to put my hands on the table?".

The Prince cocked his head, looking at Sampson through irritated eyes. "Do you know what the punishment for stealing is?". Sampson looked down at his hands, the realisation slowly dawning on him. "Yes". "Good, now put your hands on the table".