
The Audacity

Delilah was standing at my door. Like, she was actually standing at my door waiting for me to open up. How did she even get my address?

"I'm here to bring you this," she handed me a translucent plastic folder packed full of documents inside. "They're the design team's new pitch for the new campaign, along with other documents Jason wanted to get to you. I included all of the designs in there, including the less favorable ones, so you can look them over and take your pick." 

I took the folder with great suspicion. Why would she need to hand me this personally? And tomorrow was Monday so why couldn't she wait until then? "You actually took the time to go out of your way and bring me these?" 

"No, it was on my way. I figured why not do something nice? Us girls have to stick together, right?" That was bullcrap. I could smell it from a mile away and yet she decided to bring it up close. 

"Delilah, you live downtown. What could you possibly need to come uptown for?" The innocent look on her face was beginning to vanish, but I could tell that she wanted to keep it going. She was such a devil that it was a struggle for her to even keep up the fake image of sainthood. 

"I was on my way home but before I left Jason's house he mentioned them, so I offered to bring them to you and included my own documents as well." 

So that's what she was up to. Delilah had literally taken the opportunity to get in my face about her relationship with the boss. Was she threatened by me or did she simply not like me? Did she think I was after him? That thought in itself was laughable, so I laughed. 

"I see," I put the papers on the door side table and place my hand back on the door. "Well thank you for your angelic will to do good on earth. It is very much appreciated." 

She scowled at me with a murderous look in her eyes. I honestly didn't know why Delilah hated me so much. Sure, she was a tramp, but she was very talented at what she did for a living and I would often commend her on it. She had an eye for color that nobody else in the department had; that's why she was head of the design team. Even though I complimented her on her work, instead of thanking me, she would scoff and walk away. 

Come to think of it, since the first day I walked into the office, Delilah has been treating me like an insignificant person. Why didn't she like me? 

"Amaria, you can sit on your high horse all you want, but at the end of the day, I'm the one who will be moving up the ranks and you will sit beneath me. When Jason makes me Vice President, I won't hesitate to fire you." 

I wanted to laugh so badly, but I couldn't. Who did this woman think she was? The audacity for her to come to my home, disturb my peace when I was just minding my own business after a wonderful date, and she had the nerve to threaten me? 

"Where did that come from?" My eyes never left hers and I took another sip of my wine. Who she was sleeping with was of no concern to me. If Delilah wanted to come to me looking for drama, she would be put in her place and I would not hesitate. 

"I was just letting know you. I know you were in his office for a long time last week and wanted to make sure you weren't getting any bright ideas," her smile was irritating to me. This woman was out of her mind if this is where her train of thought had led her. Getting bright ideas? About Jason? Hard pass. "He's mine, whether you like it or not." 

"I hate to break it to you, Delilah, but Mr. Greene belongs to no one," I leaned forward like a secret was about to leave my mouth. "Do you know how many women come and go through the marketing department just to see him? I've seen my fair share of them leave messier than when they arrived. Just take a look at the magazines, the tabloids, or maybe the bloody internet. The fact that you spread your legs for him does not mean he belongs to you, because you're not the only one who does that for him." 

Delilah stared at me speechless. There was a redness starting in her chest that was beginning to take over her whole neck. From the veins popping out on her forehead, I could tell she wanted to let me know about a thing or two. But no matter how much she wanted to punch me, that wouldn't stop my words from being true. 

Jason didn't belong to her the same way he didn't belong to me, and that's saying something because we lived together. He had introduced me to his friends and family as his woman, and that only made the humiliation so much worse when they would all lie to me with pity in their eyes. 

"You don't know what you're talking about," she insisted stubbornly, looking borderline childish when she crossed her arms. "Those women don't hold a candle to me. You think I don't know what you're doing? You're manipulating me so you can try and sink your claws into him, you dirty bitch. It's not going to work. You're sad and lonely drinking wine in your empty apartment with nobody to accompany you. Your best friend is out having fun right now, why don't you maybe try that?" 

It was amusing to watch her lose her cool but she was seriously asking for a situation that would be out of my hands and would surely land us both into a lot of trouble. The fact of the matter was, I had nothing more to say to her. She was taking up my time and oxygen. 

"Get the hell off my doorstep, Delilah." 

The sounds the door made as it slammed in her face filled my soul with absolute joy. I could only hope that the wood struck her on the nose and given her an ugly bump. 

Deciding not to let Delilah ruin my peace, I continued with my chore of cleaning up the dishes from the dining room. Maybe it was the buzz of the alcohol, but one thing was clear, she most certainly would not ruin the mellow mood I was in.