
The Power of Zero

Imagine a place where anything and everything is possible. Where all dreams, legends, stories, and fictional characters were born. This is a place with wonder and excitement, but also where nightmares, demons, and the things that haunt your thoughts and dreams lurk. This is the story of a boy reincarnated into a land of wonderous joys and hellish nightmares, learning to live and create his own path. Read along as he meets iconic characters, magical creatures and fights nightmares, demons, rogue gods, and more. Story begins: "Hello I am sure you are more than a little confused, wondering where you're at and who I am, all that and more will be answered in due time. Before the voice could continue the boy yelled out into the void, "Am I dead!?" Giving a pause before providing a response the voice stated "I will answer that question in a moment, now I would like to ask you to hold all questions till I have explained more".

Xirus_rulez · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Freedom and Fear

Cipher woke up on a beautiful grassy plain opening his eyes for the first time in this new world he reached up toward the sky. His body didn't feel any different than it did before, and the sky even looked the same. Thinking about it maybe the voice that spoke with him set it up like this so that he would be more comfortable. With that thought crossing his mind Cipher sat up staring out across the hills of flowing green grass, watching as it swayed back and forth. This was the first time he had ever in any life, taken a moment to experience the wind as it rolled across his face and the scene in front of him.

While staring off into the distance Cipher felt a sense of relief as if the burdens that previously shackled him were now broken. He still had a hard time processing everything including the circumstances in how he ending up in this place. He understood he wasn't the perfect child, but how could his parents kill him. He thought about this for awhile going through his normal process of reviewing every action he took leading up to the event. Then he realized why they must have killed him, 'I left food out!..... I'm such an idiot' Cipher muttered to himself. As this truly ridiculous thought came to mind, something else came into his view.

The fact that Cipher was in a dreamland still hadn't fully sunk in, so seeing a creature that could be easily mistaken for a bear with what looked like speakers on its head was very surprising. Watching as the creature moved across grass he noticed that it would pause, clap its paws, and then keep walking repeating this process. What was extremely remarkable about the situation was every time the creature clapped the sound would change and a pulse could be seen moving outward if you watched the grass around it and the way it moved.

Watching this scene take place Cipher remembered what he was told, "Here in the land of dreams and legends anything and everything can exist, this includes magic among a multitude of other elements". Realizing that there was nothing stopping him from trying, he brought both his hands up and prepared himself by rolling his shoulders back and slightly bending his legs. As he was bringing his hands together for the clap he thought about amplifying the sound he produced. The moment his hands made contact with each other Ciphers' body tensed up. Startled and in pain due to the extremely loud sound he had just produced Cipher retracted his hands to cover his ears. Cipher breathed out a sigh of relief as even though he did it somewhat jokingly, bending his knees saved him from falling over face first when his body tensed up.

The pulse sent out from his clap completely flattened the grass around him and kept moving over the grass making it sway as it moved outward. Having his thoughts come back into focus his eyes fell upon the creature that has just turned its head in his direction. Watching as the bear-like creature made its way towards him cipher became hyperaware of its many distinctive features.

It had slick black fur, circular and comically oversized ears, and something long and thin protruding from its paws. Cipher had an idea what the protrusions were, he wasn't stupid though if you spoke to anyone from his past they would try to make you believe otherwise. The issue was that the only time you could see them was when the light would hit them at an angle causing them to shimmer. This left the question of how long its claws were, go unanswered as it was extremely difficult to tell.

This all happened in a split second as his brain processed all the information extremely fast. The issue Cipher was trying to figure out now was if he needed to run or not. It didn't take long for Cipher to find his answer. It took only a moment for Cpuher to realize if he didn't start running he was about to be this creature's meal. While he didn't know if he could actually die in this world, it was better safe then dead again. Cipher started to look around to figure out the best direction to start off, he didn't have much time as the creature which he decided to name Beaker. Obviously, if you take bear and speakers you get...da dt da dat da...Beaker.

So with the Beaker starting to get close approximately a half-mile` away at this point, Cipher was beginning to have a panic attack hearing only the pounding of his heart in his head. Then he heard a voice, "You have options, first you can run into the tightly packed forest behind you, or you could try to outrun the creature you named 'Beaker'". The voice finished by stating "I highly advise the forest behind you as it provides the highest likely hood for survival." Without thinking, Cipher did a half-turn and sprinted as fast as he could towards the so-called "forest".

Cipher had seen this out of the corner of his eye before noticing the Beaker but didn't put much thought into it due to the circumstance he had found himself in. He realized now it wasn't a forest and with this thought crossing his mind the voice could be heard again, "let me elaborate this is the forest of metal trees". About 20 feet from the nearest "tree" Cipher yelled out "these aren't trees they are needles on a long stick". Cipher then had an idea, if he just climbed one of these trees he would be fine. With that thought, he ran to the nearest one and started to climb.

Soon as he started climbing he heard the voice again, "This idea of yours has one major flaw". Cipher now frustrated with the whole situation yelled back, "And what could that be?" The voice then replied, "Beakers can climb".