
The Pregnancy Pact

Kim Lisa (Ji-soo) tries so hard to please her abusive father that she got engaged to someone she doesn't have any romantic feelings for. When the engagement ends, she is devastated and goes to a bar, only to lose her virginity to a stranger whose name she can't even recall. She later discovers she's pregnant and her father threatens to throw her out on the street if she doesn't find the father of the child. Choi Do-yun, the stranger, is married to another and cannot be able to bring Lisa into his home, and instead, asks his best friend to take responsibility for the child in return for a favour. Na Su-ho has been living a quiet life for most of his life. Everything is about to turn upside down, though, when his best friend begs him to take care of his mistress who is carrying his illegitimate child. Kim Eun-hyeok has been hiding his feelings for his sister for as long as he's known. What happens when she goes ahead to live with another man? Few weeks later, a Lisa notices a stalker. Is her life in danger, or is a secret about to be revealed? Keep reading to find out how everything plays out.

pink_cruella · Urban
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15 Chs

I'm Helping Her

Lisa had an interview scheduled for ten o'clock and the clock was ticking. She scrambled to get everything done. She had to make breakfast for her family and the clock ticked past eight thirty. She considered asking Eun-hyeok to drive her to the company, but she thought he was likely to be immersed with work by that time. He usually left early in the morning and she was surprised to find him still at home when she woke. He probably still wants to drill me on my whereabouts

Lisa already had the perfect excuse. She was heartbroken about the breakup and she had only intended to take a couple of drinks, but the bartender kept bringing more and more drinks until she got drunk and had to use the last it her money to pay for the drinks. And then, she walked back home all the way from that place.

Her head was burning though, and she felt weak and tired, she almost didn't want to make breakfast, but she knew her father would yell at her. That day would be really busy, considering she had to make dinner for six people--Ji-eon was coming over with her husband, Do-won.

She had decided to make eggs and bacon for breakfast, and maybe they would have kimchi for dinner. Lunch would be black bean noodles, and that would be when the interview was over.

"So, are you going to tell me what you were up to last night?"

That was Eun-hyeok's voice behind her. She spun around, finding him practically naked with a towel wrapped low around his waist. "Would you at least put some clothes on?" With an eye roll, she turned back to what she was doing. How he was able to dress like that when the weather was already cold enough baffled her, but she didn't want to ask. Even during the summer, she still felt a bit cold, so she couldn't imagine going around the house half naked when the weather was like this.

"What, am I distracting you?" He teased. Lisa stared dead-eyed at him. She wondered if he actually had any bit of brain left in him, then realised he was the smarter one between the two of them. Sometimes she doubted that, but his grades when they were in highschool was proof of that.

She turned on the tap and cupped her hands, filling her palms with the cool liquid. Then, turning around, she poured the cold tap water on Eun-hyeok's chest.

His recoil made her laugh out loud, because he jumped in suprise and nearly lost his balance. "Now, go dress up" she laughed. "If I don't?" He was being stubborn. "Then I won't answer any of your questions" she folded her arms. "Alright, fine,  I'll be back in a jiffy"

As Eun-hyeok was leaving the area, dad was entering. Lisa hurriedly went to bow in greeting. "Good morning, father"

Mr. Kim glanced in her direction, a chilly expression on his face, then turned away without bothering to answer her. He must be really mad this time she thought. Her relationship with her father was strained to say the least. He was never really satisfied with whatever she did, even as much as she tried to please him. He had started being nicer to her only when Su-hyeok had proposed to her, and now that it was all over, he treated her the same way he had all her life.

"Dad, the breakfast is almost ready. Would you like to eat at the dining table or in your room?"

"I'll eat at the table" he replied coldly.

Lisa dished out the food in bowls and set the bowls on the table with cutleries and cups for water. Her father sat at the table and Lisa considered taking her food to her room so she didn't have to listen to what her father was going to say. She took her plate and her cup and started for her room.

"Lisa, where are you going? Come and sit down"

Lisa knew that was a bad sign already. She was in. Sighing, she headed back for the table. She had to eat quickly so she wouldn't have to spend so long with him. She shoved a spoonful into her mouth, chewing hurriedly. Her father stared at her, his expression one of disgust.

"Why are you eating like a pig?"

Lowering her gaze, she stared at her plate.

"Is this how you eat with Su-hyeok? It's no wonder he ended your engagement"

Wordlessly, she ate more slowly so he wouldn't attack her again, although she knew it was pointless. He already had his opening, and he wouldn't stop until he was done.

"I have an interview today, with a big company" she said, hoping he would be happy with the fact and stop reminding her of Su-hyeok.

Eun-hyeok came out of his room, his phone placed to his ear. "Yes, I won't be able to..." He was probably cancelling an outing.

"What good is a woman working without a husband and children?" Her father yelled.

She decided to zone out and focus on her brother's call just so she didn't have to hear what he was saying. "Thank you...can we talk about that another time...I'll call you back later, I'm a bit busy now...alright" Eun-hyeok hung up and came to seat between their father and Lisa.

"Good morning dad" Eun-hyeok's smile was enough to make their father momentarily forget about Lisa.

"How did you sleep son?"

Lisa noticed he always called Eun-hyeok son and Ji-eon daughter, but he only ever called her no good or useless or stupid.

"I slept well, thanks"

"You haven't left yet. Don't you have to be at work by seven?"

"Isn't Lisa going for the interview today?" Eun-hyeok turned to Lisa who was purposely keeping her gaze trained on her plate as she ate another mouthful.

"I called to let them know I can't come today" he added, smiling in her direction.

She looked up at him and met his proud smile, she smiled back at him. Eun-hyeok had always been really considerate of her.

"What's the point of doing that. If you want to take a break, go ahead. I don't see why you should bother with her. We both know she won't even get the job"

"Dad!" Eun-hyeok cautioned.

"Don't 'dad' me. It's not my fault she's good for nothing. I mean, she's not even that good at cooking. This tastes horrible"

Eun-hyeok knew he was saying that just to hurt her because Lisa was actually a very good cook.

"Dad, stop it!" Eun-hyeok matched his father's tone.

"I don't even know why you bother to stand up for the girl"

"Why do you talk about her like she's not a human?"

"I'm helping her. You think she'll ever get better if someone doesn't tell her what she's doing wrong?"

"You are not helping her, you're hurting her!"

They were going to start arguing again, because of her. They only ever argued because of her. Shoving the last spoonful of breakfast into her mouth, Lisa got up from her seat.

"I'm done eating" she announced as they usually did when leaving the table. She took her dish to the sink and started walking towards her room.

"Won't you wash your bowl before you leave?" Her father yelled after her.

"DAD!" Eun-hyeok yelled.

Lisa didn't turn back. She closed the door to her room and walked sullenly to her bed. Her father's words had actually hurt her, and she found herself believing everything that he had said. It was not the first job interview she had gone for after she graduated, and none of the companies had accepted her. They hadn't even bothered to send rejection emails. Her love life on the other hand was a big mess. Su-hyeok had left her because she wasn't enough for him. And she had gone and gotten drunk and slept with someone whose name she didn't even know.

Her father was right. I don't even want to go for the interview anymore she thought. What's the point of going for an interview for a job I won't even get

Someone knocked on her door. She got up to answer the door but the door opened just as she was reaching for the knob. It was Eun-hyeok.


"Eun-hyeok...thank you for standing up for me" she smiled sadly, her eyes turned downwards. Eun-hyeok studied her face with sad eyes. "You don't have to thank me. You're nothing he says you are, alright?"

Lisa didn't know she had been crying until he reached to wipe a teardrop from her eyes. When he did that, she couldn't help but let the tears she had been holding flow freely. Eun-hyeok pulled her into a bear hug and she shuddered violently against him, her body trembling as she cried. His shirt had gotten wet, but he didn't care. He didn't care that she hadn't showered yet because she had taken a bath the previous night.

"Come and sit" he suggested, leading her to the bed so she could sit. Eun-hyeok let go of her momentarily so he could get the chair in front of the study table. He let her cry for as long as she wanted until she wanted to talk.

"I thought I had finally proven myself when Su-hyeok came to propose to me. Dad had started treating me better, so I was happy. But now that he's gone, I feel like I did before--like I'm not good enough" She said in a teary voice.

"Listen, you're better than he says you are, alright. Don't place your worth on another man. Su-hyeok is an asshole and you're better off without him"

"You're just saying that to make me feel better. You never did like Su-hyeok anyway" She sniffed, wiping her nose with her sleeve. Eun-hyeok stared at her for a moment, trying to choose his words.

"Ji-soo. You need to stop. I admittedly don't like Su-hyeok, but I wouldn't lie to you because of that. Have I ever lied to you? Lisa, look at me. Have I lied to you before?" She shook her head. He had never lied to anyone at all. He was the most honest person she knew.

"So don't let what dad said bother you. He's not important, alright? What's important to both you and me is you. And I think your cooking's the best"

She laughed at the last sentence. "I think you just like food in general"

That's chapter three. Next part coming soon

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