
The Playboy CEO

~°~°~°~°~°~ An accidental marriage. A drunken mistake, or a premeditated plan for revenge? Amaria doesn’t know what to make of her new situation, and due to unforeseen circumstances, she is trapped. Forced to accept her fate until the time is right, a typically reserved executive finds herself at a crossroad between following logic, and giving in to her bleeding heart. The man she calls her husband does not make it easy for her either, but however she decides to look at it, she reaches the same conclusion. A conclusion that breaks her heart. As for him? Well, it’s up to him to decide what he’ll do with this new mess he’s stuck in, and whether he'll pursue a happy future with his wife rather than let her go as he had once upon a time. [WARNING: the male and female lead in this story have a complicated relationship with oftentimes toxic elements. The second volume of this story will see to their personal growth as they learn what it means to be in healthy relationships.]

SugaryWinter · Urban
Not enough ratings
172 Chs

The Talk

Delilah had gone somewhere with Katarina and Selare, leaving me to the company of Claudette and Jean-Louis Bordeaux. It had been near an hour and a half that we'd been sitting in the living room speaking of what had happened to me last night. 

Had it really only been last night? 

"Thank you for trusting us with your story," the model said, wiping tears from the corners of her eyes. "I can't imagine how terrified you must've been." 

"In the meantime, we advise that you relocate to France temporarily," her husband added. He was an artist but apparently that was a cover of sorts. They were posing as normal people, hiding in the spotlight, but they were actually agents at some sort of top secret organisation. 

This felt surreal. 

"We can protect you better here than we could if you were in New York." Claudette nodded. "Just until the worst washes over. I imagine even if they knew where you were, they wouldn't dare to step foot in the country."