
The Pokemon World by RD. Mohib

rd_mohib_ · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 9 Dawn of a Maiden's Journey!

(In this land of diversity, children start their Pokemon journey at the age of 12 or 13. Very few ever start off as a ten or eleven year old child. But don't hink they are not good. They are as knowledgeable and learned as any other 12 year old trainer, though they might lack a bit of actual experience and knowledge about Pokemons and survival in the wild. These young trainers of Sinnoh complete their compulsory course of 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th years. In their schools they learn about Pokemons as well as go on trips through mountains and forests so that the children can have the know-hows.)

(Today we meet a similar young Trainer who goes by the name, Dawn!)

(Dawn has just turned 12 this month and today she will start the journey of her Pokemon life. But she is still sleeping...)

"....Dawn! Wake up or will you cancel your journey?"

"*Ouch!" (She falls off the bed after waking up.)

Dawn:- I am up mom!

[After some time]

Mom:- Are you up dear!

Dawn:- I am so up! Good Morning mom!

[Outside Dawn's room]

Mom:- Have something to eat before you leave.

So did you pack everything?

Dawn:- Yes, did it all Yesterday.

Mom:- And just in case you forgot the postcard from Professor Rowen. You won't be able to get your Pokemon or Pokedex without it.

Dawn:- I would never forget this. Look!

Mom:- So, did you decide which one you will choose?

Dawn:- Ah-Hah! Not yet. All of these Pokemons are so amazing that any of these would fit as a perfect partner.

But I gotta be smart, because I want to be a great Pokemon Coordinator just like you mom!

Dawn:- You have to remember, in order to become a good Pokemon Coordinator, you must first become a good Pokemon trainer and also a Pokemon breeder.

Dawn:- I'll remember that mom.

(Dawn starts envisioning her performance in a Contest...." And now let's welcome our next coordinator from Twinleaf town,let's welcome Dawn!

..Alright Chimchar, Spotlight!

And now use Flame wheel!" which she envisions as Chimchar flying i. the stadium by using flame wheel then landing with a burst of fire.)

Dawn:-There. How did you like that mom.

Mom:- I am not sure if I envisioned that correctly.

Dawn:- Or,Piplup. It's a water type, so...

(Dawn resumes her envision...." Piplup...Spotlight!

Go Bubble Beam!" which she envisions will end with a showering of miniscule water droplets after the bubbles pop.)

Mom:- Can't this wait till we eat.?

Dawn:- Or...Turtwig, a grass type Pokemon.

(Dawn envisions....." Go Turtwig! Use Razor leaf." This coupled with the balls Dawn throws will cause small bits of colorful balls to fall.)

Mom:- I think if you keep this up, you won't get any Pokemon.

Dawn:- Right. Sorry mom, I'll get going.

(At the door Dawn comes with a Suitcase full of things for her journey.)

Mom:- What is this Dawn?

Dawn:- The things I need for my journey, mom.

Mom:- What did you put inside for it to get this much?

Dawn:- Not much, only a few good clothes, some cosmetics, accessories and a few other things.

Mom:- That's too much.

(Dawn's Mom puts the necessary things in a bag pack and gives it to Dawn.)

Dawn:- Only this much?

Mom:- Yes! You can buy or rent clothes as well as accessories. And there is a room at every Contest Hall.

Dawn:- Ok.

Mom:- Dawn, take this with you.

Dawn:- What is this mom?

Mom:- It's the first Contest Ribbon I won. Keep this as a good luck charm or to remember that I also started off with a single Contest Ribbon.

Dawn:- Ok mom, I'll keep it safe

(Dawn gets on her Cycle and starts paddling.)

Mom:- Professor Rowen's lab is in Sandgem town. Will you get there?

Dawn:- Don't worry mom, I'll get there safe and sound!

Mom:- Oh dear! When you say don't worry, I worry the most.

"Meow~" (Dawn's Mother's Glameow meows.)

[On The Road]

Dawn:- So where is it? Oh this way.

(After some time of cycling, Dawn reaches Sandgem Town.)

Dawn:- And here we are~.I know Professor Rowen's lab anywhere.

(She opens the door and shouts...."I am here to get my Pokemon!")

Dawn:- Huh...?

"You came to the right place kid, what would you like to eat?"

Dawn:- Oh no!

"How can go to the wrong place with directions? Let me see....Ok"

"No!....Wrong place!.....Not here!....Oh~ Not here either!....."

Dawn:- I gotta hurry up or Professor Rowen might close his lab and go somewhere.

"You seem lost kid. Do you need some help?"

(An old man beard and moustache questions Dawn.)

Dawn:- Yes....I want to go to Professor Rowen's lab but I can't get there.

"Then let me take you to my lab. You must be a new Pokemon trainer."

Dawn:- Yes thank you...Wait! Your lab?

"Yes, I am Professor Rowen."

Dawn:- Ah~. I am so glad that my first Pokemon will come to me today itself.

Prof. Rowen:- Now come with me, you want to get your first Pokemon, right?

Dawn:- Ah- Yes!

(In Professor Rowen's lab–Chimchar, Piplup and Turtwig– are eating on a table. A lab worker brings a Starly and it's evolution Staravia for some tests. While eating, Chimchar eats from Piplup's tray which makes it angry. Piplup attacks Chimchar with Bubble Beam. Chimchar jumps all around the room that causes a lot of damage. Then Chimchar jumps between the two flying type Pokemons. Piplup's Bubble Beam makes them angry and they break the room's glasses. Chimchar uses this chance to go out and Piplup follows it.)

*lab worker:- Now what? All four of them ran out and Professor Rowen is away. And a new trainer is also coming to get their first Pokemon.

Prof. Rowen:-. What happened here?

*lab Worker:- Sorry Professor, but Chimchar and Piplup started fighting and also dragged Starly and Staravia i to the mess. They caused a ruckus and ran away.

Prof. Rowen:- At least we have Turtwig.


Dawn:- I would like to go out and find them as well.

Prof. Rowen:- Are you sure?

Dawn:- Yes. One of them might become my first Pokemon partner....and so I would like to keep them from harm.

Prof. Rowen:- Good girl. But remember, once found you should crouch down so that you can talk to them at eye level. That should calm them down.

Dawn:- I will remember that.

Prof. Rowen:- Then Good luck!

[Outside The Laboratory]

Dawn:- That Professor Rowen is a really nice guy.

(Dawn goes in the fores t to find Piplup and Chimchar. But it's not as easy as she thought. Piplup and Chimchar were fighting in the forest. It disturbed the Pokemons who resided there.)

Dawn:- Hey guys,calm down!


(Piplup doesn't listen to Dean and attacks her. The. both the starter Pokemons run deeper i to the forest.)

Dawn:- Wait! Do t go inside.

Where do I find them now?


Dawn:- Is that.....

I knew it was you Piplup.

(Poor Piplup, he was captured by Ariados along with some other Pokemons.)


Dawn:- Ah! Thats not nice Ariados. Leave them alone.

(Ariados doesn't listen to Dawn and attacks with another Sludge Bomb attack. It keeps attacking Dawn.)

(Dawn thinks of an idea.."Idea! I can use its attack to free the Pokemons.")


Dawn:- Yes! Ah Piplup...Don't worry I got you.

(Dawn gets Piplup and runs away. But while running she slips down and falls off on a lower ground.)

Dawn:- Sorry for that. But we are safe now.

Do you want to eat something?

(Piplup doesn't agree and shakes it's head.)

Dawn:- But you want to eat it, right? It's the same food you eat at Professor Rowen's Lab.

*shhh!shhh!*(Ariados attacks with Poison Stings.)

Dawn:- Ahhh!

Dawn:- Oh no! Ariados brought it's friends this time.


(Dawn and Piplup get trapped in Ariados' webs. Dawn thought of an idea after seeing the Pokemon Food. She throws the food at Ariados and Piplup breaks the webs when they are distracted.)

(But Dawn's leg got caught by Ariados's Sticky Webs. Piplup in a desperate need to save Dawn from Poison Stings uses Bide and blasts away the wild group of Ariados.)

Dawn:- Wow! Piplup you saved me. Thank You!


Dawn:- You are very tired. Let's go back to the Lab.

(When they are leaving, the lake besides them sparkles and an almost invisible thing comes out of it. Soon it disappears.)

Dawn:- What was that? A Pokemon?


(After witnessing the rarest view if her life, Dawn returns to the lab with Piplup.)

Dawn:- It seems Starly, Staravia and Chimchar are all back.


Professor Rowen:- There have been stories of a Legendary Pokemon living in Lake Verity. That must be the Pokemon you saw.

Dawn:- Wow Awesome~

Professor Rowen:- You had quite a day today. Now that your journey has begun, it's time for you to choose your 1st Pokemon. So which Pokemon would you like to take on your journey?

Dawn:- They are all great Pokemons with unique personalities just as I studied in the school. But I have decided to choose Piplup since we are a good team.

Professor Rowen:- This is Piplup's Pokeball and these are some other Pokeballs you'll need to catch your Pokemons. And this is the Pokedex that will give you information on the Pokemons you see. You can even use it to save voice notes, set alarms and see which Pokemons are wild and which ones are not.

Dawn:- That's very helpful. Thank you.

[Outside The Laboratory]

Professor Rowen:- Call me anytime you need help. And don't forget to send a Pokemon to me once you have caught your seventh Pokemon.

Dawn:-Ok! Bye Everyone~

(Brimming with hope and excitement,Dawn and Piplup set on your their adventurous journey.They do t know either what awaits them in the road to become a Top Coordinator.)

[Answer Last Quiz]

The strongest one amongst Misty, Brock, May and Max would be Brock. Not only because he was a Gym leader, but also because his Pokemons have trained much more than the others'. Misty may have become much stronger in the last 2 years but Brock was also working as hard as Ashh in the recent months. May just completed 2 years of her journey which is half of Misty and even less of Brock.

[|]Quiz [|]

Which Pokemon will Ashh catch first in Sinnoh Region based on the Pokemon anime?

<*> PEACE! <*>