
The possessive moon

Alex_Moses26 · Action
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7 Chs

the three musketeers

"you were really amazing out there today", Noah after a short seconds of silence.

"I didn't feel like I was myself, extra speed, stamina and agility, it was all a cheat ", Alex said and Noah stop what he was doing.

"what are you talking about, I've seen you play with Dave before, and we have all played together ", Noah said.

"ever since that night, when I got bitten, everything just increases ", Alex said.

"maybe you should be glad cuz you aren't a four eyes anyone, let me tell you something, I'm going to look for that wolf that bit you, even if it's a wolf or not ", Noah said and they burst out laughing.

"you got to be kidding, we still don't know what we're up against, it may be eating me from inside but we don't know", Alex said with a chuckles.

"it doesn't matter bro, you could have seen yourself on the court, you were like a pro not even Ethan could stand up against you ", Noah was moving around gesturing with his body, Alex was just laughing as he did so.

"have you heard about the coming game? ", Alex question.

"of course I have, and I promise myself I will have the most points on that day ", Noah bragged.

" seriously?, are you sure about that? ", Alex asked, they were ready to head out of the locker room.

" of course I am sure ", Noah said, doorsteps were heard and the teens turn to the door to see Ivy, Liam and Jaxon.

"hey Liam, forgot something? ", Noah ask.

" yeah, something very important ", the blondie said, Noah and Alex then shared a confused look as Jaxon and Ivy step further into the room.

" so you are Nathan's beta ", Ivy cock her head to the side as she eyed Alex.

" what going on here, what do you want? ", Alex could tell they were up to something.

"what's this beta you guys are talking about, Alex isn't any beta, maybe you got it all wrong ", Noah said.

"yes he is, you were bitten by Nathan so that made you his beta ", Jaxon said to Alex, Liam was leaning on the doorframe watching them.

"Nathan bit you?, I thought you said it was a wolf?", Noah whisper yelled.

"yes it was, this guys are freaking insane", Alex said.

"freaking insane?", Ivy chuckles, "do you want to see what's freaking insane?", she asked but received no response from them, "this is what freaking means", her eyes turned gold and she grabbed Alex by his neck lifting him off the floor.

"oh my God", Noah stumbled backwards, Alex was now gasping for air as he struggled effortlessly against the she-wolf, "she's going to kill him", Noah yelled shakily.

"what do you think we came here for?, to laugh with you guys?, no, we are here to eliminate him", Liam said from the doorway.

Noah didn't know what to do, his best friend was being chocked to death and he was watching, he just couldn't let that happen so he run after Ivy.

Jaxon step in with a fistful which Noah easily dodged, "nice reflexes, I won't expect less from the son of an hunter", Jaxon smile.

"you can smile all you want but I don't really care, now step aside or you're going to get it", Noah warned.

"do your worst ", Jaxon said like it was no big deal, Noah launch after Jaxon throwing punches which was easily deflated by Jaxon, he grabbed Noah by the shoulder and throw him into a locker and Noah groan out of pain.

after a few struggling Alex was able to kick Ivy making her to loosen her grip on his neck, he pushed her into the ground and turn to Jaxon, he angrily throw a punch and Jaxon dodged it, he smacked his knee into Alex's stomach knocking air out of his lungs.

Alex fell on his knees and held onto his stomach, Jaxon pulled him off the floor and tossed him into a set of locker, he walked up to Alex and Alex knock him off his feet, he jumped on Jaxon and punch him server time before Ivy pulled him off.

he got out of Ivy's grip and throw her a few feet away, he then turn his attention back to Jaxon who was now on his feet, he countered Alex's attack and smack him on the floor.

"you're good, but not good enough", he kicked Alex across the floor and Alex groan when his body hit a few set of locker, "now to finish you ",he unclenched his fist and his nails has grown into long razor sharp set of claws.

Liam and Ivy both sailed pass above Jaxon and they hit a few set of locker, Jaxon turn to the doorway and saw an angrily looking Nathan Black, he growled revealing his set of sharp and muscular fangs.

"take your friends and get out now", he growled at Jaxon, the teen growled back but didn't dare to attack, he walk over to the now unconscious Liam and Ivy and carry them with ease.

"this isn't over", Jaxon hissed before leaving.

"are you guys okay?", Nathan ask Alex and Noah.

"do we look okay to you, what they hell are you guys", Noah was holding onto his side, "are you guys even human?", he questioned, Alex on the other hand was quietly staring at Nathan.

"yes, and no", Nathan answered in a way that the black boy do not understand, he then walk up to Alex who stop a shaky step backward, "it okay Alex, you don't need to be afraid of me", Nathan assured him.

"what, what are you", Alex mustard up some courage to speak.

"I'm a werewolf, so are you, those guys are from another wolf pack, they are after me for something I didn't do", Nathan explained.

"which is?", Alex ask curiously, he has to know everything that's going on since he was dragged into this stuff by Nathan.

"I will let you know on everything okay", Nathan explained.

"if I'm involved in this then I have to know what's going on okay", Alex said boldly, "they tried to kill me and my friend, so I can't be left out of this".

"he's right, I may not know exactly what this means but I think I'm kind of involved in a whole different part", Noah said.

"there's nothing I can tell you Noah, you will have to find out yourself, sooner or later it will be revealed to you", Nathan said to Noah.

"now are you going to tell me about this other pack of wolves, or not?", Alex ask.

"Luna Black is the name of their alpha", Nathan informed.

"what's an alpha, wait you mean like a werewolf alpha in tv?", Noah ask.

"yeah ", Nathan replied.

"something tells me you're related to her cuz you shared the same last name", Alex questioned.

"she's my aunt, she think I killed my dad, which is a bit so cuz he tried to kill my mom and also he succeed in doing so ", Nathan summerise his life story.

"I guess it's really a long story, maybe we should keep it for another day ", Noah pants Alex's back.

"there's still one more thing I want to ask ", Alex was staring at Nathan.

"an alpha needs a pack, and I have to start from somewhere, and secondly if I want to defend myself I need comrades to fight with, you are my first ", Nathan said.

"but why me, there are lots of people out there you could have picked and instead you pick me? ", Alex ask a bit angry.

"you don't just go out bitting people, we chose the best, I saw something in you Alex, you are great ", Nathan said.

"if you guys don't mind me asking, how many are they? ", Noah ask.

"hundred, I guess, but we will make it through this trust me", Nathan assured Alex and he nod," now go home and stay safe ", Nathan said to Alex when he saw the look in his face.

"c'mon Noah ", Alex pick his backpack and Noah did the same, "I guess I will see you around", Alex said.

"I'm always there ", Nathan said as they left the locker room.


"so werewolf are real, and you are one to begin with", Noah said.

"it's still a shocking news", Alex exhale, "now I see where all the extra speed and others are from".

"now you have power ", Noah said, "and it is said that with power comes a lot of responsibility ".

"and a lot og obstacles as well ", Alex said and Noah chuckles slightly," you know was planning on visiting the hospital but now I think I will decide against it ", Alex informed.

"you don't want to freak them out ", Noah laugh.

"I will see you tomorrow ", Alex said as Noah hop into his gold truck.

"yeah, and do not eat Dave before morning ", Noah joke and they both laugh," bye ", Noah wave before pulling out of the parking lot.

Alex sigh and ruffle his hair," werewolf huh? ", he shock his head and rode off on his bike, Nathan was quietly watching him from an hidden spot.