
The Powerful Eye System in MHA

A normal man gets transmigrated into the world of My Hero Academia with an 'Eye System'. When waking up to the system, he learns he transmigrated into a body that's in front of UA to take the entrance exam but... HIS QUIRK WAS GONE?!? Fortunately, the Eye System had given him a 'Free Eye': Six Eyes, the powerful eyes of the Gojo Clan. This is the story of how a normal man transmigrated and became someone on the level of god. Tag: Multiverse Fic Inspired by "Eye System in RWBY"

Darkened007 · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

Chapter 30: 16th

A/N: Another phone chapter, hope you enjoy this slice of life.


About a week or so now had passed, marking today as the 8th of June, Friday.

Class 1-A were having their last period of homeroom, with Aizawa allowing them to chat and relax as he took a nap.

"Hey, so I've been wondering..." Kirishima spoke up as the boys sat in a circle, "Any of you guys 16? In other words, have you had your birthday yet this year?" He asked, moving onto random topic #8.

"Mine's this month, 29th" Kaminari answered as he took a sip of some apple juice that he got from a vending machine.

"I'm 16, have been since April" Bakugo shrugged, his feet resting on a desk.

"Oh... happy late-as-hell birthday?" The others chuckled awkwardly, to which Bakugo groaned, "That's irrelevant anyway, carry on" He stated as he glared at Sero.

"Next month, 28th..." Sero replied before he made eye contact with Bakugo's glare with a sweat drop, "Could you stop looking like you're about to kill me any second...? Aha..." He added, causing Bakugo's eyes to widen in surprise

"Huh?! I'm not looking at you like that!" Bakugo's anger issues seemed to awaken at that random moment as he kissed his teeth before mumbling to himself.

"Mine's still quite a while away... October time" Tokoyami answered, earning a synchronised "Ooo~" from the others.

"Spooky season, ay? Makes sense" Ren laughed, ignoring Tokoyami who rolled his eyes at the overused joke he's dealt with since birth.

"What about you then, Ren?" Kirishima asked, realising Ren was the only one (excluding himself) who was yet to answer.

"June 9th" Ren tilted his head when he saw Kirishima and the others widen their eyes and open their mouths a little, "What is it? Is my birthday weird somehow?" He asked.

"Uh... check your phone, dude" Kaminari suggested, urging Ren to take out his phone from his pocket to check the date.

"...WHAT!?" He exclaimed in shock as he saw the date today was the 8th of June, the day before his birthday.

"SHUT UP!" Aizawa awoke from his slumber with bloodshot eyes as he glared at Ren menacingly.

"Eheh... sorry, teach" Ren scratched the back of his head in embarrassment as he and the rest of the class watch Aizawa close his eyes and fall asleep instantly.

"Wow... I've been so busy with stuff lately, that I completely forgot about my birthday" He muttered, 'My first birthday since transmigrating...ay? I wonder if it'll feel any different than normal' He thought.

"So, you plan on doing anything for your birthday?" Kirishima asked with a smirk full of expectations.

"You guys wanna come to my place by any chance and celebrate?" Ren raised his brow with a smile.

"HELL YEA-!" Kirishima cheered loudly.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP" Aizawa shouted, awaking from his nap once more, "Screw this. All of you, go home... N o w" He ordered.

The class slowly left Aizawa in the class by himself, leaving him to sleep peacefully for once.

"Anyway, as I was gonna say..." Kirishima coughed to clear his throat, "Sounds like an awesome plan! How about inviting the others?" He suggested.

"What, like, the whole class?" Ren asked.

"Is your place big enough?" Tokoyami asked as he didn't want to be in a place full of people with no space.

"Should be plenty for just 20 people..." Ren mumbled as he put his fingers to his chin, "Alright, it's settled! The whole class can come, if they want obviously" He finished.

"Awesome! Wait here a sec" Kirishima told the boys as he ran off to catch up to Ashido who wasn't too far from them with the girls of the class as they began to conversate for a few seconds.

"They look good, don't they?" Kaminari said with a proud smile as he looked at Kirishima and Ashido whilst leaning on Ren's shoulder

"*Sniff...* I'm so proud of my boy..." Ren sniffed as he and Kaminari roleplayed a little, "Now get off, homo bastard" Ren joked as he pushed Kaminari away causing him to headbutt a wall.

"Hey! I'll let you know, I like women! beautiful, older, thick women to be exact" Kaminari said seriously as he crossed his arms with a huff.

"Hey, guys! Check your phones!" Kirishima said as he ran back to them.

The boys looked to their phones to see a notification from a groupchat called "1-A Squad", with Ashido as the admin.

They opened the groupchat and saw it having all 20 students in the group chat as some already began to message on it.

"Go on" Kirishima urged with a smile as he looked at Ren.

Getting the idea, Ren typed up a message to send to the class. A nice, simple message that said: [Yo guys, my birthday's tmrw and I'm wondering if u guys r free and wanna come to my place and celebrate/chill n whatnot] He sent the message after reading it through once.

Immediately, most of the class said they'd go, with some of the students like Izuku, Todoroki, Ida and Momo saying they'll have to ask their parents first before giving an answer.

'Right, I guess he'd be a little more social by now since the Stain shit has passed' Ren pointed out as he looked at Todoroki's message. He'd figured that he'd instantly deny it, but it seems he's actually interested now in interacting with his classmates.

And so, it was now the 9th of June, last period of the day.

"Alright, you guys are free to go" Aizawa said as he neatly sorted out some papers before leaving.

"So, Ren! When're we all meeting up?!" Ashido shouted enthusiastically across the classroom.

Fortunately, it seemed everyone in the class was able to go as even Todoroki, surprisingly, somehow got permission by ENDEAVOR of all people to go. Ren figured Todoroki must've used some type of blackmail or something.

"You guys can go home and get changed and stuff first, then just come whenever you want - you all already have my address" He replied as he put his bag on, ready to leave.

"Good to know!" Ashido saluted as she and the girls left the class, before her pink head peeked back into the class, "Oh yeah! What kinda outfit is appropriate?!" She asked.

"Uh... something comfortable? And something easy to move around in and have fun in. There's a park nearby so we can go there and chill if we ever get bored" He answered.

"Okayyy! Adios everyone!" Ashido shouted her goodbyes as her and the girls all left the school and went to their homes.




"Sup guys" Ren opened the door to his flat to see Kirishima, Kaminari, Bakugo, Tokoyami and Sero all together, "You guys are the first ones here, make yourselves comfy" Ren welcomed them in as they decided to look around and realised how spotless the place was.

"You clean up before we arrived" Sero asked.

"Of course, can't have the place lookin' like ass before everyone gets here" Ren replied with a small laugh.

The boys walked around and observed Ren's flat. It was surprisingly spacious for a flat (Then again though, it seemed to be quite a luxurious flat as a whole), with big enough rooms to fit more than 20 people easily.

(Reminder, there's 2 bedrooms, a kitchen, bathroom, and a living room. They all big rooms that can probably fit like 15 people in each place excluding the bathroom which is like 5-10 people)

The gang decided to make themselves comfy in Ren's living room as only 10 minutes later the doorbell rang.

Ren went to the door by himself and welcomed in the rest of the boys of the class.

All the boys basically had the same idea when it came to their clothing as they wore either cargos, joggers or short for their legs area. And for the top area they wore either a shirt with a hoodie, a sweatshirt, or just a shirt.

'Men are so basic... I love it' Ren thought with a smile as all the boys conversated in his living room.

About 20-30 minutes passed when finally the doorbell rang once more as Ren opened it to see all the girls arrive.

"Welcome, everyone come in. The others are already here" Ren said with a warm smile as he welcomed the girls into his flat.

The girls all decided to wear tight dresses. Momo was wearing a red dress, Jiro a blue one, Ashido a purple one, Uraraka a pink one, Asui a green one and Toru a white one. They also styled their hairs into some type of tail or bun.

"Wow, you guys look formal, dontcha think?" Kirishima commented as he looked at the girls' outfits once they arrived in the living room with Ren.

"Haha!" Ashido laughed as she walked up to Kirishima with a smile, "Of course, it's a party! Beautiful girls like us always need to look good" She said energetically, must've drank an energy drink or something.

"Right... those dressed look expensive, though. You sure they're suitable for this kinda thing?" Sero asked, causing the girls to turn to look at Momo who blushed a little at the attention.

"W-Well... we all went to my house and I gave them some of my spare dresses to use since none of them wanted to pay for one from a shop" Momo said with a cough, ignoring the gaze of the girls.

"You guys! Did you know Momo's an 'Ojou-sama'?? It's awesome!" Ashido cheered as she hugged Momo's side, causing her to chuckle in embarrassment.

"So you guys are cheapskates? And you guys are leeching off your friend's wealth?" Bakugo asked 'innocently' as he deadpanned at Ashido and the other girls.

Whilst the others looked away and whistled or completely ignored Bakugo, Ashido gave a thumbs-up as she replied, "First part, yes! Second part, no!"

"Right..." Bakugo scoffed as he rolled his eyes before going back to the game of Monopoly him and 3 other guys were playing, "OH FUCK THIS!" He shouted in frustration in no little than 5 seconds later as he flipped the gameboard over in anger (He went bankrupt, bozo), "WHEN'S THIS PARTY STARTIN'?!?!" He shouted

"YEAH!!" The class cheered before Ren turned on the speaker and played some music as the class spent the next hour or two dancing, singing, taking videos, etc.

Needing a piss, Ren left momentarily and headed to the bathroom and locked it as he went on his phone to check for anything new.

He went on the messaging up and saw everybody post on their stories "Happy birthday, Ren" or something similar with either a photo or video with it.

He thanked them all one by one on his own story, before finally finishing his piss as he washed and dried his hands.

Right as he was about to unlock the bathroom and join the others, he got about 5 new notifcations instantly from the third years and Rumi.

[Happy birthday!] The third years congratulated in their private DMs with him.

[It's your birthday? Oh well, happy birthday, twerp!] Rumi messaged with a photo of her doing a thumbs-up smiling.

He replied "Thanks" to them all and finally joined back with the others where they spent a few more hours just having fun.




"See you guys later! Thanks for the party, Ren, it was fun!" Ashido and the girls waved goodbye as they decided to leave at 11pm.

"Hey, Ashido!" Kirishima called out to her, "Need me to walk you home, or...?" He asked.

"Momo said she's driving us all home, sorry!" Ashido apologised with a smile, not noticing Kirishima's disheartened look.

"Hm?" Momo perked up, "Oh? I have a call, wait a second" She put her phone to her ear, "Yes... oh no! That's not good... okay, I'll let them know" She then put her phone in her pocket

"Sorry, girls, but it seems that one of you must find another way to get home safely as there is no longer any space in the vehicle..." Momo sighed, sending a quick, unnoticed wink to Kirishima.

"Oh..." Ashido then turned to Kirishima and put her hand on his shoulder, "I'll go with you then! Make sure you take me home safe, my knight in shining armour" She teased as she wrapped her arm around Kirishima's neck, "See ya guys!" The two then left.

"Good job" Ren said as he and Momo high fived each other.

Shortly after, the girls left as Momo got an actual call from her butler that told her their ride was here.

"Thanks for the party/Good job on inviting the girlssss/It was fun.../We should do this again!" The boys of 1-A said their goodbyes when it was their time to go, leaving Ren in his flat as he looked at the mess on the floor.

"...For fucks sake" He groaned as he began mopping the mess before going to sleep an hour later


A/N: MC is now 16, a.k.a. legal (In my and other countries) ;)

Thanks for reading

Hope you enjoyed