
The possessive moon

Alex_Moses26 · Action
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7 Chs

Camille's plan

Alex and Noah made it to the party and chained their bicycles, "I see you guys came in with the best ride ", Ethan mock, "and I didn't expect to see four eyes, when did you become the party type? ", Ethan ask looking at Alex. 

Alex swallow on his spit and clean his hands on his jeans, he was wearing a grey sleeve and grey jeans, his glasses was hanging on his nose.

"He's giving it a shot ", Noah answered. 

"No I'm not, I was dragged here  without my will ", Alex said. 

"C'mon Alex, give life a little chance to work on your social life, first step would be going out to parties ", Noah said to his friend. 

"You really are a dick Morris, everything about you sucks ", Ethan snicker, Alex frown and ball his fist besides him but didn't dare to attack, "what wrong Morris, getting angry, are you gonna punch me in the fucking nose? ", Ethan ask, Alex grit his teeth and remain in his spot.

"OK OK, now back off pussy haired ", Noah got in front of Alex.

Ethan grit his teeth in annoyance, he hate being called a pussy haired, "what did you just call me? ", Ethan was glaring at Noah, "come again you black porch monkey, I didn't hear you properly the first time ".

"Hey Alex ", Noah looked through his shoulder, "don't you think pussy haired over here's having an ear issue? ", Noah ask sarcastically.

Ethan angrily throw a punch and Noah caught it, he then pushed Ethan away.

"Is that the best you can do?, eh pussy haired ", Noah ask. 

"Noah you have to stop, this is already getting out of hand ", Alex said almost in a whisper from behind Noah. 

"I'm gonna break you Johnson", Ethan said to Noah, few of the students outside the building were now gathering around them, Pamela and Camille was among the small crowd.

"That's enough Reid ", a black haired boy step in, he speak in the same Spanish accent like the raven haired boy who was with Ethan at the school cafeteria and he seemed two years older than the boys, "this is supposed to be a party, not a fighting competition ", the raven haired boy was standing next to the guy, "Anthony please take care of your friend ", he said to the raven haired boy who was literally his younger brother.

"C'mon Ethan, let's go ", Anthony pant Ethan's shoulder as they went back to the building. 

"Hello Elijah? ", Noah ask the guy with a small grin. 

"what are you waiting for?, the party is in the back Noah ", Elijah said to them.

"Oh yeah ", Noah nod before going inside with Alex right behind him. 


At the back of the Martinez's building the music was blasting really loud, students were swaying their bodies along with the beat, the smell of alcohol was all over the air, some students were romancing and doing all sorts of things. 

Alex was sitting quietly watching everyone's movement studying every bit of them. 

"Hey, wanna drink? ", Noah hand him a crimson red plastic cup, Alex collected the cup and look at the content inside it before taking a sniff.

"Dude I don't drink alcohol ", Alex made a face as if he was gonna puke.

"Give it a shot Alex, you don't have to judge something cuz it smells horrible ", Noah said and take a sip off his cup of alcohol, he made a face that will make you laugh your head off, "see, I told you ", Noah then bulge.

"No one forced you to drink okay? ", Alex said putting the cup aside. 

"I'm totally enjoying myself ", Noah took another sip, "hm, it tastes so damn good ".

"Why not just throw that thing away, it's starting to get into you ", Alex point. 

"Where's the fun if you don't get drunk? ", Noah ask, he was now stumbling slightly, he looks into a far corner and squeak his eyes, "dude, dude ", Noah shook Alex's shoulder, "isn't that Ethan and Pamela? ", he ask, he was starting to get drunk, Alex looked over at the direction his friend was pointing. 

Ethan had Pamela cornered on the wall and he was kissing her neck, from the look of it they could tell that the brunette was into it, Alex instantly swing around facing another direction.

"It's really annoying watching those two right? ", Camille ask and the boys jump a little. 

"H-hey Camille, I didn't k-know you were h-here ", Alex stuttered.

"How's it going Camille? ", Noah wiggle his brow at her and Camille frown. 

"He's drunk ", Alex informed and the white haired girl nod her head in understanding. 

"I think I know how to deal with them ", Camille said, "follow me ", she said and left, Alex look over at Noah who was literally smiling at his cup of alcohol.

"You're so annoying ", Alex grab Noah by his collar and drag him along, a boy was watching as the three teens left forcing their way through the pack of drunk students that were dancing aggressively, the guy gulp down his drink and toss the cup away before leaving too.


The three newbies from school were standing opposite the Martinez house, they wore the same black leather jacket and pants.

"Still getting his scent, Jaxon? ", the blond haired boy ask the other boy with raven hair.

"Yeah, he's here ", Jaxon's green eyes were roaming around. 

"The only smell I can get is the one of alcohol, lust, jealousy, sex, sweat, so on and so forth ", the blond haired boy said. 

"Me too ", the only girl in the group said. 

"Stay focus and you will get it ", Jaxon said to them. 

"Easier said than done, not when there's too many smell ", the blond huffle. 

"You can do this Liam ", Jaxon assured the blond, "Ivy, have you called Luna? ", Jaxon ask. 

"Yeah, she will be here soon ", Ivy replied.

"What if Nathan catches our scents and decided to flee? ", Liam asked. 

"I think he knows we are here, he must have caught our scents the moment we got here ",Ivy said, "and if he tries to flee, we will delay him till Luna gets here ".

"It won't be easy to keep Nathan here, he's an alpha, we are only betas, that's why Luna has to be the only one that can kill him, she's older and has more experience ", Jaxon said. 

On the rooftop of the building a few distance away from the Martinez house was a guy, it was the same guy that gulp down his drink at the party, his grey eyes were staring right at the three betas.


Alex, Camille and Noah were now standing in front of a mustang with tinted windows.

"What are we gonna do? ", Noah ask, he was now loosing it.

"Make his car alarm go off, that will totally draw him away from Mela", Camille informed them.

"Oh, I see, making the alarm off a vehicle to go off isn't that hard to do, I'm really good in stuff like this", Noah look at Camille asking for her permission and she nodded yes making Noah to nodded dumbly.

"Don't you think that's a little bit harsh? ", Alex ask being the good boy he is, he hate getting into trouble.

"Maybe, but we have to do it ", Camille said looking at Alex, "and I know you're into Mela", this made Alex's eyes to grew wide in shock, "relax, I won't tell her, but you have to, before someone else claim her, like Ethan".

"Why?, why do you want your best friend's boyfriend to be a nerd and not so hottie? ", Alex ask in confusion.

Camille was taken aback by the question, this made her to stay quiet for awhile, "I can't let Ethan do anything with Mela, she likes him but he doesn't, all he wants is to get into her pants and then dump her like he does with every other girls".

"I knew that was what he wants, I was starting to think he has gotten into her a lot of times ", Noah was mumbling and the others were staring at him, "you really are a lucky guy Alex, maybe you will be the one to snatch her V-card ".

Camille looked at Noah and then move her gaze back at Alex, "let's just act like he didn't say that ", Alex said a bit embarrassed.

"Maybe he's right ", Camille said with a smirk and Alex blink.

"You see, you were gonna say something like, Noah you're drunk, now someone said the same thing as I did ", Noah yawn before collapsing on the ground.

"Great, now he's out ", Alex was staring at the now unconscious Noah, "what should we do now? ", Alex questioned the white haired girl.

"Moved on with the plan ", she answered.

"What was the plan? ", Alex ask.

"Make the vehicle scream, really loud ", she said with a slight nod.