
The Power of Ice

Our dear protagonist is obsessed with the power over ice. Whether or not that is healthy, remains to be seen. The fact is, that he is granted a chance to not only wield that power but to show everyone, that it is the most powerful one around ... at least in his hands. A Multiverse Fanfiction, starting in One Piece. He will travel from world to world, using the powers of Essences, which are given to him. He has no say in what he is given.

Daoistz1VV3s · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs


Essence of the Immortal:

By consuming the Essence of the Immortal, the quintessence of the desire to live forever, you gain the following boons:

- Your ageing halts when you reach the prime of life, the exact moment when the body stops maturing and starts dying. If your body is already past the prime of life, it reverts to that point.

- A healing factor that maintains you in perfect health and lets you rapidly recover from any injury, disease, or poison short of the total destruction of your body. You can easily block out pain if you want to while still retaining an awareness of injury.

- Perfect memory with infinite storage and data recovery. Even if your memories are somehow erased, they will eventually return. Death of identity is just another form of death, and you can never truly die.

- Skills, stats, and abilities never degrade due to lack of training or the passage of time. Reincarnating into a new body does mean you have to physically condition that new body from scratch, but 'muscle memory' is actually in the mind and so carries over just fine. You will gain your former strength back quickly though. 

- An indestructible mind, that is highly resistant to insanity and which will eventually recover from any amount of mental trauma or destruction even if crushed or obliterated by overwhelming force. Barring other powers or abilities you can still potentially be negatively affected by horrible events, boredom, sensory deprivation, etc., but you will never be permanently lost inside your own head.

- An eternal soul, that cannot be trapped, bound, owned, permanently harmed, or eliminated by any power short of the Supreme Being. If you are ever destroyed by any means, up to and including being retroactively erased from having ever existed, you will reincarnate somewhere else and regain your memories and abilities in early childhood. Barring other factors you will reincarnate on the inhabitable world closest to where you 'died' as a healthy newborn of the closest equivalent to the race you 'died' as, usually the same one in both cases. If the entire universe is unavailable to reincarnate in then you will reincarnate in a nearby universe.

- The ability to voluntarily 'die' and trigger your next reincarnation. Intended for use in situations such as being trapped in an inescapable void, buried underneath a collapsed mountain, being devoured alive for eternity in an Elder God's stomach, locked in temporal stasis, trapped in an inescapable time loop, etc. This ability will never activate under any circumstances unless you genuinely and of your own free will want it to, but can be activated 'subconsciously' regardless of how incapacitated you are.

- The ability to petition the Supreme Being to end your immortality and allow you to move on to what comes next, but only if you while entirely in your right mind and with the utmost sincerity want to.


Essence of the Blank:

By taking this essence, you gain but one benefit:

Your potential becomes limitless. You can learn any discipline or skillset, even if you shouldn't be capable of it, without forgetting it and practice them into mastery, no matter how many you learn. Any abilities you have from other Essences will increase where possible and develop in ways beyond their initial purposes.


Essence of the Nomad:

By taking this essence, you take on the skills of the ultimate traveller

- You are granted infinite stamina.

- Your body is completely rid of minor aches and pains and minor wounds heal Instantaneously.

- Other living beings do not see you as a threat and will ignore you. This can be toggled.

- You are able to teleport by any method you wish. 

- You can travel to alternate universes at will 

- You are granted encyclopedic knowledge of all the most exciting places in the multiverse. 

- You always have enough money to get by.

- You are immune to any disease.

- You automatically have the skills to drive, pilot or ride any form of vehicle or mount.

- You are granted the skill set necessary to survive in any environment, with your body/clothes adapting as needed.

- You become able to speak and understand any language, whether spoken, written or containing non-verbal components such as telepathy.

- You will always know where you are, where you've been and how to navigate/orient yourself by any means.

- You can 'mark' any world that you've been in in order to more easily find it again.