
The power of control

A young man far from home finds himself in a world of heroes and villains, and is granted the power to control all...

DaoOfPusy · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs

chapter 43: training

The forest, early in the afternoon. It was the day before the famous U.A. sports festival. I had spent the last two weeks training my mind, my body and my quirk, pushing myself beyond my limits with each session.

None of my efforts were necessary for the sports festival, of course. But that is not why I did it. I enjoyed the rush of growing stronger every day, a feeling the likes of which I would rarely experience in my past life. There was also the fact that, after a (short) lifetime of being a regular human, I had acquired insanely powerful psychic powers (or whatever they were, the terminology was not significant) and that I felt like a child at Christmas at every waking moment. It was a feeling that had never left, even after years of growing accustomed to it, and I hoped it would stay that way.

Though it was early in the afternoon, I had only just begun training, my quirk that is. I had spent the entire morning reading. Believe it or not, my quirk required a decent bit of studying. After all, when attempting to recreate natural phenomena, one must possess knowledge of how they function. It helped that I was a bit of a nerd, and I liked amassing knowledge. Knowledge was power, after all. Though eventually, it was time to work on my actual strength.

I stood within my favorite crater, which had only grown as time went on. I had meditated for half an hour, absorbing as much of that formless energy from the surroundings as I could. After having my fill, I stood up and focused. I methodically breathed in and out, clearing my head of all unnecessary thoughts. Then, I opened my eyes. It was time to see how far I had grown.

I started with telekinesis, the oldest, most reliable of my powers. I looked at a nearby tree and extended my hand. Like a flower picked by a maiden, the tree uprooted without resistance, floating in the air, a light kaleidoscopic hue surrounding it. 'Easy,' I thought to myself. I did the same with another tree, still keeping this one afloat. Then another one. And another one. I kept pulling trees until every tree within 10 meters hovered around me, making for an impressive yet eerie sight.

Next, I carefully planted every tree back in its original spot. It was a test of my control, as I had to keep both the roots and the complex ecosystem within the soil intact. I had to carefully manipulate the ground before gently dropping each tree in its designated spot. Eventually, the forest became good as new, save for the years of damage I had already caused.

Next, it was time to test my accuracy. I used telekinesis to throw twenty small rocks as high as I could. Then I manipulated another stone to hit each of the others successively in the air. It was an immediate success. I had years of practice, after all.

After a few more exercises, I had finished practicing telekinesis. Next was the first skill I had learned after telekinesis and one that I rarely got to use. For this one, I needed another object.

I rummaged in my left pocket, fishing out the tie I wore to school every day. It was a good tie. the fabric was of high quality, and the red color was also pleasant. U.A. went above and beyond with everything.

I played around with the tie, swinging it around and lashing it like a whip. I then held it in front of me, the tie's tip almost reaching the ground. I focused. Formless energy flowed from my arm into the piece of cloth, giving it a kaleidoscopic hue as it straightened immediately, becoming fully erect.

I lightly hit the straightened tie. A metallic noise sounded. The necktie was as solid as steel. I swung it in the air, creating a whistling sound. Perfect.

I used telekinesis to pull a small rock towards me at a blinding speed. Just as it was about to hit me, I swung my hardened necktie, slicing through the rock like butter. I smiled. Then, I made many stones levitate before pulling them all towards me. I then proceeded to cut through all of them, coming out unscathed.

When I finished, I retracted my energy from the necktie, causing it to become a regular piece of cloth once more. I immediately put it back in my pocket. I still needed that, after all.

And just like that, I continued my training, going through each skill I had learned throughout the years until I eventually stopped. The training was completed, for now. I was ready for the sports festival, to put on a show.

A.N./// i finally completed dark souls 3 a few days ago. what have y'all been up to?