
The Placeholder

A young, feisty girl crosses paths with an aggressive, not so kind guy. She knows she can't fall for him, yet she just can't help herself. He does everything in his power to make himself unlikeable, but at the same time, he still grows those intense, dangerous feelings people call love.

Slushyyyy · Fantasy
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2 Chs


Her bag hung over her shoulder. As her head lifted, her gaze faltered to the subway door, her hand still on the pole. She waited for the train to come to a full stop. Once it did, she stepped out, hand over the strap of her bag, she began walking up the stairs to street level.

A low sigh rumbled from her lips.

She took a sharp turn to the right, following the sidewalk, her gaze following the passing squares of concrete beneath her. She played a small game, hopping square to square, her feet avoiding the cracks. A laugh escaped her mouth. Glancing up, she looked at the streets name. "Plymouth", said the sign. She walked to her left, opening the door of one of the shops. However, this wasn't your ordinary shop; this was a dance studio. Her lip folded under her teeth as anxiety coated her short frame. Brushing her deep chocolate hair behind her ear, she walked forward. She didn't even take ten steps till she ran into someone.

A squeal broke her mouth as she stumbled back, dropping her bag. She grimaced, ruffling her now messy hair back.

"I'm sorry.." She grumbled out, moving to her knees to grab her things.

"Watch yourself next time." A deep, sugar coated voice bellowed.

She flinched as she felt his hand touch her arm, pulling her up.

"Thanks.." She rolled her eyes slightly.

"And who are you?"

"Is that any of your business?" She retorted, placing her bag over her shoulder, her palm firm around the handle.

"Well, doesn't it seem fair for me to know at least that, seeing as you ran into me 'n all?"

"It's Dulce. Dulce Albescu."

"Well, it's a pleasure. Judging by the outfit you're wearing, it seems to be that you're a dancer."

All she gave was a nod.

"I'm the instructor if this studio." A grin appeared on his face as he gazed down to her height.

"You look a little young to be an instructor."

"And you look a little young to be in the advanced class. If you're in the right place, try to keep up, I'd prefer not to baby sit." He turned around, hands folded behind his back, she watched him return to the students.

She quickly hustled behind him, dropping her bag against the wall. She wrapped her feet, stretching her frame, insuring her protection. Grunting, she straightened, putting her hair in a high pony tail. Jogging behind one of the males in the dance class, she stood still, watching him as he paced to and from, his shirt loosened in the front, enough to show his abdomen.

"Alright, my name is Lennon Banzani. Len will do just fine. We will be practicing a choreography that I, myself, have put together. if it is too difficult for you to do, leave. Now, I will have one of my more experienced dancers help me show you this dance." He waved over a short girl.

She ran over to his side, standing directly in front of him, one arm in the air, the other in his arm. He stepped to the side, bending down, pulling her with him. Dulce watched them dance for the next ten minutes. Their strides were graceful, smooth, elegant, and agile.

~ To Be Continued ~

I know this one is short, it's just supposed to give you a taste of what is to come! Other chapters will be longer, I promise.

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