
The Placeholder

A young, feisty girl crosses paths with an aggressive, not so kind guy. She knows she can't fall for him, yet she just can't help herself. He does everything in his power to make himself unlikeable, but at the same time, he still grows those intense, dangerous feelings people call love.

Slushyyyy · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Greeting

Her eyes fell to the floor as the two stopped dancing. She was undoubtedly amazed by their work.

He gave a wave of his hand which spooked her; the others started to dance, in a way she had never seen before. Dulce stepped aside, her gander following their steps, hoping to memorize their movements. She was at a loss here, however. She knew they were better than her, which struck fear into her. Sighing, she rubbed her arms, the only thing focused about her was her eyes.

"Stop, stop, stop!" She heard him shout. Anger coated his voice.

"Dos," He looked at her, his gaze firm.

"It's Dulce.." She snarked, folding her arms over her chest.

"Whatever. Since you seem so intrigued, yet don't care to actually join, how about you show the class how you'd do this Choreography."

She watched a wide grin spread his lips.

Rolling her eyes, she unfolded her arms, walking to the middle of the room, pointing her left foot, her toes curled against the floor. She spread her arms out, her wrists twisting in a circle. She suddenly closed her eyes, beginning the dance she was instructed. She went off of memory, her strides where large, smooth, and practically flawless. She attempted to steady her breathing, trying to block all the noise out as the people in the room were talking, some gasping.

Finishing dancing, she bowed, her legs crossing over each other.

"Okay.." he paused, his eyes never meeting hers. "Get back in line."

A frown possessed her face, angered he didn't mention her performance.

Her eyes followed him as he paced in front of the dancers. She froze as she watched his eyes meet hers, holding the gaze.

"Class cut short, leave." he shooed them off with a wave of his hands. "Dulce, stay back." his voice boomed, coated in what she thought was anger.

She grumbled, complaining almost. "what?" she didn't even question her word as she uttered it, she groused.

"Don't leave," he rumbled. "your title doesn't lie, you are a very good dancer." he admitted.

"I knew this, i didn't need you to tell me. Is this supposed to be an apology?" she poked.

He groaned as if the thought of apologizing pained him. "don't get comfortable."

She watched him grab his bag, taking a step toward her. "I want you to coach with me tomorrow."

Her eyes widened, not just from the fact he made an offer, but the fact his voice was brushed with sincerity and carefulness.

"Is that really genuine?" She enquired, her hands pressing against her hips.

"Don't test it."

"Right.." she paused her gander on her feet. "Okay, I'll do it."

"Here at 8 A.M. sharp." he began to walk away. "Oh, and you're coming with me."

"Uh, no." She chuckled, walking ahead of him, the shoulder strap of her bag tight in her palm.

A loud squeal escaped her lips as she felt a large hand steal her wrist away, pulling her back.

"Let me go, you snake!" She snapped, yelling as she was snagged back, their bodies only inches from each other.

"Do as I said, it's as simple as that."

"Fine.." she snagged her wrist back, after much struggling. "Lead the way, prince charming."

He glared back at her as she said this name, she couldn't help but chuckle.

"What is it you're planning?"

"I plan on teaching you the dances." He told, his voice low.

"Why does it sound like you're regretting taking me?"

"You are already asking too many question." His voice growled, his eyes grazing over her frame.

Her eyes rolled. "Right." She shut her mouth after, her hands brushing through her thin, brunette colored hair.

Dulce only followed him, slightly confused as to where they were going.

"Hey cutiee!!" Dulce's head turn around to where the sound came from. She couldn't find the source, yet was shocked to see Lennon gone.

"Lennon!" She shouted, turning in a full three-sixty. A feeling of panic slapped her in the face as she didn't know this part of this neighborhood.

"What?" She watched him shift back in front of her.

"Where the hell did you go?"

"Took care of something."

He licked his lips, causing a sense of confusion to spread her mind.

The silence was killing her, yet she also didn't want to anger him by talking uselessly. She sighed, her bag now being held in both her hands, the sagged part hitting her legs with each stride.

Her jaw dropped slightly as they entered this large, bleak colored building. It was stunning, yet its colors boring.

"Is this where you live?"


"No wonder you're such a snob." She laughed, spinning around, admiring the main room.

She flinched as she heard him groan. That obviously did not make him happy.

"So, what is it you want to do?"

"I told you, teach you the dances."

She nodded, dropping her bag, she walked to his side.

"Lead the way, Rabi." She teased, a low grin on her face.

She shivered as she heard him growl. "Spread your arms out, tip your left leg, and curl your toes." He told, arms folded, he stood in the distance.

She nodded, lifting her head, she spread her arms, extending her left leg, she tipped her foot, her curls curling tightly, brushing the surface of the flooring.

"Good.. Now, lift your head to look at the ceiling. Swing your left leg around your right."

She acknowledge what he wanted, and attempted. Dulce cursed as she tripped over herself.

"No, like this." She watched him march over to her.

A shiver ran down her spine as he grabbed her arms, his body firm against hers. "Smoothly.." He told in her ear, his leg pressing her left, forcing her to drag to the right. She followed his movements, feeling calm. She exhaled, lifting her head up, she followed his dance, the warm, strong feeling of his body against hers giving her a new feeling of confidence.

She yelped as she tripped her foot again. The tucking under kept killing her movements.

Her eyes closed tightly as she was expecting the hard impact from her body striking the floor to overwhelm her. There was nothing. As she opened her eyes, she gazed around...then back.

She was shocked. He had caught her, he didn't let her fall, but he held her up.

She cleared her throat, standing up. "Thank you.." she looked away, patting her flustered cheeks.

"Just follow my movements." He told, his arms slipping under hers, his legs pressing against hers.

She sighed as she felt his breath brush the back of her neck, sending goosebumps down her arms. She lifted her body when he lifted his, and turned when he did. Their movements were almost flawless.

"Good, good. You're not as bad as I thought you'd be."

"Thanks, I guess? I mean, I already knew I was good." She chuckled, placing her hair in a ponytail, now.

"Now, watch me, and my movements, then see if you can copy them." His voice was stern, but it wasn't laced with hate, anymore.

She stepped back, leaning against the marbled wall, she watched him move. Her eyes studied his feet, and his arms, seeing how he moved and the angles of it. She tilted her head as he did a barrida. She groaned, knowing she'd mess it up on that specific move.

"Got it?"

"Hm? Oh, yes." She stood straight, moving to the center of the room. She curled her toes as he did, beginning to repeat his movements. She glissered, her feet smoothly gliding against the flooring. She grimaced as she had a foul land, her foot twisting slightly under her. She gave a quiet yelp, her breathing staggering. She attempted to cover the slight pain by continuing to dance.

"Stop." He shouted. His anger was back which made her sigh.

She stopped in place, looking back at him. "What is it?"



"Stop being stubborn for once in your life and sit down." He snapped, lowering to a squatting position.

Her eyes rolled slightly as she carefully sat down.


"Which one." She played dumb, quickly regretting it once she saw his face.

"You know which one."

She sighed, lifting her right leg, she pointed her foot out, letting him hold it.

A groan escaped her lips as he poked and prodded her ankle, examining it.

He sighed. "You should've stopped right as you felt the pain, you idiot." He snarled, lowering her leg, he took a step back, ruffling through his bag. He pulled back with a bandage, grabbing her leg once more. "This might hurt." He warned.

She kicked out as he wrapped her ankle tightly, so tightly to the point where it ached.

"There.." he let go of her now, standing, he packed the things he took out.

"Thanks." she grumbled, her tone sounding aggravated.

"Come on." He bent down, his arms wrapping around her side, the other under her legs. He picked her up slowly, adjusting her in his arms once he stood up.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" She shouted, looking at the floor, she clung to his neck.

"Bringing you upstairs."

"Uh, why?"

"Letting you sleep, idiot." He walked up the stairs, careful not to drop her.

"I can sleep at my own house, moron!" she slapped his chest, blinking once she saw it had no affect.

"You're not walking home with that ankle," He groused at her. "I need you tomorrow morning."

He kicked one of the doors open, moving sideways to get her inside. Placing her gently on the bed, he backed up, throwing some silk Pajamas at her.

"You'll stay here for now, if you need me, I'm across the hall to your left." He made his leave, slowly.

"Also, if you need something and I'm not here, ask one of the butlers." He gazed back, his deep chocolate eyes bearing into her bright, crystal ocean blue's.

All she gave was a nod. Once he had left her, she hopped up, changing quickly, afraid someone would walk in.

She sat back down on the bed, her eyes trailing the room, admiring the large, beautiful space.

"How the hell does he even afford all this?" She puzzled, hopping on one leg as she looked around.

She grew tired fairly quickly, exhaustion hitting her like a wall. She sat on her bad, rolling in the soft, silk like covers. Sighing in utter comfort, she rolled onto her left, slowly, yet surely, she dozed off, a peaceful slumber overwhelming her short frame.

I hope this one is more appealing than my first one. The third one will be released soon. Hang onto your hats~

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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